10 minute read

Lake’s Quick Guide to the Lake Lake Martin Area Real Estate Indicators

Fireworks find a niche 2,300 years in the making

Fireworks may have originated in the second century B.C. in China, where bamboo stalks thrown in a fire exploded with a loud noise as the hollow air pockets in the bamboo overheated. About 1,000 years later, a Chinese alchemist mixed potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal to make a powder that was poured into bamboo tubes and ignited.

It wasn't until the 13th century that fireworks appeared in European entertainment and religious festivals.

They came to the U.S. with early settlers, and John Adams once wrote to his wife declaring that Independence Day ought to be solemnized with parades, games, sports, bonfires and illuminations.

Today, fireworks are available for purchase at numerous temporary outlets across the U.S. at New Year's and July 4. The global fireworks industry is valued at more than $2.5 billion.

Turn to the calendar pages in this issue of Lake magazine for a list of opportunities to celebrate Independence Day as our forefathers intended.

Weather Outlook for July

July 2023 Forecast

Historically, the Lake Martin area experiences average high temperatures in the lower 90s and average lows in the upper 70s with about 5 and one-quarter inches of precipitation in the month of July.The National Weather Service has predicted that temperatures be above average and rainfall will be average this month.


Precipitation: 31.66

Avg. high temp.: 68.4

Avg. low temp.: 43.8

Avg. temp.: 56.1

Information from the National Weather Service.

Our Normal July

Precipitation: 5.21 inches

Avg. high temp.: 91.2

Avg. low temp.: 69.7

Avg. temp.: 80.5

Last Month's Lake Levels

Summer: 491 MSL

Winter: 481 MSL

Highest: 490.23

Lowest: 490.13

Lake depth is measured in reference to mean sea level. For up-to-date water levels at the lake, visit lakes.alabamapower.com.

Lake elevations are subject to change. Individuals who recreate below Martin Dam and those with boats and waterrelated equipment on the lake should always stay alert to changing conditions.

Reader Submissions

Reader Submissions

Reader Submissions

(1) Bo and Bridget Lewis took Lake magazine to Grand Teton near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. (2) Lake joined Doug and Barbara Reid at Schollart Channel, Antarctica. (3) Barbara and Doug Reid also took Lake magazine to Quebec City in Quebec, Canada. (4) Julia and Steve Thomas visited Claude Monet’s garden home at Giverny, France with Lake Magazine. (5) Stephen and Katherine Denton took a magazine to Japan. (6) Donald and Christine Neese, Linda and Bob Carter, Jim and Fran Botkin, Linda Queen, Vivian Johnson, Ricky and Nancy Davis, Nannette Sheaffer, Melanie Haygood, Shannon Walden, Christopher Voelkel, Chris and Dale Harris, Laura and Keith Hawkins and Pat and Ronnie Sanford took Lake magazine to Ireland on a Valley Bank Prestige Group trip.

Now thru July 4

Crank 4 Bank

Registration is now open for this year’s tagged fishing tournament on Lake Martin, which includes the chance to win a $1 million cash prize, one of two new bass boats, a pontoon boat, a new truck, or $1,500 per tagged bass caught. This year’s tag color is hot pink, and every tagged fish caught by a registered angler is a winner. Registration is $110, which also includes entry into a virtual fishing event running concurrent with Crank 4 Bank. Visit crank4bank.com for details, rules and registration. Tickets can be purchased online, at the Wind Creek State Park Marina or from a member of your local high school fishing team to help them raise money for their clubs.

June 30 & July 1

VCCA Bazaar

Volunteer Connections of Central Alabama will hold its annual bazaar from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday and from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday. Find Christmas items, furniture, lamps, dishes, books, plants, baked goods and more. VCCA office is located in the back of Karen Channell’s StateFarm Insurance office on U.S. Route 280.

July 1-2

Arti Gras

July 4

July 4th Concert and Fireworks at The AMP

Bring lawn chairs, blankets and coolers to the grassy hillside at The AMP from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. for one of the South’s most spectacular fireworks displays and concerts. Gates open at 5 p.m. The Bank Walkers will start the show this year, and Andrew Jannakos will perform from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. and again from 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. with fireworks between the sets. Admission is $10. Visit russelllands.com/blog/ events for details.

July 5, 19 & 26


Join the Wind Creek State Park naturalist on a walk around the park looking for birds. Meet at the clubhouse at 10 a.m.

July 9

Pennington Park

Farmers Market

Visit Pennington Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to get freshly picked produce and home-baked goods at the farmers market.

July 9

State Park

Guided Hike

Join the Wind Creek State Park naturalist at the Reunion Trail head for a guided hike at 9 a.m. to see nature at work and play.

