Every animal has unique characteristics and features. They will have distinct ears, eyes, skin, and bodily structures. Some animals have horns, some long tails, some with a short bushy tail. For example, a Rabbit has long ears, while we cannot see the ears of a birdlike a peacock or a parrot. Animals like tigers, leopards, Zebra have specific patterns of hair on their skin, while bird’s skin is covered with colorful feathers. There are different types of animals such as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.
Now in CBSE class 5 Animals topic is more widely explained as compared to earlier class 4. In CBSE class 5 you are going to study types of animals, their food chain, respiration, etc.
Herbivores: The animals which eat only grass, leaves, or plants are called herbivores. The best examples of herbivores are cows, goats, deer, etc. They have sharp front teeth for biting and large back teeth for grinding. Small herbivores such as Rabbits, squirrels, and rats who gnaw seeds and fruits are called Rodants. They have long, sharp front teeth.
Carnivores: The animals that eat another animal are called carnivores. The best example for carnivores are Lion, tigers, wolves, hyenas, etc. they have sharp, pointed front teeth for tearing the flesh of other animals. Flesh-eating birds such as eagles, vultures are known as birds of prey. They have sharp, hooked beaks and sharp claws.
1/3 March 9, 2017 NCERT & CBSE Class 5 Science Animal & Organs for breathing in animals
Organs for breathing in animals
Animals have different body parts for breathing. Animals take the breath from their body surface, gills, skin, etc.
Spiracles – Insects take in air through tiny holes in their body. videos are available on this topic.
An animal or person that eats a variety of food of both plants and animals is called as omnivores. Best examples of omnivores are pigs, rats, chickens, crows, humans, etc.
Body surface – Earthworms breathe through their body surface. Skin – Frog is an amphibian. They live in both water and land. When they are on land, they breathe through the lungs, while in underwater they breathe through their moist skin.
Gills – Fishes, crab, and other moist animals that live underwater breathe air dissolved in water. They breathe with the help of gills, which are full of blood vessels. Fish take in water through their mouths and this water passes through their gills where oxygen dissolved in the water is absorbed and goes into the blood. The gills give out carbon dioxide into the water.
Organs for breathing in animals
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