India Implements New Methods, Improves Growth The year 2008 was not too bad for the global IT sector because it saw a growth of about 8.2 percent. This happened even after the onslaught of the economical meltdown. This helped the whole industry gain a good amount of profit. The profit reached to a good sum of about $ 806 billion, which was a definite increase over the earning of 2007. That year the global turnover was $ 745 billion. In this global high India too managed a growth of about 12.9 percent. It is true that the suddenness of recession hit India really hard but it has worked out the ways to get out of that scenario and one of them is innovation. That is why many BPO companies want to see its managers to become more innovative. That is why there have been several tests by various organizations to gauge the kind of innovative thought that various BPO workers and managers have. After all it is the manager who is supposed to lead the path and help the company get the desired result. In fact mere cost saving is not enough. Right now companies believe that they need to do something special and find out innovative means to solve a problem or deliver a project. Without this combination, cost saving and innovation, no company can survive for long in the BPO market under the current economical circumstances. So, right now all Indian companies are trying to focus on innovation. In the recent strategy summit organized by Nasscom almost all the major companies have agreed on the necessity of this innovativeness. This is not all the Indian BPO industry experts say that all the companies need to utilize their resources and infrastructure to its ultimate level. And only then can they expect to get improved growth rate. Apart from innovation BPO companies can strengthen their base in the domestic market even more. Going for cloud computing is another option to cut cost but preventing lay off. Already the industry has seen even less than one percent lay off of work force in the sector. Infosys is currently making an attempt to venture into the rural areas and establish its offices there. On the other hand there are various Indian institutes and open universities that are providing curses related to BPO industry. This will help prepare students in the nittygritty of this business and will also save the company’s money that it spends in training new recruits.
And all these efforts have already paid off. India has secured a growth rate of 37 percent. This has helped it gain a revenue of $ 14.7 billion this year compared to $ 11 billion it managed to accumulate last year. Thus Indian BPO saga continues to be a successful one despite the down turn.