Task u3

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1. Objectives to be achieved by personel integration 2. Importance of integration function in the hotel 3. Communication media and techniques to motivate and integrate staff in the hotel 4. System of labor incentives 5. Employee handbook


The manager of the SkyVia hotel should consider its employees as the most valuable resource of the organization and invest in them, continuously providing opportunities to improve their skills and this is the integration of staff; which also includes activities designed to train and motivates the employee.

The objectives that we want to achieve through the integration of the personnel are the following: To save on supervisors and colleagues time. To communicate to him/her the satisfaction of have him/her in our organization. To situate the new employee in front of his/her new job, to know his/her work functions. To make him/her feel part of the organization. To take in him/her effective and coordinated. To reduce the beginning costs, the new worker is less efficient than the experienced one. To reduce the new worker anxiety level, because, normally, she/he has insecurities at the beginning. To make understood, as soon as possible, the company objectives to the new worker, how to develop on his/her professional level and on his/her interpersonal relations. Plan the first week for the new employee to know what to do. To show him/her all the hotel facilities, (including types of rooms and their orientation, job positions of the rest of the hotel staff...) To provide him/her the uniform the first day of work. Offer to the worker the possibility to improve professionally. Promote a good communication between partners from the first day through group dynamics.


The integration of the personnel of a company is the administrative function that manages to equip the structure of the organization, through an adequate and effective selection of people, who have to occupy the positions within the structure, is one of the most important functions within the administration, since this will depend a good working environment within the company. The worker becomes familiar with the company and with the colleagues, the main executives, with the policies of the company and that makes him feel part of the company. The importance of integration is to seek that the employee assimilates the culture of the organization and all the aspects referring to the place and the job, so that from then on the individual will behave as a member committed to the organization.

We think that the integration plan is important because we obtain:  An improvement in the performance of companies, which significantly reduce losses.  To help the new worker to be able to locate himself, in his work environment, in a correct and fast way.  To reduce the initial time of the worker to lack of performance, due to the disorganization of a host.  Encourage both the motivation and the illusion of this, within its new working environment.  To transmit to the new worker a positive and pleasant image of the company in which he is going to work.  To facilitate the employee who arrives his integration with the rest of co-workers.  To mark, from the beginning, the guidelines, schedules and rules that the company follows.  To avoid any possible positioning error that may occur, following an inadequate initial reception.

For those reasons the effective integration leads to positive results.


To help the new employee join a new company and integrate with new co-workers, it is important to use the most appropriate means and communication techniques that are required in each case. As for new hires to our hotel, we believe that the most successful means of communication for new employees are the following:

Right staff selection: a good integration begins with a right staff selection. It will be important to stay with the worker who comes with a desire to learn and motivation to work. Handbook: it is a quick and direct way to let the new employee know the most important information of the hotel, from our internal policy, to the distribution of the hotel and how it






information contained in this manual. Everybody plays a part: all the company must help in the new staff integration, this will make the new employee do not feel helpless before the small impediments that may arise while getting used to the new work space. Integration groups: present to the new employee the different departments that make up our hotel and that can interact in some way with each one of them to feel integrated in the hotel in general and not only in his department.


Internal promotion: putting the new employee and the best employee of the company in the same turn, will make the new employee evolve more quickly both in the development of their tasks and in integration with the rest of the hotel staff. Intranet: it is important to inform employees of everything that is happening in the company so that they feel part of it, and also that employees interact with the company, thus having feedback. Individual communication: to allow the worker to communicate individually with the management or high officials of his department if he had any issues that he wanted to keep in private. Promote all internal communication options in the company: you can also promote communication with bulletin boards, posting suggestion box for staff, letters to staff and even an internal newspaper of the company.

Regarding the most appropriate communication techniques in our hotel to motivate and integrate the new employee are:

Schedule communication-oriented meetings: A once-a-week meeting so that workers become familiar with the new employee and the new employee with the hotel staff team too. In these meetings the employee will feel listened and attended to in their contributions and opinions. Keep communications positive: When employees feel attacked, but when offered reward, they may feel galvanized. Show interest in the concerns of new employees: this will make the worker feel cared for and integrated into our hotel. Ask your employees questions: Don't count on them to come to you if they have concerns or need explanations. Instead, ask employees if you can help them with anything. Offer solutions to the issues: Empathizing with your employees, as well as offering a timeline for when their frustrations or concerns will be solved.


To conduct informal meetings occasionally with all hotel employees: The hotel's team will have the opportunity to interact with each other in a relaxed way and thus promote the good atmosphere. In these meetings you can organize group dynamics so that the good working environment does not falter.

