Portfolio Takeru Onishi

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Architectural Design Portfolio Takeru (Tak) Onishi

LEARNING FROM THE MASTERS: MIES VAN DER ROHE YARRA BEND BOAT HOUSE Every architect has to look at past professional architects to understand and create their own style. This subject focused on the development of design thinking and dexterity. Through a generation of design possibilities, understanding the ways from a certain famous architect, in which learning from the professionals enables us to learn specific things from their way of understanding design and their thought processes. By studying Mies Van Der Rohe and his past works, its gives us information through the ways his thought process goes in designing ; providing a new insight to minimalism and how the use of simple symmetry and geometries can create horizontally emphasised buildings. Through this, I was able to design a boat house that consisted within Mies’ ideas along with personal design ideas. Located in Yarra Bend Park, Kew, Melbourne, the site pro-

vides excellent proximity to the river, and surrounding is a vast park setting. I was able to create a design where the facades were capapble of cupping the river to provide the widest framed views from balconies and indoors. With office space and a kitchen area provides a restaurant with open views of the river and surrounding nature, due to its cantilevered characteristics. It was important that there was a close relationship between the exterior and interior through the use of glass and high ceilings. On the higher floor is a bar with outdoor access on a higher level. By emphasising certain rules and styles that Mies Van Der Rohe uses allows the creation of minimal design with horizontal emphasis.

North Elevation


West Elevation

North-East Elevation

Through this site map you can see the entry point of the Boat house, where the linear pathway directs users towards the plain and almost covering facade. Upon entry, users will experience the high-ceiling and open windowed areas to feel the entire design of the Boat house, where the south-facing facade is open to users to experience.

Initial sketch designs to construct the volume and incorporate it within the angled topography. The sketches were done to understand the relationship between the river water, the land and the Boat house itself.

MELBOURNE MYSTERY THEATRE The Melbourne Mystery Theatre is located in the heart of the Melbourne Central Business District, where its adjacent to Southern Cross Station. This station provides thousands of people access to the city from different suburbs. It is also a key location where tourists come visit often. The brief of this project included a 500 seater Procenium Theatre, 250 seater cinema, public restaurant space and a black box theatre (contemporary theatre space able to be flexible). The design concept was thought through the idea that this theatre would act as a gateway for the city of Melbourne, therefore in need of the design to be iconic but still intergrated within the urban context of the site. Southern Cross Station is unique in its roofing structure, where undulating rooflines are seen adjacent to the theatre. This was the starting point to the experimentation of using paper to construct prototypes of undulated structures. To the left is one of those prototypes made using paper. By sketching and reducing the sculptural aspect of this prototype I was able to come up with a design that does not necessarily look like a theatre, but leaves pedestrians confused and curious as to what this building holds. Theatres are known to have performances during the night, where this building emits light through framed holes within the wall to emphasise the activity of the theatre without implementing anything extra. Yet during the day, the sunlight plays a creative role where interesting shadows and patterns are displayed through the natural light act within the building.

First Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Basement Plan


Initial sketches +design development

WYNDHAM HIGHWAY SCULPTURAL GATEWAY Wyndham is a suburb located in the outer South-Western of Melbourne, with the need of an iconic gateway to welcome tourists and residents into the suburb. This is required in order to create awareness of the region and encourage people to turn off the higway to visit. This Gateway Project provides a great opportunity to explore the use of parametric design to create an iconic gateway for the city of Wyndham. Through the use of parametric design, potentially a greater design can come about through form finding, with a greater vernacular response to the surroundings. It is crucial that the design on the highway is unique to its surroundings to deilver Wyndhams special qualities of Australian wildlife and nature. Parametric design has become a new method in order to acheive certain goals through multiple form finiding methods using certain parameters within the design. These parameters are capable of adjusting elements individually, but affecting the whole of the design. The following case study of the Berlin Holocaust Memorial displays how these parameters can affect the outcome of the process using a 3D modelling software (Rhinoceros) and connecting it to the plug-in (Grasshopper) that allows the modifications and additions of certain parameters. However, there are certain benefits and let downs using the process of parametric design. Personally, using computer software to design takes out the natural elements of hand drawing, and creates restrictions due to using softwares that define what you can do and what you cannot do.

