TAKE 5 July 2012

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Letters Re: North Oyster Food Program Over the course of the past 20 years, North Oyster Elementary has undergone numerous changes. The building itself has changed and so has the student population. Our school serves a population that comes from diverse geographic and economic areas. Our catchment area stretches from Cedar and Haslam Roads to Yellowpoint Road; into Cassidy from Timberlands to Spruston Road; down Brenton-Page Road to Shell Beach and into Kulleet Bay. Over the past two decades we have been fortunate to offer a School Meals Program to support our children. The Program serves literally hundreds of breakfasts and lunches each and every month. Our School is required to support the nutritional needs of a large number of students each month. Quite simply put, a large proportion of our student population cannot afford to bring a reasonable lunch each day and many students often come without breakfast. There are a multitude of published studies and papers that demonstrate the connection between reasonable nutrition and access to food and academic achievement. The funding that we have had to deliver the program has declined by almost 50 per cent in the past 4 years. As we endeavor to continue to offer a full lunch program to the members of our student population who need it, we have decided to reach out to the community for financial support. We would ask that you consider supporting our students through helping us maintain our food program. - North Oyster Parent Advisory Committee parents/caregivers of North Oyster School

Transit budget Well 9.7 per cent doesn’t sound like much does it? But wait.. when it’s 9.7 per cent of the CVRD transit budget,(currently in the area of $1,500,000) and it’s what we the ratepayers of Ladysmith will be paying for annually then it becomes significant. So, what do we get for this money? Well, we can’t say for sure exactly because it hasn’t been figured out yet. First we have to agree to pay, then we get to find out what we get for our money...Sound like a good deal to you? Well, it sounds like a good deal to our mayor, who coincidentally happens to be the chair of the CVRD. We have had this discussion about transit to Duncan before and it was roundly rejected by the taxpayers of Ladysmith so after an appropriate cooling off period of



a couple of years, council has instructed staff to proceed, after all we can just shift the trolley funding out of town to the CVRD in order to pay for it. (Who didn’t see that coming?) One might ask what do we get for these hundreds of thousands of dollars annually? Well, it looks like we will get to link-up with the CVRD transit system in Chemainus, but not through Saltair as they have wisely opted out of this foolish proposal. The way it looks is that a trip to Duncan will take two or three hours with transfers and the scenic route through Crofton and maybe Maple Bay. That’s progress for you, an entire day for a trip to Duncan and back!! But at least there’s a strong demand isn’t there??? We don’t know given that there is no study showing demand. No, this is a philosophical issue, another case of council solving problems that don’t exist with our precious tax dollars, somewhat like the $80,000 bike lane that sits unused, but after all it’s the “right thing to do”. If this issue concerns you as a taxpayer I urge you to contact the mayor and council and voice your concerns, don’t let them rely on your silence. - Garth Gilroy


Cycle to Church Cedar United Church and St. Philip Anglican Church are cycling to church from the Farmers’ Market on Cedar Road at 8:30 in the morning on Canada Day. Rev. Howie has been cycling to raise funds for “greening “ St. Philip and July 1 is a full year since it started. To celebrate, the community of Cedar United and St. Philip Cedar are cycling to their respective church services. St. Philip recently held a Community Share Day. We often see garage sales but what if you have no money? So, St. Philip Cedar opened their doors and gave ‘lightly used” items away to total strangers on May 26, 2012. That was different. Parishioners, neighbours, and friends filled our hall to full with their extras. We invited the community of Cedar to come and take what they could use. We wanted to bless them, from our excess. People were in disbelief. Some took a few items, and found out they were in good working order and then came back for the cherished microwave oven that fit the bill. Share day was the inspiration of Godfrey Wearne after tak-

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ing part in a series “Surprised by Hope” by NT Wright, that was offered during Lent. Share day was such a success we call the community to come together and share some more -we all have so much, and the secret of greening the earth is using less, reusing, recycling, re-gifting does matter, so mark your calendar for another Sept.15. - Diana Slater

Accord On the recent signing of the agreement betweeen Ladysmith and Steve Arnett writes: The Signing Sun brightly shining Over stillness of a crowd Gathered on Maritime Society docks As the drum beats HUY CH Q’U Great Creator Together we are more than one... (read more at www.take5.ca/poem) Letters to the Editor are welcome but subject to space and editing. Please note that letters published do not necessarily reflect the opinion of TAKE 5. editor@ take5.ca, or post your comments directly at www.take5.ca.






Naut’sa mawt – Working Together Excerpts from the Joint Speech of Chief John Elliot and Mayor Rob Hutchins to the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, June 2012. On behalf of the Stz’uminus First Nation and the Town of Ladysmith, we are honoured to share with you part of our story and how we hope to take our communities forward. Aboriginal peoples have lived here for thousands of years, established village sites, raised their families, created grand traditions, practiced their faith, and harvested the abundance provided by the land and sea. Beginning some 150 years ago, during the European Colonial expansion, the inhabitants of this great area began to suffer immensely. Aboriginal people were prohibited from practicing their cultures and barred from participation in the life of the new colonies. They were decimated by disease and confined to reserves. We took this pristine harbour and we occupied it with major industry for the next eight decades leaving behind a legacy of industrial waste. Even today, although we have made major improvements, marginalization of First Nations and individual aboriginal people continues. And yet despite the years of grief and suffering, Aboriginal people continue to rise with determination, with pride and with collective resolve to move forward and ensure a better tomorrow for their children. Our history must be acknowledged if we are to truly break free and build new relationships based on trust, respect, and reconciliation. On Friday, May 25th the Stz’uminus

First Nation and the Town of Ladysmith took a major step forward in improving our relationship. Members of our Councils gathered that day to sign our names to a document that symbolizes our commitment to a better future. That document is our revised Community Accord, first signed in 2007, now titled the Naut’sa mawt (Working Together) Community Accord. For far too long our communities, although sharing the same land, symbolically the same canoe, worked in opposition to one another. Our wish now is to paddle together in the same direction. The purpose of the Accord is to improve our communication and cooperation for the benefit of our communities. Has the Accord provided the answer to mending our relationship? There has been significant improvement, there has been a healing, but much more work lies ahead.

There are times that we are very successful working together, and other times when we need to work harder. But we are committed both in writing and in practice to trying. We meet regularly, and that alone is a major improvement in our relationship. We have already laid the groundwork for two additional documents. A “Cooperation Protocol” and a Memorandum of Understanding that speaks clearly to the establishment of government-to-government agreements for shared services and exciting partnerships for generating economic wealth. The nearly completed Town of Ladysmith Liquid Waste Management Plan calls for providing treatment options for communities outside the Town limits. We are also continuing to upgrade our

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sewage treatment plant from primary to secondary treatment at a cost in excess of $20,000,000, and with a total planned capacity to serve some 30,000 people. This will dramatically improve the health of Ladysmith Harbour. The Stz’uminus First Nation plans a major development of IR 12 (Husky Station area) and needs access to sanitary sewer to best realize their dream. Our new MOU will support us working on this together. DL 651 or the water lot that is commonly known as “Dogpatch”, between the LMS Community Marina and Slack Point, is presently Crown Land that is subject to treaty. Over the last decade two dozen derelict vessels have sunk there, becoming an environmental nightmare. Through the MOU and future agreements we hope to create a partnership with the Town and others that will see a clean-up of DL 651 and the construction of new marina space and marine services, creating jobs and economic wealth for both sides of the harbour. The Town seeks to construct a new pipeline from Holland Lake to the Town’s water intake at Stocking Lake across Crown Land. This new pipeline will provide access to an abundance of clean water from Holland Lake year round. The residents of IR 13 - Shell Beach and Kulleet Bay - have inadequate water and the SFN must truck in drinking water during the summer months. Our new MOU will facilitate an agreement for the construction of the pipeline between Holland Lake and Stocking Lake followed by agreements for the supply of water to the 600 residents of IR 13. The citizens of both Ladysmith and Saltair have for over two decades envisioned an industrial park at the south end of Ladysmith. Through our MOU we hope to facilitate agreements with the Town of Ladysmith that will help that dream of a south end industrial park become reality. Which will help develop jobs for all our citizens and economic wealth for our communities. Working together we can achieve so much more. Chief John Elliot and Mayor Rob Hutchins.






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Man set to paddle kayak across the pacific - solo! 2012 Seaward Kayaks Pacific Expedition Imagine an unassisted kayak journey of epic proportions from California to Hawaii - one man, one kayak, 3000 nautical miles. SOLO. Wave Vidmar, renowned adventure athlete and explorer is undertaking this historic journey in a locally manufactured kayak. “I had my choice of any sea kayak. The Seaward tandems are known for their durability and functionality. My Seaward Passat G3 Wave Vidmar Edition doesn’t dissapoint; it’s strong, agile, performs well, and I trust my life to it.” “Some modifications to the kayak were made for the trip,” says Nick Horscroft, spokesperson for Seaward. “We added a layer of Kevlar to the hull.This increases the kayak’s resistance to puncture/damage from debris. One of the greatest risks to Wave is debris from the tsunami in Japan. Also, Great White sharks are very curious about small ocean craft and have attacked kayaks.” The black stripe pattern comes from research in South Africa that has shown this pattern, based on pilot and lion fishes appearance, deters them. The deck and seams were reinforced with carbon fibre and Kevlar. “This is to give the kayak extra strength to withstand the enormous pressure and forces exerted by the huge waves he will potentially face – up to 50 feet or bigger.” The 2012 Seaward Pacific Ocean Expedition is a massive undertaking. From the outset Wave will document and relay information about his expedition. You can expect live chat, real time computer mapping and responsive communications with Wave’s PR team. Over 48,000 schools worldwide have the opportunity to utilize Wave’s journey as a learning platform. Research will be carried out on marine wildlife, ocean systems and the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Dump.’ Additionally, the effect of this athletic endurance test on Wave’s body will analysed for sports medicine research.


