17 minute read

Auzweke magazine December ISSUE 36





AskiGirls Are We Really A Generation Of Blessers And Blessees?

Mjojo Livity Put Brakes On Diabetes


#Ask How 5 Steps On How To Fleek Your Eyebrows



6 12


Sphamandla Nicholas Nhlapo YOUR DECEMBER STYLE

Feature: The Grind Is Never Enough!


Mjojo Livity Put Brakes On Diabetes


#Ask How 5 Steps On How To Fleek Your Eyebrows

Poem I thank you


Food Double dish


10 -11


AUZWEKE Cover Story

Residence of Emalahleni, Withbank and other surrounding areas will have a joyous season, filled with style and swag all thanks to Sphamandla Nicholas Nhlapo who is the founder and designer of Gemstone. Gift Tlou caught up with the Mpumalanga born ahead of the festive rush.

Sphamandla is a 28 year old from Withbank Ackerville, who takes pride in his work. Designing quality jeans and other clothing merchandise, his brand gemstone is currently trending in the Mpumalanga region. “I have never worked for anyone my entire life”, he begins “I owned a salon back in the day, but my calling has always been in fashion and I knew I have to do something about this”. “Whenever I bought something

especially a clothing item, I’d always change it to suit my style”, he recollects.

With his creativity and ability to switch up he’s clothing style Sphamandla was destined for success, but tragedy struck. “Back in 2016 I was involved in a car accident, and that’s when I became paralysed”, he says.





After the tragic accident which landed him on a wheelchair Sphamandla had to find other ways of making an income. “Being in a wheelchair was a huge setback for me since I wasn’t able to do much, so I had to think be creative, hence I came up with gemstone and started putting my ideas and skill to good use”. He says “It was then I decided to start designing and selling jeans with different cuts, colours and designs”.

With his business intelligence, the 28 year old has managed to turn his life around and make a living from his talent. The name gemstone has went on to become a household name itself in Emalahleni , hence some people refer to him as gemstone. “The name gemstone came with me and my friend (Christopher) but we didn’t think it would be so big and people of the township would relate to it”, he clarifies.

With unemployment increasing by the day, Sphamandla, has managed create employment for a few community members who help him in designing jeans and other merchandise. “Yes I’ve got about six people who work with me, The number of orders we get is a lot so in order for me to finish in time and meet clients deadlines I needed to hire some people from my neighbourhood and they’ve helped in making gemstone a success, they help a lot and I really appreciate their efforts”. “We work Monday to Saturday, normal working hours, that’s hectic it gets, per week we produce about 25 jeans”, he reveals.

With the festive season known as a time of gathering and celebrating people with be looking to go out in style. “it’s going to be a busy one hay, but we’ll keep making our clients happy, we promise to deliver the best quality clothing to our clients in time”, he explains.



The creative has also expanded his gemstone business into other neighbouring Cities Secunda and Middelburg, targeting Gauteng as his next business venture. “I’m still building my trust with local people, my target market is mainly artist, the youth and DJ’s since they the one’s always up for entertainment and events”.

Sphamandla further encourages others to follow their heart and study to complement their passion with academics. “I’m fortunate enough because I do this relying on my talent, I’ve never went to study for this, it’s a talent that came natural and I’m glad that I even went on to teach others”, he says. The brand gemstone has been successful for the past 2 years and by the looks of things, the brand is here to stay.” I’m just grateful to god and the people who have been supportive, my dream is to start a boutique and continue delivering”, he concludes.

By Gift Tlou.


Auzweke! Mjojo Livity


Our bodies depend on glucose for energy. Glucose is blood sugar, it comes from the food we eat. This sugar is broken down into energy by a hormone called insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas.


Insulin helps glucose from the food you eat get in your cells to be used for energy, a problems occurs when your body cannot make enough insulin, or when your body fails to make any, for that matter – which is the case for other people. In this case, Glucose then stays in your blood, causing it to be oversaturated with sugar, which then causes health problems.

There are a different types of Diabetes, other people may call it “a touch of sugar” or “borderline diabetes” they are actually trying to say that this type of diabetes is at its lowest. That it is not serious and harmless. But keep in mind that any type of diabetes is serious and incurable – but preventable.

TYPE 1 Diabetes

There is also a TYPE 1 diabetes. This is where your body doesn’t make insulin. Your immune system attacks the cells that make insulin and destroys them. You have to keep taking insulin every day to stay alive. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, but it can also appear at any age.

TYPE 2 Diabetes

A TYPE 2 diabetes is when your body does not make or make good use of insulin, your insulin does not make good use or blood sugar or your insulin in some cases may not be secreted. This type of diabetes can occur at any age, even in your childhood age.

