TFS Magazine - Summer 2021

Page 7



irst and foremost, I’d like to express my appreciation for the faculty, staff, parents and grandparents, the board of trustees, Dr. Peevy, and most importantly, my peers for being here today. Every one of you has made a profound impact on my life. The faculty at this school has helped all of us more than I could ever begin to explain. I am confident in saying that I would not be where I am today without the support from my mom, sister, dad, and grandparents, who have pushed me to be the best version of myself. Though we are saying goodbye to each other today as classmates, we are not saying goodbye to our friendships. Together, especially this past year with the pandemic which touched some of us personally and affected all of us through separation, we have experienced so many obstacles and hardships. Some of our dearest friends are thousands of miles across the world, and the only way we have been able to see each other was through a small computer screen. In 50 years, I won’t think about whether or not I made an A on that one test or whether I turned in my assignment a day before it was due or even that I received this award. I will look back and think about how I can confidently say that this class is now my family. The road that lies ahead is not going to be easy. But I know that every single one of us is capable of pushing ourselves to the best of our abilities because we have come so far in our journey together, and I feel confident that each one of you is now prepared to take the next step into your

journey with confidence of your own. Perseverance is one of the most essential qualities a person can have, especially when trying to succeed. Joshua 1:9 states, “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Our dreams and hopes will one day be reached, and I know for a fact that we would not be able to achieve these goals if it hadn’t been for TFS. So, to the class of 2021, as you leave here today, I can only hope that you will encounter many remarkable things that life has to offer beyond high school. Before I close, I want to share a message with you about something that I have learned throughout my seven years at TFS. This is the idea of never settling. With everything that you experience in life, never settle – whether that is in school, a relationship, a job, or even simple decisions. I can tell you from my years here going the extra mile has helped me complete my assignments and create closer friendships with my peers. Through each year of attending TFS, I have noticed that Dr. Peevy never settles either. He expanded the middle school to accommodate more students, he added a middle school gymnasium that we are all enjoying as we speak, and he built a beautiful natatorium. Never settling is how greatness is achieved, and as Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

in p r u T e Carolin


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