Weekly Current Affairs Quiz (31st Aug to 5th Sep 2020) Current Affairs is a major portion from which questions are asked in the Banking, SSC and Railway exams General Awareness section. So to help you out in this section, we at Takshila Learning brings daily Current Affairs analysis from Monday to Saturday on our YouTube channel. Along with this, we also conduct weekly quiz discussion on Sunday for your revision. Do subscribe our YouTube channel to never miss any update from our side. https://www.youtube.com/c/CompetitiveExamsPreparationTakshilaLearning/videos This Current Affairs quiz contains 15 questions from the previous week news updates. So do solve this quiz also and share your marks in the comment box section. Q1. The DGCA has suspended the International scheduled commercial flight operations till when? (a) September 15th (b) September 20th (c) September 30th (d) October 15th
Q2. India has jointly won International Chess Olympiad with which nation? (a) China (b) Germany (c) South Korea
(d) Russia
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