Ajmal Bhatty: Takaful Beyond the Tipping Point - The industry's dilemma in moving forward

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Takaful Beyond the Tipping Point The industry's dilemma in moving forward 1 Ajmal Bhatty, Chief Executive Officer, Takaful ajmalbhatty@tm-mena.com

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

.... in the beginning 2

From perception to realization From ridicule (of the System) to respect

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

.... r eaching the tipping point Cr eating N iche, Gaining M omentum T otal number : Co’s + w indow s: 181

Extraordinary level of activity since 2003 Position as at January 2008

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

.... building the block s: Spr ead of Tak aful 4

21 countries And counting…..

Con t r ibu t ion in 2 0 0 6 ( US$ m n ) Mor e t han 100 m n 50 m n t o 100 m n 10 m n t o 50 m n Less t han 10 m n

> 100 mn

50 – 100 mn

10 – 50 mn

< 10 mn

Sudan Malaysia Saudi Arabia Iran

Indonesia Qatar UAE Kuwait

Brunei Thailand Bahrain Jordan

Mauritania Egypt Senegal Pakistan Bangladesh

Sri Lanka Singapore Yemen Lebanon UK

.... at the tipping point 5

1. Resilience of Islamic Finance 2. Takaful growth outstripping conventional 3. But still there are several untapped markets 4. Huge potential in Family takaful 5. Huge possibilities in micro-takaful 6. ‘Mega Fund Flows’ .. Race to become global Islamic financial hub … Bahrain, Kuala Lumpur, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Riyadh (?), Qatar (?)

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

Potential Size of ‘Tak aful I ndustr y’ 6 $7.4bn estimate for 2015 was made in 2001, see below, but Industry is already at this level in 2008

This is the lower estimate for takaful premiums

$14.5bn is the higher estimate. The highest estimate is in excess of USD30bn

http://w w w .islamicbank ing.com/aom/tak aful/ma_bhatti.php 1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

15 May 2009

‌ challenges beyond the tipping point 7

1. Takaful Industry: We still have difficulty defining ourselves? 2. Takaful’s Future: Will it always remain a NICHE? 3. Business Mix: Will we ever be big ticket players? 4. Takaful Ethics: Shariah credible? SRI aligned? 5. Spreading Awareness: Correctly, Effectively

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

Tak aful, Co-oper ative, I slamic I nsur ance‌.. So many names? D o all these mean difficulty defining ourselves? the same? 8 Consolidated

We need

Industry data is

authentic and

hard to find?

credible industry source to provide vital statistics of the industry?

A B T ak aful I ndustr y ?

Exclude I r an ?

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

D epending on our definition, we ar e as big as $1.4bn / $2.3bn / $6.5bn in 2007 9

Bahr ain I ndonesia I r an M alaysia Saudi Sudan U AE Other s

T ak aful I nsur ance Publicatio n Publication 2006 2007 34 42 80 104 3,685 3,505 545 526 831 909 203 232 65 83 249 241

T otal 5,692 I nsur ance Publication M alaysia Conventional Insurance Takaful Total Another Report 2007



5,642 2007 8824 526 9350 9469


Global T ak aful Size, 2007 Insurance Publication Takaful excl Iran, KSA conv Takaful Estimates incl Iran

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

U SD m 1.4 2.3 6.5

E R E H T TE Challenges for Tak aful I ndustr y TH IT R T I P 10 LE S D o-ables (battles of mind)

D ifficult (battles of hear t)

 To be Shariah Compliant in

 To be Shariah Credible in being true

   

developing products, funds and managing operations Setting up new takaful companies with large capital Building state of the Art systems Education and Training Competing for business

  

to its Ethics Converting ‘conventionals’ to takaful Using principles of Zarurah only when needed Application of education and training to increase takaful awareness and consumer acceptability Mass application of takaful in all OIC countries

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London


Zar ur ah & Ethics of SRI

Weak Takaful Ethics

Battles of Heart

 Takaful companies in different parts of the

world still reinsure conventionally or have conventional reinsurers as leaders of their reinsurance programs. Why?


 Conventional Mind sets

 Short cuts apply to Shariah screening of assets

Very busy Shariah

as well. Why?


 Too few Shariah

 ‘Ethical’ is the very theme of Shariah criteria,


Lack of Shariah standards at Regulatory level

Biodiversity challenged

like the ethical use of money channeled into businesses that are good socially and environmentally. And yet we don’t market ourselves as Ethical besides being Islamic. Why?

Human Rights Abused

Greenhouse gas emissions

Destroying flora and fauna

12 M ak ing I slamic F inancial System a big and power ful ethical system

Battles of H ear t Smaller Univer se of I slamic F unds Smaller Univer se of Tak aful Companies And yet, lar ge Univer se of people w ho want Ethical Pr oducts


SR: A+


SR: C -

C: TR: B

SR: A+

 Shariah scholars need to be more

forceful on the use and misuse of the principles of Zarurah.  International Shariah Rating in

addition to technical rating would result in: 

Better consumer confidence  Better promotion of Shariah ethics  Better Corporate Governance in enforcing compliance 1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

13 Lack of takaful awareness

Battles of Heart

 CEO’s of some Takaful companies are still stating in their Annual Reports that there is Lack of Awareness about Takaful

But when you look into what they have done to alleviate this, there is not much to see

For how long will this continue?

Consumer Acceptability and Tak aful Ethics  Takaful awareness is patchy, except in

Sudan, Malaysia and GCC to some extent

 The word ‘takaful’ is not known to many


 Takaful is sold as ‘insurance’ and not for

its ‘concept’ of ethics and fairness, for its goodness for society and environment

 A dilemma for conventional Group with

takaful companies is how to promote takaful as ethical in the same market where it operates conventional business, when by implication it may become unethical.

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

14 U N ’s M I L L EN N I U M D EVEL OPM EN T GOAL S 2000-2015 1.H alve the number of people w ith income <$1 per day 2.H alve number of people suffer ing fr om hunger 3.Ensur e childr en ar e able to complete pr imar y schooling 4.Ensur e equal schooling for gir ls 5.R educe by 2/3 rd the under -5 mor tality r ate

Alleviating financial conditions of poor

masses in many countries

More than 4 bn people live on less than $2 per day Micro-credit and micro-takaful can be

part of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals



Loss of property due to theft or fire Loss from natural and man made disasters

POVERTY TAKAF U L excludes high r isk per sons

Agricultural losses


Accidental death


M I CRO-TAKAF U L includes high r isk per sons


1.Small benefit packages 2.Spreading cost over time to correspond with household cashflow & supplement with Zakat and Govt. subsidies

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

Tak aful D ilemma R ecapping 16

M acr o Challenges 1. Cr edibility of Vital I ndustr y

Statistics 2. Shar iah cr edibility for social

goodness and avoiding dilution of pr inciples 3. Need a par adigm shift fr om small

is beautiful to big is power ful (and beautiful too) – enlar ging the size of I slamic F inancial System, facilitating micr o tak aful.

Global Challenges 1. Concer ted effor t tow ar ds r egulator y

standar dization 2. N eed a) good mechanism for SRI

compliance, b) r edefining Zar ur ah pr inciples, c) Univer sally acceptable Shar iah R ating 3. L obby I D B and OI C mor e effectively for

suppor ting gr ow th and expansion of tak aful. I t is not just their r esponsibility but their bur den to deliver, especially in micr o tak aful.

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

Takaful Beyond the Tipping Point The industry's dilemma in moving forward 17

Ajmal Bhatty, Chief Executive Officer, Takaful ajmalbhatty@tm-mena.com

1 July 2009, Takaful Summit, London

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