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Public Notices
of the Courthouse in Elmore County, Alabama on October 13, 2022, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following describe real estate situated in Elmore County, Alabama, to-wit: LOT NO. 39 OF THE BROADMOOR ESTATES PLAT A SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN BY P.J. JENNINGS, REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, DATED NOVEMBER 21, 1963 AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROBATE OF ELMORE COUNTY ALABAMA IN PLAT BOOK 4, AT PAGE 19.Property Street Address for Informational Purposes: 5160 Sycamore Dr Millbrook AL 36054 Said property will be sold “AS IS”. NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE TITLE OF SAID PROPERTY. Said property is subject to any title limited to: any outstanding ad valorem taxes - including taxes which are a lien but not yet due and payable, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record set out above. Said property will be sold subject to the right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto. The highest bidder must tender a non-refundable
STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF ELMORE RESOLUTION NO. 09-12-2022-1 REGARDING VACATION OF A PORTION OF PROVIDENCE ROAD LOCATED IN ELMORE COUNTY, ALABAMA WHEREAS, a written Petition with the Elmore County Commission by Tatia W. Knight, being an owner of land abutting a portion “Providence Road,” (also referred to herein at times as “the subject portion of Providence Road”) which is more fully described as follows: Commence at a found iron pin known as the intersection of the South line of the North 1/2 of Section 9; T-20-N, R-18-E, Elmore County, Alabama and the West Right-of-Way (70’) of Jackson Trace Road; thence leaving said West Right-ofWay (70’) of Jackson Trace Road N 89°23’19” W 3,634.67’ to a found iron pin; thence N 01°57’32” E 2,037.71’ to the POINT OF BEGINNING for the herein described parcel of land; (said point also located on the South Right-of-Way (80’) of Providence Road); thence along said South Right-of-Way (80’) of Provi-
NOW, THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the Elmore no entity or person will be cut off from access by the vacation of the subject portion of Providence Road, but to the contrary, all other entities and persons already have reasonable and convenient access to their properties, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Elmore County Commission, that this Commission fmds that it is in the best interest of the public that the subject portion of Providence Road be vacated, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the consent of the Elmore County Commission that the subject portion of Providence Road, as described herein above, be and the same hereby is vacated and divested of all public rights and liabilities, including any rights which may have been acquired by prescription, and that title to the subject public roadway in Elmore County, Alabama, known as the subject portion of Providence Road, is now vested in the abutting landowner, the same being Talia W. Knight, subject to the right of entities with utilities in place at this time to continue and maintain, extend, and enlarge their lines to the same extent as if the vacation had not occurred, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Cloetta A. Hines a/k/a Cloetta Ann Alfrey and Jody A. Hines to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, dated June 23, 2008 said mortthe Judge of Probate of Elmore County, Alabama, in Book 2008, Page 37824. Said mortgage was subsequently sold, assigned and transferred to Bank Of America, N.A. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the undersigned, Bank Of America, N.A., will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance the time and place of sale. The highest bidder must tender the remainder to the ALAW Law ofShould the winning bidder fail to tender the total amount due within 24 hours, ALAW reserves the right to award the sale to the next highest bidder. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand the rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. This sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in said Mortgage and by Alabama law. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.**This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained may be used for that purpose. **The public sale provided for hereinabove was postponed on 09/15/2022, by public announcement being made at the main entrance of the Elmore County Courthouse, Wetumpka, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale. The foreclosure sale described hereinabove shall be held on the 10/13/2022, at the main entrance of the Elmore County Courthouse, during the legal hours of sale. Bank Of America, N.A., Mortgagee or Transferee Jonathan Smothers ALAW One Independence Plaza, Suite 416 Birmingham, AL 35209 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 22005533 A-4759695 09/21/2022
Wetumpka Herald: Sept. 21, 2022 TS#: 22-005533
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