FitLife Magazine, January 2011

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FitLife Magazine

Fight Obesity | A Boxer’s Life | Bring it Back! Ja nu a ry, 2011 I ssu e

w w w. tal kin g fit n .a u

Featured This Month train Barn Door Back 07 Boot Camp 15 Jump To It! 20 24 eat 20 Life Essence 24 Clean Shopping 28 unwind Getting Tough! 32 Beating Obesity 37 56 46 inspire Regulars Above Adversity 43 Ed i to r i a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 3 MuscleIn...........................05 live Goal Power......................06 A Boxer’s Life 46 L o os e n U p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 Top 10’s...............................27 teach Plant | Pick | Eat.................30 In Vivid Color 57 Monthly Recipe..............31 Our Bones 58 FitLikfe Kids.......................56 Playing Fitness 59 January, 2011 Issue

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FitLife _____________________________

Editor: Damian Fleming [contact] | [visit]

Publisher: TalkingFitness [contact] | [visit]

Contributors: [contact] | [visit] Jen Forster

Goal Power Training [contact] | [visit] Katrina Kaslavsky

Inspired Wellness [contact] | [visit] Thad Managlino

FirmFocus PT [contact] | [visit] Kyle Wood

Fitter Faster Stronger PT [contact] | [visit]

On The Cover: Image license provided by FitLife Magazine is a monthly online magazine published by TalkingFitness. All images and content are copyright to article authors or otherwise TalkingFitness. TalkingFitness use licensed images sourced from (C) TalkingFitness 2011

January, 2011 Issue


A big welcome for all of our readers to 2011. The past 6 months have been a spectacular ride for TalkingFitness and FitLife Magazine.

We have some great prospects on the horizon, including fantastic new lifestyle features we like to call “live”! This month we’re featuring an inspirational woman from Bendigo who turned to boxing to create her new fit life! This month we also feature a stack of training articles to help you get your New Year’s resolution achieved, some fantastic tips for shopping clean, a new look Plant|Pick|Eat and so much more! We’ve also added a touch of interactivity! make sure you click on contributor logos and check out their sites or the orginal articles. You can also contact or visit them using the new links just to the side of this editorial! Welcome to the new year and welcome to the new look FitLife Magazine!

Body By Design Special Page 62! Pg. 03


MuscleIn pull the arm down towards the pelvis. When the arm is fixed (e.g. during a chin-up), the lats serve to bring the body up towards the arm. It is the same basic movement but with the directions reversed. The Lats also function to stabilize the torso during many movements, including the flat bench press. The functions of the Trapezius muscle include scapular elevation (shrugging up), scapular adduction (drawing the shoulder blades together) and scapular depression (pulling the shoulder blades down).

The Latissimus Dorsi muscles (aka “the The Erector Spinae muscles support and extend the spinal column. They include the Lats�) are the largest muscles of the back. Longissimus, the Spinalis and Iliocostalis. Being large, fan-shaped muscles, they are The muscles of the Erector Spinae attach to able to provide force in a wide range of body the vertebrae (spine), the ribs and the pelvis. positions. The Teres Major muscle originates on The Lats are attached to the upper end of the the outer (lateral) edge of the scapula and humerus with fibers running the vertebral attaches to the humerus. It works with the Rotator Cuff muscles to stabilize the column and pelvic girdle. shoulder joint and works with the Latissimus The Trapezius (traps) muscle is a long, Dorsi muscles to pull the arm back. trapezoid-shaped muscle that runs down the upper section of the spinal column, The Rhomboids (Major and Minor) originating at the base of the skull and originate on the spinal column and attach to attaching down in the middle to lower back. the middle (medial) surface of the scapula. The Rhomboid muscles get their name The angles of the Trapezius fibers provide from their shape and the Major and Minor pull in three different directions: up, down designations refer to their relative size to and in towards the centerline of the body. each other. They assist with squeezing the shoulder blades together. The function of the Latissimus Dorsi is to January, 2011 Issue

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I’ll Start ‘Again’ Tomorrow…. On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my true love

Tip #1 Your life, your choice. Eat the chocolate

gave to me… another social outing, one more

or don’t eat it… decide. But don’t eat it

big block of chocolate and some new clothes

partner, friend, sister, Mum…

glass of wine, a plate of cheese and crackers, a that are now too tight for me…… (Best sung to

the tune of that beloved Christmas Carol……you get my drift…)

because you ‘had’ to, so as not to offend your Tip #2 Go for a walk after dinner (take the dog too). You will be less likely to have that late night treat when you know it will undo the ‘good work’ you just put in.

Tip #3 Make a decision and just do it. It might

be some exercise, not eating the kids left overs, a piece of fruit with breakfast, no 5pm glass of

wine, but whatever it is just make ‘one’ decision and follow it through. Not 10 decisions and do none!

Tip #4 Don’t feel like a party pooper for saying

So what now, somewhere between the good

eating and regular exercise of pre 1 December

‘no’ when your friend insists you ‘have a drink’ at a party. Fill a wine glass with sparkling

mineral water and those ‘well-meaning’ friends

and the ‘I’ll start tomorrows’ of post 1 January,

will not feel the need to ensure you are having a

attached themselves to your butt and ‘crossed

Tip #5 I’ll say this one again………..choose ONE

the extra ‘Christmas Calories’ have somehow over’ to the New Year with you!

Don’t despair, you are not alone…….Here are a few ideas that will get your ‘head space’ right back where it needs to be in 2011!!!

‘good time’!

thing from your ‘use-to-do’ routine (walk, jog,

gym session, class, bike ride, swim etc) and just do it! You’ll be amazed at how this will inspire good habits again. Happy New Year!

By Brad Borland

You’ve heard the term ‘strong back’ and ‘put your back into it’ - there is something to this. The back comprises some of the largest muscles... Here’s more on back anatomy along with exercises and a great workout!

Article supplied with thanks to January, 2011 Issue

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Franco Columbu, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler all have something in common other than multiple Mr. Olympia titles - they have BACK! Big, thick, wide nasty backs. It is one body part that has seemed to become more important on the bodybuilding dais in the last couple of decades. If you do not posses a good back, you might as well settle for second place.

that it is difficult to see while standing in front of a mirror. Why train what you cannot see, right?

It does not surprise me to see so many in the gym with great big pecs, biceps and quads but little to show for back, hamstrings and triceps. Their shoulders are rounded forward because their pecs are pulling the deltoids forward giving them that concave look. The back has not been trained enough and/ Now, all of us cannot posses an or correctly to pull the shoulders back Olympian back such as these guys, and give a proportionate look. but we can develop an impressive, v-tapered, thick and wide musculature The name of the game is balance. that would not only turn heads but You must create that balanced mass also bring balance and strength to our and strength in order to have an entire upper body. impressive, muscular, strong physique. Having balance will enable other areas You’ve heard of the term “strong back” to improve and will help you avoid and “put your back into it” - there is looking “front heavy” from the side. something to this. The back comprises some of the largest muscles in the upper Quick Anatomy Lesson body from the lumbar to the trapezius With numerous muscles making up the and aids in almost every movement back complex it can be a bit confusing that we do from stabilizing our torso as to which muscle does what, so let’s during the bench press to supporting take a quick look at what comprises the the barbell during squats. The back main muscles of the back. is so important in our training yet few genuinely give it the attention it Latissimus Dorsi: requires. Giving you that coveted V-taper, the “lats” make up most of the mass on the Many trainees will do countless sets for back. The triangular lat muscle extends chest, but neglect to put equal effort from under the shoulders inserting into their backs. One reason may be from the humerus down to either side January, 2011 Issue

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of the small of the back covering the lumbar region. Its main function is to pull the shoulders down and toward the back. Teres Major and Minor: The teres major is a thick, flat muscle originating from the dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula and inserts into the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus. It adducts and medially rotates the arms. Rhomboid Major and Minor: The diamond shaped rhomboid major muscle which is located directly below the rhomboid minor inserts on the medial border of the scapula. It holds the scapula to the ribcage. Its job is to trip to the gym. Remember to always retract the scapula, pulling it toward use good form and not to use too much weight to compromise your safety. the spinal column. Wide And Narrow Grip Pull-Ups: For the wide grip version use an extreme grip beyond shoulder width. Start with your elbows slightly bent and pull up to your chest focusing on cinching your shoulder blades together behind you. Arch your back and squeeze hard then return to the starting position with the Barn Door Action! Now that you know a little about slight bend in your elbows again. This anatomy and function, let’s delve into will develop that sought after width and what makes an outstanding back. The sweep in the upper lats. movements and routines presented are designed to get the most out of each For the narrow version either grip the bar with a curl grip or with a parallel Erector Spinae: These long muscles that run along the lumbar are divided into three columns: iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles. They all work together to side bend and extend the spine.