Parametric design, I believe is lacking the fundamental principles of architectural design. Most designs tend to overextend in terms of geometric findings, and ignore the important ideals of what an architectural design should fundamentally consist of. By forming a group keen to follow a sense of responsiveness and site specific architecture, we focused on the ideas of strips and folding. As stated earlier, by incorportating parameters of the site into the design, it will allow the design to become specific to the site due to its local distinctiveness. Through understanding the benefits of parametric design, the design of the gateway can be further encapture local traditions and culture and importantly create a stronger sense of identity of Wyndham. Landscape can be thought of as an aesthetic term – a view through a window, or through a camera lens, or a landscape painting. Our design is responding to the site through its play with sunlight and the shadows created by it. However it is important to understand that the sun is specific to all sites. Therefore by encapturing Wyndams local landscape and its distinctiveness such as ordinary and everyday places that communities value, the gateway should try to covey the experience of the still awareness of the local environment. Thus, the gateway will become more important and monumental to the local people of Wyndham.

BERLIN HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL The Memorial to the Murdedred Jews of Europe is a memorial located in Berlin as a reminder of the Jewish victims during the Holocaust. Perter Eisenman was the architect to design a 19,000 square meter site with over 2000 concrete stelae ordered in a grid pattern. Through understanding this project, we were able to reverse engineer the methods used in this parametric process into our design. These blocks have the ability to respond to site information through the input of an algorithm. For example, by integrating a picture of the site itself onto the grid displaying the high points and low points (depending on the parameters).

By creating a point grid, we are able to create the area in which the parameters run in.

The square surfaces were then extruded vertically, creating a series of rectangular shapes, which all represent the tonal qualities of the plan view image of the gateway. Dark colors are represented by longer rectangles, whereas the light colors are shown by the shorter rectangles. These rectangles were shifted to line extrusions, in which the end points of the lines will be used to create a lofted surface.

The gridded surface displays the points of the line extrusion joined together to form a surface grid. This shows the wave-like form that the tonal qualities of the site represents. The gridded surface is then sectioned into smaller lines that display the variations through a line. As we are undergoing strips and folding, it was decided upon to offset these curves in order to loft them in place to create usable strips.

Through the analysis of the texture of the local area of Wyndham, we were able to obtain this information and integrate it within a parametric definition. The drawings on the left show the textural qualities of the locality of Wyndham. Through this information, we separated the surface into lofted strips that defined the texture of the area. These explorations provided the highest difference in the ridge and trough, thereby expressing the furthest differences in textural quality. Through prototyping this model, we were able to understand the scale and

interactivity of the gateway. There is still further development required in order to produce the correct and most site specific design through exploring the local distinctiveness of Wyndham. The design itself currently is still unsettled, but through careful refining and development, a design worthy enough to symbolise the locality and its distinctive characteristics will be met. The tonal information obtained needs to be transferred onto a suitable form that will symbolise Wyndham for its local features.





































+ +


The drawings shown before are different techniques used within the software in order to produce viable design outcomes. With these techniques were were able to go through a process of form finding to digitalize different variations using the same paramets of the technique. To the left are four important designs that were considered in order to finalize our design.

the textural landscape and the aesthetics of strips interacting with the freeway, we are able to provide that iconic gateway that Wyndham requires. Through understading parametric design can we only learn to filter and implement neccessary portions of it. This enables a rich experience for users to appreciate the up and coming conteporary architecture, through subtle and calming srips to lead them towards the Through careful analysis of the con- city of Wyndham, to fully understand text of the area, it was possible to fil- the local richness at which it stands. ter the local information and convert it into a site specific design that can tru- To the right is a 2D printed outely define the local distinctiveness of come of our design, where it was lazWyndham. By integrating the ideas of er cut and manually joined together.

The model was made using 3mm thick card with black paper that was joined around the sides of the curves. The ends of the highway sculture define the information given to us through the textural qualities of the site nearby (Wyndham).

VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS ICE BREAK Throughout studying in Melbourne, I have come to use the computer for most of my projects and presentation, using AutoCAD, Rhino and Photoshop. As an amateur of understanding digital design theory I am limited by it but I hope to become familiar with it. Through computerization, I have previously produced a digital model using Rhino through the concept of understanding a natural process, in essence biomimicry in which becomes a base for a computerized design. This is then panelized and folded onto thick paper, to then wear the model on the body. Ice cracking and melting became the theme of my project, where the cracks became closer togeth-

er as you approach the point of impact. I believe this project is similar to the works done in this studio as we are using Rhino to make different forms through the process of creating icicle geometries via folding card. What makes it different is the use of parametric design, where a whole new introduction of technology comes into play. It becomes a means of form refining, rather than form making. Following the concept of ice breaking, these triangle meshed objects were lazer cut and each fold was joined together to form one of the cubes. There were 25 cubes, with each having 10-12 individual pieces.

