Ladysmith: Making opportunities happen By LADYSMITH MAYOR ROB HUTCHINS A key quality of an enterprising individual—and an enterprising community—is the ability to make opportuni es happen. Here are just a few examples in our community. In 2012, Western Forest Products, a key economic giant in our community, announced a significant investment in the Saltair and Ladysmith mills which will pay dividends to the local economy for years to come. Also in 2012, our enterprising business people began working closely with Council to undertake joint economic development inia ves that could provide exci ng investment opportuni es. Community Economic Partnership Members of the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Associa on, Stz’uminus First Na on and Council have formed a partnership to develop new opportuni es for expanding our local economy. Partnerships with Stz’uminus First NaƟon Town Council has implemented a number of agreements with the Stz’uminus First Na on that will posi on us for sharing services and crea ng exci ng partnerships for genera ng economic wealth. We are working on agreements for water and sewer services and a partnership for crea ng jobs and economic wealth for both sides of the harbour, in addi on to poten al joint development of an industrial park at the south end of Ladysmith. All these opportuni es will help to create more jobs for our ci zens and economic wealth for our communi es. Ladysmith MariƟme Society Community Marina Ladysmith’s waterfront is a defining feature of our community’s iden ty and a key driver in our local economy. Marine tourism offers tremendous opportuni es for growth — it is es mated that in 2012, visitors to the Ladysmith Mari me Society Community Marina spent over $300,000 in new money in our local businesses. The Ladysmith Mari me Society, in partnership with the Town, has upgraded the Community Marina to draw boaters to our community and more work is planned. Recent upgrades to the Community Marina include the beau ful new Welcome Centre (complete with gathering spaces, washrooms and laundry facili es) and a sewage pump-out sta on, while new docks are planned for 2013. Forrest Field This state of the art ar ficial turf playing field, opened in 2011, means that the community can now host large sports tournaments and be a player in the sports tourism field. When we host teams, officials and supporters, as we did twice in 2012, with the Mini World Cup and the Stz’uminus Soccer Tournament, we saw significant new dollars spent in our community. The second phase Opposite page: On the Cover: Rob Waters, president of Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, Ladysmith Mayor Rob Hutchins, Lesley Parent, president of Ladysmith Downtown Business Association, work on strategies to benefit economic climate in Ladysmith. Photo: Marina Sacht Inset photos: Downtown Ladysmith,Nanaimo Airport Terminal, Western Forest Products Mill, Oster Bay Quay, Ladysmith Marina.
of the project — including new ball fields — is being planned and will expand both the recrea on and the economic opportuni es for our town. The Town of Ladysmith offers excellent opportuni es for economic growth and investment. We have tremendous poten al for a healthy, prosperous and rewarding future, because the people that make up this great community of ours are caring, generous, and enterprising and know the ingredients that make a wonderful place to call home. Most important of all, we all recognize the power of partnership. Working together, we can achieve so much in terms of economic opportunity and community resiliency for all our ci zens. Ariel view of Ladysmith and harbour. Photo Cindy Damphousse Ladysmith Town Council: Duck Paterson, Steve Arnett, Glenda Patterson, Mayor Rob Hutchins, Jillian Dashwood, Bill Drysdale (Not present: Gord Horth) Forrest Field, Lot 108
Soaring High - Nanaimo Airport Nanaimo Airport is a strong economic generator. In 2012, YCD supported (directly and indirectly) an es mated 700 full me jobs and, through its ac vi es, generated approximately $54 million to the regional economy in total gross revenues. By 2026 this is es mated to grow to 1,617 full me jobs and $121 million to the regional economy. Nanaimo Airport is Vancouver Island’s third largest airport and services customers in the central Vancouver Island area. YCD is a not-for-profit authority owned by the Nanaimo Airport Commission. Since the $26 million two-phase airport enhancement project was completed in 2011, the Nanaimo Airport passenger numbers have been growing at record rates.
WestJet Encore’s announcement of service to Calgary, star ng June 24, the Nanaimo Airport passenger numbers will grow even faster. Now that flights to Alberta have been established, the next focus will be for flights to the Pacific Northwest. NAC is working with local governments to develop a memorandum of understanding that can be used in the coming decades regarding non-avia on land use at the Nanaimo Airport. Work on site will ensure full environmental compliance while mee ng the needs of the various communi es in their primary service area who depend on safe, reliable, effec ve air transporta on. The NAC is doing its part for future genera ons. They are commi ed to fully managing environmental issues at the airport, including ground water protec on, streams, adjacent ALR lands and opera onal components. In effect, sound environmental prac ces which respect ground water will be a focus of all airport ac vi es. NAC is commi ed to inves ng in our communi es through donaons, sponsorships and in-kind contribu ons that lead to long-term growth and success. In 2013 NAC investments will focus on Family and Community, Environmental, and Economic Development. Nanaimo Airport will con nue to grow and generate significant economic benefit to the Central Vancouver Island area.
