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The World’s First Talking Dog?
buttons, began working with Stella, teaching her to express herself. Stella has learned over FIFTY words. She can can even use the AAC to create phrases up to ve words in length. WOW!
In her book, How Stella Learned to Talk, Hunger shares her story and techniques used in training. Not only can you enjoy the book, there are lots of videos online where you can see Stella in action. You can even purchase AAC-type devices and give your dog a chance to learn to “talk.” a Blue Heeler/Catahoula mix, has become a national sensation for learning to “speak” by using a button communication device. Called an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device, it is used by speech-language pathologists in working with toddlers. Stella’s human, Christina Hunger, is one such professional. She theorized that her new puppy could be taught, using the AAC, in much the same way as her patients. She was right! Hunger, using paw-sized

Book Review: “This book is part memoir, part how-to guide. It’s amazing to think of the possibilities to deepen the connection we have with our dogs ”
—Mary Potthoff, Springfield, MO