Carry on screaming - Cath Davies

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The Media Studies Conference Tuesday 2nd - Thursday 4th JUly 2002 The National Film Theatre, South Bank, London .

• Carry on Screaming - Fandom and Audience Issues by


Cath Davies

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bfi Education, British Rim Institute, 21 Stephen Street, London WH 1LN

Introducin2 Fandom - Scheme of work for AS Film Studies

Stereoty.yica{ro/resentations offan 6efiaviour • • •

What qualities are generally associated with fandom? How do they behave and what negative associations are often highlighted in media coverage? Is there an alternative perspective - can we challenge this perception offan behaviour?


Group work investigating the standard stereotype using reference to football fans and news coverage, A Hard Day's Night and screaming schoolgirls, The Simpsons, and films like The Fanffhe King Of Comedy


Class discussion on how the stereotypical associations with fandom can be linked to the hypodermic needle theory and notion of the passive, easily influenced viewer.

Wfiat do fans do? (tfiose wfio are not stafkina cefe6rities or actina viofentfy and fiystencaffy inyu6fic.. J • • •


How do fans expand and develop their interest in film!media texts beyond the initial viewing experience? What is included in the "extended universe" ofa text that is generated by fans? How have developments in new technology enhancedfan activities and audience consumption!pleasures offilm!media texts? Group work brainstorming different fan activities using specific examples wherever possible

'Uses and §ratiHcations of fan activities J /J • • •

What do individuals get from participating in fan activities? Why do they do it at all? What pleasures can be offe;ed?


Group work drawing on experiences of multiple interpretations of texts; social benefits of being part of a community with similar interests; (some students may have experiences of their own fan fiction that can be incorporated into class discussions)


Group work applying Uses and Gratifications model to work on fan activities and pleasures of a text's "extended universe"

Note: This area, examining the different 'needs' thatfans have, could be developed in more detail ifteachingfandom as anAl topic in the FS6 paper.

'T'Jie re{ationsJi~ 6etween the Pi{m 'lndustry andJandom •

How can the industry exploitfan interests in order to make profits beyond the box office? • What are the benefits to the industry ofchoosingfilm projects that have an existing fanbase before the film has been made? • What are the benefits ofthese jibn choices to the existingfanbase? • How canfans dictate industry decisions (film choices and stylistic considerations) and how has the internet enhanced the relationship between the industry and its audience?


Group work addressing these areas, using own experiences and examples

Summary •

What issues aboutjibn/media audiences have been raised by this study of jibn/media fandom?


Group work applying learning to different resources using FS2 stimulus response style questions Analysing materials using a fandom checklist:


Industry using fans - how and why? Fans using industry - how and why? Fan activities and uses/gratifications/pleasures The active versus passive viewer debate Personal experiences and own examples to add to the stimulus materials


'lnte8ratinafaruiom into areas ofthe 9tS 'Firm studies syect£ication Although fandom is an area that is covered directly in the FS2 module of the course, it is possible to include fan perspectives in other modules. This will offer students a wider knowledge and provide examples that can enhance their detailed case study on audience/fan issues.

5tud'yi!![j'Texts ('F51 micro/macro worf arui'F53 textuaranafysis)

Internet research onfandom: Providing a worksheet that guides students in their research, requesting feedback on:


Audience profile


Perspectives on the film 'canon' (within genres for example)


Why is there a passion/interest/need for a particular film/genre?


Post questions on sites asking individuals to offer their thoughts on their own fan enthusiasm for a particular film/genre/star/director

This research can provide an excellent opportunity to feedback findings to the class for Key Skills presentations. For example, students can research a pioneering film of their choice, relating to the genre they have studied for FS 1 coursework. This would include offering their own experiences, pleasures and fan conclusions. This can also be done in relation to star personas and pleasures that will offer valuable resources for the FS2 exam.

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Film Studies AS - Stardom. fans and the internet Internet research on a film star Useful unofficial fan-sites to visit are and www.seeing-starsocom.. Type in your star name and press search. To find a mixture offan-sites and official industry sites then investigate via a search engine like Google or Yahoo.

1. Find examples of an official star site or an industry site on a film featuring your chosen star. • • • • • • •

What qualities about your star are being highlighted? Do the images (stills, poster, trailer) feature the star's recognisable persona e.g pose, clothing, props etc? How does the site link the star's persona and specific mm roles? Is there any biographical, off-screen information provided? What links to other related sites are evident? How is the star being 'sold' to the audience? What pleasures can official sites offer fans of your chosen star?