Wave lives for the challenge of adventure and exploration. Only one man has ever done this before and Wave’s expedition will exceed this feat both in distance and with the technology used. For Wave challenges are many. “Being in a confined space, trying not to get run over by ships and sailboats, pummeled by giant waves, snacked on by Great White sharks, don’t get injured, sick, lose anything vital, or have a watermaker problem. Other than that, potential hurricanes, and all that Mother Nature might throw at me, there aren’t too many dangers. I plan for each event though, just in case.” “The confines can be tough. I’ve spent every day for months preparing to be in a very small space,”he says. Wave has achieved remarkable things as an adventure athlete. During his world record setting, unassisted, solo trip to the North Pole in 2004 he is credited with performing the longest ever high arctic swim; over 3 hours! “I wanted a nice-sized challenge, one that wasn’t too expensive, andwould still be a good challenge. I thought this trip had been done several times at minimum, turns out it’s only been done once, 25 years ago, and has not been attempted before or since.” The 2012 Seaward Pacific Ocean Expedition is the initial expedition in a series of world class oceanic crossings.



Opposite page: Wave Vidmar, renowned adventure athlete and explorer is undertaking this historic journey in a locally manufactured kayak. The Seaward kayak was launched at a ceremony at Transfer Beach. Photos: Caitlin Irwin


Locals Head to Tough Mudder BY MALCOLM SACHT Two words tell it all. Our Ladysmith based team looked at each other and wondered: were we “tough mudders”? Time would tell. We were in Whistler June 23 and 24 and about to undertake 12-mile endurance challenge that is the ultimate test of strength, grit, stamina and camaraderie. Designed by British Special Forces, Tough Mudder features more than 20 military-style obstacles, such as “Funky Monkey,” greased-up monkey bars; “Fire Walker,” a run through 4-foot-high flames; and “Electroshock Therapy,” a gauntlet of 10,000-volt-charged dangling wires....all designed to break down even the fittest and mentally tough competitors. On Saturday, June 23, team members Tyler Buck, Casey Cavers, Elise Gieni, Katie Marks, Kristen Spears, Shelby Rintala and I woke up in Whistler, nervous even though we had spent months training in preparation. We boarded the Shuttle to the Olympic Village, where we joined 16,000 people with approximately 2,000 people from Vancouver Island. We are herded like cattle onto the killing fields where we waited to begin. It was a gruelling day filled with different challenges from diving into arctic frozen water, to crawling under barbwire with electrified wires carrying 10,000 volts. Each of the challenges was designed to break you. Approximately 12,160 mudders fin-


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Ladysmith team of tough mudders: Kristen Spears, Shelby Rintala, Tyler Buck, Casey Cavers, Elise Gieni, Malcolm Sacht, Katie Marks. Photos: Robin van Rooijen

ished the course. It takes lots of teamwork. Along the way we could feel a strong sense of camaraderie between my fellow “Mudders” and I. People of all different backgrounds, ages and fitness levels were helping each other. The ideology of Tough Mudder is to help your fellow “Mudder” before worrying about your course time. Cold, wet, and sore, our Ladysmith team made it. We’ll be back next year to this gruelling event -back to the waist deep mud, the endless running, the frozen lake, and the electric shock therapy. If you are into fitness, or you want to challenge yourself, this event is for you.

Since it started in 2010, Tough Mudder participants have raised more than $2 million (USD) in support of its official charity partner, the Wounded Warrior Project, a non-profit organization aimed at helping American service men and women who have been severely injured in combat. In Canada, Tough Mudder will partner with Wounded Warriors of Canada, an independent not-for-profit charity that supports Canadian soldiers wounded overseas, by acting as a fundraising mechanism that supports existing programs that tend to injured soldiers and their families. For more photos visit TAKE 5 on facebook or www.take5.ca/toughmudder






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Mr. Food Bank honoured Kit Willmot, known as Mr. Food Bank, is being honoured for his years of community service. As a tribute to Kit the Food Bank is holding a food drive in his name. As well, theTown is looking at establishing a wall or plaques to honour outstanding individuals of which Kit would be the first inductee for his years of service. Born on 10th August 1925 in London, England, Kit joined the Royal Artillery near the end of WW11 and served in India in the NW Frontier until 1947, overseeing a number of tense situations in the conflict around the partition of India and Pakistan. A demanding shift work job and young family precluded Kit from volunteering in his early life, but as soon as he moved to a less demanding job in 1975 his passion for volunteering kicked in. This was in Woodstock, a historic Cotswold village near Oxford. His voluntary activities there included the Historical Society, the Anglican Church and being a parish counsellor, which led to


him becoming Mayor of Woodstock in 1986. Kit and Molly moved to Ladysmith in 1989. In 1997 Molly died and Kit’s voluntary work in Ladysmith really took off. His volunteering work included the Ladysmith & District Historical Society/ Archives; St. John’s Anglican Church; Medi-Rentals, Ladysmith Hospital Auxiliary and Meals on Wheels. He helped found the Ladysmith Food Bank in 1998. Known as Mr Food Bank, he performed a whole range of roles in this: fund raising and collecting food from supermarkets and charitable givers; bagging up and distribution of food parcels; and doing correspondence, including personal thank-you letters, on behalf of the Food Bank. Kit is well known in the community as the Take 5 historical columnist, writing monthly stories under the Looking Back column as well as helping compile the award-winning Ladysmith Centennial Book. He also worked with Viola Cull in producing a Ladysmith history book. He loved research and compiled a historical walking tour of the downtown which is still in use today. Before his health declined Kit was a regular at public events. He attended every basketball game and drama and improv at the Ladysmith Secondary School and even took a turn at acting with Yellow Point Drama Group. In 2005, he was voted Citizen of the Year in recognition of his volunteering activities. Ladysmith Mayor Rob Hutchins says “Kit Willmot is unique in that his volunteer activities spanned all ages and lifestyles and the volume of his contributions.”

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In recognition Ladysmith Food Bank is doing a food drive as a tribute to a man who contributed so much to it. Drop off non-perishables or donations for the Ladysmith Food Bank at the 49th Parallel Grocery Store, Safeway, TAKE 5 office and the Ladysmith Food Bank until July 15. You can also bring your donations to Transfer Beach at 6 pm for the Music in the Park concert. Here’s your chance to help out and say “Well done, Kit Willmot!”

HomeTown Tourist a hit The 2nd Annual Home Town Tourist Weekend June 9 and 10 once again was a great success! Thanks to all the businesses who sponsored activities and helped to promote our area. “ We made it out to several of the activities and had a great time, there were lots of people out and about.” says Cindy Damphousse, event coordinator. The event has proven very sucessful in bringing out locals and visitors alike to see what is available right here in our own backyard. Stay tuned for next year -we are sure that it will be better than ever. Want more photos? Check out our Facebook page and “like us”.

Nutsumaat Lelum grad The Nutsumaat Lelum graduation ceremony took place on June 27. The youngsters were recognized for the hard work they did throughout school year. The new secondary school will be opening September 26. It is to be a community school that keeps First Nation youth at home from birth to the end of their high school career. This new facility will hold classes from 8:20am-3pm for grades 4 -9 and from 3:30pm - 5:50pm



Above: The Nutsumaat Lelum graduation ceremony Below: Hometown Tourist Weekend walking tour. Photos: Cindy Damphousse




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for grades 10-12. The emphasis will be placed on language programs designed to keep the native language alive. Making this announcement was current principal Len Merriman who is leaving in July and moving to Tache, BC. He will be starting a new position as principal as well as reconnecting with family.


lize the fields. Watch for the scores in August as the Wheaty’s Men’s team is off to the Western Canadian Championships in Abbotsford. Good Luck Gentlemen!

49th Parallel Grocery new Chemainus location Mr. Peter Richmond, president of ‘49th Parallel Grocery announced the opening of a new store in the Chemainus Village Square in the summer of 2013. “We are very excited about this new location” says Peter. Owners Wayne and Harmina Richmond of Saltair, BC stated “This development has been a long time coming and now that everything is in place, we are looking forward to serving the wonderful community of Chemainus even better. We have been a proud community supporter since 1979” The new store will be over 21,000 square feet with a full service meat, deli, bakery and produce sections as well as an expanded floral and garden shop. The store will provide approximately 40 new jobs in the community. Chemainus Village Square promises the atmosphere of a lively, suburban upscale plaza. Lushly landscaped with inviting tree lined walkways, water features, plenty of outdoor patio space and buildings with an impressive West Coast design will make Chemainus Village the perfect choice for local shoppers.

