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TAKEOFF Magazine NUTRITION: Basics of a Healthy Diet

Basics of a Healthy Diet

By Summer C. McNeill | B.S. Nutrition and Dietetics


Photo credit Real Simple

Why Does a Healthy Diet Matter?

Nutrition is the foundation of health. A healthy diet can help protect you against many diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Aside from protecting you against potentially life-threatening diseases, eating healthy just makes you feel good and helps your body function at its best.


As athletes you have an increased energy expenditure and an increased nutrient need when compared to non-athletes. A diet filled with nutrient dense foods from a variety of sources will improve your performance and help to maximize your recovery between workouts.

How to Build a Balanced Plate?

A healthy diet includes a variety of foods from all five food groups; fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. An ideal plate should contain a food from 3-5 of these groups. In addition to the five food groups, you also need to stay hydrated.

Fruits can come in the form of whole fruit, 100% fruit juice, or dried fruits. Vegetable sources come from dark green veggies, red and orange veggies, starchy veggies, beans, peas, and lentils. Grains consist of any foods made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain. At least half of the grains you eat should come from a whole grain source. Protein can be found in meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, soy products, and dairy. Dairy sources are milk, yogurt, and cheese. If you do not eat dairy, the closest calcium equivalent to cow’s milk is soy milk.

Stick to What You Know

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult and confusing; and you definitely don’t have to give up your favorite foods. Don’t try to eliminate things from your diet; instead, focus on adding nutrient dense foods to the meals you already enjoy. Ask yourself, does my plate cover all, or the majority of the five food groups? Is there something I can add that will increase the variety and amount of nutrients I am getting? Is this something I enjoy eating?

Food should be fun. Not every meal is going to be “perfectly healthy”. Focus on adding stuff in when you can and don’t stress about the rest.

Eating healthy foods is an essential part of a healthy life, but not at the expense of your mentalwell-being. Sometimes going out to eat ice cream with friends is much healthier than eating a salad by yourself. Slowly swap and incorporate new nutrient dense foods into your normal routine and you’ll set yourself up for a long, healthy, and active life!

How to spruce up some common snacks and meals


- My Plate: https://www.myplate.gov/ - Find a dietitian here: https://www.eatright.org/find-a-nutrition-expert?rdType=url_edit&rdProj=fane_update&rdInfo=fae - If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline - Instagram: @endless.summer.nutrition

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