[ Tautwood ]
TaMaCo (Taller de Materiales y Construcciรณn) consists of an opened space for the community, dedicated to artistic and technological investigations. It is equipped with tools of design and machines of manufacture. It is a local laboratory,located in the district of Patricios Park of the City of Buenos Aires. The TaMaCo promotes a learning based on the making, the study of the manufacturing techniques, the contact with tools and materials as the base of the creative processes. The team work, the community, the respect, the reciprocal aid and the quality of the personal relations between the members of the TaMaCo is as important as products and processes. Although some employees are in charge of the organization of activities and of the administration of the resources. The participants and collaborators are expected to be responsible and respectful towards the things and the others. The relations are horizontal and the merit is the fundamental unit of measurement. TaMaCo is a project of CheLa (Latin American Experimental Hipermediรกtico Center), directed and developed by the study of design Formosa and declared of interest by the Regime of Cultural Promotion (Patronage) of the City of Buenos Aires.
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
0.0 Abstract 0.1 Our Team 0.2 Francesco Milano 0.3 Guillaume Jami 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Research context 1.2 Research statement 1.3 Research orientation 2.0 Design Research 2.1 Bending Behaviour 2.2 Moduling research 2.3 Growing scale process 3.0 Digital Modelling 3.1 Doing the right curve. 3.2 Grasshopper algorithm 4.0 Fabrication process 4.1 Digital manufacturing 4.2 Construction and Workshop 5.0 Observation and conclusions
[ Tautwood ]
A bstrac t
0.1 Our Team Conception / Modelling
Name: Francesco Milano Profession: Architect
Name: Guillaume Jami Profession: Architecture student
TaMaCo Team Name: Karen Antorveza Profession: Industrial designer
Name: Camila Narvaitz Profession: Architect
Name: Nicolas Vischi Profession: Industrial designer
Name: Gabriel Fortunato Profession: Architect
[ Tautwood ]
0.2 Francesco Milano
0.3 Guillaume Jami
Tautwood is a research project which aims to explore the possibilities of a constructive system based on bending stripes of 6mm thick plywood. The first phase of the work was the study of the elastic properties of the material (the geometry of a curve outlined by a stripe of plywood while being stressed, at the maximum strain it can tolerate before breaking). The information collected through the analysis was then used to feed an algorithm which could produce a 3D model simulating the bending of the wood, and provide the outline of the pieces required in order to produce it. The result of the experience was the construction of a small 1:1 rigid structure, composed by modules combined through bolts.
This project was imagined jointly with the TaMaCo collective during nearly 4 months of research, from september 2017 to december 2017. Beyond the need to try new constructive methods, the project was born especially from the need to support the democartisation of comptuational architecture. Beyond seeking to reach one final concrete result, our research looks closely at the question of the materiality, and of its complete use in the “growing scale” process of this architectual turn. These months of research allowed us to ask many questions about conception, design, fabrication, tools and the economy of materials. This publication supports are based on famous references but also on student’s work,academic work, and workshops. Many works of young people who are changing architecture and design.
[ Tautwood ]
Intro du ctio n
1.1 Research context Today personal computers we use deploy a considerable power. In agreement with computational history and theories, such as Moore law1, we know that their power are growing and this statement can totaly change with AI progress. This power and this speed do not enable us to understand how they optimize data. This is why we must as a designer, interpret and imagine new forms of design, new processes that will enable technology to exert all its power. The difficulty of digital fabrication appears when we must fabricate something. Indeed, there is an important difference between simulation and the fabricated object, which justifies the need for prototyping. Some important digital manufacturing methods generate inaccuracies during the printing phase or assembly runs (robotic printing). The materiality of the prototype makes it possible to adjust empirically and to operate modifications in the design process. Today, small scales objects from digital manufacturing are completely democratized, with simple tools like lasercutting or plastic 3d printing. The major problemes, touching these technologies, are that there still exists a limit of size. A large part of digital methods of production are not scalable and that for several reasons: If one increases the size of an object on an architectural scale, the matter, by scale effect, reacts differently. Indeed the tools for digital manufacturing (CNC,
[ Tautwood ]
robots arms, printer 3D) take care of the geometry. But don’t have in general any special date about the mateirals Unfortunatly except the geometry, th production equipment does not contain datas concerning materials. It is the role of the maker to manage the installation of tools adapted according to his own judgement and to an empirical way of adjusting certain parameters (speed, temperature, wick etc‌). In order to be able through a computational methods to an architectonic scale, it will be necessary for us to capitalize and collect experiments and a huge amount of datas, on various materials. The idea would be that in the following years, the software makes it possible to take into account equations of complex geometries or density of materials. In the case of the wood, graphics and the traction datas, torsion, compression directly adapted have the geometry of the model or in the case of concrete, creep for example. All these data are already in our hands, the majority is already indexed, but scattered in books, software of engineering and others.