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grip no wider than your shoulders, but at least six inches between your hands. Pull up in the same fashion as the wide grip pull up and lower yourself just prior to locking out your arms. This movement targets the lower portion of the lat giving you thickness where it inserts near the lumbar. Quick Hit: If you find yourself having difficulty doing this movement a good trick I like to use is pick a total number of reps - let’s say 40 - and try to reach that number no matter how many sets it takes. You may get 10 on your first set, 8 on your second, 7 on your third. Keep going until you total 40. When you are able to do three or four sets of 10 or 15 reps increase your total to 50 or so. Barbell And T-Bar Rows:

These are considered mass builders for the overall thickness of the back. For barbell rows grip the bar about shoulder-width. Bend over keeping your back in line with your hips and slightly above parallel to the floor, pull the weight into your stomach and squeeze the weight up. Lower the bar slowly and repeat. For T-bar rows follow the same guidelines but try not to throw the weight up and round your back. Keep a straight back and let the lats do the work not your lumbar. Quick Hit: If you find you are lacking mass in the upper lat area try doing barbell rows with a wider grip and pull into the lower chest area. You will have to reduce the weight to keep good form.

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Pulley And Hammer Machine Rows: To really pack on some mass in the lower lat area near the lumbar try one of these on for size. For pulley rows sit with your knees slightly bent and upper body tilted forward. Simultaneously pull the handle back while straightening out your body to be perpendicular to the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull the handle into your abdominals. Return to the starting position and repeat. The beauty of hammer machine rows is that you can work one side at a time. width (or wider) pulley rows in place Use the same principles as above and of barbell rows. make sure to squeeze when pulling Parallel and Wide Grip Pulldowns: back. Nothing hits the teres muscles quite like the parallel-grip pulldown. Grip a Quick Hit: If you ever feel uncomfortable doing bar that is just beyond shoulder width barbell rows, affix a wide handle to a with a slight bend in the elbows. Pull the handle down to the mid chest level pulley row cable and do shoulderand squeeze hard. Return to the top position feeling the weight pulling your lats up and out. For wide-grip pulldowns grip the bar with an overhand grip and pull down to your upper chest level and return keeping your elbows bent and allowing your whole shoulder girdle to rise with the weight. These are a great substitute for pull-ups.


Quick Hit: When doing any pulldown motion January, 2011 Issue

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try raising your shoulder girdle in the starting position. As you pull down, lower your shoulder down and back and stick your chest out. This will ensure your back is fully engaged. Dumbbell Pullovers And Lat Pulls: As two of the very few isolation moves for back pullovers and pulls are great for finishing off the back. For dumbbell pullovers lay perpendicular on a bench with just your upper back in contact with the pad and your head hanging over the side. Grip the inside of a dumbbell directly over your chest with a slight bend at the elbow. Lower the weight back and behind your head in an arch until you are at least in line with your head and with your lats only, pull the weight back up to starting position.

pulldown or other overhead cable machine. Grip a bar shoulder width where the tension in on your lats about eye level. Pull the weight down to your thighs without bending your arms and squeeze the lats hard. Return to eye For lat pulls stand in front of a lat level with the bar and repeat. Quick Hit: Either of these moves is great if utilized as a pre exhaust prior to the rest of your back work. A quick three sets of moderate reps will do the trick. Deadlifts: The granddaddy of the back movements: deadlifts! This movement is for total head to toe thickness especially for the back. Load a bar on the ground January, 2011 Issue

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Barn Door Back Schedules Upper Lat Width Wide-Grip Chins (total of 30 to 40 reps) Barbell Rows (to the chest): 3 x 8-12 Parallel-Grip Pulldowns: 3 x 8-12 Hammer Machine Rows: 3 x 8-12 Click Here For A Printable Log Of The Upper Lat Width Workout. Thickness T-bar Rows: 3 x 6-8 Deadlifts: 5 x 4-8 Wide-Grip Pulldowns: 3 x 8-12 Lat Pulls: 3 x 8-12 and take a shoulder grip, bend at the knees keeping your back straight. Lift the weight off of the ground first with your legs and then straighten out you back until you are standing straight up. Return the bar to the ground in the same (but opposite) fashion.

Lower Lat Thickness Lat Pulls: 3 x 8-12 Hammer Machine Rows: 3 x 8-12 T-bar Rows: 3 x 8-12 Pulley Rows: 3 x 8-12 Overall Mass And Width Close-Grip Pull-Ups: (total of 30 to 40 reps) Barbell Rows: 3 x 8-12 Wide-Grip Pulldowns: 3 x 8-12 Partial Deadlifts: 3 x 6-10

Quick Hit: If you find yourself having difficulty doing off the floor deadlifts, try doing partial deadlifts. Load the bar on a bench that is just below knee level and follow the above lifting principles. This will take a little strain off of the back if Pre Exhaust you are taller or want to take some of Dumbbell Pullover or Lat Pull: 3 x 8-12 the leg muscles out of the movement. Wide-Grip Chins (total of 30 to 40 reps) Dumbbell Pullover or Lat Pull: 3 x 8-12 Barbell Rows: 3 x 8-12 Pulley Rows: 3 x 8-12 January, 2011 Issue

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Yes Sir or No Sir? By Kyle Wood

With 2011 on our doorstep, I turn my attention to one of the most popular routes to New Years Resolution goals: much fitter state over 4, 6 or even 12 The Fitness Bootcamp. weeks. These 60-90 minute sessions involved little rest and were quite often What is Bootcamp? run 5 days a week. Over the past 15 years, bootcamps have taken the world by storm. These Unfortunately, for the deconditioned high intensity, outdoor, team-building population these high intensity workouts are completely addictive… workouts were simply to much for to some. I’ll go into whether or not you them. Reports started hitting the papers may be one of those people later. about injuries occuring at these camps and from that the word ‘Bootcamp’ The first fitness bootcamps to start began to be associated with negative getting some attention in the 1990s connotations. where run by ex-military types (or people who thought they knew what Fast forward to today and bootcamps military bootcamps were like from are held in nearly every park around watching TV). The idea behind them Australia. Go for a jog at 6am in the was usually to thrust your body into a morning and you are bound to run into a January, 2011 Issue

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group of sweaty people exercising away possibly with someone yelling at them. It can certainly be quite intimitading just running past them.