Gestational Diabetes

Some women may have experienced this type of diabetes in their pregnant

months. This only occurs on some pregnant women, it however tends to go away with the pregnancy. But you still stand a chance of developing a Type 2 diabetes in the long run. Many times diabetes diagnosed during diabetes is actually a Type 2.


The most common symptoms of diabetes include:

• Going to the toilet a lot, especially at night

• Feeling more tired than usually

• Losing weight without trying to

• Being really thirsty

• Genital itching or thrush

• Cuts and wounds taking longer to heal

• Blurred vision

Having any of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you actually have Diabetes, but you would want to stay on the safe side and call your doctor and check.

Diabetes causes these symptoms because it is the body’s natural thing to drain dirty water. So diabetes is when your blood has too much sugar in its streams because your insulin is either destroyed or cannot work well. So your body drains the dirty water by excretion.

Constant excretion causes your body to be in need of water, hence the severe thirst, and when your body takes the dirty water through urine, you will start getting itches on your genitals o thrush . Ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious health problem, and you can actually end up in a coma. So it wouldn’t be wise to avoid them.

Although diabetes can be acquired at childhood and early adulthood, the symptoms are all the same. Type 1 diabetes symptoms appear quite quickly and you may think it’s something else, you would want to get checked immediately after that you get these symptoms. Type 2 symptoms creep up slowly, it may be a bit difficult to spot it. But quick diagnosis and treatment is always best and this may prevent you from experiencing health problems like, heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidney problems. Being diagnosed early and controlling your blood sugar levels can help prevent these complications.


Diabetes cannot be cured but it can for a fact be prevented. It is quite impossible to change someone’s genes if they have inherited diabetes, but it is possible to keep it in the background and not hinder your health in any way. There are a number of steps you will need to follow:

Lose weight

Your weight is a sole culprit in you being most likely to get diabetes. Overweight people stand a 40 – 50% chance to get diabetes. So you have to manage your weight and put it right above the health line.

Be more active

Walking for at least an hour everyday reduces the chances of getting diabetes by 30%. Inactivity promotes your chances of getting obese and obviously you will find yourself with a type 2 diabetes and

other health complications. Watching TV is especially the worst form of inactivity. You would want to reconsider and start getting up of the screen and be more active. Start walking or jogging. Studies show that at least 5 hours or exercise reduces the chances of getting diabetes. Even harder exercise reduces your chances by far.

Control your diet

Diet control is a helping agent in helping with weight management and keeping your health in check. 1. Avoid highly processed carbohydrates Eating food that are rich carbohydrates increases your risks of getting diabetes by far. On the other hand, whole grain products will by far decrease your chances of getting diabetes. Whole grains have a magical agent that fights diabetes and improve your health all in all. On the contrary, foods like white bread, white rice, mashed potatoes, donuts and other cereals that are high in carbohydrates have what is called glycaemic and index and glycaemic load that will actually increase your chances of contacting diabetes.

2. Keep sugary drinks on a low and move to coffee, water or tea Just like carbohydrates, sugary drinks are high in glycaemic load, and this is associated with high risk of your doctor diagnosing with diabetes. Sugary drinks are linked to getting diabetes in a way that fizzy drinks are agents of weight gain. And when you are less active and drinks a lot of sugary drinks, your blood stream will have a lot of sugar in it. Your insulin

will then not be able to work properly because of inactivity.

There are studies that suggest that coffee actually fights against diabetes. It is a wise consideration to switch to water and tea. As long as you do not put too many spoons of sugar and cream.

3. Try to quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption An adequate consumption a day will keep you safe from getting diabetes. Studies show that 1 drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men will keep you behind the health line. This helps insulin get the glucose in your body cells, so your body does need a bit of alcohol but not too much – this will keep you from getting a type 2 diabetes.

4. Red meat and processed meat – yes, keep away Studies show that eating red meat like, pork, beef and lamb – also processed red meat like bacon, hot dogs and deli meats will increase your chances of getting diabetes. Fish, nuts, poultry on the other hand will decrease your chances of getting diabetes by over 30%.

Red meat increases chances of getting diabetes in a way that it contains a lot of iron content, which diminishes the effectiveness of insulin’s work. People who eat processed or red meat are likely to get diabetes, even those who eat it in small portions.

By: Ayanda Nxonga

Google images




You may prefer having your natural eyebrows, or you may be that girl who wants them on fleek – for whatever, it’s essential to always have them on fleek, and if you are more of a natural girl, you may pick up a few steps to enhance them without compromising your naturale.