Rendering of the final pavilion [9]
[ Tautwood ]
1.2 Research statement In this direction the Tautwood project tried to adhere to this paradigm by treating two major problems: the data-gathering of materials behaviors and the installation of these data in a digital manufacturing process at an architectonic scale.
to ensure that the geometry of the object on screen would be most faithful possible to that which will result from the manufacturing process. We must succeed to build architectonics elements with greater scales without adjustment during the processes.
Moreover this project carried out in Argentina tries to take in consideration all the economic aspects, in order to respect the idea of a digital architecture democratized which results in a concrete help and change of the designs mode of designs, closely connected to make them more effective. Beyond an architectural answer, as it is often the case, it acts to clear up methods, techniques and data which follow the direction of a way of thinking. The project bases the essence of this research on material studies and their behaviors. This approach of study is based on the fact that today, many of digital manufacturing methods are very quickly limited in terms of scale. The majority is not able at an architectonic scale. The comprehension of our materials of study is primordial, before applying an algorithmic architecture to these materials.
1.3 Research orientation Part of the manufacturing methods as laser cutting or the 3D printing is today very largely to develop. Other methods or more complex process still remain difficult to access. According to the multiplication of processes and increasingly clear theorization. We want to clearly locate our work in this sphere.
The objective is to understand materials used in order to collect data and to generate an algorithm which models with a very high degree of accuracy. The final form of the structure in order
[ Tautwood ]
Gilles Retsin Tallinn pavilion 20172
Bartlett RC4 Roblox 20173
Fully Reversible assembly
TaMaCo Tautwood 2017
EmTech TWISTs 20154
XtreeE 20165
[ Tautwood ]
2.0 Desig n rese a r c h
2.1 Bending behaviour One of the first goals of our research was to discover the properties of materials through a panel of tests and experimentations. The results will allow us to give form and investigate on a constructive strategy. To do so, we must work on two main axis. The first being to emphasize and use until his exploitation limits the mecanics properties of our materials. The second, being to find a constructive principle in agreement with the ideology of an accessible computational strategy for all. While agreeing on the search listings already carried out throughout the world, the setting in tension of wood seems to generate structural qualities, of saving in material and thus of weight, as well as a saving in means. The setting in tension of wood passes by the installation of a wire-strainer or a shorter element allowing the generation of a force in the tended arc. One of the most widespread is the arc of car of the Middle Ages. Even if the principle of setting in tenson i well known, some questions remain unanswered. On one hand, how to interpret this principle in a computational way. And on the other hand, how even this principle could work simply in an architectal structure. How to generate a three-dimensional object with machines of digital cutting evolving on axes XY in order to promote the democratisation of such a model?
[ Tautwood ]
Concrete deformation graphic [13]
[ Tautwood ]
For the first tests small scale 1/3 we will use 3mm. One of the difficulties appears dice the first tests. Which size has to measure the right part (L1) toward the tended one (L2)? To find this relation, this ratio, we must establish a series of variables of data through tests. This allows us to implement graphs to visualize the behavior of the ratio (uniform, constant, non-uniform, exponential). We will establish: L1, L2, Z, R. This last variable resulting from division L2/L1 in order to understand the multiplying coefficient which plain two parts.
[ Tautwood ]
L2 Z
Module T1 [15]
[ Tautwood ]
First modules tests. We can very clearly see the central and side points of rupture when the ratio is too much to raise and that the tension comes to break the materials.
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With Grasshopper each test recovers data which is then added to a table enabling us to conclude that the ratio applies only in a precise exploitation range oscillating between 1.03 and 1.17. But let us recall well that these variables met are true only for the mdf 3mm has a scale 1/3.
L2 (mm) 80 1 2
60 4 5 40
6 8
L1 (mm) 0
Ratio exploitation graphic [ Tautwood ]
100 [18]
All the prototypes [19]
[ Tautwood ]
2.2 «Growing scale process» As previously explained, one of the major challenges of digital production is today to leave that experimental dimension and to seek an architectonic scale. The difficulty results in the process of scaling. As Gilles Retsin explains it in his paper «Discrete computation for additive manufacturing»6 the challenges of the scaling is to preserve the smallest gap between the simulated object and building as we expect. The Growing scale process precisely defines this stage of scaling which is one of the key elements of the second digital turn7. Thus to implement it in our tests contributes to understand the matter and its behavior, in order to help us has to improve the manufacturing and design methods. The challenges of our second series of tests is to understand how the ratio progresses in the « growing scale » process. In the same way our second series of tests are carried out with mdf 3mm, 6mm and melamine 3mm. Thus we can located precisely the ratios of exploitation allowing us to build with wood in tension.