Lot 108 The Town of Ladysmith began the process of acquiring District Lot 108 for a new recrea onal facility in 1994. In the kind of win-win move that Ladysmith is known for, a parcel of the original Sports Field site at Lot 108 was turned into a new manufactured home park, Parkside Estates, to help meet the need for affordable housing in Ladysmith.
pancy. The development is designed to include a restaurant complete with outdoor sea ng, ocean views from windows facing east, south and west, and visibility from the Trans Canada Highway. Oyster Bay Quay is located at the strategic north entrance to Ladysmith, visible to the more than 24,000 cars per day that travel through Ladysmith. The loca on is also close to marinas, downtown shopping and the Nanaimo-Cassidy airport.
Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Ladysmith Marina development Ladysmith Marina was purchased in 2004 by the Oak Bay Marine Group. To date they have spent around $6 million rebuilding marina docks, dredging and pile driving, using local trades whenever possible. The marina is on 22 acres of land development with future plans to develop single and mul -family homes. A new road into the marina as well as a new office, washrooms and laundry facili es are also in the plans. Ladysmith marina has over 400 berths. They are currently building 50’ – 92’ boathouses. All houses are constructed on site using local trades.
Coast Salish Development Coast Salish Development Corpora on is a partner in a Golf Course & 400 Housing Unit project. This development will enhance the area and create numerous business opportuni es for the Oyster Bay/ Four Corners project. The development of a new community including tourist accommoda ons, retail and a centralized main street with unique shops will sa sfy the growing demand for new infrastructure and facili es through the golf course and new housing in the area. The 4 Corners project is a mixed land use development situated along the Trans Canada Highway at the intersec on of Oyster Sto-Lo Road and includes extensive ocean front proper es for retail, residen al and tourism. Also designated for development is Deer Point Land, a 25-acre parcel in Yellow Point. Expanding the involvement of First Na ons as partners and linking First Na ons with economic opportuni es allows us to par cipate in ventures that would be too big an undertaking for just one of our Na ons, stated Chief John Ellio , Stz’uminus First Na on.
Ladysmith’s new “Gateway” development The local owners designed and constructed Oyster Bay Quay to be Ladysmith’s ‘Gateway” development. Oyster Bay Quay lease units vary in size from 2,000 sq to over 13,000 sq . Phase one of the development is now ready for occu-
A state-of-the art secondary sewage treatment system is being built in the Town of Ladysmith, thanks to over $5.2 million from Canada’s Gas Tax Fund. The upgrades will benefit Ladysmith’s residents as well as its harbour. In 2013, The Town is ini a ng the final phase of the Secondary Treatment System Upgrade Project, which provides for biological treatment. The biological component of the plant will have the capacity to serve a popula on of 17,200, with poten al to expand to 32,000. Detailed design for the upgrade is currently under way with the comple on of construc on scheduled for 2015.
Peerless Road Recycling Depot The Peerless Road Recycling Depot will be improved to be a modern, user friendly recycling drop-off centre, thanks to $950,000 investment from the federal Gas Tax Fund.
Ladysmith Resources Centre, Boys and Girls Club, and Spirit Square The High Street project contains Ladysmith Resources Centre, the Senior’s Centre, the Boys and Girls Club and daycare, as well as Spirit Square. The project was made possible due to a partnership between the Town of Ladysmith and several non-profit organizaons, as well as grant funding. The building, a LEED project, serves as a demonstra on of the Town’s sustainability vision in ac on.
Chamber of Commerce Visitor Centre The Visitor Centre is located at 411 B 1st Avenue (Chamber office) in Ladysmith and is open from 9am to 5pm, 7 days a week in the summer and 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday in the off-season. In 2012 there was an increase in visitors of 14.1 per cent. Above: Ladysmith Marina. The waterfront offers many opportunities for future growth.
Ladysmith’s Green Builder GNB Builders Inc, local Ladysmith Built Green Builder, has been building and renova ng homes for 14 years and is a well established company building projects from Chemainus to Nanoose. Greg Bianchini owner of the company is a Journeyman Carpenter and has been working in this profession for 27 years. Greg and wife Heidi pride themselves in building rela onships with clients while turning a clients’ vision into reality, all the while keeping within budget. The company works with many out of town clients mostly from Alberta and as far as Shanghai. GNB works with clients upfront on all design aspects and builds project design binders for each client, to help them track all the aspects of their home from hea ng systems to flooring. Clients are kept apprised through all steps of the project by email updates and with digital photos of every stage. GNB Builders team is comprised of
GNB Builders at the International Builder Show 2013 – Las Vegas Heidi Bianchini – Business Manager, Greg Bianchini – President Kelsey Ann Smith – Executive Assistant/Design Coordinator
full me carpenters, appren ces, administra ve/design coordinator, excellent trades and suppliers. In 2012 the company was awarded the pres gious BC’s Built Green Builder of the year by Department of Built Green Canada, one gold CARE award and five silver CARE awards from the Canadian Home Builders Associa on and in 2013 GNB was awarded with Vancouver Island’s Business Excellence award for Best Company (under 50 employees) and Best Construc on company for the island from Business Vancouver Island. With awards in hand Bianchini admits the best recogni on is s ll a sa sfied client. “Our success is built on strong recommenda ons from happy clients”. One client notes in her le er of recommenda on, “When Greg and Heidi, at GNB Builders tell you they can build your dream home, you’d be er believe it. And as for the house, we can only say that it exceeded our wildest dreams and that we got a home even be er than the one we had originally planned.” To find out more about GNB Builders visit www.gnbbuilders.ca or join them on Facebook.