You will need these tools:

Dark brown eyebrow pencil 2 concealers – a lighter shade and one that compliments your skin tone An eyebrow brush – similar to a mascara brush



• Start off by drawing your eyebrows

Pick up an eyebrow pencil, make sure it’s well sharpened. Start off by drawing below your natural brow line and do the same right above but slightly further from where your natural brow is. You need to make sure you know your arch point so that you have a perfect shape to it.

• Shading

And then you shade the inside of your drawn brows with an eyebrow pencil. Make sure you don’t put too much pressure when you shade to avoid an overwhelming appearance. Be careful also to use a colour shade that may compliment something on you, like your hair or your colour eyes. Example, if you have hazel eyes, I recommend you use a dark brown eyebrow. With a black eyes or black hair, you may want to use a black eyebrow pencil.

• Brushing

And right above them. It enhances the shape of your eyebrows, it brings the brows to light and make them standout and awakens them. After painting, you blend the concealer with a concealer brush. The blending is for the concealer to blend with your skin.

• Don’t forget the fade

Using the eyebrow two-use brush, carefully brush the inner beginnings of your eyebrows in a vertical direction. Others may prefer to brush them in a horizontal direction but vertical is more appealing according me. When you brush like this a fade will be created, and make sure you have a perfect fade. The fade maintains your natural look, you don’t want to be looking like an amateur – a fade gives you that mature and an I know what am doing look.

By: Ayanda Nxonga & Bridgett Masuku

After shading, brush your brows gently until they flow onto the same direction and not be messy. Brush your eyebrows to evenly distribute the colour pigments, this way your makeup will look softer and more natural.

• Shaping

Start by using a lighter shade concealer. And paint right below under your brows, just below the line you made with an eyebrow pencil.





I thank you for it all. Thank you for the times of struggle, It taught me the humble beauty of the hustle.

Thank you for the times I had to wait, it taught me patience is the greatest virtue.

Thank you for the time you ignored me, that’s how I learned how to live without you.

I thank you for the lies, for the cold nights. For all the times you never made it on time.

Thank you for the betrayals, I learned only true friends see the tears behind the smile.

I am thankful for all the good and bad. I cried and I laughed. I fought and I brought piece. I sang and yelled , I wrote until my ink ran out. My mind went blank but, I wrote my heart out.

I thank you for it all. You gave me more than you could ever take from me.

And for that I will always be thankful. So, I thank you.

Onalenna Shaka



Double the Dish

Double Masutsa!

Kagiso Motsumi Chef

Chicken Roulade

4 x Chicken breast 1 pkt Feta Cheese 1 pkt Pepper dews BBQ Spice


1. Make a hole on the side of the chicken breast, making it wide with your knife.

2. Stuff it with pepperdews and feta cheese, and then roll it tight with a clean wrap and tie knots on both ends.

3. Boil the chicken still wrapped in clean wrap for 10mnts or till cooked then remove from meat, unwrap them and rub some BBQ spice and fry to get a crisp crust on the chicken before serving.

Grilled Peach And Radish Salad

1x Fresh Radish 2 x firm peaches Onion Salt and Pepper Rocket Leaves Balsamic Reduction


Thinly slice your Radish cut your peaches in quarters and grill them, then mix everything together.

Add Balsamic reduction before serving.



1 Pkt Asparagus 2 tsp Oil Salt and pepper


Cut of bottom woody part of the Asparagus then baist with a little oil and salt and pepper and place on a braai or grill pan for 2 min on each side then remove and serve

Fried Fillet Stake

1 x Fillet stakes Salt and Pepper 2 tbl mixed herbs 1 tsp Garlic 2 tbl Butter 2 tlb Oil


Heat Oil and butter in a pan. Add garlic and herbs salt and pepper and rub your meat.

Then fry for 5 minutes on either side, remove from the heat and let it cool before serving.

Mushroom Sauce

1 Pkt Button mushrooms 1 x 500ml Fresh Cream 100g chopped Onion ½ tsp Garlic Crushed Oil


Fry you onion and garlic till soft. Add your mushroom to it and fry mushroom and season with salt and pepper.

Then add your cream bit by bit till it forms a thick sauce the correct the flavor by add the required salt or pepper.

Jacked Potatoes

1 Pkt Baby potatoes 2 tlb butter (room temp) Mixed Herbs Salt and Pepper


Peel potatoes then put them in a roasting pan, mixed with butter and herbs. Add to the potatoes salt and pepper cover with foil and roast at 1800 for 20 minutes or till potatoes are soft then remove foil and roast for a feather 5 minutes or till potatoes are brown then remove from the oven and correct flavoring.


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