TFS Magazine - Fall 2021

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Whether you made a donation to the Tallulah Fund, through Georgia GOAL or by other means, you have made a significant difference in the lives of TFS students. Your gift creates opportunities that many of our students would not otherwise receive. Thank you for your continued support of Tallulah Falls School. This honor roll reflects gifts made from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021. A to Zinc Health Store & Smoothie Bar A+ Compliance Fire Protection Acoustic Cellar Guitars Acree Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Acree Ashley Adams Advantage Insurers Beatrice Agingu Mr. and Mrs. Charles Akers Albany Woman’s Club Ricardo Alcantara Mrs. Ellen Alderman Chris Alewine Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Kelly Allen Mr. and Mrs. Seth Allen Allied Interior Services LLC Mrs. Virginia Allison Mr. and Mrs. Paul Almoyan Amazon Smile American Janitorial Supply American Pest Control American Water Services, Inc. Anderson & Sons Roofing Andrew Anderson Barbara and Jack Anderson June Keller Anderson Mysti Anderson Anthem Matilda Arhin Ariail Tire Inc. Sammy Ariail Ms. Cynthia Arrendale Athens-Oconee Junior Woman’s Club Athens Woman’s Club Charles Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Atkinson Craig Atkinson Atlanta Woman’s Club Ms. Allison Audet Augusta Aquatics, Inc. Augusta Junior Woman’s Club Augusta Woman’s Club Shirley A Austin Mr. and Mrs. Rob E. Aycock Amanda Ayres Azalea City Woman’s Club Jill Bagley Emily Bagwell Brent Baker Baldwin Wash Systems Jacqueline Ball Ms. Janice Barden Ms. Halimatu Barrie Mr. and Mrs. Casey Barron Mr. and Mrs. Dewan Barron Mr. Kenneth Barron Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Barron Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bates Ms. Bridget Beaupre Sharon Beavers Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Beck Mrs. Judith Behrens Amy Belk Mr. and Mrs. Gurnie Bell

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Benson Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Besier VeEtta Bess-Dukes Bethel & Company, Accountants Blackhawk Flyfishing Bambi and Steve Blackwell Blue Graphics Custom Screen Printing Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bly Mr. and Mrs. John Bogan Ms. Elisha Boggs Becky Bolden Elizabeth Bond Marcus Bonner Audrey Borchers Mrs. Sandra Borrow Boswell Supply Mr. Perry Bourlet Eric M Bourrie Deborah and Coy Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bowman Joseph Boyd Mr. Stephen Boynton Josh Brady Sheryl Branson Bremen Junior Woman’s Club Alison Brewer Tyler Brightwell Holly Brode Michael and Judith Brode Emily Brooks Kathryn Brooks Ms. Catherine Brooks-Geiger Brother John’s Subs Dr. Ray Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brown Mrs. Lauren Brown Matthew Browning Broxton Woman’s Club Brunswick Woman’s Club Buchanan Woman’s Club Jeff & Lisa Bucksot Mr. David Burgess Keely Burke Mrs. Nancy Rickman Burrell Susie Burton Calhoun Woman’s Club Mr. and Mrs. Lee Callenback Ms. Whitney Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Campbell Tina Campbell Mrs. Gail Cantrell Mary and Craig Carder Carl Patterson Flooring Ashley Carlan Natalie Carneal Mr. and Mrs. Max Carnes Missy Carnes Carnesville Woman’s Club Carrie Dyer Woman’s Club Kelly and Chris Carringer Carrollton Civic Woman’s Club Carrollton Junior Woman’s Club Brian Carter Ms. Stella Carter

Carter’s Royal Dispos-all, Inc. Cartersville Woman’s Club Mr. Jim Cash Miranda Castellanos Elizabeth Chadwick Margaret Chatman Tina Tatum Cheek Sonya Chesser Mr. and Mrs. David Chester Chickamauga Woman’s Club Chick-fil-A of Cornelia Tonya Chitwood Chris Mote’s Pumping Service Christina Freeman Estate Tonya Church Citizens of Georgia Power, Tallulah Falls Chapter Civic Woman’s Club of Milledgeville Beverly R Clark Donald Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark Clayton Paint & Flooring The Clayton Tribune Cleveland Builders Supply & Hardware Mrs. Celeste W. Clotfelter Mr. Serge Clouatre Cobb Woman’s Club Mrs. Connie Cobb Cochran Woman’s Club Mr. and Mrs. Brentt Cody Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Cody, Jr. Barbara B Cohen Mrs. Carol Cole Cody Coleman Lisa Colston Compass Pest Management Complete Comfort Heating & Air Construction Components Truss Division Mr. and Mrs. Benny Cook Dr. and Mrs. David Cook Tracie Coole Mr. Bryan Cope Brandy and Tim Corbett Hazel Cording Cortez Brothers Painting & More LLC Mr. John Corwin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cox Joel Cox Mrs. Rachel Craver Ms. Susan Crawford Matthew Crotta Lorie Crumley Ms. Beth Cruz Currahee Security Systems, Inc. Dallas Woman’s Club Mr. Kyle Dampier Mr. and Mrs. Stu Damron Dottie D’Angelo Mr. Scott Davis Eduardo and Barbara de Velasco Deal’s Appliance Service, Inc. Dawn Decaminada Mr. and Mrs. William DeFoor L. Stuart Delugach

Brian and Renee Dennis Alan and Linda Densmore Mr. and Mrs. Danny Densmore Jason Diggle Doug and Shirley Dillard Ashley Dillingham Dixie Precast, Inc. Amber Dorsey Mrs. Carolyn Duncan Mrs. Kathryn Dunlap Mrs. Wanda Dunn Dunwoody Woman’s Club Duplicating Products Inc. Duvall Automotive Mr. Dwight Dyer Eagle Cleaning Services Jacqueline Earp Eric Eaton Briana Ebanks Julian Echavarria Jeremy Echuck Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Edenfield Edison Concrete Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Andrea Elam Crystal Eller Tammy Elrod Kathleen Engeman Engineering Management, Inc. Billie Jean Erwin Mr. Konreid Etheredge Eubank Family Dentistry, LLC Hanwu Fang Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Brent Farrar Carole Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farris Fellowship of Christian Athletes Cindy Ferguson First Citizens Bank 1st Franklin Financial Mr. Brad Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Fisher Mr. Mike Flynn FlynnO’Hara Uniforms Donna Foland Tracy Foor Foothills Land Design Judy and Bruce Forbes Mr. Renaldi Forbes Forsyth Woman’s Club FortNet Security Elizabeth Fountain Four Corners Woman’s Club Mr. Preston Fowler Mr. Wayne Fowler Frankie Bray Farms Doug and Jane Franklin Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Randy Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Franks Mr. and Mrs. D. Bryan Freeman Mrs. Carolyn Friedlander Yukun Fu Julie Fulbright


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