Provincials at Wheaty The provincial championships for Senior Men’s Fastball are being held at the Wheaty Ball field in Cedar July 14 and 15. Seven teams from the Island and the lower mainland will compete to dethrone the reigning champs, the Wheaty’s very own team. When Art Hutt purchased the Pub in 1978 the family pitched in to support ball in the area, to the extent of opening the Wheatsheaf Sport Fields in 1993. Today four different leagues uti-

The Ladysmith Legion elected their new executive. 2012 Legion 171 Executive Back row: (l-r) Diane West, director; Doug Hawkins, director; Rhett Jamison, director; Darrel Byron, Sgt at Arms; Brian Kelly, past Pres.; Kari-Ann McLewan Front row: (l-r) Bob Nelson, 2nd Vice President; Ray Empey, President; Gary Philips, 1st Vice President. Photo: Rob Johnson

Dee Randen plays ball. The Wheaty ball field will host the Senior Men’s Fastball July 14 & 15. Photo: Cindy Damphousse

Wade Crewe Memorial On June 14 Lou and Dave Crewe unveiled a memorial plaque that the members of the Ladysmith Festival of Lights put on the “north pole” at the 49th Parallel Grocery corner, in memory of Wade Crewe who passed away in 2010. Wade was the instigator of the “north pole” for Light Up and took it upon himself (with his dad Dave) to decorate it every year for the last 14 years, then take it down and refurbish it for the following year. Photo: Duck Paterson



Ladysmith and Area Newcomers Club The Ladysmith and Area Newcomers Club, active since 2004, is a non-profit social group, welcoming those who wish to make new friends as well as learning more about our community and surrounding area. The Newcomers Club organizes lunch and dinner outings at restaurants in the area, as well as game nights, hiking local trails and joining in camping trips to provide opportunities for all members to enjoy their new found friends and community. Meetings are held at 7 pm on the last Sunday of the month (Sept. to May) at Aggie Hall in Ladysmith. They start with a brief social time, allowing members to sign up for the month's activities. Each meeting also has short presentations/speakers that are informative and interesting to the group. To start the fall activities a Pot Luck dinner will be held at the Ladysmith Maritime Society Aug. 26, 2012 at 5pm.

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Ladysmith & ARea Newcomers Club

We invite all former members and those who are new to the community to come and join us. Contact Sharon Hogg at 250-245-9334

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor® Dreamcoat From June 15 to September 1, The Chemainus Theatre Festival presents the famous Broadway musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor® Dreamcoat. Written by award-winning duo Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar), the charming biblical tale of Jacob (patriarch of Israel) and his favourite of twelve sons, Joseph, hits the stage with rock-opera sensation – and not a word of spoken script. Joseph's prophetic story unfolds in an line-up of 25 musical scores. For show times visit www.chemainustheatre.ca, or call 1-800-565-7738 for information.






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Island Hotel’s ground floor is vacant. On reaching High Street I could see the former Home Hardware building still sitting empty, and the closing out sale signs belonging to McFrugal’s. On the other side of the High Street there are several vacancies in the Temperance Hotel Building. Continuing down First Avenue, the Ladysmith Inn has a large square footage of its lower floor not in use. From the corner of Buller Street and First Avenue I could see the recently closed Employment Navigators offices, and then, looking toward the water, is the empty Benjamin Moore paint store. On the highway at the north end of town, a closed gas station greets oncoming traffic.While further down next to City Hall is what used to be the Transfer Beach Grill. This makes 20 vacancies in the downtown area alone. Coronation Mall also has its share of empty store fronts. Empty businesses, spots, are only part of the depressing story of what is happening in our business community. Many of our existing businesses are owned and run by older people looking to retire, they are hoping to find buyers, but if they can’t find a buyer, many may choose to just close their doors and walk away. It is estimated there could be another 14 businesses that could be in this situation.

Downtown space for rent BY ROB JOHNSON What’s happening to our Downtown ? Bev and Carol McDougall, owners of McFrugal’s discount store in Ladysmith have decided to pack up their business after five years. The McDougalls will continue to own and operate their two remaining McFrugal’s stores in Point Roberts and Langley. Bev McDougall and his son Jason, along with other investors have purchased 57 Fields stores across western Canada. Their new company, FHC Holdings, took over operation of these stores as of May 1. The remaining 45 Fields stores are being closed by the Hudson’s Bay Company. The Ladysmith store is not one of the 57 that FHC Holdings has agreed to purchase as they believe that the lease rate for Coronation Mall is too expensive. A walk through town shows a trend. I passed by the recently closed tattoo shop on First Avenue and then, the empty spot that was home to Ladysmith Flowers and Gifts. At the corner of First and Roberts I could see three more vacancies: Sweet Pea quilt shop, the wood working store and up the hill the vacant Royal Dar restaurant. Half a block further along First Avenue sits the deteriorating Travellers Hotel, looking like it belongs in the mean streets of Detroit or Los Angeles. Next door the new shoe store had its door padlocked. Across the street K&S Diner is dark. On Gatacre Street there is empty retail space under Pharmasave. A few doors further down First Avenue, the

Why is this happening? It not that we were unaware of the need to prepare for potential economic down turn and other problems facing small businesses in Ladysmith. In the beginning of 2000, Bruce Anderson, the Town Planner, whose role included Economic Development, presented a consultant’s report on businesses Retention and businesses Infill, pointing out the need for more and different types of shops here in Ladysmith. In 2005, John Craig, chair of the Economic Development Commission at the time, reported that the Town was vulnerable to the retail pressure from the planned development of the commercial retail sector in both North Duncan and a major shopping centre in south Nanaimo. The prevention of further decay of our commercial core needs to be reviewed in key areas such as taxes, parking regulations and signage. A report from the Canadian Federation of Independent businesses shows that Ladysmith has one of the largest differences in the rates that are charged between what a residential home and a commercial building pay per thousand and that our commercial building owners pay close to three and a half times more in taxes per $1,000 than the home owner. Many communities have recognized this disparity and are working to reduce this gap in an effort to support their small businesses. This is not the case here, as Council voted to increase the commercial rate. Councillor Gord Horth was the only member of Council who spoke out against the proposed commercial rate when he said that our local small businesses need help. In an effort to support local shopping, the Town, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and the Ladysmith Down-

Bev McDougall, owner of McFrugal’s discount store says they are closing down. Store vacancies seem to be on the rise. Photo: Rob Johnson

town Business Association are asking residents to shift 10% of our out of town shopping to local shopping, by promoting the “10 percent Shift”. Unfortunately we do not have the variety of shops larger areas do. And every time one of our local businesses closes, there is one less reason to shop locally. Lesley Parent, president of Ladysmith Downtown Business Association says, “We believe that these vacancies represent new opportunity for committed and innovative business people to come and succeed in our town. It is our mission to welcome and assist them.” “Furthermore,” she commented, “there are many long standing businesses that remain strong retail concerns in our downtown core and beyond. There are some areas that Ladysmith is having some growth in the commercial sector but it is mostly in personal service professionals like accountants, beauty shops, and chiropractors. The greatest area of loss of businesses is in the retail sector, so although the growth in professional services is great, but this does nothing to stem the flow of retail dollars out of town. The Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce is very concerned about the number of empty storefronts in Ladysmith. Rob Waters, president, believes that attraction and retention should be a priority. “It’s not all doom and gloom as construction of the new Oyster Key on Ludlow is well underway,” points out Waters. “The Chamber remains committed to strengthening business commerce and assisting our business community in any way possible.” Ladysmith Mayor Rob Hutchins says he always feels a level of concern when more than one store front remains empty for an extended period of time. “We have witnessed this previously...most recently during the recession of 1998-2002.” Outside influences affect us such as the global economic slow down, reduced tourism, competition from big box stores. But there are also local issues. “On First Avenue in Ladysmith, I am concerned that at least two landlords, of prominent buildings have been unable to reach agreements with very willing business tenants/purchasers, resulting in under-utilized space. “ There is some good news. “It is my understanding that three other spaces, that have been vacant for more than six months, are going to opening new businesses. I am excited by a significant proposal that was just submitted to the Town for a building that has been vacant for over two years. When opened, late this year, this new business has the potential to have a dramatic positive impact on the downtown core.”



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“We have, with our partners, and through leveraging federal and provincial grants, invested heavily in our community, bringing immediate construction jobs to our community and lasting economic legacies Creating a partnership with the Stz’uminus First Nation on a variety of key economic and service initiatives as well as tax revitalization bylaw to encourage investment in downtown business buildings.” Hutchins points that the Town has put $50,000 in this year’s budget for Economic Development. And Council has undertaken three strategic planning sessions in the last six weeks regarding the Downtown and Waterfront initiatives and intends to take ten recommendations regarding the Downtown to various advisory/business groups in the near future. Carol McDougall said that they made every effort to purchase the type of items that the residents have asked for. “We have put our heart and soul into trying to create a viable business her in Ladysmith, working 7 days a week, but it is our view that the residents and the Town have to be more supportive of local business or we will be seeing a lot more business close up or move out of town.” She says that tourists and other visitors to our community have commented on the lack of public washrooms, restrictive parking bylaws, and the need for more business to stay open on the weekends and holidays. In 2011 the Town of Ladysmith won the 2011 Most Small Business Friendly Community for Vancouver Island and the Coastal region. Working together and with the support of our community we can fill the empty spaces with vibrant new life.