■You are concerned about getting rained on or too much sun. ■You are pregnant or have had a child in the past 6 weeks. ■You want to be in a class were you can Bootcamps Today hide up the back. Most fitness bootcamps out there at ■You don’t like training with groups of the moment are no longer a quick fix people. solution (or should I say a quick injury solution). As you know, fitness is an You should do Bootcamp if: ongoing thing that must be continued ■You want/like to be pushed outside throughout your life, not just when you your comfort zone. are a little (or maybe a lot) overweight. ■You are looking for new exercises and As a result, most bootcamps are a lot fresh drills. safer and instead of pushing you to ■You want to get outside regularly (most breaking point they just try to push fo us spend far to much time indoors). you a little outside your comfort zone. ■You want to get away from the smell, music and mirrors found in gyms. Of course, there is still some die hard ■You want to feel the energy that comes trainers out there who run bootcamps with exercising and working with like you are in the military. These similiar trainees. bootcamps are really for advanced trainees only and I do not recommend I should note that a lot of the points I them to someone just starting out. made in the NOT list can also depend on the trainer/PT group. Some bootcamps If you are considering signing up you have an indoor location they use when should weigh the pro’s and con’s first it is wet, some trainers will not care if and see if bootcamp is right for you. you are slacking at the back. Which Below I have put a few points that may is why in the next section I will cover sway you one way or the other. finding a bootcamp thats right for you for you. Should I do a Bootcamp? You should NOT do Bootcamp if: Choosing a Bootcamp Wow, this is a hard topic because the ■You don’t like putting your hands on quality and style of Bootcamps can grass or lying on grass. vary so much. Personally I have January, 2011 Issue

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a more premium service or a limit on campers per trainer. You have to pick one that you can afford, not just this month but regularly. The next step is to actually go try a session. Call up the business you have decided on and ask them if you can come trial a session. Don’t be offended if they don’t let you or if they ask you to wait for a particular week. Some bootcamps run on a set program for 12 sessions and each session requires existing knowledge learnt in previous sessions. You will feel like you have been run over by a truck. If you can’t get a trial than its maybe tried 7 different businesses that run bootcamp/group outdoor classes and I only disliked one of them. Here are a few things I would look at before contacting them, but there is no real way of deciding without doing an actual training session with them. 1.How long have they been running? Usually, the longer the better quality of the trainer(s). 2.Go to the location at the time you are interested. How many campers have they got? Do you want to train in a class of that size? 3.Price. Usually a higher price means January, 2011 Issue

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time to bite the bullet and sign up for a Once you have done a session or 2 or all of them you can then properly decide if full bootcamp. this is right for you. Ask yourself these This is how I run my bootcamps. The questions: reason I do this is simple; if you are not already fit, after your first session you 1.Did I feel included in the group? will hurt. You will feel like you have 2.Did I feel included by the trainer? been run over by a truck. Don’t worry (Did you get a call after the session? this will pass, after 2 or 3 workouts your Did they remember your name?) body will adapt and your soreness will 3.Deep down, despite feeling stuffed, become managable. If you are locked in did I enjoy it? for 4 or 12 weeks you will want to keep You may have other points you are also coming despite the pain. If however looking for too. If you answered no to you just go for one session you may find any of those questions, it may be time your brain working against your body to try another Bootcamp. to stay in bed in the mornings rather than train.

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What to do: For each stretch, hold for between 10 – 30 seconds. Start off for less time if you’re a beginner and work your way up. Shoulder Stretch: Lift your left arm up so that it is parallel to the floor. Using your right arm, bring your left arm across the front of your body and hold. Gently release the arm and perform for the other arm.

For many of us, things like neck tension, shoulder and upper back stiffness or soreness and headaches can sometimes feel like an ordinary part of life. But do you remember having such ailments in your twenties or your teens? We just accept these things as “part of growing older”.

Tower Stretch: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Interlock your fingers together and push your palms upwards. Hold and then gently release

Chin Tuck: Stand with your shoulders relaxed. These problems are usually due to a Gently bring your chin towards your number of factors, including poor chest. Hold and then gently release flexibility and stress, both of which we have the ability to improve. With Kneel & Reach: a regular stretching and relaxation Kneel down and rest your buttocks on routine, we may be able to reduce the your feet. physical impact of our lifestyles on our Gently bring the chest down towards bodies while also reducing stress and the knees and reach your arms forwards Hold and then gently reverse the emotional unrest. movement back to a kneeling position. January, 2011 Issue

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Jump To It! By Damian Fleming Every New Year’s Eve people around the world make resolutions to lose weight, to be healthier and to improve their fitness. By the time New Year’s Day has dawned we are already seeking excuses and reasons not to achieve this goal. One of the most common excuses we use is that we can’t afford it. Well think again. January, 2011 Issue

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Some of the fittest, hardest athletes in the world achieve lean and toned physiques using one of the least expensive pieces of fitness equipment around. A jump rope! Jumping rope is considered, by many coaches, trainers and athletes, to be the most beneficial exercise a person can participate in. For a cardiovascular workout that will tone and strengthen your body, it is unparalleled. Burn More! Minute for minute, jumping rope is one of the highest energy burning activities in your fitness arsenal. Because you utilise your entire upper and lower major muscles you can expect to burn up to 1000 calories per hour! So even just a 15 minute jump rope routine will get rid of up to 250 calories!

Working together, the body’s muscular system will be pushed, possibly giving you a “burn� for your first few workouts, and stimulating an adaptive response that will cause your muscles to become stronger and better conditioned for the endurance required to jump rope.

Shape Up! Your body weight is a key player in the toning effect of jumping rope. Jumping involves recruitment of muscle fibres, contractions, in the lower body to generate the force that you require to move your weight off the ground and No Instruction Required! to control your landing. While there are some pretty fancy moves that can be introduced to your The constant circular motion of your jump rope routine, the basic skill arms will also bring your shoulders, requires no instruction for most adults. back and chest into play, along with many upper and lower body stabilising A basic routine for jumping rope can muscles. be a little difficult if you are not yet January, 2011 Issue

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conditioned, but don’t be put off. A favourite technique is to find a routine you’d like to be able to perform and add in rests or alternative “circuit” moves. If you are brand new to exercising, rests would be a better approach. To do this, simply break the routine into smaller pieces. In between those pieces, add 2-3 minutes rest time. You may want to keep your working sets to about a minute for your first few times until your body begins it’s adaptive changes. The Back Pocket! The equipment required for jump rope literally fits in your back pocket without burning a hole in it! While some ropes can be a little pricey, you can get a good quality jump rope for less than 10 dollars! The other brilliant quality about a jump rope is its portability. Parks, backyards, gyms, you name it, you can take it.

Get Jumping! Try this simple starter routine to get you moving and fast track to your fitness goals this year! ____________________

Standard skipping style (two feet jump), comfortable pace. Warm-up: 5 Minutes jogging on the spot. Rounds x 10: 1 Minute Jumping, 1 Minute Rest. Cool Down: 2 Minutes Star Jumps, 1 Minute Jogging on the spot. Stretch: 5-10 Minutes full body stretching. ____________________

Need to increase your intensity? Increase your jumping time (working sets) to 90 secs and reduce your rest time (recovery sets) to 30 seconds. You can also add in body weight squats, lunges, push-ups and crunches at the end of each round! January, 2011 Issue

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Available Now from TalkingFitness Get Decked With Us!

