Helping business happen here
Alexander City Chamber
Jazz Fest is the longest running free concert in Alabama
Alexander City Chamber of Commerce has been makand it’s one of the best ways we can make it great in ing the city a great place to live since 1910 when comAlexander City,” explained Collari. munity patriarch Benjamin “Mr. Ben” Russell helped to The chamber engages students directly through a variestablish the Commercial Club of Alexander City. Ten ety of programs, including CHOICES and the Wildcat years later, the name was changed to the chamber of com- Entrepreneurial Academy. The two-day CHOICES activimerce, and the organization has showcased the business ties, led by chamber volunteers, empower eighth-grade community ever since through events, programs and mem- students with real life examples that highlight the imporbership development, said chamber president and CEO Ed tance of staying in school to increase their career and life Collari. options. WEA is a year-long program “The chamber developed our stratethat supports students in starting and Chamber president gic plan, Partners in Progress, in 2019 running their own real businesses. High and CEO with four main initiatives that showcase school students are guided through the Ed Collari what the chamber can do to make it process of developing business ideas, great here,” Collari said. writing plans, pitching their startups to The focus of the plan is community local investors, obtaining funding and development through support for existlegally establishing their endeavors. ing business and entrepreneurship, a Though the COVID-19 pandemic partnership with education, retail and interrupted some of these programs, commercial recruitment and destination they will resume as soon as possible. marketing and community engagement. Quality of life is enhanced when Stability and growth of existing new retail and commercial business is business is crucial to the community. recruited for the community, and this The chamber’s support for these existinitiative is seeing success, especially ing entities includes workshops and programs that help on the U.S. Route 280 corridor. The popular Chick-fil-A business owners meet identified needs with targeted prechain opened here late last year, and work is under way sentations. This initiative also includes an entrepreneurial on a new Sonic restaurant. The Wharf also has announced recruitment program that is supported by Lake Martin plans to build in Alexander City, and property has been Innovation Center, a business incubator that offers gradupurchased for a grocery-anchored shopping center at the ated services to new and growing startups. intersection of U.S. Route 280 and state Route 63. In addiThe partnership with education initiative calls for busition, Russell Marine recently opened the Russell Boating ness leaders to work directly with school leaders to iden& Outdoor store just off the highway, as well. tify and develop programs, facilities and faculty that will “The objective of the remaining initiative – community better educate the future citizens of Alexander City. engagement and destination marketing – is to make sure “It’s important for the chamber to support education, as there is always something to do here,” Collari elaborated. it’s the foundation of the community and economic devel“It’s the events we put on that make our area unique.” opment. It helps to ensure that our workforce is strong, One such signature event is the annual Jazz Fest, which 120