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from The essence of {Taj Pharmaceutical Limited} culture is built on meeting global standard in every TPL
by Taj Pharma
Mumbai-based Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharma, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharma Mumbai, Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai, Taj Pharma News Reports, Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai-based, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharm, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited Taj Pharma Mumbai Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai, Taj Pharma News Reports Mumbai-based, Taj Pharmaceuticals bpmbay, Promoters of Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharmaceuticals Directors
" T H E E S S E N C E O F T A J P H A R M A C E U T I C A L L I M I T E D C U L T U R E I S B U I L T O N M E E T I N G G L O B A L S T A N D A R D S I N E V E R Y A S P E C T O F O U R B U S I N E S S . "
T H E S E E N V I S I O N E D W O R D S O F M R . A B H I S H E K S I N G H , O U R C E O A N D D I R E C T O R , R E F L E C T T H E E X T R E M E P A S S I O N A N D E N T H U S I A S M T H A T D R I V E S T H E O R G A N I Z A T I O N .
T A J P H A R M A C E U T I C A L , H E A D Q U A R T E R E D A T M U M B A I ( I N D I A ) I S A G L O B A L G E N E R I C P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C O M P A N Y . W E A R E A C T I V E L Y E N G A G E D I N R & D A N D O F F E R C O N T R A C T M A N U F A C T U R I N G T O G L O B A L P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C O M P A N I E S .
Taj Pharma is a specialty pharmaceutical company that addresses critical needs for niche markets by developing and manufacturing a portfolio of high value semi-solid and liquid products. Taj Pharmaceutical offers an assortment of prescription products that treat tuberculosis infections, and metabolic and dermatologic conditions as well as non-prescription products that treat a range of digestive and dermatologic conditions.
Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited Incorporated is one of the world’s leading innovators in materials science. For more than 39 years, Taj Pharmaceuticals has applied its unparalleled expertise in glass science, ceramics, and optical physics to develop products and processes that have transformed industries and enhanced people’s lives.
Today, Taj Pharmaceutical’s markets include optical communications, mobile consumer electronics, display technology, automotive, and life sciences vessels. Taj Pharmaceutical’s industry-leading products include damage-resistant cover glass for mobile devices; precision glass for advanced displays; optical fiber, wireless technologies, and connectivity solutions for state-of-the-art communications networks; trusted products to accelerate drug discovery and delivery; and clean-air technologies for cars and trucks.
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About Us. Taj Pharmaceutical's history, mission and values tell the story of who we are as a company. We began more than 30 years ago as a pharmaceutical distributor
Taj Pharma, Taj Pharmaceuticals, Taj Pharmaceutical Company, Taj Pharmaceuticals, Taj Pharmaceuticals India, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Priyanka Singh Taj Pharma, Abhishek Singh Taj Pharma, Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai, Abhishek Kumar Singh Taj Pharma, Priyanka Singh
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Mumbai-based Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharma, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharma Mumbai, Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai, Taj Pharma News Reports, Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai-based, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharm, Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited Taj Pharma Mumbai Taj Pharmaceuticals Mumbai, Taj Pharma News Reports Mumbai-based, Taj Pharmaceuticals bpmbay, Promoters of Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, Taj Pharmaceuticals Directors
One of the youngest and most successful pharmaceuticals Chief Executive Officer Abhishek Kumar Singh(taj pharma) with a sparkling track record of expansion and market launches. Headed the role to expand a 17 million company to 84 million company within few years. Over 5 years of career, added more than 1000 new products to the group profile positioning as 12 largest Pharmaceuticals selling company in EU. Abhishek Taj Pharma was awarded with the youngest CEO achievers 2009 at the Indian Institute of Management, IIM Gujarat and IMA –Agro Sector Leader 2009 India.
Abhishek Taj Pharma is responsible for planning strategic business objectives and also implementing systems and processes to monitor and report on performance against agreed Key Performance Indicators across all the Taj Pharmaceuticals business sectors. Responsible for driving the growth of revenue and profit margins. Responsible for all contracts and lease agreements with key stakeholders & clients. Analysing operating costs and group efficiency. Identifying skills gaps and devising innovative hiring strategies. Winning business from key target clients across the world. Implementing pharmaceuticals systems that increase performance & competence. Liaising with key strategic suppliers and customers to define KPI’s. Reviewing and monitoring all budgetary expenditure. Motivating & providing strong leadership to all departments. Developing the Taj Pharmaceuticals commercial processes including product management and international marketing.
Abhishek Kumar Singh Taj Pharmaceuticals Other Roles
Labels: taj pharma, taj pharmaceutical, taj pharmaceutical news, taj pharmaceutical director, taj pharmaceutical reviews, abhishek taj pharma, priyanka singh taj pharma