Water The Essence Of Life! The importance of hydration is often trivialised or overlooked, but in fact it is one of the most important contributors to the maintainence of good health and to the success of our fitness goals. By Damian Fleming

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The importance of drinking water regularly throughout the day is always impressed on us, but often without any more reason than “it’s good for you”. Because of this, we often overlook just how important proper hydration is. About 60% of our adult bodies are made of water and our brains are about 85% water. Water aids in our molecular changes and it is involved in the electrochemical processes in our brains that result in thought. Water helps to transport nutrients and eliminate waste products, it lubricates joints and tissues, regulates temperature through sweating and even helps to facilitate digestion. Water is not just good for us, it is essential to life! Why Hydrate? Proper hydration is especially important during periods of increased physical activity. As we exercise, a number of our body’s systems depend on adequate hydration to support the increase in activity. Our body increases in temperature, causing us to sweat. We increase the use of a variety of energy systems which produce byproducts that need to be removed and our overall performance, mentally and physically, relies on us being well hydrated, both prior to exercise and during it, to support the increase in cellular activity. January, 2011 Issue

Consequences of Poor Hydration We know that without adequate hydration our physical performance decreases, impairing the quality of our workouts, but did you know that it also affects your mental performance? During a moderate to intense workout, and exerciser can expect, without drinking throughout the workout, to lose up to 3 kilograms in body weight, mostly fluid loss. Low level dehydration can occur at a loss of about 2% of a persons body weight, or just 1 kilogram per 50 kilograms of body weight.

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With lowered dehydration levels you can expect an increase in perceived effort and an estimated performance reduction of up to 20 percent! Simply put, the workout will feel harder and you will likely lift less.

As a quick guide, here are some of our hydration tips to keep you performing at your best each and every workout! Make sure to pay attention to your own needs and adjust your intake as it’s required

Any loss exceeding 3-5% of body weight has the potential to reduce aerobic exercise performance and impaired reaction time, judgement, concentration and decision making. Signs of Dehydration Most of us know when we are dehydrated, even just a little, but to be sure, there a few signs you can easily look for: - Little or no urine, or urine that is dark in colour (if you’re well hydrated, your urine will be clear or light yellow. Note that if you are using a Vitamin B supplement, this test will not be reliable) - Dry mouth and thirst - Sleepiness or fatigue - Confusion - Feeling dizzy or light headed Staying Hydrated Making sure you are well hydrated is not a complex activity and for the benefits it offers, taking time to drink plenty of water is well worth it. Generally speaking, 6-8 glasses of water a day is suitable for general day-to-day routines. An increased water intake is required when you exercise and it’s important to remember that our hydration needs vary from person to person. January, 2011 Issue

Our Tips For Hydrating!

- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, or approximately 2 litres. - Carry a water bottle with you, it makes it much more convenient. - If plain water is not your style, add a wedge of lemon or lime. - When exercising, drink water before, during and after your workout. - Thirst can be confused with hunger, if it isn’t a scheduled meal time, drink first. - Pay attention to the signs of dehydration. If you notice any of them make sure you have water with you and sip frequently. - Tea, coffee, fruit and vegetable juices and sports drinks all contribute to your water intake, to an extent. It’s best to stick with plain water to monitor your primary intake. - While some caffeinated drinks can count towards your fluid intake, you should limit caffeine to 200 - 300 milligrams per day.

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Top 10 Hydration

Chicken Breast




> 65% Water > Lean meat > High Protein

> 96% Water > Silica for healthy > hair, skin & nails


> 94% Water > Lycopene > Super fruit


> 91% Water > Contains > Sulforaphane


> 87% Water > Vitamin C > Immune Boost January, 2011 Issue


> 62% Water > Omega 3s > High Protein > 95% Water > Vitamin C > Folate


> 92% Water > Lycopene > Control free radicals


> 92% Water > Vitamin C > Phytonutrients


> 85% Water > Prevents macular > degeneration Pg. 27

Eating Clean: Supermarket Quick Tips By Damian Fleming Exercise is a fantastic way to stay in shape, prevent many health issues from impacting us and for creating new social connections. And by itself, exercise will aid weight loss and improve health. But in partnership with a healthy, clean diet, exercise can be far more effective.

meats and fish, whole grains and any other food that has minimal or no processed qualities. Supermarket Navigation Supermarkets are often nested in their layouts. In many cases, it’s the outer ring of produce that a clean eating shopper will need. Typically the outer ring will have fresh produce, dairy, eggs and meats, along with the deli, butcher and fish monger.

Eating clean doesn’t have any hard and fast rules about what you must or must not eat, rather it sets itself to guiding ideals based around eating foods that have the least amount of refinement. This is where a clean eater will devote most of their attention. The remainder In general, a clean eating lifestyle would of our clean foods, such as brown or include fresh fruit and vegetables, lean wild rice and rolled oats, are usually January, 2011 Issue

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found amongst the more processed foods in the centre of the supermarket. For many of us, it’s the items near the centre of the supermarket that can be the most tempting and the least beneficial, both nutritionally and for our fitness goals. Have a List Getting the basics is a pretty easy task. Identify what you’ll be eating for the fortnight and make a list of all the foods you’ll need to make your meals. It’s important to note that by following a clean eating lifestyle your not restricted to only eating clean foods. Just be sure that your trolley is filled with mostly clean, unprocessed food items. Avoiding Temptation The temptation of over processed foods can be fairly strong, depending on a whole range of individual factors.

In Our Trolley: Rolled oats Brown rice Chicken breast, skin removed Tinned tuna 5 star lean ground beef Carrots Cabbage Tomatoes Broccoli Bell Peppers Sweet Potato Cauliflower Apples Bananas Strawberries Low fat milk Low fat yoghurt Our Tips To Avoid Temptation:

- Never shop when you’re hungry. - Have a shopping list made out and never impulse buy. - Unless you have to buy grains, tea or coffee, stay out of the centre of the supermarket. - Carry water with you to sip while you Remember that a good exercise plan will shop. only give results that can be supported - Remind yourself of the rewards you’ll by suitable nutrition. Eat clean and you earn by staying with your clean eating lifestyle. will get lean! Happy shopping. We have conditioned ourselves to find both fat and sugar desirable. To avoid filling your trolley with “treats”, you must be firm in your decision to reach your goals and have an avoidance plan to minimise your temptation.

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plant | pick | eat


> Sunflowers

Eat Clean, Grow Lean, Live Green!

> Harvest in 10-11 weeks. > Sow seed directly into your garden at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. > Space plants: 20 - 30 cm apart

Plant Now

> Rockmelon/Cantelope > Ready to use when the fruit falls from the vine > Excellent levels of beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, vitamin C and dietary fiber, vitamin B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine).

Pick Now


> Tomatillos > Small green tomato like fruit with a papery covering. > Perfect for mexican dishes. > Can be used raw in salads or cooked. Roasting brings out a sweetness.

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1 Medium chicken breast 1 Clove crushed garlic

Salad: 1/2 Cup cooked rice 1/4 cup spring onions 1/2 cup cherry tomatos Balsamic Vinegar

What To Do: 1. Rub the garlic over the chicken breast and grill the until it is cooked through. 2. Chop up the spring onions and cherry tomatos and place in a bowl. 3. Mix the cooked rice through the tomato and spring onion and add balsamic vinegar to taste. 4. Plate up the chicken and salad and enjoy! Variations: Try adding a little bit of tuna to the rice salad for extra protein and flavor, or replace the balsamic vinegar with chopped fresh mint and lemon juice.

January, 2011 Issue

Garlic Chicken & Rice Salad


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When The Going Gets Tough most people don’t understand the process of how to produce lasting results and don’t even get as far as taking the first steps.