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Local couple sets sail for world cruise Andrew and Janet Gunson know all about “living the dream�. On July 7 they will be onboard the Maiatla, their beautiful Hardin 44 heading south from Ladysmith Marina. This voyage is intended to be a continuation of the one they started back in 2001 with the ultimate goal of completing circumnavigation. The Maiatla will transit from Nanaimo, B.C. to Ensenada, Mexico with brief stops in San Francisco and the Channel Islands and then to Ensenada. There the boat will wait for the hurricane season to pass before continuing to sail in November down the Baja Peninsula, to Guadalupe Island where they plan to dive with the white sharks, Magdalena Bay, Cabo San Lucas, Isla Madre, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo, Acapulco, Zihuatanejo all possible ports of call. From there they plan to head to Panama with stops in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. At the end of March of 2013 they will fly home for a visit and to work until November at





( Left: Maiatla in Kaui Above: A friendly escort Below: Book authored by Andrew Gunson

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which time they will rejoin the boat and carry on from Panama to the next voyage of their circumnavigation. Andrew and Janet share their passion for the lifestyle. They met in 1981. “Since I was a diver on the oil rigs at the time, when I wasn’t working, I was sailing, I took every girl I met sailing as soon as possible. Since my whole life was built around the water, dating girls who didn’t like boats didn’t make sense,”Andrew laughs. Even when they are not cruising offshore, they are out sailing in any type of weather. A few years ago it was so cold they woke up in the morning to find icicles hanging off the boat.




Life aboard boats! Baby gets a bath in the galley sink.

But a sunny clime is more appealing. “I like it 80 degrees and up,” says Janet who is looking forward to the trip. The couple made news in 2000 when they decided to sell everything, pack up their son and daughter and head to adventure. “Cruising around the world was always in the back of my mind,” says Andrew, who was inspired by his father at an early age. “We knew we would do it just a question of when.” The defining factor for Janet was when her father passed away. “I realized we were all mortal. Let’s not wait any longer - let’s go.” It would be another two years before they left – making sure their boat and equipment were ready for the ordeal. It’s clear to see that this is a couple that inspired each other to do better. Andrew studied commercial oilfield diving technologies, and worked as a Bell diver on the oil rigs in the Beaufort Sea in the 80’s. He’s been diving ever since. “Jan, after watching me dive for 30 years, finally got certified just three years ago at age 50 in Cancun Mexico.” Now she loves it and wishes she’d started earlier. The name of the boat Maiatla means “friendly” in a west coast dialect. Hardins are built and designed by American Bill Hardin in the Hardin International Co. Ltd. of Kaohsiung Taiwan. They are known for their offshore performance.It took a few years of persistence but it finally paid off when they found their boat, owned by a lady in Kitimat. “It’s a very good boat. It came through hurricane Alma off the west coast of Mexico with no problems,” says Andrew.

The challenge for Janet is the “long distance and it’s exhausting when weather is bad.” Andrew recalls getting pummeled for about 12 days with hurricane Alma. “No one slept the first three days and on the fourth day we were so exhausted we passed out.” On their first trip down the coast Andrew didn’t sleep at all. For him the biggest challenge is “getting away from the dock.” He is passionate about the sea. One day he may take the biggest challenge of all, rounding Cape Horn. Cruising offshore has its inherent dangers. Some of the boats are built too lightly. Boats were breaking down all the time because their gear was designed for weekend cruising. Andrew recalls, “We left Hawaii within a few days of two other boats. One couple had bought their boat in New Zealand and on the way to Hawaii a big wave washed over them. He was swept overboard but his wife recovered him as he was in a harness. But the wave ruined their radio equipment and they didn’t repair it. They left from the Hawaii but they never arrived at their destination” There’s a bond that develops between cruisers. Andrew and Janet have made a lot of good friends along the way. Their advice if you’re thinking of cruising? “You have to do it when you’re young enough to really enjoy it - health wise. We’ve met many cruisers who didn’t start until they were 65 and then found they couldn’t hike 3 miles into village or climb volcano or help build a school. They really regret not doing it at a younger age.” says Andrew. “I was 41 going offshore for first time. Even though we


had been sailing for years prior, I regret I didn’t go earlier.” Well, what are you waiting for? If you can’t get off the dock any time soon, you can pick up a copy of Andrew’s book. Voyage of the Maiatla with the Naked Canadian. The book is available at Salamander Books in Ladysmith, Chapters, Barnes and Noble and Amazon.. Andrew just finished his second book The Tahiti Syndrome Hawaiian Style which will be released soon. For more about Maiatla & The Naked Canadian: search for the title on YouTube. or visit www.createspace.com/3830233 Check out more photos of their adventures and details on their trip at www. take5.ca or “like” us on Facebook.


ranked competitive downhill skier. Tom and his wife Val are long-term residents of Ladysmith. He is very much looking forwarding to this new role and to working closely with you. Starting July 9 he can be reached at 250-245-0109. LMS president Doug Bell thanks the recruitment team: Marnie Craig, Graham Fletcher, Barrie McDonald, Rob Pinkerton, Tim Richards and Therese Saunders. We had 49 responses to our job posting and interviewed several candidates. Also, a note of thanks to Paul Notte and Mark Mercer. Both have done ‘yeoman service’ in this transition period. The day after they met in 1981 Janet and Andrew Gunson went sailing.

New LMS executive director The Ladysmith Maritime Society recently announced that Tom Irwin has accepted the position of Executive Director effective July 9,2012. Tom brings a wide range of skills and expertise to this key role. He has extensive experience in leadership roles in non-profit community organizations. Tom is a professional woodworker with a broad career in the construction business. He has marina construction and operations experience, and has taught construction programs with the Lil’wat First Nation. He is a lifelong boater with offshore experience and a strong interest in West Coast heritage vessels. In his earlier years, Tom was a nationally-

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Diving is a passion the family shares.

10 reasons your boat costs money BY BRIAN SAUNDERS Boating is a way of life here and for avid boaters we have a love-hate relationship with our watercraft. We cannot wait for great weather to jump aboard and cruise off into the sunset; creating memories and taking the edge of an otherwise busy life. Your boat is also expensive, depending on the type of vessel, age and how temperamental she is. Join me as I take a humorous look at the ten reasons boats cost us money. I’m sure you can relate… 1. You hit B.C because your road map showed water when there was none. 2. You didn’t check the oil that ran into the bilge because the oil pan (that you also


didn’t check) rusted through last week. 3. Fishing gear snagged bottom because the depth sounder (which you bought for a steal at a garage sale) was a bit ‘off’. 4. Propellers that look like cauliflower. Refer to #1. 5. Relatives visiting from Regina wanted to see the ocean and took your boat out for a wee spin (you know what they say… after 3 days, rellies and fish have something in common). 6. You hired a guy whose Craigslist ad said “Good cheap surveys”. Turns out, he was good for nothing and your insurance company wouldn’t accept it. 7. You only bought seasonal marine insurance because there was no need to insure the boat while it was sitting in your yard. That is, until a couple of thieves made off with your new electric downriggers. 8. Maintenance. Refer to #2. 9. Marine parts. Enough said. 10. Gas… need I say more? On a serious note, education and insurance are critical to a safe and less costly boating season. Boater education saves lives and is worth the money. Marine insurance transfers risk to the insurance company, so when the boat in the slip next to yours catches fire and takes your vessel down with it, you’re covered. As I always say – the two happiest days in any boater’s life are the day you bought the boat and the day the insurance company paid out the full amount on a total loss, because you were properly insured. Brian Saunders is a former marine mechanic and avid boater - Fraser 41 Sloop moored at Ladysmith Maritime Society Marina. While on the hard, Brian is a Marine Insurance specialist with Vancouver Island InsuranceCentres. Need advice? Stop by VIIC in Coronation Mall or call Brian at 250.245.8022




RDN - Area A BY ALEC MCPHERSON Over the past several months there has been a plethora of consultant-led studies requesting community participation. Many of these studies stem from the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) that was approved by the Board of the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) in the Fall of 2012 and are intended to assist in trying to ensure that future growth is sustainable. Recently, I attended the Open House and Workshop for the Alternative Forms of Rural Development Study. This study is intended to consider options for more sustainable forms of residential development in rural areas. Options considered were varying forms of clustering residential units to maintain important environmental features that would otherwise be adversely impacted if developed under the currently available subdivision and zoning options. While this study has the potential to provide the RDN with an indication of those options that are favoured by the community, attendance at the two sessions that I attended were very disap-


pointing. With the school year winding down and, for Area ‘A’, the time of year that farmers are spending their waking hours planting and tending to their crops, it should not have been surprising. At the session held at the Cranberry Hall on Saturday, May 26, there were a total of nine individuals who actively took part in the workshop. At the session held in the Nanoose Community Centre on Tuesday, June 5 only six members of the community actively participated in the workshop. Those residents unable to attend these sessions were afforded the opportunity to complete an online survey. More recently, a Rural Village Centres Study was initiated. This also stems from one of the aims of the RGS, that is, to encourage a diverse mix of land uses in village centres with the ultimate aim of allowing people to live, work, play and learn within a walkable environment thus reducing people’s dependence on the automobile. Since the Rural Village Centres (RVC) model was established more than 14 years ago, most of the 14 areas established have not evolved into the complete communities that were desired. The

