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Church Briefs
ETUMC’s Rivers Edge Flea Market is now closed. The church will start a new project called Rivers Edge Food Pantry. ETUMC will provide canned food, water, dry beans and rice, blankets, and jackets. If you want to donate or help with the cause, call Joan Wood at 334312-4913.
Please join us for Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. when the Rev. Lee Lowery will celebrate the Holy Eucharist. We are asking everyone please to wear a mask. The service will be live streamed on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ EpiphanyTallassee/ For more informa- cooperation and assistance it takes to make a marriage what God intends it to be? Would your workplace be happier and maybe more productive if the management noticed and showed more appreciation for workers’ efforts? Would your attitude about going to work be better if you were more grateful for the privilege of working? When you say “thanks” out loud, it blesses the ones you tell and it speaks to your own heart, too. “And be thankful.”
Making requests to our heavenly Father is one of the high privileges of being a child of God. We should never be too busy to pray, asking God’s blessings. And when we pray, we ought to grow beyond rote recitation and listing our requests to genuine worshipful tion, visit the church website at http:// epiphanytallassee.org/
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church, located at 514 Central Blvd. will host a Veteran’s Day Celebration on Nov. 11 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. for all veterans and first responders and their family members.
“We are OPEN and everyone is WELCOME! Come worship with us in person Sunday mornings at 8:50 a.m. (contemporary) or 11 a.m. (traditional). Sunday School for all ages is offered Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., and a nursery is available for infants. CHILDREN & YOUTH: meet thanksgiving. Remember, thanksgiving is the appropriate accompaniment to requests: “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). God is exalted when we give thanks to him. We are humbled when we acknowledge that God is the one who gives us all the good things we enjoy. Fight anxiety by exercising your privilege. Ask in faith, “And be thankful.”
Some additives are not helpful. A whole industry produces and markets all-natural foods without additives. But some additives are essential and healthful. Being thankful is one of the good ones. So, enjoy your days, cherish your relationships, say your prayers, “and be thankful.” Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday evenings from 5-6:30 p.m. and Wednesday evenings from 6-7:15 p.m.; supper is included both days! For more information about our church or the programs we offer, visit our website: fumctallassee. com or call us: 334-283-2195. FUMC Tallassee - 1 Jordan Avenue.”
Airs every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. on 580 WACQ, FM 98.5 & 101.1, on your smart speaker, your TuneIn app, or on our website www.wacqradio.com. Please share on social media. This set of programs features Msgr. Charles Troncale, Fr. Mateusz Rudzik, Fr. James Dean, Fr. David Carucci, Fr. Patrick Driscoll, and Deacon Jim Labadie.