By Katrina Zaslavsky

By definition, success is the accomplishment of any worthy ideal, and as such is different for every individual. For some people, an annual income of $50,000 would be a huge success, while for someone else it may have to be a much more substantial sum. For one person, being happy in their relationships describes their feelings of success; for another it might mean climbing the highest mountain Many of us may be turning our in the world. attention towards the future right now, none too certain these days as we watch We all have different “rules” for defining old structures we have long taken for success, meaning that to feel successful we all label and explain it differently. granted crumble and dissolve. The chief talent which sets humans As human beings we all desire success apart from all other creatures on this in one form or another so it is probably Earth is his ability to think. safe to assume that anyone reading this article would like to be more successful. All truly successful people use this So what does it take for that to happen? faculty to improve their lives and master their own destiny. They choose Well, first we will need to understand to constantly grow, learn and improve what “success” is and what all successful their intelligence and knowledge people have in common. Unfortunately by reading, attending seminars and January, 2011 Issue

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studying. However only you can decide to unleash the power within your own mind, and since no one can do it for you, you must make the conscious decision to broaden your horizons and expand your comfort zone. The mind’s true power is awesome and can even become frightening at times.

desire and energy that gives them the fuel to reach their true potential.

Think of Barack Obama achieving the near impossible earlier this year. It was not so many years ago that African Americans could not even live in the same neighborhood as white people let alone dream of becoming President of Nevertheless, humans have mental the USA. abilities that many cannot or would not believe, using only a fraction of our This force is intrinsic to successful total brain power and leaving at least people 24 hours a day, seven days 90% untapped. Imagine what you could a week and never subsides. Their accomplish if you exploited just a small total existence is unrelenting for the fulfillment of their goals. The passion increase in your brain capacity! within this individual to achieve has If you really want to use your mental been so deeply implanted, that their skills to their maximum effect, you will need to understand the seven key mental power is driven by this force triggering mechanisms that generate and will not let them do anything other than reach their desired goal. almost certain success.


1. Passion - All truly successful people 2. Belief – “To think you can creates have a driving force within them that sets the force that can”. You will only make them apart from others; they possess a $100,000 this year if you first believe it, January, 2011 Issue

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and if you don’t believe you can, you are telling yourself you want it, but that it’s not really available and then you create sabotage and inner conflict. One of the great existential truths of life is that man’s limits are self imposed by that which he or she chooses to believe. If you expand your beliefs about your own abilities, you will also by default expand your realm of accomplishment.

key to strategy is to find the shortest distance between two points and keep your eyes on the goal, (while at the same time recognizing when it is appropriate to change course if required). When fire-walking, one of the key strategies is to look dead ahead, eyes up and keep your gaze OFF the hot coals, and before you know it, you’re celebrating at the other end with burn free feet, shouting “I did it!”

The foundation of the Law of Attraction and The Secret, which everyone has 4. Clarity of Values – A man (or woman!) been talking about in recent years, is must first determine which things in about creating and using Empowering life are most important to him or her. Beliefs. They must establish their feelings 3. Strategy - A strategy is your game about such things as loyalty, pride, love, plan for your life, the road map you will truth, freedom, excellence, rights and use to accomplish your goals, ambitions tolerance, to name but a few. Values and desires. are the moral, ethical and fundamental judgments that we, as individuals or It is not enough to believe you can earn society consider important. Without a $100,000 a year; you must also design clear system of values it is impossible a strategy that gives your life direction to be passionate about something, and and navigates you toward success. The remembering that since passion is a January, 2011 Issue

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driving force, once we have established our individual values system we are then able to determine how we can achieve success based on that own unique hierarchy of values. Quite often when working with someone on their goals, I have noticed that lack of success is frequently related to a values conflict so it is vital to get familiar with what is important to you personally, and if you want to enjoy harmonious, peaceful and growthful relationships, I suggest you get familiar with the values hierarchy of those close to you as well. It will give you a very strategic advantage in your communication with them, knowing what makes them tick and how to align yourself with them!

The passion could build, our belief in the achievement could be awesome, we could have the best strategy or road map to accomplish what we want, but if we never took the first step, nothing would get done. Sounds so obvious, doesn’t it? Great success cannot be separated from physical, spiritual and mental energy which allows us to gather momentum and keep going incrementally towards the goal. Physical energy comes from the strength of the body which gets nourished by our intake of food etc. It is therefore important that we energize our motor with premium fuel (good eating habits), not low grade regular (junk food).

Our spiritual and intellectual energy 5. Energy - Without the physical develops from our environment and as vitality to take action, nothing would a result it is important that we frequently ever come to fruition. reassess our own personal space in order to limit toxic relationships,

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thoughts and situations, in the same way as we are vigilant with what we put into our bodies in the way of fuel. 6. Bonding Power - We have all known people who demonstrate the ability to apparently get along with anyone and everyone. The ability to be flexible is to truly build rapport, to connect and bond with others. To be able to communicate effectively, we must above all realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding to direct all of our communication with others. To take charge and run your own mind, or as the mystics said, “to be the To be able to understand another master of the house, not the servant”, is person’s point of view, or “model of to become a master of communication. the world” is a skill possessed by great leaders and teachers alike, for to know By learning techniques such as NLP how to influence someone you first (Neuro Linguistic Programming), have to know what drives them. And meditation and by healing our inner we can ALWAYS find something we unconscious patterns, we no longer can appreciate in anyone if we look allow our unconscious mind to run our with an appreciative, not a judgmental lives, but rather take charge of our own eye, finding so much in common with mental capacity and work towards our each other. own definition of success, responseably not reactively. 7. Mastery of Communication – Communication is not just about one’s So just like this year in the Chinese ability to exchange with others but is Horoscope is the Year of the Ox – it’s above all how we communicate with time to work hard and step up our ourselves first. thinking to a whole new level with the 7 steps above! January, 2011 Issue

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Beating Obesity Obesity is one of the world’s largest preventable problems that we face today. It is a vehicle for several life threatening dieseases, impacts health services and causes suffering to those who live with it. It’s time to By Damian Fleming start fighting back! January, 2011 Issue

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What is obesity? Obesity is a preventable condition that reaches the world over. Predominantly caused by an increase in both sedentary behaviours and the consumption of energy dense foods, obesity statistics show that in 2005, more than 1.6 Billion adults were overweight and at least 400 million people were obese. In 2005 it was also noted that at least million people aged 18 and over were 20 million children under the age of 5 classified as overweight or obese. That equated to more than half of our were overweight. population. As defined by the World Health Organisation, obesity and overweight Effects On Health are defined as “abnormal or excessive Obesity leads to a large number of fat accumulation that may impair health concerns, many of which can have very serious consequences. health�. Cardiovascular disease is the world’s The World Health Organisation further number one killer, with approximately projects that by 2015 we will be faced 17 million deaths each year. Diabetes, with 2.3 billion overweight people musculoskeletal disorders and some and 700 million people suffering from types of cancers are just a few other high end consequences of being overweight obesity. or obese. In Australia, in 2005, more than 7.4 Being overweight or obese also increases risk factors for asthma, hernias, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, coronary artery disease and gall bladder disease, just to name a few. Preventing Obesity Becoming overweight or obese is largely preventable. With consistent

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It is important to remember that consistent weight loss is more beneficial, no matter how small it is, than large unsustainable losses. Every loss counts. Managing obesity prevention for a lifetime Making a lifelong change is the most important step in obesity prevention and management. Your weight loss journey may take months or even years to achieve on a realistic and sustainable plan, but once you reach your goal, make sure your lifestyle is structured to lifestyle choices that are centred on a continue to support your goal weight. nutritious diet and regular exercise, you can avoid joining the majority of Exercise and proper eating is often put our population who are overweight or at the back end of the “things I need obese. to do today� list. Make sure these are priorities. Remember, failing to make For many who are overweight or obese, time for regular exercise and a healthy coming back to a healthy and nutritious eating routine may force you to make lifestyle may require some concentrated time for illness later in your life. discipline, structured planning and lots of support. The key to changing years or decades of poor lifestyle habits is to be consistent and take things a little at a time. In many cases, people fail to make the change because of very high expectations which may not be achieved. This leads to discouragement and eventually resigning from your efforts. January, 2011 Issue

