Forex evolved why you should be trading with neural nets!

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Forex Evolved: Why YOU should be Trading with Neural Nets! Authored by: The Leo Trader Pro Team

- 1 % Drawdown - Over 110% Net Profit Per Month - Account Investor Password Access - Verification from the CEO of FinFX Leo Trader Pro - Proves the Proof! Login to our LIVE trading account and See REAL automated trading performance! CLICK HERE

Forex should Neural Nets!

Evolved: be

Why Trading

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The Automated Income Lifestyle is REAL! Let's paint a little picture f or yo u. You've got a house at the beach; yo u wake up at 6am on a Tuesda y morn in g. .. ...and you go f or a run on the beach. When yo u get back, a breakfast f it f or a king is waiting f or you on your patio. which, by the wa y, looks out over golden sands f ramin g blue crashing waves. You're entirely debt free!

T he b ig ges t de ci s io n yo u 've g o t to mak e af te r f i nis hi ng br ea kf as t is wh at yo u 'r e g oi n g to d o wi th TH E R E S T O F YOUR DAY! Okay, yo u drop the kids off at school in yo u r Porsche 911 Turbo ( yo u r Aston Martin is in the garage - yo u think yo ur wif e might want to use it while you 'r e out). ... You get back home and now what?

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Well, that's all up to YOU reall y. AUTOMATED FX TRADING SUPREMACY

Maybe you 'd like to learn to pla y an instru men t because you never had the time bef ore. Maybe you want to catch up on all that great literat u re of the last f ew HUNDRE D YEARS yo u 'v e been missing out on. You could tr y windsurf in g. .. the weather is perf ect! Heck, if yo u just want to lay on the couch watchin g sports and crack open a f ew beers, yo u can do that too! It's all up to you ! Right now you 've got to be asking you rs elf how somethi n g as incredib le as this could even be possible. Well... you ' re about to f ind out!

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Chasing The End Of The Rainbow Traders have probabl y been chasing the automat ed income lif est yle f or the last 12 yea rs or so... in vain. So, wh y haven't the y succeeded? Well, it's due to a numbe r of f actors. At f irst, most of them thought that the y could get rich over night with just a f ew minutes of work per da y (there was no such thing as REAL automa t io n back then). There was only manual trading which involve d using a whole bunch of indicat or s on diff erent currenc y charts . and having to WAIT patientl y f or a trade setup. The onl y thing those traders managed to achieve was a severe case of eyes tr ai n ! You see, it's just not possible to KNOW when that setup is going to come, so you end up being a desk jocke y and a slave to the screen. The y would sit there f or hours on end waiting for something to happen. often going days with no results.

On top of that, trying to figure out how to combin e MACD with Parabol ic SAR, Fibonacc i , etc. probabl y started to look like a lot more trouble than it was worth. Mostl y yo u ended up even more confused than when yo u started. Even if the y didn't end up blowing their entire account in the first week, most of those traders simply gave up through f rustrati o n f rom the sheer compl ex i t y of it all. Trading wasn't simple at all - it was someth in g reserved f or real maste rs of the game! But change came quickl y. Account Investor Passwords are the ONLY proof - Login to Leo Trader Pro HERE!

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It wasn't long until we had "Mechanical" syst e ms . Now, just to be clear on this, "mechan ica l" is not the same as a pure automated system like Leo Trader Pro You can see the diff erence HERE.

T he in ve n to rs of th ese s ys t e ms s ou gh t to r e mo ve mu ch of th e g uess wo r k f r o m t ra d in g a nd bo il e ve r yt h i n g d ow n t o a f ew simple rules. Put a bunch of indicat o rs on yo u r charts and, when a certain numbe r of criter ia are met... take you r trade. Of c ou rs e, t hi s s tr at eg y h a d in he r en t li mi t at io ns an d was NO T a s ol u ti on t o a n yo n e 's pr o bl e ms. I t was, h ow e ver, a stopgap measure . Yo u s ee , s oo n af t er t hi s e ra in t ra di ng , s o me ve r y s ma r t peo p le r ea li ze d th at if t he y c o ul d c o me up w i th a s yste m that was based entirel y on rules. .w h y co u ld n 't t he y s i mp l y AUTOMATE th ose r ul e s an d execute the trades WITHOUT human interve n ti on? A f ine idea, to be sure! This is where we witnessed the birth of the Expert Advisor, or what is commonly known as the "EA". It was a step in the right directi on . but one that was ultimat el y f lawed f rom the beginnin g.

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You see mechani ca l trading itself off ered no REAL benef it because it lacked the human element . A set of rules could not replace instinct and intuitio n ...and they certainl y couldn 't boil down the mill io ns of potenti al circumstances that might arise into a FEW very SIMPLE rules. Let's explain why. .but f irst, what's the diff erence between conventi on al rule based robots and a Neural Net system? Find out HERE.

