Impact Report
Message from the Board President Dear Friends, This past year, our Tampa Bay community has seen more than a few tragic stories on the local news of children in our community who have died or been seriously harmed at the hands of those entrusted to care for them. These, of course, are the most extreme cases, but they don’t start that way. Instead, they are often the climax of generations of family trauma combined with missed opportunities to correct course. Hearing these stories, we at Champions for Children were UHPLQGHG ZK\ ZH HPEUDFH D SUHYHQWLRQ Č´UVW approach to stopping child abuse and neglect as our “north star.â€? When we work with families, we have the privilege of bearing witness to amazing transformations through which they confront risk factors for child abuse and neglect – sometimes just one, sometimes many – and learn to replace them with “protective factors.â€? How families grew stronger ZLWK XV LQ ZDV QRW RQH VL]H Č´WV DOO VRPH IRXQG EDGO\ QHHGHG social support by joining our Layla’s House community in Sulphur Springs; others learned to build healthier relationships with their children as they recovered from substance addiction at DACCO Behavioral Health where RXU ZDUP QXUWXULQJ VWDÎ? DUH HPEHGGHG Generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure from partners like you helped families grow stronger in new and important ways. With help from our supportive community, we expanded our services to the Town N Country community, started a diaper bank, brought family education programming to pregnant and parenting teens, and implemented a “Talk, Read, Singâ€? philosophy on early language experiences throughout our agency. These and other innovations have made and will continue to make Tampa Bay an ever better place for children to grow up. As we look forward to 2019-20, we know the considerable challenges facing our community will continue, and so too will the opportunities to overcome them. We are grateful to be in this meaningful work with you. Liana Fernandez Fox, PhD
President, Board of Directors Impact Report |
About Us Every year in Hillsborough County, more children are removed from their homes due to child abuse and neglect than in any other county in Florida. Champions for Children’s mission is to build stronger families in the Tampa Bay region through our child abuse prevention and family education programs.
Our Services Classes and Individualized Support ȏ ȏ ȏ ȏ ȏ ȏ ȏ Parent education with group and individual components, supported by science and designed to help parents develop skills to raise healthy, thriving children.
Playgroups & Screenings ȏ ȏ ȏ ȏ
Parent-child-together playgroups utilizing developmental screenings and research-informed activities to help parents bond and connect with their infants and toddlers while learning together.
Home Visiting Services ȏ ȏ
Long-term individualized parenting support provided in-home by professionals with expertise in child development.
Child Abuse & Bullying Education ȏ
In-school educational puppet shows teaching children to safely recognize and report abuse, neglect, bullying and other personal safety issues.
Impact Report |
By the Numbers 42,852
Individuals Served in 2018
classes and individualized support.
3,316 LQGLYLGXDOV SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ playgroups & screenings.
2,048 IDPLO\ PHPEHUV UHFHLYHG home visiting services.
25,487 UG DQG WK JUDGHUV DWWHQGHG .LGV RQ WKH %ORFN child abuse and bullying prevention presentations.
Parents participating in a developmental playgroup with their children at Baby Bungalow.
Impact Report |
Positive Outcomes Throughout all of our programs and services, Champions for Children makes real, lasting impacts on the clients we serve and the community at large. +HUH DUH MXVW D IHZ RI WKH ZD\V RXU IDPLOLHV EHQHÈ´WHG WKLV \HDU
Impact Report |
Your Generosity & Caring... $OO Č´JXUHV UHSUHVHQWHG LQ WKLV UHSRUW UHČľHFW GDWD Corporations - 13%
Individuals - 24% Foundations - 63%
RI XQLTXH GRQRUV DUH private individuals
Percentage of total philanthropic dollars received in 2018
$567,150 raised via annual appeals, major gifts, and private foundation grants.
$243,992 raised via fundraising events, including the Dream Keepers Ball and the Champions Lunch.
Impact Report |
05 Work! Nearly 4,000 toys collected and distributed for more than 1,000 of our client children during the 2018 Holiday Store toy drive, with the help of more than 130 volunteers.
More than 20,000 diapers collected and distributed to families in need through our partnership with the Junior League of Tampa and generous contributions from members of the community.