Throughout the studies in Melbourne University, I have experienced subjects that required detailed construction drawings of example homes. The drawings to the left were both drawn on AutoCAD, where certain houses were in need of detailed sections to understand the constructiion aspects and how these houses physically stand and support each load. To the right are step by step construction analysis on how homes are constructed using timber studs and the different elements, tools and construction processes necessary in order to go through with home construction. From proper foundation planning all the way to weather proofing the roof structures, a flipbook was required to be drawn by hand.

1. Site preparation/ Excavation






2. Slab preparation/ Concrete pour

A building surveyor goes on site and marks the house boundaries with spray paint and wooden pegs. These markings also indicate the footings layout.


Polythene membrane

Trench mesh


The footings are dug by the earth moving contractor who use a excavator.


Trenches are dug and sub slab plumbing is installed. Each bed contains 50mm of packing sand and is compacted in order for the polythene membrane to lay on top without risk of getting damaged or ripped by any rocks.








Edge beam (brick pier) detail


Worker 1 is guiding the pump around the •‹–‡ Ď?‹”•– Ď?‹ŽŽ‹Â?‰ –Š‡ –”‡Â?…Š‡• –Š‡Â? –Š‡ –‘’ of the pods. Workers ‘2’ are assisting in spreading the concrete relatively even around the site in order for worker 3 to begin levelling. A vibrator is then used to eliminate any oxygen bubbles that are trapped within the concrete mix which can potentially weaken the slab if not removed.



‘”Â?‡” †‘‹Â?‰ ƒ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ –”‘™‡Ž ‹Ǥ‡Ǥ •…”‡‡†‹Â?‰ after the slab has been levelled.


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͡Ǥ –—† ™ƒŽŽ …‘Â?•–”—…–‹‘Â? Č‹Ď?‹”•– Ď?ÂŽÂ‘Â‘Â”ČŒ


Stud wall

‹Â?—• –‹Â?„‡” †‡…Â?‹Â?‰ ‹• •…”‡™ Ď?‹š‡† to graded pinus joists which are supported by posi-struts. A 10mm spacing between each decking board is required.



Š‡ –‹Â?„‡” ˆ”ƒÂ?‹Â?‰ ’”‘…‡•• ‹• ”‡’‡ƒ–‡† Š‘™‡˜‡” •‹Â?…‡ –Š‡ „ƒ•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ –‘’ Ď?Ž‘‘” ‹• •–”—…–—”ƒŽ plywood, the bottom plate will be Â?ƒ‹Ž‡† –‘ –Š‡ Ď?Ž‘‘” ”ƒ–Š‡” –ŠƒÂ? dyna bolted to the concrete slab ĥ ˆ‘” –Š‡ ‰”‘—Â?† Ď?Ž‘‘”Ǥ



9. Installation of services



Stud wall

Scaffolding is necessary for the bricklayers to continue their work at heights above natural reaching.

Hot and cold water pipes

Vapour barrier

PVC pipes

Wall tie

Š‡ Ď?Ž‘‘” –‘ …‡‹Ž‹Â?‰ ™‹Â?†‘™ ƒÂ?† sliding door are installed.


An electric or battery powered drill must be used in order to place services through stud walls. A spade drill bit is also required since the various pipes which run through the studs have a diameter of up to 20mm.

Weep hole

Top plate


Concrete slab

Klip-Loc metal roof decking is ‹Â?•–ƒŽŽ‡†Ǥ ƒ”Â?‹Â?‰ ‹• Ď?‹”•– Žƒ‹† †‘™Â? on the roof purlins and the device ‹Â? –Š‡ ‹Â?ƒ‰‡ ƒ– Ž‡ˆ– ‹• Ď?‹š‡† –‘ –Š‡ purlins. The metal sheets are then clipped on and overlapped at each Œ‘‹Â?– ‰‹˜‹Â?‰ ƒ …‘Â?–‹Â?—‘—• Ď?‹Â?‹•Š ĥ in the image at right.



Hanging wire for suspended ceiling




External brick leaf

The galvanized MS framed glass ™‹Â?†‘™ „‘š ‹• ‹Â?•–ƒŽŽ‡† „› Ď?‹š‹Â?‰ it to the top plate of the stud wall and of the parapet.