[ Tautwood ]
Failed tests [21]
[ Tautwood ]
2.3 Moduling reasearch This phase of research seeks a more architectural dimension. The objective being to try out different mode of assembly in order to obtain a module and a constructive system. This module must observe several conditions: It must be light, and according to the variables previously defined, It must also allow an assembly with other similar especially modules and to be assembled by hands. Module T1 This first module thus results from the preceding experimental phase “Bending Behaviour�. Structurally it acts as an independent element being able to connect with other elements similar. The prototype scale varying between 25cm and 50cm show different characteristic:
Positive aspect:
Negative aspect:
[ Tautwood ]
Low price materials Speed of production saving in material optimized form reversability scalability fragility Junction unvariability
Module T1 assembled [23]
[ Tautwood ]
Module T2 This second module more advanced let use foresee a more architectonic scale. One of the principal qualities is modelled resides in the absence of part of junction. Indeed with a reliable geometry the structure is triangulated and can be spread on the very large surface. Nevertheless, still using the lasercutter, scale vary between 25cm and 50cm. this major problems forces us to give up this protoype.Moreover the nonvariability allows only right extrusions.
Positive aspect:
Negative aspect:
[ Tautwood ]
Low price materials Speed of production Saving in material Optimized form Reversability Scalability Fragility Unvariability
Module T2 [25]
[ Tautwood ]
Module T3 This third test, in comparison to the precedent, enables our experimentation to change scale. Here we use laminated wood of 6mm cutted with CNC. Every module can measure between 80cm and 150cm. Thanks to adapters, the junction avoid rotation movements. Approaching another scale, this module is longer to cut, but develops an other scale.
Positive aspect:
Negative aspect:
[ Tautwood ]
Low price materials Speed of production Saving materials Variability Scalability Twisting in double curvature
Module T3 [27]
[ Tautwood ]
2.0 Dig ital M o d e l i ng
3.1 Doing the right curve In parallel of the tests on materials and the prototypes, the challenge was also to obtain a script and a simulation which would simulate with exactitude the deformation of the wooden arc. The first modelling was a great help to reach the first stages of the project. The inaccuracy of the geometrical behavior of the model would have involved too many important inconsistencies in the construction. To obtain the exact behavior of wood, it was necessary to test a maximum of curve in order to obtain a precise function. Thus we digitalized the curves. As each one knows the modelling of these curve on software results in a NURBS but these complex curves are defined by control-points which do not belong to the curve. All the difficulty of the exercise is thus to produce a function which in all the case gives us the good curve and thus the good NURBS.
It was necessary for us to compile with the results of the tests but also with the geometrical logic of the software. Our grasshopper definition takes its part to define each curve by 6 control-points. A module being composed of 4 curves in order to allow geometrical additions of junctions. However to obtain a certain accuracy on Rhino, it was necessary for us to correspond wih a precise type of continuity of curve. Finally we obtain a modelling which corresponds at 95% to the deformation reality. This weak margin of error, enables us to reach has another manufacturing scale and to guarantee the architectonic dimension of the structure.
The multiplication of the tests and their results make it possible to quickly establish a precise position of the controlpoints.
[ Tautwood ]
Controls points diagrams [29]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
3.2 Grasshopper algorithm The purpose of using Grasshopper lies in geometrical accuracy, the adaptability and the parameterization of the constructive system on any surface. In the previous part ÂŤdoing the right curveÂť we saw how we obtain a modelling which corresponds at 95% to the deformation reality. The next challenge of our project being to test this constructive system and to apply it concretly on our surface. The most difficult part was about managing series of dots along all the curve, respectfully with the material proprieties. The following diagrams come to supplement the explanations of the previous chapter. Note that the surface is defined, the positioning of the controlpoints constitutes a primordial stage.
[ Tautwood ]
Build lines on curves
Manage points on curve
Manage points with all the curves
[ Tautwood ]
4.0 Fab ric atio n p r o c e s s
4.1 Digital manufacturing The options of manufacturing were varied. The first tests were carried out by lasercutting. In order to obtain quickly modules at scale 1/3 and also to realize the speed of manufacturing of the modules. In our case we also tried to save some materials. Owing to the fact that we operated here by subtractive manufacturing, it was important to reach good optimization of materials. During our research, it has been asked to complete the manufacutring with the help of a laser cutting machine. Light, fast, easy to parameterize, this machine is the digital manufacturing tool more democratized today. Very quickly we are caught up by questions of solidity, manufacturing and scales of the modules. Finally the production this will make on a CNC (1.20 x2.40) One of the most positive conclusions of this research is the concrete application of the constructive system in different situations. Light, easy to transport and to assemble, it also can be recycled. The optimization of this kind of timber structure opens many possibilities about self-building housing and emergency shelter.