Expenses: $6,327,393 Development - 5% Administrative - 12%
RI IXQGV JR GLUHFWO\ WR program services Programs - 83%
Impact Report |
Real Families Matthew learned about CFC’s Nurturing Dads course at
a community event, and decided to register as a way to better connect with his son, Alex. Through Nurturing Dads, he discovered KH KDG EHHQ ZLWKKROGLQJ DÎ?HFWLRQ DQG HPRWLRQDO ERQGLQJ IURP his son. The fathering skills he learned came into play when Alex entered middle school, where he struggled with grades and behavioral issues. Where prior to Nurturing Dads, Matthew might have gotten angry with Alex and focused his energies on punishing him, he now decided to take a more involved, proactive approach. He worked closely with Alex’s teachers and guidance counselors to develop an improvement plan, and Alex’s grades and behavior steadily improved. Today, Alex is a PhD candidate in physics, and he and his father maintain a warm relationship.
low-income single mom of children with special needs. When VKH IRXQG &KDPSLRQV VKH SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ HYHU\WKLQJ VKH FRXOG home visits, developmental playgroups, breastfeeding support, community events, and our “Baby Universityâ€? prenatal class. Betty even volunteered, spreading the word to other parents in her QHLJKERUKRRG 5HFHQWO\ %HWW\ ZDV H[SHFWLQJ KHU Č´IWK FKLOG ZKHQ she found herself out of work. She needed a social connection and concrete support from someone she trusted. Again, she came to Layla’s House. Betty’s family life has come with many hardships, but we are so grateful she knows she can rely on Champions for the tools and supports to keep her family safe and strong.
Real Impact
Trinity is a 16-year old mom of an infant daughter Brianna
who attended our special playgroup series for pregnant and parenting teenagers, along with her ex-boyfriend who is the baby’s father. Initially, he was unenaged, awkward with Brianna, and preoccupied with personal problems. Trinity was frequently IUXVWUDWHG ZLWK KLP 2XU VWDÎ? ZRUNHG ZLWK ERWK SDUHQWV RQ DQ LQGLYLGXDOL]HG EDVLV WR KHOS WKHP QDYLJDWH VSHFLČ´F SDUHQWLQJ FKDOOHQJHV :LWKLQ D IHZ PRQWKV WKH GDG ZDV FRQČ´GHQWO\ WDONLQJ reading, singing, eating, and playing with his daughter. He and Trinity also took steps to strengthen their co-parenting relationship and to improve their personal circumstances so they can be better parents. Today, Brianna has not one but two parents who are invested in building a better life for her and for themselves as well!
When began participating in Healthy Families, she was feeling hopeless and powerless. Without a job or a home of her RZQ VKH IHOW VKH KDG QRWKLQJ SRVLWLYH WR RÎ?HU KHU \RXQJ GDXJKWHU From the start, she found hope in a simple phrase repeated by KHU +HDOWK\ )DPLOLHV HGXFDWRU ȊΖI \RX DUH QRW ZHOO \RX GDXJKWHU cannot be well.â€? The phrase stuck in her mind and gave her the UHVROYH WR Č´JKW IRU KHU GDXJKWHUȇV ZHOO EHLQJ :LWK WKH KHOS DQG support of Healthy Families, she learned that improvement comes a step at a time, and she steadily improved her life situation and her parenting skills. Five years later, Alexis now has a job, a house, DQG LV HYHQ JRLQJ EDFN WR VFKRRO :KDWȇV PRUH VKH Č´QDOO\ IHHOV OLNH the parent her daughter deserves.
Thanks to our Gen Champions for Children is deeply grateful to the following private individuals, corporations, and philanthropic foundations for their generous VXSSRUW 7KH OLVWLQJV EHORZ UHČľHFW WKH KLJKHVW OHYHO RI JLYLQJ ZLWKLQ HLWKHU WKH 2018 or 2019 to-date calendar year*. Without you, so much of our work to strengthen families would not be possible. Thank you!
Broadrick Family Foundation Moira J. Burke, M.D. Conn Memorial Foundation Cornelia and Richard Corbett Lowry Murphey Family Foundation Red Cross of America The Spurlino Foundation Tampa Bay Lightning Foundation Triad Foundation The William Stamps Farish Fund
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay Liz and David Kennedy The Mabel & Ellsworth Simmons Charitable Foundation The New York Yankees Tampa Foundation The Saunders Foundation PNC Financial Services Group Suncoast Credit Union Foundation Crystal T. Whitescarver William and Beverly Wilson
AnswerFirst Communications The Bank of Tampa Brown & Brown of Florida Caspers Company Citigroup Liana and Robert Fox Amy and John Haile IBM Employee Services Center Kobie and Scott Pierce Raymond James Regions Bank Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Anne and Tom Santomaggio Tampa L. B. Sales, Inc. TECO Energy, Inc. Viking Global Foundation Kay Annis Wilson Alexander Walter Scott and Samantha Zinober
*Listing as of 9/1/2019.