Calendar Of Events

Artisans and patrons from across the Southeast will gather under the big tents on the Town Green at Russell Crossroads from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. once again for this annual juried art show. You’ll find jewelry, soaps, paintings, pottery, woodwork, lotions, furniture and more. For more information, call Sydnee Riley at 256-2121431 or email her at sriley@russelllands.com.


July 10-13

Summer Music & Related Arts Camp

July 4

4th of July Boat Parade

Don’t miss this tradition at Lake Martin. Spectators line the parade route from Kowaliga Marina to Children's Harbor to watch the boats idle by in patriotic regalia. Prizes are awarded for the tallest flag, largest flag, most creative theme, most patriotic crew and best overall boat and crew. Call Kowaliga Marina at 256-397-1210 for details.

Dadeville Performing Arts Center and associated organizations will offer a four-day integrated music/art/dance/ drama camp from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. for children in grades one through five in Tallapoosa County. This is a free program for local children. A limited number of spaces are available at $80 for children visiting the area. Program registration information will be available at dadevilleperformingartscenter.com/classes.

July 11

Gene Cordova

Mamie’s Place Children’s Library will host ventriloquist Gene Cordova at 10 a.m. at the library at 318 Church St. in Alexander City, continuing the summer reading program theme, All Together Now.

July 12

Games & Puzzles

Bring the kids to Mamie’s Place Children’s Library in Alexander City at 10 a.m. to make new friends, have fun and explore the wonderful world of books in this summer reading program on the theme of All Together Now. New games this year include Operation, Dancing Challenge and more.

July 13

Science Lady

Kids will love the Science Lady program at 10 a.m. at Mamie’s Place Children’s Library in Alexander City.

July 14

Day of Action

Join Lake Martin Area United Way to spruce up Central Elementary School in Coosa County before school starts in August. Volunteers will work from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Visit unitedwaylakemartin.org/day-action-2023, call Courtney at 256-329-3600 to sign up or donate funds to purchase supplies. Or email her at courtney.layfield@unitedwaylakemartin.org.

July 15

20th Annual Lions Lake Martin Poker Run

This event might just be the most fun you have at the lake all summer. Gather friends, family and/or coworkers and pick a theme to decorate your boat. Then, start this day of boating fun at 8 a.m. at Kowaliga Marina to pick up your first card. Throughout the day, you’ll visit five marinas on the lake to draw your best poker hand and pick up T-shirts, koozies and other giveaways. The event ends with food and prizes at The Ridge Marina. Prizes total $5,800 for highest hand, worst hand and best dressed crew. Register your boat and crew for $175 at Kowaliga Marina from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Purchase an extra card at The Ridge Marina to better your hand. For more information, call 256-794-1397.

July 18


Montgomery Zoo will entertain children at 10 a.m. at Mamie’s Place Children’s Library for the summer reading program, All Together Now. Bring the kids to meet snakes, birds and cuddly animals and learn how animals live together every day.

July 19

Bright Star Touring Theatre

Bright Star Touring Theatre will present a children’s theatre production in keeping with the theme, All Together Now, at 10 a.m. at Mamie’s Place Children’s Library in Alexander City. The program is free.

July 20

Science Guys

The Science Guys promise a morning of fun at Mamie’s Place Children’s Library for this 10 a.m. summer reading program event. This year’s theme is All Together Now.

July 22

Black Jacket Symphony

Black Jacket Symphony will make its Lake Martin debut at The AMP on Lake Martin with a performance that will include the entire classic rock album, Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors Reserved seat and general admission tickets, priced from $39.50 to $49.50, are available at ticketmaster.com.

July 23

Pennington Park Farmers Market

Visit Pennington Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to get freshly picked produce and home-baked goods at the farmers market.

July 23

Twitty & Lynn

Tayla Lynn and Tre Twitty have country music in their blood. The grandchildren of famed duo Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty have taken to the road to honor their grandparents in an intimate evening of music and storytelling as only they can tell. The duo will perform at Pursell Farms’ Hamilton Place. Tickets are $5 general admission (no dinner); $88 (dinner and the show); and $417 (premium overnight accommodations, dinner and show). Call 256-208-7600 to book a premium overnight package. Purchase general admission and dinner and show tickets at pursellfarms.com.

July 24-27

Summer Music & Related Arts Camp

Dadeville Performing Arts Center and associated organizations will offer a four-day integrated music/art/dance/ drama camp from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. for children in grades one through five in Tallapoosa County. This is a free program for local children. A limited number of spaces are available at $80 for children visiting the area. Program registration information will be available at dadevilleperformingartscenter.com/classes.

July 26-30

Lake Martin Songwriters Festival

More than 20 musicians will play 17 Lake Martin venues at this third annual event hosted by the Tallapoosa County Tourism Board. See the article on page 26 and visit lakemartinsongwritersfestival.com.