Timber deck


‘š ‰—––‡” *Left side of this image would be mirrored

KDHW roof beams are put in place ƒÂ?† ƒ”‡ Ď?‹š‡† –‘ –‹Â?„‡” ’—”Ž‹Â?• Ǥ Overall roof construction process is similar to the sub deck drainage however this time that process is repeated and mirrored as the „‘š ‰—––‡” ‹• Ž‘…ƒ–‡† ƒ– Â?ܠ ”‘‘ˆ ƒÂ?† –Š‡ ‡Â?†• ƒ”‡ Ď?‹š‡† –‘ –Š‡ ‡Â?† ˆ”ƒÂ?‡• …”‡ƒ–‹Â?‰ ’ƒ”ƒ’‡–•Ǥ

Â? ‡š’Ž‘•‹˜‡ Â?ƒ‹Ž ‰—Â? ‹• ƒ •’‡…‹ƒŽ –›’‡ ‘ˆ ‰—Â? –Šƒ– ‹• †‡•‹‰Â?‡† –‘ ‘Â?Ž› Ď?‹š ƒ „‘––‘Â? ’Žƒ–‡ ‘ˆ ƒ stud wall to a concrete slab.

8. Remaining brick work



ˆ”ƒÂ?‹Â?‰ Â?ƒ‹Ž ‰—Â? ‹• —•‡† –‘ Ď?‹š ƒ •–—† ™ƒŽŽ –‘‰‡–Š‡”Ǥ Â? ƒ‹” …‘Â?’”‡••‘” ‹• Â?‡‡†‡† •‹Â?…‡ –Š‡ Â?ƒ‹Ž• ƒ”‡ •Š‘– ˜‹ƒ ƒ‹” …‘Â?’”‡••‹‘Â?Ǥ Š‘•‡ …‘Â?Â?‡…–• –Š‡ ‰—Â? –‘ –Š‡ ƒ‹” …‘Â?’”‡••‘” ™Š‹…Š Â?‡ƒÂ?• –Šƒ– –Š‡ ‰—Â? …ƒÂ? „‡ ‡ƒ•‹Ž› —•‡† ‘Â? –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– Ď?Ž‘‘” ’”‘˜‹†‡† –Šƒ– –Š‡ Š‘•‡ ‹• Ž‘Â?‰ ‡Â?‘—‰ŠǤ ‘™‡˜‡” …‘”†Ž‡•• Â?ƒ‹Ž ‰—Â?• ƒ”‡ ƒŽ•‘ ƒ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡Ǥ

A drop saw is needed to cut the timber members to size. The carpenters can either take the saw up –‘ –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– Ď?Ž‘‘” ‘” Ž‡ƒ˜‡ ‹– ‘Â? –Š‡ ‰”‘—Â?† Ď?Ž‘‘” ƒÂ?† pass all the cut members up to the carpenter on the Ď?‹”•– Ď?Ž‘‘”Ǥ


Metal roof decking




Roof joist

Site with stud frames and posi-struts complete.

7. Fenestration/ metal roof decking/ deck


Stud wall


In order for the tool to operate it needs power. ƒ”’‡Â?–‡”• —•—ƒŽŽ› Šƒ˜‡ ƒ ’‘”–ƒ„Ž‡ ’‘™‡” „‘š ™Š‹…Š –Š‡› …ƒÂ? ’Ž—‰ ‹Â?–‘Ǥ



End stud

Posi-struts are nailed to the top plate of the frame wall directly above the studs and are tied down.


6. Roof construction

Top plate


Stud frames are built on ground ƒÂ?† ‡”‡…–‡† ‹Â?–‘ ’Žƒ…‡Ǥ Š‡ ˜ƒ”‹‘—• members in the wall frame are nailed together by a framing nail gun with 75mm bullet head nails.

* Refer to stage 8 for standard „”‹…Â? ™‘”Â? ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â?Ǥ

Č— ‡ˆ‡” –‘ •–ƒ‰‡ ͡ ˆ‘” ƒ †‡•…”‹’–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ –Š‡ Â?ƒ‹Â? ’‘™‡” –‘‘Ž• —•‡†Ǥ


Box gutter is constructed. *Ignore left of image i.e. stud frames (parapet).

”‹…� ’‹‡”

Concrete slab

Ď?Žƒ•Š‹Â?‰ ‹• ‹Â?•–ƒŽŽ‡† ƒ– –Š‡ „ƒ•‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ •–—† ™ƒŽŽ –‘ ƒŽŽ‘™ ˆ‘” Â?‘‹•–—”‡ –‘ Â?‘˜‡ –‘™ƒ”†• ˆ—–—”‡ ™‡‡’ Š‘Ž‡•Ǥ ‡Ď?Ž‡…–‹˜‡ ˆ‘‹Ž ‹Â?•—Žƒ–‹‘Â? is then attached to the outside of the stud ˆ”ƒÂ?‡ ™‹–Š –Š‡ ”‡Ď?Ž‡…–‹˜‡ ’ƒ”– ˆƒ…‹Â?‰ –Š‡ ‹Â?•‹†‡Ǥ

Sheet mesh

–”—…–—”ƒŽ ’Ž›™‘‘† Ď?Ž‘‘”‹Â?‰

Joists are tied down. Section ready for metal roof decking.




