2 minute read
Like many parents, my kiddos sometimes wake up on the wrong side of the bed. When those days arise, I’ll immediately ask my daughter, “Do you want to have a great day today or a bad day?”
The first time I asked my daughter that question, she said, “Mom, why are you asking me that?”
“Because you determine the type of day you’ll have,” I answered. “So, will you have a great day or a bad day?”
My eight-year-old immediately realized that she held the power to choose the direction of her day simply by adjusting her attitude and mind frame. Whether she fixes her morning ‘tude is another story, but nonetheless, the answer to that question is very telling of how we choose to go about our day. Will we fill our minds with positive thoughts or will we drown in self-doubt, fear, and negativity? The foothold of the latter is heavy, and I don’t know about you, but life already presents enough obstacles to hold us down, so if I can throw myself a life raft through positive thinking, I’ll do just that.
In relation to our cover woman’s story, especially as I reflect on the obstacles that Kristel has overcome, I am completely wowed by her resilience to choose, every day, to have a great day (even during her darkest hours). Kristel chose and continues to choose to light her path with self-love, and the heaviest of the challenges did not stop her from achieving greatness. She is a brilliant cover woman, indeed, and I am beyond inspired by her journey.

Admittedly, after reading her story, I checked myself to get off the complain train and feed myself more positivity. Life is beautiful when you look at it with love, and I hope you choose to have a great day today (and every day).
Laci is the Principal of Sharp Editorial, an award-winning editorial + small business consulting + branding design firm. Since 2016, Sharp Editorial has served thousands of clients, including professional athletes, television stars, Fortune 500 companies, and a range of other professionals. Laci is passionate about ensuring that her table always has room for others, encouraging women to pull up a seat and stay awhile.
Plan now. Before disaster strikes.
When disaster strikes, it is too late to prepare. Be prepared by making a plan for you and your family by filling a waterproof five-gallon bucket with the essential supplies listed on the right. Keep these essential items in a bucket near an exit door in your home or in your vehicle.
Hurricane Supply Checklist
☐ Batteries
☐ Hand Crank
Emergency Radio
☐ Blanket
☐ Manual can opener
☐ Cash
☐ Change of clothing
☐ Duct tape
☐ Dust masks
☐ First aid kit
☐ Flashlight
☐ Games and toys
☐ Gloves
☐ Hand sanitizer
☐ Keys (home and car)
☐ Large plastic trash bags
☐ Local map
☐ Medications
☐ Non-perishable food
☐ Permanent marker
☐ Pet supplies
☐ Photos of family members and pets
☐ Pocket knife
☐ Portable phone charger
☐ Ponchos
☐ Rope/paracord
☐ Soap
☐ Special family needs (diapers, feminine hygiene items, etc.)
☐ Tarp
☐ Toilet paper
☐ Toothbrush
☐ Towel
☐ Water
☐ Waterproof bag with family documents, including driver’s license, insurance information, out-of-area contact, medical information
☐ Whistle