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Providing gentle assisted exercise for people from 16 to 90+, we work with able bodied people to people with severe disabilities and debilitating illness such as Cerebral Palsy, emphysema, dementia; We assist clients to improve their quality pre and post operative knees, hips, of life through gentle assisted exercise, stomach banding; diabetes, heart disease encompassing a beautiful community and more. of people assisting others emotionally, * Power Assisted Exercise with Powertone spiritually and physically. Plus Pilates from Shapemaster. A health and exercise centre where people can let their guards down, What is Powertone Plus Pilates? relax and unwind in a non-judgmental Powertone plus Pilates is a system for environment without fear of prejudice. people who prefer the more gentle When you walk into our award winning approach to exercise. studio, immediately you feel relaxed and at ease. Entering an environment which Pilates based exercise techniques instantly says “Peace and Relaxation” combined with Shapemaster’s Relax, unwind, improve your health and wellbeing AND replenish your energy with our unique approach to health & fitness.


redeveloped toning tables is the latest movement from a central core stability. phenomenon to hit the gymphobics and Pilates based moves performed on the the over 50’s. equipment also promotes greater trunk and pelvic stability, therefore helping The Pilates method was originally to prevent spinal injury and to better developed by German born Joseph Pilates Duncan, manage existing back pain. with Catherine Reiki Master in the early 1900’s. It concentrates on It is only recently that people have begun • Bowen Therapy strengthening the deep postural muscles to recognise Pilates as a tried and true • Emmett Muscle Therapy and re-addressing muscle imbalance. holistic approach to fitness. Shapemaster • Intuitive Crystal Therapy By doing so, it increases flexibility and equipment truly combines • Intuitive Angel Healingthe best of strength whilst improving posture and both• worlds. TheBush mind Flowers and body workout Australian body awareness. The Pilates technique no longer becomes a dreaded task but & Light Essences is adaptable and therefore makes an becomes as natural a part of daily life as ideal partner or the Shapemaster toning taking an early shower. It is that Ph: 02 6921 3788 Mob: 0423morning 850 553 located at Primage,easy. Morgan St Wagga Wagga equipment.

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Soaring Above Adversity By Thad Mangalino gaining her pilot licence; yes I know what you are saying. I too can obtain a pilot’s licence and conquer the friendly skies if I really want to. While reading the story, I found out that this pilot had one factor that sets her apart from the rest. She was born with no arms; yes Before we get too serious, I thank you you read it correctly no arms. for taking time to read this latest article and, a Happy New Year. It’s a chance This amazing person goes by the name for us to create the outcome we want in of Jessica Cox; from infancy Jessica this world and I do hope that you had used her feet as her hands, growing up a great, and memorable time with your she had to learn to feed herself as well as write using her feet. Jessica could loved ones during the festive season. swim, put on her contact lenses, tap Early in December, a friend of mine dance and has even reached the 2nd forwarded me a story regarding a lady Dan in Taekwondo. “Another year over…a new one just begun.” As sung by John Lennon, no I will not sing about the war being over and world peace is here if we want it; I will save the “world peace” talk for the Miss Universe contestants.

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The next question I want you to ponder on is “What do I really want?� that question is really broad and philosophers from the beginning have been trying to answer that. Lets An over-achiever? Perhaps. Perhaps make it in the context of your health & Jessica just forged ahead forgetting the wellbeing. limitations that people might see as a limitation and live the life that she What is it that you really want? Is it wanted. to complete a marathon? Get Mario Lopez abs? Have enough energy to run Looking at out own circumstances, around with your kids? Lower your when did we stop cold dead on our blood pressure? Reverse the ageing tracks when the first sign of adversity process? Increase your vertical leap? hits us? Quit smoking? What is it? Jessica holds a full driver licence, graduated from the University of Arizona and has a typing speed of 25 words per minute.

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Action needs to be taken, and taken now!

that is sleeping within and provide proven methods to ensure that they obtain their desired outcome. Jessica decided not to listen to others limiting beliefs and self-imposed excuses. What if you do the same? I bet that by deciding to act boldly and confidently stepping out, you’ll eliminate self-doubt.

Now I want you to then ask yourself, You can achieve amazing things; I why don’t I have the Mario Lopez abs am not saying that it will happen in already? Why am I still out of energy? an instant. I am saying that each day that you work towards what you are The main reason is this; the price for passionate about, not only you will success is paid in advance. You need to have your best year you will have the attend classes to graduate, you need to best life you can give yourself, and who plant the seeds in advance, water the knows? plant and harvest. You need to pay the price. Someone might get inspired with your Last month we spoke about discipline. This is when the rubber meets the road. Are your excuses bigger than your goals? If it is, I’m sorry to add that your goals would not be reached.

story that they will tell their friends and one day get written about.

If you have any questions regarding on how you can make 2011 your best year ever, please don’t hesitate to drop me an email at Action needs to be taken, and taken and I will do my best to answer your now! Thinking about how hard its questions individually. going to be and having doubts will kill your goal before you even begin. You can also follow me on twitter under FirmFocusPT When I work with my clients I work Thanks once again and Make it Happen! with them to eliminate their excuses and help them find clarity to get acquainted with their inner champion January, 2011 Issue

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Photography By Sean Batty

A Boxer’ s Life An interview with Carly Salmon Carly Salmon may describe herself as an average country kid, but her dedication and commitment to her sport is nothing short of inspirational! Join FitLife Magazine as we chat with Carly and discover the life behind the Bendigo Boxer’s fitness and love of her sport! January, 2011 Issue

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Carly started working full time and continued studying, brought a house and found, like most busy people do, that she had less time to exercise. She had always tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle but found that she often got bored with standard gym routines or lacked the time and motivation to exercise. Carly still enjoyed playing social indoor netball and the odd Growing up in the bush in central workout, but over time her fitness Victoria, Carly was a typical country decreased. “rough & tumble� kid. Being a bit of a tomboy, she was most happy when In 2009, Carly experienced some outside making BMX tracks with her personal problems. Being stressed and brother, horse riding, swimming or busy was a bad combination, and she just playing in the dirt. Carly was an noticed she started to feel unhealthy. active child who loved sport and had It was a tough year for her and she a competitive streak from a young age. had gained weight after neglecting her Like most outgoing kids Carly was happiest in amongst the action. She played netball from the age of seven, did little athletics, basketball, gymnastics, swimming and just about anything you could name!


So at the end of 2009 she decided to start jogging and get fit again. Carly began gradually, running each night throughout the summer. Her fitness slowly increased again and she lost some weight, however, just running Her parents made so many trips into got monotonous and she realised she town running her around and were might lose her motivation, so she always encouraging. started looking for a personal trainer to help. Carly moved to Bendigo when she was 17 years old to finish school and get This decision marked the beginning of work. She settled into life in Bendigo, Carly’s boxing story. but as she got older her life became busier. January, 2011 Issue

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TF - When did you first decide that However, I ended up heading overseas in March and May. While travelling you wanted to be a boxer? and holidaying I once again gained CS - A girlfriend introduced me to Peter weight due to lack of exercise and eating Natoli, a personal trainer with a boxing different foods. Unfortunately I gained & kick boxing background. I started a few kilos while away and felt sluggish training with Peter early in 2010 at his by the time I returned to Australia. gym “Punches in Bunches�. It was hard to get back into working At this point I had never done any out. I really struggled for the first few martial arts or even considered fighting weeks. But I was determined to get back competitively. I just wanted to get fit. into shape so I increased the number of sessions per week. The more I worked I would do a combination of boxing pad out, the better my boxing technique work and a circuit workout, initially became. only 2 times per week. It was Peter that noticed I had ok technique and Not only did I start to get fit again, I suggested I should think about doing wanted to learn more about different fighting techniques. Peter suggested more boxing & kick boxing.