4. Posi-struts/ Sub deck drain construction

ReĎ?lecti˜e foil insulation

al˜anised metal angle

Š‡ ‰ƒŽ˜ƒÂ?‹•‡† ƒÂ?‰Ž‡ „”ƒ…‡ ‹• Â?ƒ‹Ž‡† –‘ –Š‡ •–—†• ƒÂ?† Â?ƒ†‡ Ď?Ž—•ŠǤ ”‘‘˜‡• Â?—•– –Š‡”‡ˆ‘”‡ „‡ …—– across the studs.


Bar chairs




Sheet mesh is installed covering all pods.

Polythene membrane

Edge beam detail




‘’ ’Žƒ–‡•

A polythene membrane is placed over the top of the entire area where the concrete will be poured making sure that all areas of the membrane are in contact with a surface and the sand beds. The membrane joints are required to be taped with plastic pressure sensitive tape. The membrane acts as a vapour barrier to prevent moisture from the soil to penetrate the concrete. The trench mesh is then laid down in between all the sand beds and around the edges of the site to reinforce the edge and internal beams.

Packed sand Soil



‡�’‘”ƒ”› „”ƒ…‹�‰ ‹• —•‡† —�–‹Ž ‡�‘—‰Š ˆ”ƒ�‡™‘”� ‡š‹•–• –‘ …‘��‡…– –Š‡ ˆ”ƒ�‡• to one another.

Plastic pressure sensitive tape

Trench mesh

Sheet mesh

;Ǥ –—† ™ƒŽŽ …‘Â?•–”—…–‹‘Â? ȋ‰”‘—Â?† Ď?ÂŽÂ‘Â‘Â”ČŒČ€ ”‹…Â? ™‘”Â?


Form work





F clamp

Device 1

Device 2

String line clip

Device 1 is nailed horizontally to the stud wall. ‡˜‹…‡ Í´ ‹• –Š‡Â? ’Žƒ…‡† ˜‡”–‹…ƒŽŽ› Ď?Ž—•Š ™‹–Š –Š‡ brick wall. (Note that the clip is only catering for the bricks to be laid on the right side.) To ensure †‡˜‹…‡ Í´ ‹• ‡šƒ…–Ž› Â˜Â‡Â”Â–Â‹Â…ÂƒÂŽÇĄ ƒ Ž‡˜‡Ž ‹• ’—– Ď?Ž—•Š ƒ‰ƒ‹Â?•– ‹– –Š‡Â? …ŽƒÂ?’‡† –‘ †‡˜‹…‡ ͳǤ Š‡ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ •–ƒ‰‡ ‹• –‘ •‡– –Š‡ string line depending on the height of the course of brick the bricklayer is working on. A string line clip is placed on device 2 then string is extended to (the right side of the wall) where there can be either another similar set up or a lternatively a string line slip placed on the edge of the Ď?‹”•– „”‹…Â? Žƒ‹† ‘Â? ‘’’‘•‹–‡ ‡Â?†Ǥ


As this process continues, wall ties must be inserted in the mortar gaps every 6 courses. Wall ties ensure stability of the brick wall and is attached to the stud wall using nails. Weep holes are another essential part of a brick wall which are gaps between certain bricks (i.e. no mortar is applied). This way the moisture within the cavity that lies between the brick and stud wall is able to escape through these weep holes.


Hot water pipe

Cold water pipe

Hot and cold water pipes are made of copper and are insulated. The pipes run through the stud walls of the house and into the desired location. It is the plumbers task to install the Â?‘‰‰‹Â?‰ ƒÂ?† Ď?‹š –Š‡ ™ƒ–‡” ’‹’‡•Ǥ

Nogging for pipe Ď?ixing Basin drain


All electrical wiring is carried out by an electrician. Each tangling cable is where ƒ Ž‹‰Š– ™‹ŽŽ ‡˜‡Â?–—ƒŽŽ› „‡ Ď?‹š‡†Ǥ ƒ„Ž‡• run through the stud walls from where the light switches are located on the walls to across the roof joists.

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