2. Print an overview of the fan-sites belonging to your star and make notes on the variety of different forms that these sites take. Select examples of 5 unofficial ones to compare and contrast. • • • • • •


What qualities about your star are being emphasised? What do these sites concentrate on and how are they structured/designed? Does the look and emphasis of the sites differ to the official industry ones? If so, how? Do any of the sites highlight contrasting qualities that you were not familiar with? From an overview of the sites available, what can you deduce about the typical fan of your star? (age range? male or female?) What function does the intemet provide for fans and what pleasures can these sites offer?

What conclusions can you draw about stars, their fans and the intemetfrom this study?





There's far more to Star War! than the movies - in fact, there's an entire "Expanded Universe" of books, games and comics. Ifyou thought it was weird to discover that Darth Vader invented C-3PO, just check out these plot shockers...

Slcywalker Incest!

Ewoks Do Stuff!

Boba Fett lives!

Sp#inrrrOfThe Mind's Eye - . 1971

Meet Chewie's family!

The EwoIlAdwntllre:Cartmln Of CourrJge & Ewots: The BartleFor Endor

TIIIes From Jabba's PaJaa .... ltfS


Given the monosyllabic bounty hunters immense popularity, it was deemed finandally unwise to leaVl! him festering in Sarlaac juices after ktum Of The Jtdi. But it took a whileforMr Fen to INppear - in the short story A8aM Likt That: The Talt OfBoba ktt part ofanthology ToIts fIom Jabba's Polace. Apparently, after his apparent demise he blew the man-eating pit up and was then rescued by fellow bounty hunter Dengar (the one with all the bandages), going on to haVl! his own series 01 ad_lUres. How very conVl!nient

Lucas has effectively buried this 12lkninute TV space-wJeck ana it's easy to see why. Set on Chewlt homewortd KashyyyIc. it stars his wife Malla, his dad Itchy and his son Lumpy, who are cefebming wookie festival "life Daf.~ highlights? Avisit from Art The

Alan Dean Foster's novel was scribbled before George Lucas had started scripting TheEmpirr SIrim Bod' - which is probably why Foster had no qualms about introdudng some mating sexual tension between Luke and Leia. Gkay, they don't actually boffeach other, but check this excerpt out: ·Awkwardly pressed up against him, the PrIncess seemed to take no notice of their proximity. In the dampness. though, her body heat was near palpable to Luke and he had to force himself to keep his anention on what he was doing: Ewwww.


If you heard a hollow, SCIiItching noise sometime during the '80s, it was probably George Lueas' fingernails SClilping the bonom ofthe barrel. Set before RttlIm Of TheJtdi, these TV , movies saw the irritating fuzzballs team up with some shipwrecked kids to fight giants, monsters and witches, and hang out with one of those geezers from COlllOII. Strangest of all, the second film features cutesy ewok Wicket (Warwick Davis) speaking English_.


www.theforce.netltheater Ishortfilmsltroops Feel the farce: US reality 1V hit Cops reinvented for Generation X-wing. Yoda sez: ·Many short comedy films are there. But few are this bener than. Professional is the acting. Shot well is it too. like it doesYoda:

Parkwars Idownloadsldefault.htm Feel the farce: South Pork meets 510r WOIl and Every Other SO-Fi Thing Ever! 50 TOTAl.


Totol Film asked ledi muppet Yoda to rate StarWars web spoofs. So, thumbs up or down?

Yoda sel: "Laugh like drain at this Idid - so hard Yoda need new pants after watching:

Thumb Wars Feel the farce: Steve Aa Ventllfll] Dedekerk presents The Phantom Cuticle. Yoda sn: ·Drunk must he have been when made this. Beer leads to suffering. High the production values are, but low the comedy is:

Star Dudes: ANew Hope download.theforce.netltheater Istardudes.html Feel the farce: Flash animated types

compress Episode IV into five minutes. Yoda sez: ·Dude they are always saying. Think this is height of comedy do they? Actually funny it is. But too fast. Headache inducing it is. Alka Seltzer is Yoda buying:

That Prequel Movie www.theforce.netltheater Ishortfllmsl prequell Feel the farce: Episodel is swept with the computer spoofing brush. Again. Yoda sel: ·Always one there is. Tnes to do what the others succeed at, but fails. does this. Ashamed makers will be. They will be_·


Camey,TIIt Golden Girls' BeaArthur crooning aballad in the Cantina, aeartoon featuring Boba Fen's first Mr appearance and Carrie Fisher singing a song to the StarWm them tune. Honestly. This did happen.