[ Tautwood ]
Manual assembly
Lightweight transport
Manual assembly
[ Tautwood ]
4.2 Construction and Workshop Additionally to the manufacturing process the constructive pedagogy was also essential. The democratisation of computational architecture lies in his capacity to being accessible. It was important to create simple documents, which explains like games how to assemble and build our structure. The following stage consisted in sending a call for an open workshop. For TaMaCo the method of the workshop is a very important moment. This event put in practice the project and we can observe how many people understand and interpret the project with their hands. This exercise is a step without filter where the participants give us their feedback on the project and approve or disapprove the research and the constructive system. In the general design of the project, the finality of a workshop pushes us to find simple solutions with complex problems closely connected with the idea that each one can understand the project. During the workshop we note that the very simple classification and a limited number of different parts make possible to understand more easily how the structure works . In spite of some problems during of the workshop, the participants succeed without difficulties and in an autonomous way to assemble the modules of the pavilion.
[ Tautwood ]
5 4 3 2
/ Project name: Tautwood / Date: 16.12.2017 / Document: _ / Scale: _
Pedagogic document for building [39]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
5. 0 Conc lu s ion
This work enabled us to understand several concepts and to try them out. First of all, one of the major challenges was to bring our prototypes to an architectonic scale. With this intension, we tested stage by stage the various shapes of modules and the behaviors of materials. As we explained it previously, the “growing scale process� is one of the major steps of the popularization of an architecture digital which aims to be revolutionary. Without this stage and its democratization, nothing can be done. This research shows data and models able to contribute to the design of timber structure with computational solution. Here we choose a geometrical comprehension of treated materials more than one mechanical answer. Another great problematic of this research was to give access to constructions of complex geometry to the largest number, because it is adaptable, economic, and more powerful. This process shows us that it is possible to build structures accessible to all, which can have a concrete utility in rural areas and the emergency situations.
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
6.0 No t e s
1. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2017,
6. ( See bibliography ) RETSIN, Gilles,
Moores-law « Moore’s law, prediction made by American engineer Gordon Moore in 1965 that the number of transistors per silicon chip doubles every year.[...] In 1975, as
cente, 2017 7. ( See bibliography ) CARPO, Mario, 2017.
the rate of growth began to slow, Moore revised his time frame to two years. His revised law was a bit pessimistic; over roughly 50 years from 1961, the number of transistors doubled approximately every 18 months.» 2. RETSIN, Gilles, 2017, Tallinn Architecture Biennale Pavilion, www.retsin.org 3.UBOREVICH-BOROVSKAYA, Anna, YENFEN, Huang, CHENGHAN, Yu, HUNGDA, Chien, 2017, Roblox. 4. GREENBERG, Evan,JERONIMIDIS, George, WEINSTOCK, Michael, VAN DE WORP Manja, 2015, EmTech TWISTs Plywood. 5. XtreeE, 2016, Concrete prototype, http://www.xtreee.eu/
[ Tautwood ]
6.1 Biblio gra ph y
MCCULLOUGH, Malcolm, 1996, Abstrac-
ting Craft: The Practiced Digital Hand, The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London. GERSHENFELD, Neil, 2012, How to Make
Almost Anything The Digital Fabrication Revolution, The MIT Press. HUME, Matthew, 2008, Warped; Experi-
ments in Ply Construction, University of Buffalo. RETSIN, Gilles, JIMÉNEZ GARCÍA, Manuel, SOLER, vicente, 2017, Discrete
computation for additive manufacturing, The Bartlett school of architecture. CARPO, Mario, 2017, Second digital
turn: the design beyond intelligence, The MIT Press. TEJASURYA, Arnold, EFTHYMIOU, Spyros, SONG, Yutao, PARMAR, Arpita, 2014, Adaptive Plywood, Architectural Association.
[ Tautwood ]
TaMaCo team: Francesco Milano Guillaume Jami Karen Antorveza Gabriel Fortunato Building team: Laila Cordero Malena Gonzalez Ana Amat Monica di Eugenio Aureana Chourio Ornela Fuentes Zoe Bourhis ValentĂn Evrard Carolina Dabusti Kevin Clark Writing team: Francesco Milano Guillaume Jami Karen Antorveza Thanks to: CheLa Foundation
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]
[ Tautwood ]