Incentive is a "stimulus that is offered to a person, group or sector of the economy in order to raise production and improve yields." Based on labor issues, it is what moves to desire or do something. It may be something real (like money) or symbolic (the intention to give or get satisfaction). This will increase and improve the motivation and performance of the worker, which is mainly the goal of work incentives. The incentives benefit both the worker and the employer. Normally they are usually classified into two types: 1. Economic incentives or salary incentives: it is the payment made by the hotel to the worker. Whether in the form of salary, bonus, extra, check or material gift, among others. 2. Non-economic incentives, non-salary incentives or moral incentives: it is that benefit that an employee receives in a non-monetary way such as flexible hours, medical care, more vacations or recognitions. In our hotel, the Human Resources Department will prepare a Work Incentive Plan for our employees, which will provide us with a number of advantages such as:

 Generate an extra motivation in our employees.  We can evaluate the performance of our employees.  It will generate more profit than cost, since you will normally get positive benefits for our hotel.

 It will improve the teamwork of our departments and with that will achieve a good working environment.

 It will increase the productivity of our hotel services. 7

When a worker at our hotel meets the goals established in the Work Incentive Plan, the worker will receive a reward or reward for it

The Human Resources Department of the Hotel SkyVia will use the following incentives for the integration of its personnel:

Provide Continuous feedback: comment at all times to the worker as is the evaluation / development of his work so that he or she knows at all times their progress within the hotel. This will motivate the worker more, and as a consequence, will progress. Make rewards achievable: we set a series of rewards throughout the year that will increase the performance and motivation of our workers, for example, a weekend trip to any destination in Spain every four months. Gift programs for employees: Each month we will recognize the achievements of our employees by giving them gift cards, a personal thank-you note, and point gift programs. Educational Support: to offer, for example, to our housekeeper team member the possibility of obtaining a certificate of languages through free training courses from the hotel. Also, offer courses available to all employees such as social networking, digital marketing, etc ... It is important to encourage our workers to make the entire educational offer that the hotel offers. Company discounts: have special discounts so that workers can enjoy in other hotels in the same chain as SkyVia Hotel. Celebration and Birthdays: send a gift to the workers on the day of their birthday. This gesture will sincerely thank the worker. Updated Breakroom: create a rest area on the ground floor of the hotel so our workers can enjoy their time off. There they will have soft seats, vending machines with special discount for our employees, TV, etc ...


Flexible schedules: We want to increase the quality of life of our workers and for this we propose, for example, that they can design for a month their own schedule based on a range of hours of work that they can choose. Facilitate work and family reconciliation: we will give the opportunity to the worker to choose the days of their vacations, for example those workers who have children can choose their vacations to coincide with the period of their children’s school. In the same way, marriages may coincide in their vacation days. Recognition of the achievements: we will congratulate our workers when they do a good job. This is a great satisfaction for them and they will feel part of the hotel. Equipment: the work of the group in each Department will be economically rewarded and all members will be favored according to the result obtained. When the hotel has achieved a significant achievement, we will communicate it to all our employees, with an email and in team meetings. Conduct periodic meetings of our employees to propose improvements or suggestions regarding the functioning of the Hotel Departments and their working conditions.


Handbook Is a book given to employees by an employer Usually, the employee handbook contains information about company policies and procedures; also any information that employees need to know like: holiday’s arrangement, company rules and handling a complaint procedures


http://retos-directivos.eae.es/cuales-son-los-mejores-incentivos-para-tus-empleados/ http://retos-directivos.eae.es/aumenta-la-motivacion-de-tus-empleados-con-un-buenplan-de-incentivos-laborales/ http://www.gestiopolis.com/los-incentivos-y-la-motivacion-laboral/ http://www.felicidadeneltrabajo.es/ideas-para-empresarios/plan-de-incentivos-laboralesejemplos/ https://www.eonetwork.org/octanemagazine/specialfeatures/sixstepstodealingwithcustomercomplaints http://www.redacoge.org/mm/file/GESTI%C3%93N%20DE%20LA%20DIVERSIDAD_MEN%C3%9AS /Cuaderno%201%20Manual%20de%20acogida%20Red%20Acoge.pdf https://www.gobiernodecanarias.net/escritorio/documentos/GUIA_MANUAL_ACOGIDA.pdf https://empleospetroleros.org/2012/09/23/importancia-de-la-integracion-del-personal/ http://www.felicidadeneltrabajo.es/ideas-para-empresarios/plan-de-incentivos-laboralesejemplos/


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