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What Is Retail Forex Trading REALLY? Let's make this explanati o n as simple as we can... Forex trading is the "speculati on" in the price f luctuati ons of currenc y pairs. SPECULATING means that yo u never actuall y take deliver y of anyt hi n g - you 'r e sort of just pigg y backing on the exchange of currenc y that's alread y taking place. Ever y single da y about THREE TRILLION DOLLARS of currenc y is traded globall y! It's how the world's economy is made possible. Le t 's s a y f o r e xa mp le t ha t a c ar ma nuf a ct u re r in J apa n wan ts t o open a f actor y i n t he U SA, th e y ca n 't sh o w u p and pay f or it in Japanese Yen.

So. The y will have to convert their Yen into US Dollars. Ever y time someone goes on holida y to a f oreign countr y, the locals are not going to take a strange currenc y that they can't use themsel ves . So. You have to change you r mone y into the currenc y of the countr y that yo u 're visiting . There are numero us diff erent exampl es, but yo u get the point. So, how does all this help YOU to make mone y out of trading the Forex Market? Conventional Robot=0 Neural Nets=110% per month! CLICK HERE Copyright Š 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ - All Rights Reserved 7

Well, ever y single day, the going rate f or ever y currenc y f luctuates based on the demand (or lack of ) f or that particula r currenc y. The f actors contrib ut in g to this phenome n on are too man y to mentio n - suff ice to say that it has ever yt h in g to do economics, politics and business on a global scale. BUT...

T ha t d oes n 't mat t er to us f o r th e pu r pos es of th is re po r t. Wha t ma t te rs is t ha t t ho se f luc t ua t io ns a r e t he re a n d w i ll CONTINUE to be there until the end of time! The onl y princi pl e we need to be concerned with is that we want to BUY LOW and SELL HIGH.

So, in a nutshell, the Forex trader will be watching his charts to spot the point where he thinks the trend is going to turn.

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Using a syste m of margi ns ( yo u r margi n is what yo u 're risking, so it doesn't take long to get taken to the cleaners if yo u don't contro l yo u r trade) ... .And leveragi ng (if you r leverage is 10:1 yo u can control $1,000 with onl y $100) And. Depending on which WAY the trend seems to be turnin g, a speculato r will bu y or sell accordingl y. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well, IT'S NOT! Using conventi on al rule -base d trading sys te ms can't possibl y help yo u to anticipa te turns in the trends either. So how does Leo Trader Pro do things diff erent l y? Well, we'll talk more about that later but, f or now, if you think about how man y diff erent currenc y pairs there are out there. .wouldn't it make sense to someho w monit o r the congruent pairs as well? The TRUE Forex sleuth would be payi ng attentio n to what's going on AROUND the pair he's trading. .not staring single minde dl y at that one pair alone waiting f or a clue to pop on to his chart. This is wh y people say that ALL indicat or s are lagging. because the y ARE!

Hear the CEO of FinFX validate Leo Trader Pro's Account #1331 - CLICK HERE! Copyright Š 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ - All Rights Reserved 9



The news that yo u get is AFTER the f act. You don't need AUTOMATED FX TRADING SUPREMACY precognit iv e powers in order to trade the marke ts. You need somethi n g powerf ul enough to SEE the clues that the market as a WHOLE is leaving behind. THIS, is what LEO TRADER PRO does! To learn more about how Neural Nets work, CLICK HERE

Conventional rule-based robots are only ever as smart as their creators can make them. Knowing the past is not as good as ANTICIPA TING future! See our Neural Net in action! CLICK HERE! Copyright © 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ - All Rights Reserved 10




Our dear f riend the Forex trader has absolutel y no way of knowing which way the trend is going to go with an y degree of certain t y - when people f irst started trading Forex, the y weren't doing much more than guessing. If yo u f lip a coin, you 'v e ALWAYS got a 50/50 chance of being right.. . EVEN if you 'v e f lipped that coin 9 times and it came up "heads", that doesn't mean f or one second that you 're guarantee d to have it land on tails f or f lip #10. What happened yes te rd a y is NOT going to happen tomorr ow. What happened LAST YEAR is not going to happen THIS YEAR! Lif e is not static - neither are the marke ts repetit io us. The Forex market is like a living , breathi ng entit y f or which rules DO NOT appl y. That's wh y ever y single sys te m of Forex trading that yo u ma y have seen until now was, at best, probabl y just an EDUCATED guess in "rule f orm".

.but a guess nonetheless. You migh t just as well have been gambli ng . be it manual, mechanica l or automat ed trading - there was simpl y no certainty. That was, of course, until now! Now, there's Leo Trader Pro!