AfR~ Y~lIJ

THE ULTIMATE T'\~ '~"/1. '. t . d_· ..


Can you tell your Bib Fortuna from your Boba Fett? What's the difference between a mynock and a midichlorian? Do you think you know more about the Star Wars saga than Grand Moff Lucas himself? Test your mettle against Total Film's Ultimate Star Wars Quiz - the highest score we receive will win the sender an exclusive Attack Of The CLones goodie bag, crammed full of computer games, posters, soundtacks, T-shirts and more...

ROUND a~!i: DO YOU i<Ei-lEi"iBE:l T~E FIRST lI~E?

Match the opening blabs to the correct movies••• 1. 'Echo Three to Echo Seven. Han, old buddy, do you read me?" 2. 'Captain... tell them we wish to board at once." 3. 'Did you hear that? They've shut down the main reactor." 4. 'Command station, this is STThree-21. Code clearance blue.-



Finish each of these lines:



Five outlandish alien names. Tell us what race each belongs to for a point Hch.

Nowfor the really tricky questions_

1. Greedo 2. Bib Fortuna 3. Nien Nunb 4. Salacious Crumb 5. MaxRebo

ROUND SEVEN POP r.UlTURE 101 StilT WillS references,

1. "I suggest anew strategy, Moo..." 2. 'I will not give up my favourite decoration..." 3. "Ahhh! Agreat warror..." 4. "Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for..." 5. 'I felt agreat disturbance in the Force.•."


Who or what links... 1 The Virgin Suicides with The Phantom Menace? 2 .The characters Wicket Wald and Weazel? 3 US sitcom Cheers with The EmpireStrikes Back? 4, X-wing pilot Wedge and Ewan McGregor? 5 The character of Duane Benzie in sitcom Spaced with The Phantam Menace?



parodies and pastiches are everywhere. But do you know them well enough to answer these? 1. Which Star Wars cast member appeared as himself in Simpsons episode Mayored To The Mob? 2. Which British band opened their Star Wars-referencing debut LP with the sound of aTIE Fighter's engine scream? 3.ln which movie is Rewm Of7heledi described as 'a bunch of Muppets' 4. What's the name of John Candy's Chewbacca-mimicking character in Mel Brooks' Space Balls? 5. Which American comedian once sang aversion of the Star Wars theme on Sowday NightUVf!?

1,What's Jabba the Hull's full name? 2. Where did George Lucas go on holiday during the opening weekend for Star Wars? 3. Which of the following was nat considered for the role ofPrincess Leia: Sissy Spacek, Jodie Foster, Jessica Lange and Amy Irving? 4. In which country is R2-D2 known as Cl-PS? 5.ln how many of the Star Wars movies released so far does someone "have abad feeling about this?" 6. Which director tumed down an offer to h e RewmOfTheledl? . 7. Who came up with the name Jar Jar Binks? 8. Which cell does Luke say he's taking Chewbacca to during the Leia rescue sequence in Star Wars? 9. How many times is the word 'ewok" spoken in Rewm OfTheledl? . 10. Greedo's dialogue is spoken in areal language, which has been played backwards. Name the language.

TIEBREAKER Just In cue more than one parson hits th.e same highest score, complete thefollowmg statement In no more than 50 words: "If I was aStar Wars character I would be - because _ - - - "

Just post your your an~wers to: Ultimate Star Wars QU1Z, Total Film, 99 Baker St, London W1U 6FP, or e-mail them to: totalfilm(ci),uk,

TIle Gtumlian friday Nowmber 24 2000 Ift

WANTTOMAKEYOUROWN STAR.WARS MOVIE?WE DID Howard Wen on the fan fi:lrns proliferating on the net - with or withouttheir inspirations' bl,essing