Impact Report |
nerous Supporters $2,500+
21st Century Financial Altrusa International of Tampa Penny Battles and Dave Burnes Karen and Michael Bynum Care Team, Inc. Betty Castor and Sam Bell Terrell and Joe Clark Marsha and Stephen Dickey Kyle Doyle Patricia & Mark Eisner Florida Blue
200 Muslim Women Who Care George M. Adams, Jr. Anonymous Contributions Arcis Investments, Inc. Kathryn and James Armstrong Robert Atherton Cathy J. Beveridge Eileen R. Brown Melissa and Erik Carlson Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation 0DULD DQG 7DZȴN &KDPL Robert Conigliaro Paul A. D’Agostino and James Roney Nikki Daniels and John Cantrell Facebook Fundraisers Celia and Jim Ferman Ferman Motor Car Company, Inc. Tammy Giroux and Jason Burke Malcolm C. Harris Helios Education Foundation Hill Ward Henderson Dina and Joseph Hubaykah Thomas A. & Mary S. James Foundation Olga J. Joanow David Burnett and Constance R. Johnson JP Morgan Chase Foundation Barbara and Gene Kutcher Daisy and Peter Lewis Shirley R. Maxwell Catherine P. McEwen Bonnie Saks and Bradley Minnen Berdina and Tommy Morgan
Florida Medical Clinic Foundation of Caring Andrea and Mark Floyd Anne and John Gormly Kathryn and Eric Hall Anne and Tom Henderson Publix Super Markets Charities Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Shutts & Bowen, LLP Lorna Taylor Laura-Elizabeth Ware and Mathew Wash Marian Winters
Mutual of Omaha Bank Linda and Richard Nielsen Marsha S. Otte Luanne Panacek Charles and Debbie Parks Ruth Power Prida-Guida & Company, P.A. Fred Rabow Lynn and Mike Ramsey Kimberly E. Renfroe Sarasota Lodge 2855 BPOE Schwab Charitable Fund Ramona and Michael Shimberg Stahl & Associates Insurance, Inc. Cheryl and Mark Stoker Bretta Arthur Sullivan Jennifer S. Swindal Tampa Bay Wallstreet, Inc. Tampa General Hospital Melody Taylor TD Charitable Foundation Sarah and Court Terrell Ann and Robert Trinkle Truist Rosemary Armstrong and Morris Weinberg Dana and Paul Whiting Lisa K. Wilkerson YourCause Joan Wagner Zinober Zymphony Technology Solutions Impact Report |
From our Supporters Champions for Children has been such an important part of each of our lives for DOPRVW \HDUV :H DUH VR LPSUHVVHG by Champions because they embrace the whole child, starting from prenatally and continuing to follow not only the children, but their entire family to build a solid foundation for a more stable and happier life together. We will always continue our commitment to Champions because of all its success in improving children’s lives where it counts.
Anne and Tom Henderson Champions for Children is a unique RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW IXOȴOOV PDQ\ QHHGV ZLWKLQ the Tampa Bay community. It has been our SULYLOHJH WR VXSSRUW &)& LQ ERWK ȴQDQFLDO DQG volunteer roles and we are thrilled to see the dynamic growth within the organization. The commitment to provide tools and education needed for a strong family unit has resulted in measurable success. We are proud of Champion for Children’s impact and look forward to seeing their future achievements.
Charlie and Debbie Parks AnswerFirst has proudly supported Champions for Children for almost 10 years. The mission and vision of CFC attracted us because of the immense help they provide to our FRPPXQLW\ DQG WKH KXJH GLHUHQFH they make in helping to break cycles of abuse in homes and families; CFC’s cause is near and dear to our hearts. We are truly honored to be able to work with this amazing organization and to witness ȴUVWKDQG KRZ LWV ZRUN LPSDFWV WKH lives of both children and families.