Now, the Automated Income Lif est yle is ALREADY a realit y f or hundred s of traders !

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LEO TRADER PRO! Leo Trader Pro is the world 's f irst "Neural Net" -based Forex trading robot f or the retail Forex market ! It is a THINKING, LEARNING, automa ted trading bot! In just f ive month s, it has made 500% net return on investme nt . It will DOUBLE an account ever y single month and it has done this with less than a 1% drawdow n on that account! How can it do this? It's all in the power of the Neural Net. A comput e r runnin g on 16 CORES with a staggerin g 128 GIGABYTE S of memo r y.. . ...all designed to simul at e the thought patterns of the human brain.

Get Leo Trader Pro Today and start with only $500 - CLICK HERE! Copyright Š 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ - All Rights Reserved 12



By simula t in g the Neurons and Syn ap t ic pathwa ys of an TRADING SUPREMACY organic brain, LeoAUTOMATED Trader ProFXcan use the speed and power of silicon processo rs to anal yze ever y single currency pair AT THE SAME TIME... ...weighin g hundre ds of thousands of possible actions bef ore making each trade! It is a meticulous and precise trading machi ne that has only one purpose on its mind. WINNING TRADES! CLICK HERE to watch our Account Investo r Password Tutoria l. then log in to our account and see the proof ! Over 110% prof it PER MONTH is what you 'r e going to see! Yes, f riends, the automa te d income lif est yle is trul y a realit y. You needn't worr y about mone y ever again! Hundreds of novice traders who'd never even placed a trade in their lives bef ore are alread y enjo yin g the benefits of Leo Trader Pro. Shouldn 't you be too? With the power of Leo Trade r Pro at you r f ingertips , you could ERASE YOUR DEBT, gain FINANCIAL FREEDOM and f inall y f ocus on the things that reall y matter ! We all have bigger things to worr y about than mone y. Af ter all, there's more to lif e than being in the rat race. Wh y should the nicer things in lif e be conf ined onl y to the people that were born with trust f unds or f amil y mone y? Wh y can't ordinary people enjo y those things, too?

Copyright Š 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ - All Rights Reserved 13



AUTOMATED FX TRADING SUPREMACY You could f ocus on spending time with you r f amil y, travellin g the world, pursuing the arts or climb in g the tallest mounta in s.

You could have all the things that yo u 've alwa ys wanted... you could buy a new home or that new car. the list is almost endless. T he p oi nt is , i n t his d a y an d ag e, and w i th t he te ch no lo g y we ha ve a t o u r gr asp . if t he r e 's one th i ng t ha t sh ou ld n 't be holdin g us back. .it's the pursuit of mone y. If yo u st ar t Le o Tra de r Pr o w it h j ust $5 0 0, in a mo nt h i t cou l d be $ 1, 000. The n ex t mo n t h $ 2, 00 0, t he n $4 ,0 00 , $8,000, $16,000 , $32,000 . and on, and on, yo u go. If yo u speak to any trader on the planet, the y'll all tell you that the y've been searching f or the " Hol y Grail " of Forex trading. Here it is. It's Leo Trader Pro. Are yo u going run with it? If yo u 're thinkin g that Leo Trade r Pro is just like all the other FX products out there, visit our site and judge. Leo Trader Pro

Then log in to our account using the Investor Password and see Account Doubli ng Mastery at work! The FUTURE of Forex tradin g is here! Don't let it pass you by! CLICK HERE for Leo Trader Pro's 3 minute Account Investor Password Tutorial! Copyright Š 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ - All Rights Reserved 14

Leo Trader Pro responsible for THREE industry firsts! 1. Leo Trader Pro Debuts at the International Traders Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. The first Neural Net system for the Retail FX market is unveiled to the world! 2. Account Investor Password Proof! 100% "no holds barred" access to account #1331 is granted to the public, providing Irrefutable Proof of Account Doubling Supremacy! 3. The CEO of FinFX, Jani Hjerppe, validates account #1331 via written and audio testimony. Undeniable proof that Leo Trader Pro is at the top of the food chain!

See these 3 industry firsts HERE!

All information in this document is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advice. Any statements regarding profits or income, expressed or implied, do not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibility for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold the Leo Trader Pro™ team, associates and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. The reading of this document constitutes acceptance of our user agreement. Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this document, the website and/or video content are the property of their respective owners. These trademark holders are in no way affiliated with Leo Trader Pro™, our products or our website and they do not sponsor or endorse Leo Trader Pro ™ or any of our trading solutions.

Copyright © 2010, Leo Trader Pro™ Reproduction or translation of any part of this work by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, beyond that permitted by law, without the permission of the publisher, is unlawful.

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