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Carly Salmon & Jocelyn Amiet I start sparring if I really wanted to night after work and noticed big improve. improvements in my Muay Thai technique. I began sparring with my brother and some of the guys at the gym as there A couple of weeks after joining Fit were no other girls interested in contact Republic I got a call from Pete asking boxing/ kick boxing. Through sparring if I would be interested in having a I met other people with boxing, kick friendly sparring match with a young boxing, & muay thai experience. They local female boxer, Jocelyn Amiet. She could see how keen I was to learn, so was about to start competing and, like they were happy to help me out. me, had mostly trained with guys. In October 2010 I found a new gym, Fit Republic, that had launched a full time Boxing & Muay Thai program run by good trainers with fighting backgrounds.

I was a little daunted at the thought of sparring at another gym against someone much fitter and experienced than me (Jocelyn had been training for 18 months in boxing), however I am not one to shy away from an opportunity so It was then I started training every I went along to the Bendigo Amature January, 2011 Issue

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TF - What steps did you take to start sport specific training? CS - Boxing is such an intense sport, requiring high energy levels, fast reflexes and great fitness. It takes commitment and lots of training to get good at it. Not only is there so much technique to learn in order to deliver speed and power in the punches, the fitness level required to do it well is very high.

Trainer Pat Connolly Boxing Club for my first sparring session against another girl. This was one of the best decisions I made. Although Jocelyn was a better boxer than me, I did ok and managed to survive the rounds, it was such a great training experience. The trainers, Pat and Gary Connolly, offered for me to start training at their gym, so I did, and my boxing has drastically improved under the experienced eye of Pat (who has trained many of Bendigo’s best boxers) and Gary. January, 2011 Issue

My trainers have had to do a lot of work to do with me on my punching technique, foot work and balance (still so more work to be done). I now try and train six days a week Monday to Saturday, and need to still improve my fitness. My trainers have focused on exercises that have developed my core strength, reflex actions, and stamina. My training currently involves getting up early to go for a run before work, I like to do this at least 4 times a week. I usually jog about 3 kilometers and stop at the local park to do 2-3 sets of 20 -30 reps of push-up, sit-ups, step-ups, jumps, dips, squats, crunches, reverse crunches and lunge walks before running home. After work I usually train for an hour and a half in boxing or boxing and muay thai.

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I am not a big fan of relying on supplements, although I do take a sugar balance tablet to stop fluctuations in my blood sugar levels and support my metabolism and energy production, this supplement also contains essential vitamins. I try and eat a balanced diet with smaller meals more often and consuming plenty of carbohydrates, fresh fruit and vegetables, and moderate amounts of protein. These sessions involve skipping or I try to limit refined sugars, fats, and bag work for the warm up and then avoid highly processed foods, bread, a combination of technique training take-away foods and alcohol. along with a hard workout. I also try and get in the gym a couple of times a week or do pad work and circuit training. When I can, I do cardio classes and resistance classes, including cage fitness at Fit Republic, once a week minimum.

My typical diet consists of homemade bircher muesli with fresh berries or fruit for breakfast, mid morning I will have a piece of fruit or low fat yoghurt. Lunch is tuna and salad. Afternoon snack may be a piece of fruit or wholemeal muffin.

Jocelyn and I normally have regular sparring sessions on top of that. TF - How do you structure your nutrition? CS - Training so often has made my appetite increase, so I need to make sure I eat the right foods in order to lose fat but keep lean muscle mass. January, 2011 Issue

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TF - If you’re feeling tired or flat, do you have something that you use mentally to motivate you? CS - Boxing has become such a part of my lifestyle and routine now, I don’t even consider not going (unless I’m unwell or injured). It’s just normal for me to get up and run or go to training after work, I look forward to it. My body is starting to adapt to this routine so well, I almost feel strange if I miss a session. Even when I am tired I try and push through training, because I always feel great after a workout and that is a big motivator.

Dinner may be stir-fry, pasta or meat with vegies or salad. If I want dessert I The more my fitness improves the more will try to have a healthy dessert such motivated I become. Mentally, boxing as fruit salad with low fat yoghurt. is a great stress release. I drink approximately 2 litres of water per day and have tea or coffee also. I don’t completely restrict my diet, as I have done extreme diets in the past and have found they cannot be maintained long term.

When I was dealing with some personal issues I would go into the gym and thump the bags, I would leave exhausted but feel so much better.

Sometimes anger and frustration can be used as a motivating factor, if it’s I like to take the balanced healthy channeled the right way. approach of everything in moderation. Leading up to competition I will have I have now set some goals for myself to closely monitor my body weight and in this sport, and at the moment that eat really well in order to be in the right is one of the biggest motivations for weight division. me. To be competitive I have to stay focused, be consistent and work hard. January, 2011 Issue

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TF - How has taking up boxing and There needs to be a level of trust when the training routines impacted your training so closely and intensively with general lifestyle as a whole? the same people, therefore you naturally develop good friendships, often with CS - To say boxing has impacted on my your trainer ( my trainers are like my lifestyle would be an understatement! I therapists, they get to hear about all my enjoy it so much, my whole routine is problems!). now based around boxing and training. Boxing has given me more self It’s no longer a chore for me to go confidence and changed my whole

and exercise because I have found outlook on life. I would say I am a far something I am passionate about. more motivated and driven person since taking up boxing. I lead a far healthy lifestyle now than I did prior to boxing, as I have improved I have become so involved in this sport my diet and fitness level in order to box. it has inspired me to go back to study. I am currently completing my certificate I have met so many great, interesting, III in fitness and want to go on to like minded people through this sport complete a Certificate IV or diploma that have also had a huge positive in sports coaching. impact on my life. January, 2011 Issue

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TF - Now being in the sport, is it what the risk of major injury is minimal. you first expected it to? I do get a lot of bruises and have had a CS - Now that I am boxing it is not couple of blood noses (the boys at the what I expected it to be. Boxing can gym assure me they will pop in straight have a reputation for being a violent, back in it gets broken!) but I haven’t encountered any major injuries so far. thug sport. To be honest I have had worse injuries Yet most of the people I have meet playing netball, twisting ankles and through boxing are smart, well falling. educated, great people. Boxing is also much more strategic Although it is a contact sport, it is far than I ever thought. It’s not just about safer than I initially thought. There getting in the ring and going hammer are more psychological barriers to and tongs trying to hit your opponent. overcome (fear!) than physical ones. It’s about being offensive, and also It can seem intimidating at first to looking for opportunities to open up. have punches thrown at you and try It’s comparative to a game of chess in to punch back, however you are quite the way you also have to have a strong well protected with a headguard, defence and counter attack. mouthguard, and gloves. And if you are taught good defensive technique and You need to be smart and stay focused have trust in your ability (don’t panic!) 100% of the time because the minute

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you lose focus, even for a second, is I have also set myself a goal to have my when your opponent can seize the first competitive fight in the women’s amateur competition In February 2011. opportunity to attack. This means I only have a couple more You need to think about a plan of attack months to train really hard in order to and defensive and be ready to change it prepare to fight. in a split second in order to outsmart your opponent. If your footwork or I have just gone on Christmas holiday style becomes predictable, a good from my job, which will give me the opponent will have the upper hand on opportunity to fit in more training sessions and really start to work refine you, literally! my skills. TF - What are the next steps for you I want to commit to a big summer of in Boxing? hard work to be ready and fighting fit! CS - Next year I’m hoping a trip to Hopefully it will be the first of many Thailand will be possible so I can go more fights to come. spend some time training in the muay Visit Carly’s Gym on Pg. 66 thai camps.