Chamber of Commerce promotes town
Ladysmith - our profile Ladysmith has a popula on of 8,328 according to the 2011 BC Stats. This shows an increase of 24.3% in the past 10 years, making Ladysmith one of the fastest growing communi es in the province. In 2011 the median age was 48.3 years, and according to the 2006 Census, the median income of Ladysmith residents was $25,498, slightly more than the provincial average. The average assessed value of a single family home as reported by BC Assessment in 2012 was $296,607, while the average selling price is $314,276 (MLS, 2011). When compared to the price of homes in Duncan or Cowichan (at $347,027 and $414,724) Ladysmith proves itself as an affordable community for families and other home purchasers. Ladysmith’s economy has always depended heavily on natural resources. More recently, the service industry has expanded, and marine-related manufacturing, green business, and tourism have become key economic pillars. In addi on, Ladysmith is ideally located within easy commu ng range for Nanaimo and Duncan , two major employment centers. Ladysmith is renowned for its wide-spread commitment to sustainability and ‘green’ development. Residents place a very high value on preserving Ladysmith’s heritage which evokes a tremendous sense of pride and town sprit. This is evident with the volunteer opportuni es which make our community events so successful. Growing popula on, affordable housing, employment and educa on opportuni es, and excellent climate makes Ladysmith one of the most desirable places to live on Vancouver Island. For more info www.ladysmith.ca
Leader, Innovator, Frontrunner The Town of Ladysmith is a community that leads through con nuous improvement and innova on. The municipality has received numerous provincial and na onal awards. Here’s just a few: • Named one of “Canada’s Greenest Employers”, 2012 • BC Small Business Roundtable award for Most Small Business Friendly Community in Vancouver Island/Coast Region, 2011 • Canadian Ins tute of Planners Award for Planning Excellence for the Ladysmith Sustainable Community Visioning Project, 2009 • Provincial Green City Awards Finalist, 2007 • Guinness Book of World Records for the largest street hockey tournament, 2007 • VIHA “Get Ac ve” Step Challenge Award, 2007 • Union of BC Municipali es Community Excellence Award for the organic waste collec on program, 2006 • Recycling Council of BC Public Sector Recogni on Award for outstanding commitment and ac on towards demonstra ng excellence and leadership in environmental stewardship, 2006 • Ladysmith won first place in the 5,000-10,000 popula on category “Communi es in Bloom” contest in 2003. 10
The Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce is very busy working on behalf of its business and community partners. The chamber plays an ac ve role in the community promo ng “Spirit of Ladysmith” awards, Home, Garden and Business show, Golf Tournament at the Co onwood Golf Course and the annual fall fundraiser along with offering support to the numerous special events held here. The annual ‘Farmers Market’ starts May 21 and runs every Tuesday a ernoon from 4pm to 7pm through to September 24. The Farmers Market will set up along First Avenue in support of local businesses with a theme of “Make it, Bake it, Grow it”. The recent announcement by WestJet to start daily flight service from Calgary to our Nanaimo Airport is very exci ng news for Ladysmith. The new daily service will kickstart new local commerce in our region. The Nanaimo Airport is closer to Ladysmith than Nanaimo! The Chamber in co-opera on with the Town of Ladysmith operates our local Visitor Center and this year is developing an expanded ‘Business Center’ service for exis ng and new businesses looking to locate in our community. The temperate climate experienced in Ladysmith is a major magnet especially for “baby boomers” looking for a break from frigid winter temperatures experienced in other North American centres. Ladysmith is a waterfront community with a small town charm, full of ci zen pride and is host to many opportuni es for con nued successes. The Chambers mission statement is: To promote and improve the commercial, industrial, civic and social welfare of Ladysmith and its trade area. Our Chamber Board is commi ed to its principals and finds great enjoyment and a sense of pride in developing our community goals! - Rob Waters, president Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce
LDBA supports members Moving into 2013, the Ladysmith Downtown Business Associa on is poised to support our members through addi ons to our already commi ed board, a strong partnership with the Town and the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce and the desire to see Ladysmith grow. I truly believe that we are posi oned to see great things happen in our downtown and town as a whole. We are looking forward to building on last year’s successes that include the Olde Tyme Christmas, the joint economic development mee ngs and the wide variety of LDBA supported ini a ves. We have begun partnering with the Fes val of Lights and look forward to other strategic alliances that create opportunity for the downtown core. Our board has begun planning events to strengthen both the knowledge base of our members and business rela onships between us all. - Lesley Parent, president, LDBA Ladysmith. Photos: Cindy Damphousse