5 interesting facts about dutch language translation

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5 Interesting Translation





Dutch language has over 20 million speakers. It is not any easy language for sure. The construction of the words, the pronunciation of them is difficult. The language has seemed to be originated from Lower Franconia dialect of Low German, but over the years Dutch has come up with its own dialect. Let us have a look at some of the interesting facts of this language. 1. Dutch language uses many consonants This is the only language perhaps where the usage of consonants is many in a word. This also makes it difficult to pronounce hence. It is no surprise for the Dutch to say angstschreeuw, which means ͚scream of fear͛. Slechtstschrijvend is another example meaning worst writing. Dutch people have clarity in their speech due to the tongue twisting for uttering the consonants held words. This is one of the reasons why Dutch Language Translation service providers are paid high. 2. A word that has no translation to it1. Most of the languages in the world have an equivalent or same translation to it. Be it Spanish, Arabic, Russian or German, but when it comes to Dutch, there are words which do not have literal translation such as ͚Gezellig͛. It could mean a lot to many people in many languages. However does not have one particular meaning. It could mean being warm, friendly, happy etc. 3. English words originated from Dutch2 Dutch has influenced many of the words in English language to take on. We are so used to say those words that we don͛t realize that we are actually speaking Dutch. However let us have a quick look at the following words of Dutch origin. English - Dutch  Bamboo- bamboe  Cashier- cassier  Coleslaw- koolsla  Drug- drogue  Waffles- wafel  Landscape- landschap And many other such words. 4. The alphabet in Dutch language3 For many of the foreign languages it is easy to read and learn due to the alphabet arrangements. The pronunciation of the words can be made easy. However when it comes to Dutch language, there are only few letters which sound the same as that of English and Dutch. They are s, f, h, b, d, z, l, m, n, o, q But most of the timeA (ah), C (say) E (ay), G (khay) , J (yay), K (kah), P (pay) Q (kew) R (air) T (tay) U (ew) V(vay) W (way) X (eeks) Y (ee-grek ) which are different . This is the reason why Dutch Language Translation service providers are in high demand. 1

http://www.expatica.com/nl/insider-views/cool-dutch-words_927506.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Dutch_origin 3 http://ielanguages.com/dutch-alphabet.html 2

5. The longest Dutch word4 The word Kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedenplan, it means ͚preparation activities plan for a children's carnival procession͛. This word has 53 letters. This word made such as impact that it was found in the Guinness Book of World Record of 1996 edition stating ͚the longest Dutch word͛. There is a demanding scope for Dutch speaking language and Dutch Language Translation service providers. Star Group of Translators provide with utmost precision and error free translation services. This language needs patience for sure. Its richness ought to make you fall in love with it.



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