Wars prequellIlmJOt days before tile ortctnal Star Wan? WhatIbout Bounty , 1Ri1, which featuns th. furtber_l1IreofStar Wan bounty bunter Boba Or how about tb&t .pOOd. of Th. X Files where Mulder and SCullyinvestlp", th. death of ElYiJ? If Star Trek: isn't doing it for you." QU a look at th. other Trek series, Hidden Flonlier. If they sounda like fanciful Ideas dreamed up by fans. that's becauae they an:. But they also actually exist for you to watch and enjoy. These an product5 of the "fan film" scene - an otrshOOl culture of Independ.nt ellptal film-making. Fan films feature the cbar&cten. settings or premise of popular senre properties In stories that audiences will never lee on the movie screen or TV. Most fan film· 10 tbroucb th. same bard work involved In making a typical ind.pendent short IIlm - saiptwritln& e:uting. olHet production and post-production. Th. dlff.rena: is that they work wltb a property that belonp to IOmebody else, in most cases without th. eonsent ofth. orillinal creator or eopyrigbt bolder. "I think with many olthese properties, the creators bave ttafted IUch fully realised uniYeneS thataomeone can mOle in and create their own story alongside the big t>oys,"saysJustin Younc. a 21.,.arold college student and fan ftlm·maker _ "",--,a.prodUced his own movies based lighland.r movie and TV series. , C:reatingyourown sequel or p ~ to the.. "fully realised universes" has only recently become feasible for the average fan. These days. they can create and diJ.. tribute aetuallllltl5 whlcb.ln special.ffl'etS at leasLare not so far behind whal's I bein~ released in tbeatres.ln the process.. I fan film-makers may be helpinf;to change I the way we experience the movies. Fan , film·,," _orally live credit for th. I curret1t interestin fan lilmsto 1roopa, th.1 parody film that crossed StarWars with H.nry J.nIdnI, dlreetoroleomparative reality-TV show Produa:d two years medla stuelles at MIT. polnta out that ; &10. lroops was distributed u video Ill.. more than 200 appropriations ofAlia:" ", downloaded from websItes. the same way Advenl1lre In Wonderland were pubmost fan films are released today. The lishedlnth.20yearsa1lerth.novelllnt , technolollieal auocess oflroops Inspired I appean:d and many ofth.m cireulated ; fans to broaden their approach: why make . comm.r<:iaIly. What's new is th.lnllexl, only parodies when you can do "serious" bllity of eorporatlons In responellns to : short tilltl5 set In the Star Wan universe? lans' creations. "Contemporary mass cuJI -For some reuon we thousbt we were turf: usumes that the lveJ"qe citizen con-th.OnlYdOOfuseswilbthisldea,thatwe'd sumes but does not participate," saY' be a1on. in Itick-startinS this new mini- JenIdns. _ fandom bolda on to th. s.nre." saY' Dewn Read, a 20-year-old Ideal of a cuJl1Ire where everyone is free graphic desilDer who's IIJlisbin1 and abI. to participate." production on his own Star Wan fan IlIm. Not tb&t many fan lIlm-makers would Th. world oCfan films bu srown to In- I1Imdownanotl'ertojolnth.bigll1lelloa. ! ciud.unollic:iallilmsbasedonotberprop- Both lroops and Bounty Trail b.lped i erlies - StarTrek.Th. XFDes, Highlander. theircreatnrs _ on to """'" in th.1lIm , Batman. Spidennan.TheX-Men and JIllft. Industry. Bounty Trail caucbt th. aaenWhy both.r makilll a lIim baaed on lion of Georp: Luc:u, who aubaequ.ntly J som.body .1.... property, rath.r than hired lb. lan-1Ilm direcU>r to work on his , your own creation? "Hey. It's Star Wars!" seeond Star Wan prequeI. explains JelrVitkuske, a bilb-schoolll1lWbIJ. tecbnolOlY enables fan 1lImI d.nt from Ontario. Canada. who is bIllY makers to achieve near-HolJywood of· . producing fan films baaed on Star Wars fecta, the ~ and screetIWItlillI is not : and Th. X-M.n: "It's sreat to make up eDetIy of OIcar-wiIlDillI quality, and ! som.thilll roundL" b. says, "but let me other production valu.. tend to betraY . t.1I you -" notblnslik. _tchins th.Iiims' IlIDateIIr oricinL "M1 opinion i yourself wi.ldlng a IIcbt aabre'" on fan Iiims (and r.e 0DIy really seen :'snolbin!;newaboutmnsc:o-optins th. Star Wars ones) Is that on th.