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reasons for the failure of the RVC to become a mixed-use centre appear many and varied. It is hoped that the consulting firm hired, DIALOG, can bring some focus to this issue. At the June 16 session held at the Cedar Heritage Centre, only 12 residents participated. Again, an online survey is available if you wish to participate and help provide a more accurate outcome. Another consultant-led study, the Industrial Lands Supply & Demand Study will soon be active as it tries to determine if the existing supply of Industrial lands is sufficient to meet anticipated demand within the confines of the RGS sustainability goals. Finally, a DRAFT Agricultural Area Plan (Ag Plan) has been developed for the lands within the RDN. The DRAFT Ag Plan is available on the internet at agriculture@rdn.bc.ca Please take the opportunity to complete a short survey at www.growingourfuture.ca If you wish to complete the online surveys for any of the above-noted studies, please visit the RDN website at www. rdn.bc.ca and look for the links to the surveys





CVRD - Area H BY MARY MARCOTTE Curbside Recycling Collection Service: Since 1999, the Cowichan Valley Regional District has provided a variety of curbside services for collection of garbage and/or recycling. Currently, in Area H, recycling collection service is provided, through contract, by Suncoast Waste Services. Other electoral areas in the Valley have different services and may have a different contractor. Property owners are billed by the CVRD on an annual basis for this service. In 2011, the CVRD entered into a oneyear extension with the contractors. The terms of this extension resulted in a 25%50% increase to user fees. Due to this price increase, technological advances in collection, service delivery issues, and the potential of access to Community Works Funding, the Board directed staff to investigate an in-house curbside collection program. At the conclusion of the analysis, it was determined that with a 15 year equipment lifespan and an updated fund-


ing structure, an in-house, fully automated service could be provided at a more competitive or comparable user fee than the current private sector manual collection user fee. Fees in 2013 through 2014 will be the same or less for the CVRD run system and it is expected that the inhouse program will produce a more predictable, stable budget and user fees. The fully automated system is currently being used on the Island in Port Alberni as well as other jurisdictions in BC and throughout Canada. Feedback from residents using this service has been very positive. After considering all of the factors noted above, at the June 13, 2012 Board Meeting, the Regional Board endorsed the following three part resolution related to the provision of curbside collection service to the nine electoral areas: 1.1 That an automated curbside collection service be established to apply only to these services currently contracted and billed by the CVRD and that the service be established at no additional cost to tax payers. 1.2 That CVRD Bylaw No. 3607

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– In-House Curbside Collection Service Loan Authorization (Trucks and Totes) Bylaw 2012, to purchase three fully automated curbside collection truck and 17,500 wheeled totes for an amount no to exceed $1,775,000 to be paid back over 15 years, be forwarded to the Board for consideration of three readings, and following provincial and voter approval, adoption. 1.3 That Electoral approval be obtained over the entire service area through an alternate approval process for the adoption of Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 3607. The purpose of the borrowing is to purchase three automated collection trucks and provide wheeled totes to all properties currently receiving curbside collection in CVRD Electoral Areas A through I. This curbside collection program will be run exclusively by CVRD Staff, including truck drivers, as opposed to the current method of contracting the collection service to a private hauler. Fiscal resources used for the payment of contractors will be redirected to fund the inhouse program. Curbside collection in the Electoral Areas is funded solely by user fees, and does not use a tax requisition for funding. Again, user fees for 2013/14 will be the same or less for the in-house service as the currently contracted out service. The CVRD will, as part of regular user fees, supply and deliver totes to every residence provided with curbside pickup. On collection day, the residents wheel their totes to their usual collection location. The truck will then empty the tote using trucks equipped with mechanical arms. The totes are the property of the CVRD and will be assigned to each property. A serial number identifies the property to which the totes belong. If you move, you do not take your tote; the tote remains with the property. I will state that while I support the concept of this new, automated service, provided it achieves the predicted savings in user fees, I cannot support the motion to garner public approval through the alternate approval process. However, in a 13 to 2 vote the majority of the Board voted in favour of proceeding to the alternate approval process. It is projected that the new service will begin in 2013. The start-up and launch


of this new program will include public education through public consultation meetings, hand outs and other materials. The current recycling hotline will continue and the curbside website will be updated. If you would like more information about this program visit www. CVRDRecycles.bc.ca or telephone the Recycling Hotline at 250-746-2540. The toll free number is 1-800-665-3955.

CVRD - Area G BY MEL DOREY As many people know, we had 22 canvassers go door to door to do a water petition in Saltair. The water system was mostly built in the late 50’s and early 60’s. It is in need of quite a bit of upgrading. Most petitions usually say that they are against something. Well this petition was saying to the CVRD that we want something. It said that we want to do $4.5 million in water upgrades over a period of 15 years and we are willing to raise our parcel taxes by $358 a year to do this work. It was a tough decision for many people because it is a considerable amount of lift to their taxes. But most realize that we need to have a good water system for a strong and healthy community. We also want to leave this community better than we found it. We received 60 per cent endorsement from the petition process, which also represents more than 50 per cent of property value assessment. Therefore the process will proceed. Right now our legislative services department at the CVRD is verifying all the petitions for accuracy. Legal descriptions of each property must be matched with the legal owners. Then the CVRD will forward them to the Inspector of Municipalities at the Province for final approval which will allow the parcel tax to be raised. Should all the bylaws go through the Province smoothly (which we anticipate they will), we will have a big advantage to start our first project early in 2013. And another big advantage is that the CVRD designated us a grant of $145,000 from the Federal Gas Tax money that the CVRD gets annually. Each year we will apply for this money but probably not be successful each year. There is only so much to go around for all 35 systems in the CVRD. We will be doing $300,000 to $400,000 worth of work each year for 15 years. A small amount of engineering design


work will have to be done on each of these projects that will be tendered each year. The CVRD does have work crews but for the most part this is too much work for them as well as their regular duties. About 90 per cent of the work will be publicly tendered to contractors to be most efficient and get the most competitive prices. The work will be divided into projects and decisions will have to be made as to the priority of each project. Health and safety will usually be at the forefront as


a priority. But also areas that had a lot of water breaks and are costing us a lot to fix will also be a priority. Last year it cost us $90,000 to fix these breaks. We want to stop the bleeding of money out of our water budget. If we don’t spend the money fixing breaks then we can spend the money upgrading the system which speeds up the work. This year so far the breaks have slowed down a bit which is more comforting but over the last five years, the amount of wasted money has been increasing.



The Round Table Gang rides again. When we first opened the Mahle House back in the dark ages, the liquor-licensing branch had some strict, if highly questionable regulations. No TV’s were allowed, and most importantly, no round tables. Square or rectangular tables were permitted but round tables were strictly prohibited. The reason being, in their opinion, round tables led to excessive drinking. One can only marvel at the perspicacity of the government individuals who discovered this. I envision two gallant liquor inspectors, one named Mutt, the other Jeff, in an unmarked car, parked for months outside the town’s watering holes, watching inebriated patron after patron leave, until, “Ah ha!” People drink to excess in beer parlours. Beer parlours have round tables. Round tables must cause over consumption. You just can’t beat a good syllogism for getting at the truth. Intrigued by the concept that furniture affects consumption level, I bought a jigsaw, picked up a load of plywood and embarked upon the definitive study of sobriety and table shape. I worked my way through the various shapes, starting with the simple rectangle and finally working my way up to an octagon, truly a test of my carpentry skills. Results were astonishingly consistent. On each and every trial I stopped drinking half way through a bottle of wine. (Okay, okay, maybe it was three-quarters.) Unbelievably, table shape didn’t seem to be a factor. Next I tried changing tablecloths. Durable, spill friendly terry towel, Chianti friendly checked, or Bordeaux insistent paisley, none made a difference. Then I tried experimenting with television. On or off, big screen, small screen, melodrama or sports channel, once again, none made a difference. Oh what a thirst for knowledge I had back then, boundless intellectual curiosity. Then I thought, “Wait a minute, maybe it’s not the shape of the table that’s important, but the configuration of the chair. So I re-conducted the test, drinking first from an eight-legged chair, working my way down to three legs, all with consistent results. Three quarters of a bottle of

“The Liquor Licensing branch has brought out new regulations that have made it impractical for us to conduct our annual “Wine Tasting Garden Party, an event we’ve been holding for 19 years.” wine and I tapped out. Puzzling. Then I tried a two-legged chair and holy smokes, did I get results, I could hardly drink at all before falling over. My consumption went way down. Eureka! I had discovered the link between alcohol and furniture. It had nothing to do with table shape, but everything to do with the number of legs on the chairs. Brilliant. Figuring the licensing branch would be interested, the idea was hair brained enough, I excitedly passed the information on to them but mysteriously never heard back. And now on a more serious note, it is with great sadness that I report The Round Table Gang is at it again. The Liquor Licensing branch has brought out new regulations that have made it impractical for us to conduct our annual “Wine Tasting Garden Party, an event we’ve been holding for nineteen years. Since there have been no complaints in that time, nothing but compliments in fact, especially from the wine agents, some of whom have not missed an event, the new restrictions don’t seem to make sense. But who am I, a lowly waiter, to doubt the superior wisdom and greater intellect of the Round Table Gang (formerly operating as the liquor licensing branch.) I won’t bore you with specifics but suffice to say the new regulations make perfect sense if you happen to be a bureaucrat and perfect nonsense if you’re not. In a nutshell, the government still labours under the old Socred notion that alcohol is evil and its purveyor’s criminal. At the same time they’re addicted to alcohol’s revenue, and to paraphrase Amy Winehouse, “They ain’t goin to rehab, baby. No, no, no.”

