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CAPD/ACDP’s 2021 Webinar Series


There is still time to sign up for the last two webinars!


Dear Members,

I hope everyone is safe and healthy. The past year has been rough for everyone. The CAPD is still here for all of its members. The first webinar of the series was held on May 6, 2021 - Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment: What to Treat Early and What Can Wait, with Dr. Tracey Hendler. Both the 60 members and non members who attended gave it an enthusiastic thumbs up in terms of the overall quality of the presentation, the relevance of the topic, the Speaker's knowledge of the topic and the Return on Investment...was it worth the time to attend?

CAPD/ACDP Members who were not able to register for the 3 webinar package can still save $50.00 by signing up for the remaining two in the series

Dr. Duy-Dat Vu, Secretary-Treasurer/ Secrétaire-trésorier

Cher(e)s membres,

J'espère que tout le monde va bien et est en bonne santé. L'année passée a été difficile pour toutes et tous, mais l'ACDP est toujours là. Le premier webinaire de la série a eu lieu le 6 mai 2021 - Traitement orthodontique interceptif: ce qu'il faut traiter tôt et ce qui peut attendre, avec la Dre Tracey Hendler. Les 60 membres et non membres qui y ont participé ont grandement adoré la qualité globale de la présentation, la pertinence du sujet, la connaissance de la conférencière sur le sujet et le retour sur investissement du webinaire (cela valait-il le temps d'y assister).

Les membres qui n'ont pas pu s'inscrire au forfait des 3 webinaires peuvent tout de même économiser 50,00 $ + TVH en s'inscrivant aux deux autres de la série.

CAPD/ACDP Members: $50.00 + HST for the remaining 2 webinars

Non Members: $50.00 + HST for each webinar

Please note that attendance is limited to 100 participants per webinar

Registration: https://www.capdacdp.org/event-4303851

Membres CAPD / ACDP: 50,00 $ + TVH pour les 2 autres webinaires de la série.

Non membres: 50,00 $ + TVH pour chaque webinaire

Veuillez noter que la participation est limitée à 100 participants par webinaire

Inscription: https://www.capd-acdp.org/event4303851


JUNE 10, 2021, 20:00 – 21:15 (Eastern)


Dr. Switzer graduated with a DMD from the University of Manitoba in 1987. He practiced general dentistry in Calgary from 1987-1990. He earned a Certificate in Endodontics from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1992 and has been practicing full time in Calgary since then. Dr. Switzer was an associate professor and clinical instructor at the University of Alberta School of Dentistry from 1999-2017. Since 2009, he has been a clinical instructor at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary.

Course Outline:

Discuss interdisciplinary management of pediatric dental trauma

Learning Objectives:

Gain insight into pediatric dental trauma from an endodontic perspective

JULY 8, 2021, 20:00 – 21:15 (Eastern)


Dr. Silva is the Course Director for the CMEInfo/Oakstone Foundations in Pediatric Dentistry: Evidence-Based Decision in Everyday Practice. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and serves as Consultant for the ABPD Oral Clinical Examination. Also a Board Member of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry,she was recently inducted as Fellow of the American College of Dentists.

Course Outline:

An esthetically compromised dentition may have serious psychosocial implications during child’s overall growth and development. Traumatic dental injuries, genetic defects, and caries disease can have negative functional and esthetic effects on children. And the dental market today offers us many different options to restore a tooth. This course will be a fast paced and exciting evidence-based clinical presentation of the different techniques available to manage dental esthetic for the young patients.

Learning Objectives:

Esthetic dentistry is the marriage between the “art and science of dentistry”! Topics that will be covered in this course: Esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning of the dentition The science of color and shade matching for the young patients The treatment options and techniques for restoring the primary and permanent incisors, and molars:  Direct bonding of composite resin  Composite strip crowns  Prefabricated composite and zirconia crowns

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