AnswerFirst Communications, Inc. Impact Report |
Our Programs A Breastfeeding and Childbirth (ABC) Program - Prenatal education helps families prepare for their new role as parents. Classes include Newborn Care, Breastfeeding Basics, and Boot Camp for New Moms/Dads. After birth, ΖQWHUQDWLRQDO %RDUG &HUWLČ´HG /DFWDWLRQ &RQVXOWDQWV SURYLGH EUHDVWIHHGLQJ VXSSRUW services at our Baby CafĂŠ. Baby Bungalow $Q HDUO\ FKLOGKRRG UHVRXUFH FHQWHU RÎ?HULQJ SDUHQW FKLOG developmental playgroups, parent workshops and ongoing child developmental screenings across Hillsborough County.
Strong Families
Children’s Board Family Resource Centers (N. Tampa & East County) /RFDWLRQV RÎ?HULQJ D YDULHW\ RI SURJUDPV DQG VHUYLFHV WR IDPLOLHV DW QR FRVW 7KH Centers seek to strengthen families and promote positive child development, health and safety. Family Learning Center - Nurturing parenting classes and support groups for mothers and fathers who are receiving services for substance use. Gold Seal Early +HDG 6WDUW GHYHORSPHQWDO FKLOGFDUH FHQWHU RÎ?HULQJ LQGLYLGXDOL]HG FDUH WR FKLOGUHQ Fatherhood Services (FRANC) 2Î?HUV IDWKHUV DQG IDWKHUV WR EH %RRW &DPS for New Dads, father-child developmental play groups and Nurturing Parenting FODVVHV VSHFLČ´FDOO\ IRU GDGV Family Involvement Connections (FIC) - A collaborative program supporting caregiver-child attachment, optimal child development and parental resilience through evidence-based parent education, parent child learning activities, and developmental checkups. Healthy Families - An intensive home visiting service that promotes positive parent-child interaction, positive parenting skills activities, age appropriate Thriving Children discipline options and child development with families of newborns. Kids on the Block - Educational puppets teach third graders to recognize child abuse and neglect and use the “NO, GO & TELLâ€? safety rule to get help from responsible adults. Fourth graders learn to recognize and report bullying and to have empathy and respect for others. Layla’s House - A caregiver-child together learning & resource center located LQ WKH KHDUW RI 6XOSKXU 6SULQJV /D\ODȇV +RXVH RÎ?HUV GHYHORSPHQWDO SOD\JURXSV engaging parent workshops, and a variety of resources and activities to enhance positive early childhood development. Provides family support from pregnancy through kindergarten entry. Parents as Teachers &HUWLČ´HG 3DUHQW (GXFDWRUV SURYLGH LQ KRPH SDUHQW education and family support from pregnancy through a child’s transition into kindergarten. Parents learn about each stage of development so they can enhance their child’s language development, intellectual growth, social development and motor skills. Positive Parenting Partnership (P3) - Free classes, open to any parent or FDUHJLYHU ZLWK FKLOGUHQ PRQWKV WR \HDUV ROG 'HVLJQHG WR SRVLWLYHO\ LQČľXHQFH marriage and couple stability; healthy relationships among everyone caring for a FKLOG SDUHQWLQJ VNLOOV Č´QDQFLDO KHDOWK DQG LQFUHDVHG SDUHQWLQJ FRQČ´GHQFH Impact Report |
Board of Directors Liana F. Fox
Stacey S. Pittman
Laura-Elizabeth Ware
Ruth Power
Past President
Lara Roeske Fernandez Graeme Fraser Linda Gagliardo Anne V. Gormly Eric J. Hall Dianne Jacob
Parker Rabow Kimberly E. Renfroe Mark Stoker Ohiana Torrealday Willisha J. Williams Kay Annis Wilson
Hon. Richard A. Nielsen
Marian Winters
Daniel Perez
Joan Wagner Zinober
Champions for Children strives to provide the highest level of service to the Tampa community, which is why we have been accredited by the Council on Accredidation (COA) since 2004. We also work to communicate our use of funds and the results of our work fully and accurately, earning the agency a Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar.
Impact Report |
Generously Supported by our Major Funding Partners
Connect with us! Learn more about our programs and mission, stay up-to-date on upcoming events, subscribe to our newsletter and more at championsforchildrentampabay
(813) 673-4646
Jonathan Goodman | Director of Development | | ext. 1112