JUNE 2012

Some of you who have regularly attended our event might be tempted to respond negatively, might feel like stringing together a small line of expletives stretching, say, from here to Alberta, and placing them in front of the words “liquor inspector.” This would be a decidedly unfair as those individuals are merely protecting you, the consumer, from bad choices. Knowing that you’ll now have that weekend open, they have provided a more socially acceptable, culturally inspiring option. That’s right. They’ve passed approval on the return of strip bars to the Nanaimo area, or as the branch puts it, “anatomy observation outlets.” Wine tasting, bad. Naked ladies, just peachy. Some of you might say, “That’s a bit naughty, isn’t it?” But no. Ever diligent, the inspection branch has given assurance the girls will be disrobing according to strict B.C. government guidelines, left to right, top to bottom, minimum feather size, all that stuff. “What ever happened to Mutt and Jeff?” you ask. Having moved on from the round table mindset, they were last seen drinking beer, in matching ROUGH JOB, SOMEBODY’S GOTTA… tee shirts at Uncle Frosty’s Exotic Show Lounge (Motto: We can make your lap dance.) There they labour unflinchingly in the public interest while testing their new hypothesis, that blonde dancers encourage over consumption, where red heads, not so much. The assumption was based on Jeff noticing his Viagra consumption was way down, but his beer consumption right up, on the weeks Mitzi (all blonde, all natural, all yours) danced. At this point in time I must point out to any liquor inspectors reading this that all opinions expressed here are those of the author and not those of the proprietors of the Mahle House who being proper and mature individuals, unlike myself, are probably flinching as they read this. For those of you who aren’t liquor inspectors, pick up a bottle of the 1884 Reservado Malbec from Argentina, about $17, and join me in toasting fond memories of an excellent event sacrificed in its prime on a bureaucratic altar. Delbert is the co-proprietor at Mahle House. Read more at Slightlycorkedandmore.wordpress.com.






Chemainus Summer Highlights ArtBeat A collaboration of Chemainus businesses and the Chemainus Valley Cultural Arts Society to create a recurring interactive art walk and street party in Chemainus. The event runs every Friday evening from 5pm to 9pm from June 22 to August 31 and features high calibre artists, creative demonstrations and a sparkling line-up of entertainment. Shops and eateries will stay open late to join the festivities. Want more info? 250-416-1411, peggy@thepotterystore.ca Music in the Park Every Tuesday at 7pm. In Waterwheel Park, featuring on July 3, Bluegrass Fever; July 10, Phil Newns, jazz; July 17, Bopoma Marimba; July 24, Mexican Bus Ride and July 31, Naden Band. For more information see cvcas.com Giant Street Market On Saturday, July 7, 8am to 3pm, downtown closes to traffic and transforms into an outdoor market. Vendors sell whatever they want, as long as it’s legal. For more information see chemainus.bc.ca

Songwriter’s Open Mic Saturday, July 7, 7pm at the Willow Street Café. 250-246-2434 Challenge Triathlon & Duathlon Sunday, July 8 at Fuller Lake Park. For more information: challenge08@shaw.ca Chemainus Bluegrass Extravaganza July 14 and 15 Two days of highoctane,affordable entertainment.on Saturday July 14, the festival runs from morning‘till night in Waterwheel Park Enjoy a traditional Bluegrass Brunch on Sunday morning. For more information see chemainusbluegrass. com Sig Reuter and more are at ArtBeat in July.

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Brits on the Beach 2012 returns on July 15, running from 10am to 4pm at Transfer Beach, Ladysmith. This popular family event is a must do for car enthusiasts or those just wanting a day of good fun. Photo submitted


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Brits on the Beach 2012 Once again it’s time for Brits on the Beach, July 15 from 10am to 4pm at Transfer Beach, Ladysmith. There will be over 200 antique British cars and motorcycles on display all accompanied by background sixties music. The show is staged by the Mid Island branch of The Old English Car Club, a group of enthusiasts who spend many hours restoring their classic British cars and motorcycles. Many of these were lovingly restored by their owners. Talk to the owners, enjoy the cars and find out more about the cars and their history. Vendors will be selling British related items including baked goods, memoribilia, car parts, and there will be a professional car appraiser on-site. In addition they will be running a 50/50 draw and have draws for several gift baskets.They would like to thank their sponsors: Little Valley Restorations, 49th Parallel Grocery store and the Ladysmith Credit Union. The Car Club also wishes to acknowledge the Town of Ladysmith for their cooperation in helping their club stage this event at one of the best venues anywhere. There is no charge and everyone is welcome. Refreshments are available at the Transfer Beach concession stand and there is plenty of parking.�





JULY 2012

6, 5pm, Artbeat, Local arts, culture, entertainment, shops, eateries and more downtown Chemainus

Ladysmith Harbour Tours in July daily 10:30am and 2pm 250-245-0109 or www.lmsmarina.ca

6, 11am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250246-3944

1-29, 12pm, The Waterfront Gallery July show “Proud Traditional/West Coast Living” 610 Oyster Bay Rd.

7, 7am, Pancake Breakfast, Chemainus Legion Hall 250-246-3133

1-31, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Chemainus Theatre 250-246-9820

7, 8am, Chemainus Chamber of Commerce Giant Market, Downtown - Willow Street 250-246-3944

1, Cycle to Church Day, St. Philips Cedar & Cedar United Churches 250-722-3455

community, Page Point Bistro 250-245-2312

1, Canada Day Celebrations, Transfer Beach Park, Ladysmith 250-245-6427

2, 4:45pm, Bingo, Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre, 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111

1, Canada Day Festival, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. 250-416-2465

2, 8pm, Rodrigo Figu, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246

7, 10am, Strawberry Tea in the Garden, St. Michael’s Church 250-246-4470

1, Canada Day Celebrations, Charles Hoey Park Stage Downtown Duncan – Beach Volleyball

3, 7pm, Ladysmith Town Council Meeting, 410 Esplanade. 250-245-6400

7, 7pm, Songwriter’s Open Mic, Willow Street Café 250-246-2434

1, 8am, Cedar Farmers Market, Crow & Gate parking lot, Cedar

3, 7pm, Bluegrass Fever, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. 250-416-0382

7, 8pm, Dead Eyes Open, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246

1, 9:30am, Ladysmith Arts Council Chair Auction, Transfer Beach

3, 7pm, Nanaimo Glad & Dahlia Society monthly meeting, Paine Horticulture Centre 250-722-2109

8, 8am, Cowichan Challenge Triathlon, Fuller Lake www.challenge08@shaw.ca

1, 2pm, Hope King, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246

4, 9am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944

8, 9am, Cedar Farmers Market, Crow & Gate parking lot , Cedar

1, 6pm, Kemal Evans Band, Transfer Beach Amphitheatre, Ladysmith. 250-245-3079 2-6, 9:30am, Broadway Bound 2012, A Workshop for Children, Ladysmith Little Theatre 250-245-7227 2-6, 9:30am, Vacation Bible School, St. Philip Cedar Hall, 1797 Cedar Rd. 250-722-3455 2, 7:30am, Pancake Breakfast for the boating

4, 8pm, Mike Alviano, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246 4, 5:30pm, Men’s & Ladies Nite ( Alternating Wed. ) Cottonwood Golf 250-245-51578

7, 9am, Farmers Market in City Square/Ingram Street, Downtown Duncan 7, 9am, Crofton Market by BC Ferry Terminal 250-246-9871

8, 11am, Nanaimo-Cowichan NDP annual summer picnic at Transfer Beach. Everyone is welcome 8, 11am, Children’s Day, Downtown Duncan

5, 12:15pm, LaFFternoon, a LaFF afternoon program Aggie Hall 1110-1st Ave 250-210-0870

8, Cowichan Challenge Triathlon - Fuller Lake Park, Chemainus. challenge08@shaw.ca www.ceevacs.com

5, 7:30pm, Nazareth, Cowichan Theatre 2687 James St., Duncan 250-748-7529

8, 6pm, Blue Grass Fever, Transfer Beach Amphitheatre, Ladysmith. 250-245-3079





8, 7pm, Evening Concert - Norman Foote / Pat Temple/ Art Napoleon, Downtown Duncan

downtown Chemainus

9, 4:45pm, Bingo, Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre, 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111

20-22, Island Folk Festival, Providence Farm, Duncan 250-748-3975

9, 8:30pm, Burnt, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246


20-30, S. Cowichan Tennis Club 125th Anniversary International Tournament 250-246-1517

10, 7pm, Phil Newns, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. 250-416-0382

20, 8pm, Anthony de Costa/Raina Rose, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246

10, 8pm, Blues Tuesdays, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St.