La,.,.... re_t!ns DC ComIcs ....t KImballa a:aR-and_letter a week later ltating tb&t th. """"' .... unauthorised and oa:usinI IUmboII of ustnc a DC Comicapropertywitbouttbeexpress_tell permisalon of DC Comics. K1mball promptJy took clown tllesite be had JOt up, without eontest!nsthe eompany's claims. "I tbouIbt I haddoneeoerytblngrilbt. The movie bad orillinallllUsicand lepI musiclibrary II1IlI, an onpnal stoIy, orillina1 apec:ial eII'e<:tI," says KimbaIl F\Irtbermore, be dld notsell or makevlcleolapeeopiesofhis 1IIm. H.lnslsts:"1 treated Superman with ~ Th.onlythinglusedwastlleSu-! perman lop>, name andc:ostume. and lbey shut m. down." (DC Comics' publicity manaser responded: "DC Comics has a long historyol enersmcal1yprotee:tilll its eopyrigbts and trademarks. Therefore. we stand byourceas.."'u::kIesislletter in this particular .....") Whll. DC QUs lb. hard IIn•• other media pants may be optiJII for a more enlightened approach. Lucaslllm bas an informa1asreementwltbfans:-wekMour -,andwekM itwben they_their creativItY and enlbuslasm for Star Wars," empbuiRs t,ynn. Hale, Lucas's publleist. "When It does eross lb. line, or wben we do bave a problem. is wIlen they uae Star Watt eopyrigbted materials for eollU1lOt' da1 uae: Otherwise. Star Wars fan film· makers haveth. blessing of Luc:as himseIL On November 6. the omc:ial websi'" lor the Star Wan movies and AtomFllltl5 an· I nouna:d that they will partn.r to launch lb. Star Wan Fan FIlm Network later this year, which wtn feature tan-made movies. LueufUm is even making sound etrectl availabl. from Its library lor fan IIlm-



maken to use. The Star Wars Fan Film I Networkeven plans to payfan lI1m·makeIs








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MIddIebrook. who has revieMd man: than 60 lor Force Flidts, a Star Wan multimedia fan lite. -PuodiesJeaDlDmmeup _than lb. seriouslllms.ll\lOSS iflb. film" not taldns Itself too seriously. it's euierfortb. auellena: to do th. same." But. apIn. th. elreets aren't bad. Many d..ip.n who have mad. th.1r own 3D models of Star Wars vehicles and drolds an: wiUlllI to &bare"-ork for credit on a fan film. and a plethora of tutorials



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i Letme I to IIlI.kinc auth.nlic-looltilll eosI1Im.. ; tell youandprops.~JustInY<JIlllI:"W.wiUaI! there's _beasteportwobchlndlUl(Georp: i Luc:as" Indurtrla1 UIlbt and Mapc). bUI I nothing sbowfilm-makerseve~frombow IOcreatI:!igbt-abreand_elreets

I think bow close we have eom. would I . . shock most people." ! M rnr th. Iepllasues, fan films IaII watching _a_area_fan_and _ _ parody. both of which an: Ieplly pro- ~ _ . tected under US law. But at lout one ran WIelding a IIIm has landed Ita producer In troubl. light with the law. Man:Kimball.a~ animator for a Yid.., production eompany. took an old 8mmmorielbltb.bad _In 1980 ofbimlelt man. updated tbe1lIm'sllarrinIas Super-I __




ern eomputer graphics and distribUled

thJ'OUlh royalties seoerated from the site. "Soon, (eopyricbt holders) an: lOins to ! need those active lam more than nu bea 10...: saY' MlTs Jenklns. "Fans may becom. the new smkeepers who h.lp direct consumen toward interestilll and enp.llins medlaeontent."What motivates lDOIlfan IIlm-makers is the desire to see oth.r stories baaed on th.1r favouri'" movie, TV series orlUper!lero. YOUllIsays fan films can also belp to supply a mJso. illl piece of th.story wblch micbl never bave been punued by th. original ere1lOra. H. points out that lberean: no new episodes or shows baaed on HIllbland.r. th. insplratlon for his own creation. Considerin« the extent to which cligltal fiIm-maklllI and broadband Intem.t technolOlY bave already advanced and eonversed, will there eom. a tlm. wh.n fans take over TV sbcn!s. _ orotber media properties? WIll fan IIlm-mak.n create th. nen Star Wars trllOlY in Luc:u'I pIaa:? "In a few years, there eouId be 50 (fan-mad.) Star Trek seri.. online," says YOlUlJ. "'Ibat Is very eXJ:Itln&- It a1Io foroes th. professionals to work harder and really pay attention to what fans want. Hey, we're IIlakinIwbat _want to ..... If that's not what they're prodw:iJll, then they sbouId c:alch abillL" Fer............. · .......... o.t

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