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FitLife s d i K Moments for life! Welcome to FitLife Kids! This month we are looking at our bones, what they are and what they do! We also have a rainbow of fruits for you to build fantastic childhood memories for your children with and we will be working out with some great Hula Hoop moves! Check out our delicious summer fruit smoothie too for a brilliant snack, treat or dessert! January, 2011 Issue

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In Vivid Colour Summer down under is a great time for heading outdoors and forging life long memories and sensations of colours, tastes and experiences.

Red - Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blood oranges and watermelon. Very juicy and fun to eat, red fruits also help to reduce the risk a whole bunch of nasties, such as tumor growth, and risk factors for low blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Orange & Yellow - Oranges, mangoes, apricots, pineapples and lemons. With distinct and very summery flavours, orange and yellow fruits are great for reducing your risk of poor eye health, specifically the part of your vision that let’s you see where to kick a goal or to write. These fruits also help your joints to stay healthy and work to keep your bones healthy!

As adults, we all have memories, or memory flashes, of days spent at the beach or a family holiday to one of our spectacular lakes and eating from a wonderful rainbow of fruits followed, of course, by a quick splash in the water Blue, violet and indigo - Blueberries, to wash it all off. blackberries, purple grapes, plums These memories are vivid because they and pomegranates. This colour range connect us to sensations like taste, of fruits are full of health promoting touch and smell. These are the days for antioxidants! They help our tummies us to give our own children wondrous to digest, boost immunity, support our memories of summer days, delicious eye sight, improve our absorption of healthy smells, sweet natural tastes minerals and fight inflammation! and, of course, rainbows! Green - Grapes, kiwi fruit, avocados The Plan! and honeydew. Crisp and clean tasting, Grab a whole range of fruits from your green fruits, and vegetables, are the local grocer or farmer’s market to put super heroes of fruits! These amazing a wide range of colours on your plate! fruits help your tummy to digest Then have a simple plan! properly, support eye and vision health, boost your immune system activity and Eat, get messy and then go for a splash! even help to reduce cancer risks! January, 2011 Issue

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“Periosteum” [pear-ee-os-tee-um]. The next layer is smooth and is very hard. This is known as “Compact” bone. Within the compact bone there are many other layers that look very much like a sponge. These layers are not as hard as the compact bone, but are certainly very strong! This layer is known as “Cancellous” bone [kan-sellus]. Finally, we have the bone marrow. This is similar to a thick jelly. This is where our blood cells are made.

Our Bones Bones have a lot of different functions in our body. They work with muscles to help us move, they protect our special organs like our heart and lungs and they even produce blood cells that nourish and feed our bodies!

Looking after your bones. Your bones are here to help you, so you need to make sure you are looking after them. Protect them! Wear a helmet and other safety gear when you ride a bike or play rough contact sports to save your skull!

Eat Calcium! Calcium helps to strengthen your bones. You can a get What are bones made of? lots of good calcium from milk, yogurt, The bones in our bodies are growing cheese and even broccoli! and changing all the time. Almost every bone in our bodies are made up Stay Active! Being active helps your of the same materials: bones to stay strong. Activities like running, ball sports, dancing and The outer layer is thin and dense. it jumping are great to keep your bones contains nerves and blood vessels that healthy and strong! feed our bones. This layer is called the January, 2011 Issue

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Playing For Fitness Kids simply have all the fun don’t they? waist height and gently start twirling. Skateboards, BMX bikes, tarzan swings Go for 1 minute and then change and swimming holes. Getting exercise direction. as a kid is the easiest thing in the world! Arms One of the best toys I remember having Stand up straight, arms out to the as a kid was a hula hoop. Sure it a was sides and a hoop on each wrist. Gently a chocolate Big M one, but little did begin spinning both hoops in the same I know the hours, yes hours, I would direction. Go for 1 minute and then spend spinning the hoop around my change direction. middle, my arms, legs and neck were giving my young body the workouts it Ringer Place the hoop around your neck so needed to be strong and healthy! that it rests on the back of your neck. Hula hoops are a great way for kids to Gently start twirling the hoop around stay active, even on a rainy day. They your neck. Go for 1 minute and then are inexpensive, portable and easy to change directions. use. Check out our hula hoop workout, grab a couple of hoops from your Knocking Knees Stand with your feet together and place nearest $2.00 store and get spinning! the hoop around your knees. Gently start twirling, moving your knees in a The Twirl Stand up straight with your feet circular motion. Go for 1 minute and shoulder width apart. Place the hoop at then change direction. January, 2011 Issue

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Recipe Of The Mont h Blueberry Smoothie Serves One Ingredients: 1/4 Cup of apple juice 1/2 cup plain, low fat yoghurt 1/2 cup of blueberries 2 cups of ice


Mix all ingredients in a blender and serve cold.

Strawberry Peach Smoothie Serves One 2 cups of strawberries 3 medium peaches (pitted) 1 cup of low fat strawberry yoghurt 1/2 cup of apple juice 2 cups of ice

Classic Banana Smoothie Serves One Ingredients: 1 Medium Banana 1/2 cup plain, low fat yoghurt 1 cup of low fat milk 1 spoon of honey 1 cups of ice

Mix all ingredients in a blender and serve cold.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and serve cold.

January, 2011 Issue

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Out Now!

BODY BY DESIGN THE COMPLETE 12 WEEK PLAN TO TRANSFORM YOUR BODY FOREVER From Kris Gethin, Editor-in-Chief of the online fitness phenomenon Bodybuilding. com comes a revolutionary 12-week diet and exercise program—backed by two million members and thousands of reallife success stories. BODY BY DESIGN: The Complete 12 Week Plan to Transform Your Body Forever begins from the inside out, starting with the very thoughts in your head and working its way to the muscles on your body and the food on your plate. The core of the Body by Design plan is MOTIVATION—the single greatest factor in achieving health and fitness goals. Gethin shares the powerful research proving that willpower isn’t a fixed trait, but something that can be learned by creating a supportive environment—a fact he knows well from personal experience and from the success of the nearly 2 million people who find the tools and the “team” they need on BodySpace http://bodyspace.,’s thriving social fitness network. Men and women, young adults to seniors, fitness novices and committed athletes— people of every age and lifestyle have tapped into the resources and support system found online at BodySpace and now share their “Transformation Nation” success stories in Body by Design. There are many fitness and nutrition books


out there, but the built-in online network of knowledge and inspiration found at BodySpace makes Body by Design unique—and the amazing results one-ofa-kind!

BODY BY DESIGN harnesses the power of motivation and community to turn health and fitness goals into realities. The enclosed information includes Kris Gethin’s complete bio, spokesmodel Jamie Eason’s bio and foreword, tipsheets about the The 12-week exercise and diet plan in Body by Design nutrition and workout Body By Design provides sure-fire success plans, inspiring testimonials, before-andstrategies including THE FOUR PILLARS OF after photos from the “Transformation Nation,” and more. POWER: • Burn and Build Bridges: Our social circles can be powerful—for good or for bad. Take a close look at the people you are spending time with and minimize negative influences while expanding on positive ones. • Live Out Loud: Learn the power of public goals. Take the first step toward reaching your goals by telling all of your friends where you’re headed. • Get Radical: Radical accountability picks up where goal setting left off. Track the details of how much you’re exercising and what you’re eating to stay on track. Seek out “friendly feedback” on BodySpace or from trusted individuals in your immediate environments like the home or office.

BODY BY DESIGN is also available in a deluxe e-book edition featuring exclusive video content including 45 exercise demonstrations and bonus trainer instruction.

• How, Not What: Life doesn’t exist in a vacuum. To make resolutions stick, learn strategies for maintaining the program in the real world by anticipating obstacles and tackling potential road blocks. January, 2011 Issue

special Pg. 60

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