21, Open House J&D Tires, #1-13136 Thomas Rd. 250-924-3131


21, 9am, Crofton Market beside BC Ferry Terminal 250-246-9871

11, 9am, Wed Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944

21, 9am, Farmers Market in City Square/Ingram Street, Downtown Duncan

11, 5:30pm, Men’s & Ladies Nite ( Alternating Wed. ) Cottonwood Golf 250-245-51578

21, 9am, Open House, JD Tires 13136 Thomas Rd. ( Junction Centre Storage ) 250-924-3131

10, 8pm, Danny Rebel, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St.

21, 6pm, Surf & Turf Dinner, Eagles Hall Ladysmith 250-245-5440


21, 7pm, Sean Ashby, In the Beantime Café 18 High St. 250-245-2305

12, 12:15pm, LaFFternoon, a LaFF afternoon program Aggie Hall 1110-1st Ave

22, LRCA celebrates 20 years of providing support to Ladysmith 250-245-3079


22, Cedar Farmers Market, Crow & Gate parking lot, Cedar

12, 8pm, Dwayne & Duane, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St.

23, 4:45pm, Bingo, Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre, 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111


23, 8pm, Danny Schmid, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246

13, 14, 15 Men’s Sr. B. Provincials Fastball, Wheatsheaf Sports Complex

24, 7pm, Mexican Bus Ride, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. 250-416-0382

1866 Cedar Rd. 250-722-3142

25, 9am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944

13, 11am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944

25, 5:30pm, Men’s & Ladies Nite ( Alternating Wed. ) Cottonwood Golf 250-245-51578

13, 5pm, Artbeat, Local arts, culture, entertainment, shops, eateries and more downtown Chemainus

25, 8pm, Prasshant John, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246

14, 9am, Crofton Market beside BC Ferry Terminal 250-246-9871

26, 12:15pm, LaFFternoon, a LaFF afternoon program Aggie Hall 250-210-0870

14-15, 9am, Christmas in July Sale, 26 Gatacre St., Ladysmith

26, 7pm, Ladysmith Search & Rescue meeting, classroom behind Ladysmith Fire Hall 250-245-8726

14-15, 10am, Chemainus Blue Grass Festival, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus

26, 8pm, Darrel & Saskia, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246


27, 28, 30 Mixed Fastball Season Ender, Wheatsheaf Sports Complex 1866 Cedar Rd. 250-722-3142

14, Duncan Summer Festival Grand Parade 250-748-1231 14, 9am, Farmers Market in City Square/Ingram Street, Downtown Duncan

27, 11am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944

14, Cowichan Valley Hospice Society Golf Tournament, Cowichan Golf & Country Club 250-701-4242

27, 5pm, Artbeat, Local arts, culture, entertainment, shops, eateries and more downtown Chemainus

14, 7pm, Dance – Double Play Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111

28, 9am, Crofton Market beside BC Ferry Terminal 250-246-9871 28, 9am, Farmers Market in City Square/Ingram Street, Downtown Duncan

15, Cedar Farmers Market, Crow & Gate parking lot , Cedar

28, 7pm, Dance –Happy Hans, Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111

15, 12pm, Elders’ Day, Charles Hoey Park Stage, Downtown Duncan 15, 11am, Brits on the Beach, Transfer Beach Park, Ladysmith 250-741-0221 15, 6pm, Pacific Poi Boys, Transfer Beach Amphitheatre, Ladysmith. 250-245-3079 15, 8pm, Rusty Water, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246 16, 4:45pm, Bingo, Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre, 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111 16, 5:15pm, Chronic Pain Support Group, 1111-4th Avenue, Rm 101 250-667-5587 16, 8pm, Headliners Rock, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246 16, 7pm, Ladysmith Town Council Meeting, 410 Esplanade 250-245-6400 17, 7pm, Bopoma Marimba, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. 250-416-0382 18, 9am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944 18, 5:30pm, Men’s & Ladies Nite ( Alternating Wed. ) Cottonwood Golf 250-245-51578 18, 8pm, The Slim Milkie Band/ The Abby Hoffman Society, 201-330 Duncan St. 250748-7246 19, 12:15pm, LaFFternoon, a LaFF afternoon program Aggie Hall 1110-1st Ave 250-210-0870 19, 8pm, Emily Mcgiffin, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250-748-7246 20-Aug 25, Animal Tales, Chemainus Theatre 250-246-9820 20 - 22 Mixed Slow Pitch Season Ender, Wheatsheaf Sports Complex, 1866 Cedar Rd. 250-722-3142 20, 11am, Wednesday Market, Waterwheel Park 250-246-3944 20, 5pm, Artbeat, Local arts, culture, entertainment, shops, eateries and more

29, Cedar Farmers Market, Crow & Gate parking lot Cedar 29, 6pm, Naden Band, Transfer Beach Amphitheatre, Ladysmith. 250-245-3079 29, 8pm, Mrs. Jones Cabaret, Duncan Garage Showroom, 201-330 Duncan St. 250748-7246 30, 4:45pm, Bingo, Chemainus Seniors Drop in Centre 9824 Willow St. 250-246-2111 31, 7pm, Naden Band, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus. 250-416-0382

You can submit your event for free or view our full events calendar at www. take5.ca/events. Ask us for our special non-profit event rates and how you



CLASSIFIED ADS PAINT & SAVE OPTION: Do it yourself, with a little help from a pro. Together we can make your job more affordable and accomplish a great look. Making the world a brighter place over 25 years. Call Harvey 250-245-2174 DRIVING LESSONS: Approaching Road Test time? Need an Evaluation of your driving skills? Collision Avoidance Training. Road Test Package Discounts. Gift Certificates available. 49th Parallel Driving School 250-416-1606 or 250-619-2713 AJ’s PLUMBING AND GAS Licensed-BondedInsured Service-Installations-Renovations-New Construction. Quality workmanship. No travel charges. Free estimates. On time every time. 250-802-7123 KITTY KORNERS CAT HOTEL - Purrsonalized Quality Kitty Care. Daily health checks, experienced with special needs kitties. Reasonable rates. Available 24/7. 2km North Nanaimo Airport Take a virtual tour www.kittykorners.com 250-740KATS(5287) BEAUTIFUL 2 PERSON SAUNA Blackstone,. reading lights, AM/FM/CD. 110 volts. Will assist with local move & set up. $1,000 obo 250-2457804 GOT GRANITE? Have your Granite and Marble Countertops professionally sealed and buffed. Kitchens starting at $75. We do tile as well! SealTech Specialties Call Stuart at 250-734-2681 www.sealtechspecialties.com PROFESSIONAL PET CARE SERVICE: leash ‘em & walk ‘em with Marlena. Insured & bonded. Animal First Aid and CPR. Service for all pets including dog walking, home care visits, overnight with pet in your home and much more. As my love is yours! 250-246-3394. HOME BUDDIES PET & HOUSE CARE since 1994. Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Professional, kindhearted, experienced & reliable care for all pets. Pet First Aid and CPR Certified. Certified

JULY 2012

Security Professional through Westguard Security. When loving care & security are essential, Peggy Wildsmith 250-245-0151 BOBBY’S MINI HOE & CLEANUP Landscaping, lot clearing, debris removal, excavating, small deliveries with dump trailer, mulch, lawn soil, garden soil, driveway chip, serving Nanaimo, Cedar, Ladysmith & area call Bobby 250-7134970 OFFICE SPACES -Downtown Ladysmith, modern, a/c, renovated, wired, reasonable rent or lease. 250-245-3395 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? Perhaps ready for a fresher look in your existing home? The affordable design services provided by Rooms n Blooms can help. Call Shar at 250-245-0548 or email shar@roomsnblooms.ca THE HAPPY GARDENER Weeding, Digging, Raking, etc. Cheerful & Conscientious. I also do window washing. Call David at 250-722-3599 SEMI RETIRED MASSAGE THERAPIST working in Cedar By The Sea, $65 an hour session. 250722-2669 OVERCOAT PAINTING - Professional - Reliable - Reasonable. Operating 6 years in Ladysmith. No job too small. Will do minor painting repairs. Special senior rates. Call Nicole Spratt for a free estimate. 250-667-4355 AGILE HOME REPAIR & IMPROVEMENT For all your carpentry and home repair needs. From repairing/replacing siding, decks, fences to interior finishing including home ventilation. FULLY INSURED call IAN 250-714-8800 HANDCRAFTED GEMSTONE NECKLACES. Jade, garnet, lapis, aventurine and more! $20 each. See jewelry table at Campers Corner Saturday flea market, 8am-3pm 250-245-3829 QUALITY RENOVATIONS, big or small. 25 yrs exp/journeyman, affordable. For a free estimate call Lars 250-616-1800.

