IMAC group creation
IMPORTANT new procedure - advised by GLOBAL If creating a new IMAC group you must also create an INCIDENT assignment group, and DEFAULT add into the Operator tab section DEFAULT as the member of the incident group (this is so nothing can be assigned to this group). (See work instructions for creating incident groups) •
To create an IMAC assignment group, from your home screen, go to Request Management:
Go to “Maintenance” tab – “Supporting Files”
Click on Groups:
Into the command line type ‘ocmgroups’ and hit enter
Type in/choose the following fields: Name Area (the area this group should be visible, e.g “Quote” (IMAC), “Line Items” or “All”) Company
• Hit , then ‘OK’ • See Add an operator to an IMAC group - Global have removed the option to update IMAC group member/approval fields by making them read-only.