Tamara portfolio

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PORTFOLIO Graphic Design

Tamara Lazic 16/3/2015, Sarajevo tamaralazic77@gmail.com


EXHIBITIONS Annual exhibition of the best student work, The Academy of Fine Arts 2014 Sarajevo /BiH

SOS Balkan Posters Exhibition, Dan D Festival 2014 Zagreb /Croatia

Museum Night Exhbition 2014 Novi sad /Serbia

PDP Conference Exhibition 2014 Novi sad /Serbia

Annual exhibition of the best student work, The Academy of Fine Arts 2013 Sarajevo /BiH

Annual art student exhibition “December University Days”, Rector’s Office of University of Sarajevo. 2013 Sarajevo /BiH

Sarajevo 100 Exhibition, Collegium Artisticum. 2014 Sarajevo /BiH

PDP Conference Exhibition at SOS Design Festival, Java Gallery 2014 Sarajevo /BiH

International typography exhibition “TypeThrowDown”, Wichita State’s Ulrich Museum of Art. 2014 Wichita /USA


Born 1992. in Šabac, Serbia. Studied at The School of Applied Arts in Šabac, Fashion Tayloring Departement. In the final year I developed a love for graphic design. I have always been inspired by the different elements and principles of art and design and the way they function together, and the combination of typography and illustration and the way that they compliment each other. In 2011 started my studies at The Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, Department of Graphic Design. Since then, I have worked on different projects, mainly regional. The thing that attracts me the most about graphic design as a field of art is that it serves as a tool to communicate to an infinite number of people. I am currently exploring different ways of generating ideas and developing them.

EDUCATION Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, Bosina and Hercegovina


School of Applied Arts, Šabac, Serbia


EXPERIENCE Klika.ba, Bosnia and Hercegovina UX/UI and Graphic elements Designer


Threendie.com, online platform, Serbia UX/UI/Graphic Design


SOS Design Festival-Sarajevo,Bosnia and Hercegovina WORKSHOP COORDINATOR


LANGUAGE e-mail: tamaralazic77@gmail.com tell: +387 65 180 173



SELECTED WORK Most of the work presented here are projects that i’ve done during my studies at Academy of Fine Arts. Hope you enjoy it.


HUMAN RIGHTS FESTIVAL_POSTER /2013 Poster proposition for 8. Human Rights Film Festival, held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


PAUL DAVIS EXHIBITION_POSTER /2014 Exhibition poster proposal for graphic designer and artist Paul Davis during his visit in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


BALKAN FLOODS_POSTER /2014 Social awareness poster, part of the collection of ‘Balkan floods’ posters, which had the same goal. Bringing the problem of flooded areas to the people around the world to help and support. Dimensions in print: 420 x 297


SARAJEVO 100_POSTER /2014 Poster for exhibition ‘Sarajevo 100’ , honoring the period sence WWI, 1914-2014 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina. Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


JUVENTA FEST_01_POSTER /2014 Poster proposal for high school theater festival held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


JUVENTA FEST_02_POSTER /2014 Poster proposal for high school theater festival held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


PECHA KUCHA NIGHT_POSTER /2014 Poster for PKN presentation format 20x20, part of SOS Design Festival 2014, Sarajevo Bosnia and Hercegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


PECHA KUCHA NIGHT_POSTER /2014 Poster proposal for PKN presentation format 20x20, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


FZS_POSTER /2013 Promotional poster for 40th bearthday of Faculty of health studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


SELFPORTRAIT_ILUSTRATION /2013 School project ‘Im a designer’. Project was putting yourself in that role and illustrating it. Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


CHILDREN SAFETY ADMINISTRATION_POSTER /2014 Series of posters for unofficial campaign Children Safety Administration, part of school asigment Dimensions in print: 420 x 297


NATURAL VS. CHEMICAL_POSTER /2014 Series of posters for unofficial campaign Natural vs. Chemical, part of school asigment Dimensions in print: 420 x 297


INFOGRAPHICS /2015 Presented on the right infographic portraiting the life of Selman Selmanagic one of the famous architects of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the left, infographic of Sarajevo 1914-2015


Dimensions in print: 420 x 297, 420 x 1500

MIDNIGHTS CHILDREN_BOOK COVER /2014 Unoficial book cover for Salman Rushdies ‘Midnight Chlidren’ book serias. Dimensions in print: 148 x 210


JUVENTA FEST_CHILDRENS THEATRE_POSTER /2014 Unofficial poster for Juventa fest childrens theatre Dimensions in print: 1000 x 700


JUVENTA FEST_CHARACTERS /2014 Juventa fest children theatre character illustrations


LP COVER /2014 Student project for selfportrait imaginary LP cover


OFFICE SUPLY ADD_POSTER /2014 Unofficial office suply adds, part of the school project Dimensions in print: 420 x 297


FRANC FERDINAND_ILLUSTRATION /2014 Portrait illustration for ‘Sarajevo 100’ , honoring the period sence WWI, 1914-2014 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina


JOLLY DOG_ILUSTRATION /2014 T-shirt Christmas illustration proposal for American market


WORLD OF WATCHES_LOGO /2014 Logo for antique online shop ‘World of watches’

QUADRO_LOGO /2015 Logo proposal for street reorganisation in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina In collaboration with Senka Mušic


SWEET BOUTIQUE_LOGO /2014 Logo proposal for cupcakes shop by Deanna Jones

YUMMY APP_LOGO /2014 Logo for food and recipes mobile app Yummy


MEDICAL INSTITUION FOR BLOOD DONATON_LOGO /2013 Logo proposal for 55th birthday of medical institution for blood donation

INTELLI FLOW APP_LOGO /2015 Logo proposal for mobile hospital app, dealing with patient orientation.


TELFOR_LOGO /2014 Logo proposal for online forum of telecomunications

Dragon Palace restaurant & bar

DRAGON PALACE_LOGO /2015 Logo proposal for chinese restaurant called Dragons Palace


JUVENTA FEST_LOGO /2014 Logo proposal for high school theater festival in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Promo print materials

THREENDIE ONLINE PLATFORM_LOGO /2015 Logo for online platform for fashion designers helping tham showcase their work in 3D virtual spaces. Project collaboration with Djordje Jovanovic. Digital and promo print materials


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