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All we are we
Takudzwa Ronald owe to our
Sambona Mothers As a person who firmly believes in the limitlessness of human potential, I feel a great deal of agony and aggravative pain seeing some of that potentiality being underlooked and unnoticed. In a world where women empowerment activists' movements are rising and pledging for the impartial job opportunities for both genders, I deeply support the cause; although I also feel that these wonderful efforts should not only stop at workplaces, but also find their way into our households tackling the ever present abuses faced by our mothers.
Yes it's very important that our women also get the chance to be selected for higher managerial positions at their workplaces, but I also believe that it is vitally of paramount significance as well to empower our women from the inside out. I believe that we should all make unified efforts to ensure that women are elevated and uplifted within their households as well. A true sense of empowerment and upliftment starts from within the home as we, men, grant our spouses and mothers equal say in crucial and critical decisions that not only defines their lives; but the whole family's life. Impartiality and involvement is real WOMEN EMPOWERMENT at it's peak. We can't talk about women empowerment when women are coming home to abusive and aggressive counterparts. We must have empowerment balance as we can't empower women's pockets at the sacrifice of their own freedom and self-esteem. Money without freedom of expression is powerless and money without freedom of the soul is not power at all. Let's not only focus on the economic and financial aspect of women empowerment, but focus on a higher synthesis of personal and emotional upliftment. We need to achieve women empowerment in all spheres of life - from the wailing silence in households to the harsh deprivation in workplaces.

Chief Executive Officer at the workplace, but Come Everyday Oppressed at home. We need bilateral empowerment of women. What kind of women upliftment would we have done if our mothers are still being mercilessly abused in their own households? None! I believe that the home is where women empowerment begins.
I feel like Abraham Lincoln who said,
"All I am and all I ever hope to be, I owe it to my mother" . This truth is as solid as the foundations that hold this world together. Malice may attack it, our ignorance may deride it, but at the end of the day, there it is. The incontrovertible truth! If we're to build up humanity, it has to start from the home. I undisputably believe Napoleon when he said, "Give me good mothers and I'll give you a good nation!" . At the core of every nation are our LOVING MOTHERS.
Gender equality begins at home with you and me. It begins with US. To all the women in the world, know that you're fierce! All I am and all I ever hope to be, I owe it to my mother...
Abraham Lincoln