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Long distance love weds at Hitching Post Farms
Story by Amy Passaretti Photos by Penni Lauren Photography
rom living more than 300 miles apart for the majority of their relationship to now working in South Carolina in offices sideby-side, Sally and Ben Miedema tackled some obstacles to wind up in a dreamcome-true and celebrate a Southern-Californian wedding in March 2019.
Sally, originally from Wetumpka, and Ben, who grew up in California, checked out many venues in Elmore County but ultimately settled on The Hitching Post Farms in Eclectic for its indoor and outdoor venue options.
“We debated if we wanted an indoor or outdoor wedding, since Alabama’s weather is pretty unpredictable, but we liked the set-up options both ways at Hitching Post,” said Sally.
Also, the venue handled most of the organization and offered many options in its wedding package, from added decorations to full set up.
Sally said her favorite part was that their entire families were together for the first time, including Ben’s family from California and his sister from overseas, as well as a lot of friends and family from South Carolina.
“My family is mostly from Alabama, but it was really nice to have everybody together in one place,” said Sally.
They celebrated with about 160 in attendance. As a family-oriented couple, Sally and Ben chose to have honorary bridesmaids and groomsmen who walked down the aisle but sat in the audience. Ben’s children, Scarlett and Lucas, were the only two standing at the front with the bride and groom.
“We wanted to make it about our family. We let them each pick out a unity sand color to incorporate,” F
said Sally.
Scarlett, 6 at the time, even wore a dress that Sally had worn in a wedding when she was that age. The dress was handmade by Sally’s aunt.
The pastor from the bride’s hometown church, who Ben had gotten to know well over the years, officiated. “He was always so special to me, and he and Ben formed a relationship, so it was the one person we could kind of both agree on,” she said.
While Elmore County is home for Sally, Ben struggled with some Southern wedding traditions.
“We didn’t have a groom’s cake because Ben had no idea what that was,” said Sally.
Ben stuck to his guns on attire, as well, and wore a gray suit, while his six groomsmen wore gray pants
Sally and Ben had honorary bridesmaids and groomsmen who sat in the audience after walking down the aisle

and the same ties as he and Lucas.
The eight bridesmaids all wore more casual navy dresses and sat in a reserved row behind the family.
They had a simple wedding cake and a rustic reception, catered by White Wings BBQ. The décor included a lot of flowers, mason jars and candles with additions of navy, sage green, blush and gray filling the room. Sally and Ben originally met at an airport on their way to the same work conference and a few months later officially started dating long distance. At this time, Ben had taken the job Sally wanted in Auburn – as she jokes – and she had moved for a career in South Carolina.
“We were both getting our doctorates at the same time, which I don’t recommend to anyone, but that was such a big part of our relationship. It’s stressful for anybody going through it, but doing it together can make it both better and worse at the same time,” said Sally.
During their years of dating, the two tried to visit one another at least once a month and twice if it was possible.
“It was kind of good in that Auburn and South Carolina actually do a lot of joint projects, so I went to Auburn a lot of time for work. Also, if I wanted to go see him, my bosses were pretty flexible with me, as long as I was getting my work done,” said Sally.
The biggest adjustment actually came when Ben, and his two children from a previous marriage moved to South Carolina in August 2018 before the March
2019 wedding.
“All the sudden it wasn’t long distance anymore, and it took some getting used to. But I’ve been here five years and really like it here, which is why him and the kids moved this way,” said Sally.
Sally and Ben Taunton both work at the University of South Carolina, as a post-doctoral fellow and a clinic assistant professor, respectively. They plan to continue calling South Carolina home despite their Elmore County and West Coast roots.

The Hitching Post provided the perfect outdoor and indoor choices

White Wings BBQ catered the rustic reception The bride and groom now both work at the same university

Lucas and Scarlett, Be's children from a previous marriage, were the only two standing with the bride and groom during the ceremony
Sally and Ben's relationship was mostly long distance until recently