New zealand

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It was between the years 900 and

besides spending 200 kilos. The

1200 that fishermen and hunters of

Emu eggs were prized, and should

Eastern Polynesia in canoes arrived


in the land of Aotea roa, which in


Maori means "Land of the Long

probably the reason for the bird to

White Cloud". Those trips were

have been extinct. The bones were

planned in every detail, with large




artifacts, ornaments, and war, and

type, called Pahi. It came from a

had very value as an object of

single island, but several different,


and so different tribes. In New

established in various parts of New

Zealand, Emu hunted a bird 3 times

Zealand, in the North Island and in

larger than a ema or ostrich, which

the South, living in tribal system,

reached almost 4 meters high,





















Later in 1642, the Dutchman Abel Tasman, sailed to the west of the South Island, he saw land and thought it was a continent. He named Staten Land. Resolved map, and discovered that in truth he had discovered an island, and changed the name Nieuw Zeeland. I was very happy with the discovery and whistling the national anthem of the Netherlands, ordered the crew ashore to explore the island, and was about to land when the Maoris also attacked. It was a delicious battle as cannibalism, and cut the enemy's head was embalming Maori tradition. Abel got soaked dump escape Kumara (sweet potato), but went high. He fled with all sails up and never got to play with the cute feet Nieuw Zeeland. Only after more than 100 years after the banquet, Cook arrived and

as he could not speak the language of Abel, decided to change the name to New Zealand. In 1769, the intrepid Captain Cook was able to disembark without being eaten, and returned two other times and rolled the North and South Islands and gave names to places and Baiae. For too long New Zealand lived very tumultuados





Europeans and Chinese, walked the mile a minute, and constant conflicts between Maori and Baleeiros were routine. Rivalries between different Maori tribes also increased, each coveting the neighbor with water in your mouth for dinner. Brought by the Baleeiros Muskets





mantimentos with the Maoris, and firepower differences between tribes, did that make war more and more, reducing the population enough. At the same time, wanting to appease Christian missionaries interfered internal and external conflicts, with the French, were quite interested in the island to stay with them. The situation was chaotic, until a British court decided for an end to the anarchy, and convinced Maori leaders to sign a treaty and English colonization efetivar in NZ.

The Treaty of Waitangi was held on February 6, 1840. In it, among the major agreement, included the following: 1) The Maoris would continue as owners of land and fishing. 2) Maoris accept the new colonial government, including the right to purchase Maori land. All land transactions Maori or not, would be made through the government. 3) Recognition by the Maoris of the sovereignty of the Queen of England. 4) The Maoris have the same rights and privileges of the colonists. 5) All lands that were signatories or illegally purchased before the treaty, would go back to the Maoris. The agreement encompasses much more than that, but the most important were the lands on which the British would have to buy it, rather than just take them over. With regard to the command, the chiefs would continue with the command of their tribes and traditions, but obeying a governor general and the new laws imposed. The Treaty of Waitangi day is still in force today, and well respected, is in full operation. Go back and half a case is won by the Maoris for land reinstatement.

This is a stained glass window in the Maori Arts and Crafts Institute at Rotorua. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 between Great Britain and the Maori

chiefs, supposedly one of the 'best deals' ever between an empire and the indigenous people of one of its colonies. Today the Maori people are still trying to claim land under this treaty and a Tribunal has been set up to officiate. After the Treaty, everything calmed down. In 1860 gold was discovered and brought many immigrants, but this only lasted 10 years. New Zealand then turned to focus more on agricultural production as well as livestock. He became one of the largest exporters of sheep meat in the world, as well as first place in the export of wool. Meat, dairy products, export binomium had the advent of






Parliament was already well established, and for the first time ever, women went to vote



national strong





parliament, and returned to the social status began to form. Despite the distance for many markets and low population, began to project country internationally.

The Independence of New Zealand was on the day September 26, 1907, disconnecting from United Kingdom financially, with its own government, flag and laws. The British Crown despite having great influence in the nation, including a Governor General, spent and not to interfere in the internal decisions and in the country. There was no kind of rebellion or extreme act, but a state of transition, which occurred naturally in a mature and friendly. The interest was on both sides.

The independence of New Zealand is a matter of continued academic and social debate. New Zealand has no fixed date of independence; instead independence came about as a result of New Zealand's evolving constitutional status. New Zealand evolved as one of the British Dominions, colonies within the British Empire which gradually established progressively greater degrees of self-rule. They were always anomalous[citation needed] in international terms, and the attempt to define a "date of independence" in the sense that one can be given for most excolonies is not really meaningful. In many ways it is an example of the Sorites Paradox. However, a consideration of possible dates can help understanding of the processes of change.

In the two world wars with allied troops, as well as contributing Vietnam War with minor presence, New Zealand supported the democratic aspirations. But it was in Galípole in Turkey in 1915 where he suffered the largest declines. The ANZAC stands for “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps” are recognized by the importance it had in changing the destiny of the war and of nations. It is commemorated today by new generations. Once a year in New Zealand a few survivors and descendants of those soldiers, they go to the streets tomorrow soon, for civil stop remembering the thousands killed during the war. After the war, New Zealand, pleaded Nuclear Free, that is, has no a weapon or nuclear plants. Recently did not send troops to Iraq, I tend to participate only logistical support. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S. naval offensive in the Pacific, New Zealand became a center of concentration of U.S. troops, most of them at rest after operating in the Pacific Islands.

Tottaly New Zealand offers Quality of life of its small population, and entered a pioneer in several areas never played in other countries. One of the major changes occurred in the public sector, which found that government services themselves could be done better by private companies. State disappeared, and everything was privatized. Only few organs are still working with operators themselves. Many people were resigned, and some hired by new service providers. Virtually all government sectors, including health, are now operated by private companies. The sign on the street, in newspapers, and where most government , what is common following are operators like any other company. No public operator, but the official. The government works in the following way:. Establishes an annual budget for each sector, and give the money in the hand of each

outsourced. If the

subcontractor not meet obligations, or the quality of services, it is immediately replaced by another. Of course, in this budget, is scheduled operators expenditures, operating costs, and an achievement for the operating company within the market patterns. The rendering of accounts is made up in the pennies, and who has any irregularities, the chain is next (which is also managed by outsourced). Another great implementation more recente, was the incentive and a favorable policy in New Zealand immigration of skilled professionals in demand by the market (Skill Immigration).

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