July 27

Reading Program Finale

Bill Packard Magic Man will entertain children for the finale event of the summer reading program at Mamie’s Place Children’s Library. Prizes will be awarded for reaching reading goals, and there will be snacks, games and lots of fun.

July 27-29

Princess Whatshername

Alexander City Theatre II will stage this delightful children’s play at 6 p.m. on July 27 and 28 and at 2 p.m. July 29 at the Benjamin Russell High School Auditorium in Alexander City. Performances are free and open to the public. Visit actheatre2.com or the Alexander City Theatre II Facebook page for details.

Aug. 5

Duck Norris Race

This annual fundraiser for Tallapoosa County Sheriffs’ Girls Ranch and Tri-County Children’s Advocacy Center has raised more than $23,000 since the duck race began in 2018. Purchase individual rubber ducks for $5 each or increase your chance to win by buying in bulk. Purchase five ducks for $20. Ducks are now available for purchase at Chuck’s Marina. They will be released upstream and the first one to reach the finish line wins! Funds raised through this event help to provide therapy services and transportation. Visit the Chuck’s Marina Facebook page for more information.

Season-long Events

Friday On The Green

There’s free music on the Town Green at Russell Crossroads every Friday night this summer. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, pups on the leash and coolers. There will be food trucks and lawn games. Friday On The Green is a great way to kickstart your weekend at the lake. For the full schedule of artists, visit russelllands.com/blog/events.

LMYP Game Night

Every third Thursday of the month, grab your crew and meet at The Local at 41 Main in downtown Alexander City from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. for games, laughs and exclusive LMYP drink specials. It’s free to play the games, like trivia and bingo and more, and the grand prize is always $50. Visit the Lake Martin Young Professionals Facebook page for more information.

The Waverly Local Music

The Waverly Local features live music every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., as well as Saturday in the courtyard from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and for Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For details and lineup, visit The Waverly Local on Facebook.

Yoga on the Green

Russell Lands will host yoga on the Town Green at Russell Crossroads at 7 a.m. on Saturday mornings to the end of September. Bring a mat, water bottle and towel and start your weekend at Lake Martin with yoga in the open air.

Driving & Docking Clinics

Boost your confidence and learn to operate and dock your boat during these free clinics at Singleton Marine. Sessions are held at 9:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Call 256-825-8888 or email lnowling@singletonmarine.com to reserve your free spot.

n First Wednesday of each month through August – Pontoons n Second Wednesday of each month through August –Sterndrives n Third Wednesday of each month through August – Tow Boats

Strand Sessions

Lake Martin Young Professionals invite you to bring lawn chairs, blankets, picnic baskets, coolers and family and friends to Strand Park in downtown Alexander City from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month through August for free music in the park. Visit the Strand Sessions Facebook page for details.

Lake Martin Civitan Club

The Lake Martin Civitan Club meets at noon in the private room at JR’s Grill, 145 Alabama St., Alexander City, on the second Thursday of each month. For more information, call Audrey Moore at 256-786-0465.

Alexander City Lions Club

Serving 27 local charities in Tallapoosa County, the Alexander City Lions Club meets at 6 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month at Lake Martin Area United Way office on Main Street. A meal is provided at the second meeting of the month, which features an engaging speaker. For more information, contact Mae Lynn O’Neil at 256-750-7404.

Wellborn Musclecar Museum

Housed in a restored vintage auto dealership in downtown Alexander City, the Wellborn Musclecar Museum collection of great American automobiles of the 1960s and 1970s is open for public viewing Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This exemplary collection includes the famed K&K Dodge, the 1970 Grand National Champion, as well as Aero cars designed for NASCAR. Admission for adults is $11; children ages 7 to 17 admitted for $7, and children ages 6 and under are admitted for free. To arrange discounted group tours or private tours, email wellbornmusclecarmuseum@gmail.com or call the museum at 256-329-8474.

Fiber Fridays

Bring your knitting, crochet, needlepoint, embroidery and other fiber art projects to The Yarn Shop Around the Corner in Dadeville from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Fridays to meet fellow fiber artisans, share tips and techniques and talk with others who share your interests. Call 334-444-1038 for more information.

Naturalist Presentations and Guided Nature Tours

Naturalist Marianne fills the Naturalist Cabin at Russell Crossroads with children and adults to see and listen to her lively nature presentations. Check the calendar at RussellLands.com/blog/events for the scheduled subject matter, dates and times.

Tallassee Lions Club

The Tallassee Lions Club meets every Tuesday at Cozumel Restaurant, across from the football stadium in Tallassee, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. The public is welcome to join for an hour of humor, information, civic pride and patriotism. For more information, call Marilyn Speake at 334-283-6864 or email her at marilyn.speake@tcschools.com.

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