4 minute read
Take a moment for your heart
Brrrr. What a cold start to 2022 we’ve endured thus far. Of course, it may be a balmy, mild February day when you read this article, which is par for the MEDICAL approaches to early detection of coronary artery disease, before symptoms develop. This screening NEWS tool takes just a few minutes to conduct. A copy of your test will be sent to one of the four course with winters in the South. Temperatures soar; then, plummet just like these COVID variants seem to do. It’s been a wild ride with Omicron lately. We feel we’ve peaked with this latest surge and are on the downhill slide. This is a good place to interject once again how appreciative we are to you, our community and friends, for the support and encouragement you’ve given us over the last two years while we’ve dealt with so many unknowns. Thank you for thinking of us in so many kind ways.
Take a look at the back of this magazine, and you’ll notice our ad for Heart Month. The sweet little girl is holding her puppy with the caption, “They’d be lost without you.” It’s true. Your children, grandchildren, co-workers, neighbors and cherished pets are all counting on you to stay healthy and vibrant. You tell yourself you are healthy, indeed. You know the risk factors for heart disease and try to keep these in check. You lead an active lifestyle, eat right, exercise regularly and try to keep the stress level at a moderate range. Easier said than done, right? You monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol. But with your family’s history of heart disease, you know you are at a higher risk for developing it yourself. How can you arm yourself with additional information regarding your ticker’s health?
During American Heart Month, Russell Medical offers three important heart screenings to help assess changes in the heart, including calcium-score screening heart tests. The test involves a noninvasive, CT scan that provides enhanced 3-D images of the heart to detect calcium deposits found in the atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries. CT scans, such as this one, are the most sensitive cardiologists on staff at Russell Medical, in addition to your primary care physician. The cost is $90, and is not covered by health insurance, as it is a screening. Another simple, yet important test is the stroke prevention ultrasound screening for $75. This carotid artery ultrasound can spot the subtle thickening due to plaque on the artery walls that can lead to stroke. In addition, we offer a limited echocardiogram screening, which uses sound Susan Foy waves (ultrasound) to generate 3-D moving images of the heart to assess the chambers and valves and tell how well your heart muscle and heart valves are functioning. Cost for this screening is $125. We’ve been offering these screenings during Heart Month for more than a decade, and I can vouch for the early detection of heart disease these tests have identified in patients of all ages, and in multiple instances, they have been life-saving, as significant blockages have been discovered. Give yourself or a loved one a valentine and make an appointment for
these screenings today.
Contact Russell Medical Scheduling at 256-329-7826 to schedule and register for these screenings. Please note that these are screening tests, and not covered by insurance. Appointments are required, and payments for the screenings must be made prior to the tests.
Remember, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease. Additional medical conditions and lifestyle choices can also put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including diabetes, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol use, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or hypertension. High blood pressure usually has no signs or symptoms, but it does have consequences. The only way to know if you’re at risk for high blood pressure is to know your numbers. The optimum number is 120/80. Be proactive with your health, and see your doctor for regular check-ups.
Take a moment for your heart and have a thorough assessment. Russell Medical is proud to have four cardiologists on our medical staff: Dr. Ross Davis, Dr. John Deering, Dr. Brian Foley and Dr. Kevin Sublett. For additional information regarding our heart screenings or cardiologists, please call the physician referral line at 256-3297149.
~ Susan Foy is the director of marketing at Russell Medical.
The cooler weather means more time with family – whether it’s bundled up outdoors or staying cozy inside.
Make sure your heart is healthy and ready for the season with an appointment at the UAB Heart & Vascular Clinic at Russell Medical.
Kevin Sublett, MD, is board-certified in cardiovascular care and offers the latest in prevention, testing, and treatment for keeping your heart healthy.
Our clinic is backed by the knowledge and expertise of UAB Medicine, including: • Advanced ultrasound testing • Nuclear medicine imaging in fully accredited labs • Management of cardiac rhythm disorders • Interventional cardiology care

Make an appointment today by calling (256) 234-2644. 3368 Highway 280, Suite 130 • Alexander City, AL 35010 uabmedicine.org/HeartRussell