ISAGENIX DISTRIBUTOR - Get Lean & Healthy Fast - Less than $5/ meal. Our protein shakes are amazing! - No Gluten, Wheat, Barley or Trans Fat. Suzanne Deveau 250-245-8407 LYNN’S SENIORS CARE HOME High Quality Personalized Care Warm caring environment, great food and snacks ,family events, couples and pets welcomed, ocean views, Gardens. North of Ladysmith. 250-245-3391 www.lynnsseniorcare.com LEARN A LANGUAGE -Small groups, conversational approach, excellent instructors. French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Mandarin and more. Also “Summer Immersion” programs. WENTWORTH COURT LANGUAGE CENTRE, 517 Wentworth, Nanaimo 250-7161603 SAVE $$$ WITH GORD’S YARDWORKS Time for summer yard preparations. Need lawn mowing and yard debris cleanup and removal? Special services and seniors discounts available. 250246-3640, 250-210-3860, gordsyardworks@ shaw.ca ISLAND PRUNING Professional tree care from large scale orchards to budding new trees. I can meet any pruning need. Shrubs, vines and ornamentals. Ask about summer pruning. Call Darcy Belcourt 250-245-1260



JULY 2012

JUNK TO THE DUMP Jobs Big or Small, I haul it all. I recycle and donate all usable items to local charities, now offering pet waste removal and disposal service. Call Sean today. 250-741-1159 HOW IS YOUR CONCRETE DRIVEWAY? Need a facelift? Have your driveway cleaned and sealed to improve the curb appeal of your home. See our website www.sealtechspecialties.com SealTech Specialties, 250-734-2681 BOWEN TECHNIQUE is a gentle soft tissue remedial therapy that resets the body to heal itself. Useful for joint, back and neck pain, frozen shoulder, asthma, chronic fatigue and many other problems. For information and appointments call 250-245-7738. Lilja Hardy FMBAC in practice since 1994. www.bowtech.com CINDERELLA’S CLEANING SERVICE Same Old Story Residential or Commercial Call: Erin (DeFrane) Saysell at 250-924-4475 POWER WASHING DRIVEWAYS – Walkways and patios, fast and effective with a flat surface cleaner – no chemicals needed. Free Estimate. Peter Dunn 250-618-6660 CEDAR &SOUTH NANAIMO FIDDLE GROUP starting Sept. 2012. Beginners Fridays 3:15 4:15. Upper Beginners will be Fridays at 4:30. For ages 9 - 99. Cost $30/mo. Phone Cindy 250-2455778 BE PROUD OF YOUR HOME. Driveways, walkways, gutters, roofs. Dirt, slime, algae, mould, moss. Seicoat’s technology cleans gently, thoroughly We can prevent. Technology is what we do. 250-816-5002 www.seicoat.com TRUST AN EXPERT WELDER Jora Designs will fabricate gates, railings and benches for your home, boat or business. Need welding done of any size they probably can handle it. 250-591-5772 “SHADES OF CARE” Seniors Room & Board. Starting at $1450.00 per month , respite $50.00 per day. Meals, snacks, personal assistance, outings and local doctors app. Phone 1-250-5918639 for viewing. BOWEN THERAPY – B-Well Bowenworks provides lasting pain relief. This very gentle yet effective manual therapy evokes deep relaxation and renews the body’s capacity for self healing. 250-246-4812 bowtech2@telus.net www. bowenworkacademyusa.com 10 YR. OLD BELGIAN/QUARTER HORSE cross mare for sale. Green broke, has been to two 4 day natural horsemanship clinics. Needs experienced rider. $1000. rivfoto@hotmail.com 8 YR. OLD PERCHERON/QUARTER HORSE cross mare, bred to Grullo Stallion (due mid June). Mare is green broke, has been to two 4 day natural horsemanship clinics. Needs experienced rider. $1000. rivfoto@hotmail.com



JULY 2012


2001 JAGUAR XJR SUPERCHARGED. Black exterior, black leather interior, excellent condition $10,000. rivfoto@hotmail.com CHILDREN’S JUNGLE DAYCAMP One week only. M - F Aug. 20 - 24. Cedar United Church in South Nanaimo. 1:00-4:00pm. Free Games, Crafts, Songs. For ages 5 - 12 everyone welcome. Phone Cindy 250-245-5778 YARD CARE – Bush and hedge trimming, renovations and clean ups, weeding, mulch/ compost, waste recycling 250-618-6660. Free Estimates. POWER WASHING DRIVEWAYS – Walkways and patios, fast and effective with a flat surface cleaner – no chemicals needed. Free Estimate. Peter Dunn 250-618-6660 CHRISTMAS IN JULY SALE Lots of stuff old and new. Come check it out at 26 Gatacre St., Ladysmith, Sat. July 14 & Sun. July 15, 9am3pm. KEN’S MOBILE MARINE SERVICE 25years in the business. Licensed Marine Mechanic “We come to you!” Need a Diving Service? - Ask Us. Contact Ken at 250-210-0756. ORGANIC HEIRLOOM VEGGIES, stunning roses, moss baskets, deer resistant perennials. Nitty Gritty Greenhouse at 250-716-9363 or check us out on Facebook! Off Nanaimo River Road just before Southforks Road. EXPERIENCE RESIDENTAL CLEANER available in Ladysmith area, reliable, fast, thorough and bondable. $18/hour. All products provided, senior discount 250-740-5727. BLASTED ROCKS, garden soil. 250-748-0932 AFFORDABLE PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICE providing engagement, wedding, modeling, Rivington Photography rivfoto@hotmail.com CAMP IN COMFORT! For rent- 24’ trailer, older but clean, sleeps 2, located in popular Zuiderzee Campground. $45/night (plus regular campground fees apply) 250-245-9165 DUCKS IN A ROW? Simply Accounting bookkeeping services (full-cycle) for sole proprietors, incorporations, new company setup, HST, Source Deductions, Payroll, etc. 16 yrs experience, pick up and drop off available. 250245-1390 BLASTED ROCKS, garden soil 250-748-0932. WANTED: Manufacturers of locally made products related to Vancouver island. Foods, arts, crafts, fashion for e-store opening this summer. Low consignmet fee. Includes print and social media promotion and advertising. No registration fee limited time only. Call 250-245-7015 or projects@take5.ca




Bike across an Island Many people travel to Vancouver Island to experience the quiet pace of life, spectacular scenery, and endless outdoor adventure the island has to offer. So where do Islanders go when they want to escape the quiet pace of life for a quieter one? Why an island of course! Owning a powerboat, sailboat, or kayak will easily provide an islander access to hundreds of islands around Vancouver Island. Even without owning a boat of some sort one still has access to 15 islands via BC Ferries and several more islands by private foot-only passenger ferries. Now that the “getting there” is all taken care of what about the “how to get around” dilemma? Easy…bikes. Biking is a great way to explore any one of the smaller islands around Vancouver Island. The quiet country roads make it easy to travel entire islands by bike and really get a feel of what the island is all about. Recently my husband, two children and I enjoyed three days biking across Denman and Hornby Islands. We chose to drag our camping gear along with us but one could easily


ditch the gear and stay in a beach house, bed and breakfast or private cabin. Easier yes but we were looking for an adventure. Touring across two islands with four bikes, a bike trailer and backpack full of gear, two adults, two children and a dog is most certainly an adventure. We began our trip with a short drive to Buckley Bay, parked the vehicle, and rode our bikes on the ferry bound for Denman Island. Aside from the ferry traffic on and off Denman Island, the roads are quiet. Rather than racing across the island to catch the next ferry to Hornby Island we took time to get to know what life on Denman is all about. Denman Island has a large artistic community. Evident by the numerous photographer, painter, and sculpture studios we rode past. Unusual homes are common on Denman Island. Each home we rode past was more unique than the last with equally spectacular gardens. Denman Island even has a sense of humour. It is noted that the island is approximately the same shape and size of Manhattan and with its big apple harvests once a large part of the island’s economy, islanders like to call Denman “the little apple”. They even named the newest green space Central Park. A stop worth mentioning was East Cider Orchard. A friendly place with the best apple juice I have ever tasted. The only thing better would have been visiting the chocolate factory and home of Denman Island Chocolate. Next time. After a leisurely ride across Denman Island we finally made it to Gravelly Bay and boarded the next ferry to Hornby Island. This is where the adventure begins. Biking on Hornby Island can be done on the roads but why,s when it has some of the best mountain bike trails around. There are trails suitable for every level of rider. Even for those who drag all their camping gear along with them. There are cliff side trails that provide riders with spectacular views. A network of single track trails in Mt. Geoffrey Park for those thrill seekers and well used bike paths alongside almost every road. Above: Mt. Geoffrey Park trails are suitable for every level of riders Left: Hornby Island sunsets Right: Quiet country roads on Denman Island. Photos: Jill Collins

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There is even a pump track, built by the Hornby Island Mountain Bike Association, for those wishing to practice their riding skills. We explored Hornby Island using a variety of these trails and the quiet country roads. Highlights of our stay include the ride from our campsite at Ford’s Cove to Tribune Bay, arguably one of the best beaches around. Not to be outdone in humour with the neighbouring island, Hornby Islanders refer to this beach as “Little Hawaii”. Just like Denman, Hornby Island is also rich with artists and again we found ourselves riding past artisans of every kind; potters, wineries and a meadery. The Ringside Market near the Co-op showcases local artists, baked goods, and imported goods from around the world. No visit is complete without visiting the Hornby Island Recycle Depot and the Free Store. This amazing recycling program recycles and reuses 70% of the island’s waste. You have to see it to believe it. Biking across Denman and Hornby Island was a wonderful way to travel. Of course not all the riding was fun. There were times when climbing hills seemed endless and roadside maintenance was a drag. However, it is great exercise and anyone can ride a bike. Ben and Liv, who are 7 and 5 years old respectively, did well. In three days we rode over 45km and I am proud of what they were able to accomplish. They seem to have an endless supply of energy and tackled every hill with determination. Never underestimate what you or your children can do with a little island time.




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