Tame Times Alberton Flipbook - 17.03.2020

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State of National Tuesday Tel: 011Delivered 862 8500 Ievery www.tametimes.co.za

17 March Week 10 Week 21 Volume 09,2020, 23 May 2017,


Tell: 011 862 8500 I Fax: 086 241 5648

Ludi Vink’s murder case is set for June 2020


Gauteng, one in KwaZulu-Natal and five in the Western Cape.

President Cyril

Currently, all those who have tested

Ramaphosa revealed

positive are people who had travelled

that the number of

to other countries before returning to

people infected with the

South Africa.

coronavirus has risen to 61.









President Ramaphosa announced the

Daniel Jacobus Olivier (56), a well-

closure of schools from 18 March.

known debt collector, and his son,

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced

Keith Olivier (31), appeared in the

the following measures:

Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court on

- Travel ban on foreigners from high

Monday, 9 March.

risk countries from 18 March.

Daniel Olivier stabbed Vink in his right

- SA citizens advised to refrain from

eye with a pool cue after Ludi tried to

travel to identified high risk countries.

stop a fight at Mitzy’s Pub in Randhart in

- Government will regularly issue

February 2017.

travel alerts.

The incident was captured on CCTV

- SA citizens returning from high risk

footage. The cases against Danny Olivier

will be quarantined.

and his son Keith Olivier have been an ongoing process since the incident.


addressed the nation from the Union

COVID-19 pandemic.

This will hopefully lead to the spread

In October 2018 the case was set down

Buildings in Pretoria on Sunday,


of the disease to slow down.

for trial against the accused, Daniel

following an increase in the number

lengthy deliberations with his Cabinet.

Health care facilities are working

Olivier. It was, however, withdrawn due

of confirmed coronavirus cases in

Cabinet is said to have discussed the

extraordinary hours to deal with the

to lack of statements and information.

the country.

pandemic, travel bans, lock downs and

influx of new cases whilst dealing with

Earlier this month in the Palmridge

President Cyril Ramaphosa revealed

“social distancing”.

other diseases and emergencies.

Magistrate’s Court, a new case was

that the number of people infected

The number of Covid-19 cases in South

We strongly advise that everyone

opened against Daniel and Keith and set

with the coronavirus has risen to 61.

African has risen to 51, with 13 new

adheres to the measures for the safety

down for trial on 22 June 2020.

Ramaphosa made the announcement

cases identified since Saturday.

of all other residents of South Africa.

tame TIMES will be attending the case

on Sunday night as he announced

Seven new cases were reported in

address comes after

Rejem Property DEVELOPMENT


and will inform all readers.

17 March 2020

Mother loses three children in Golden Highway taxi crash EDITOR A NOTE FROM THE

On Wednesday morning, 11 March three children were killed along with 12 adults in a taxi crash on the Golden Highway, the Gauteng Department of Education has confirmed. They were identified as Lashay Goodall, 10, Learyn Goodall, 11, and Aiden Goodall, 6, who all attended Robertsham Primary School in Johannesburg. Odile Goodall’s said that the three told their mother that they loved her as they bid her goodbye in on Wednesday morning. “Ma, I love you so much, I will always love you,” were the last words six-yearold Aiden Goodal said to her mother when she left for school yesterday. Odile Goodall’s two other children Lashay, 10, and Learyn, 11, - also told her that they loved her as they bid her goodbye in the morning. This was something unusual because whenever the children left for school, they would just say “goodbye”. The Goodall’s have asked for space to

deal with their bereavement. Funeral arrangements are currently underway. “For one mother to lose three children in an accident, it is very, very hard. They were on their way to school to get an education and now they are no more, it is very tough,” family spokesperson Noel Maart said. “We are pleading with drivers to please be safe on the road because we are now losing innocent children - we do not blame anybody and we will allow the police and investigators to do their job.” Public Transport and Roads Infrastructure MEC Jacob Mamabolo and department officials visited the victims’ family in Eldorado Park on Wednesday afternoon. “My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of those who died in this horrific accident. I would also like to wish those in hospital a speedy recovery,” he said on Wednesday, adding that road safety campaigns would be stepped up in the province.

Silverkroon in state of disrepair as Council neglects their responsibilities Cllr Bruna Haipel visited the Silverkroon Old Age Home and of their residents to hear more about their problems. The lift problems continues for close to a decade.

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Hannalie: 079 041 5857 Visit me by appointment 33 Jersey Street, Dinwiddie, Germiston, 1401, Gauteng

This especially affects the people living on the second and third floor of the building, some of who are bound to use

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified Coronavirus (COVID-19) as a global pandemic. For any outbreak to be classified as a pandemic, it means there is big trouble. The number of cases in South Africa, mainly from people who had travelled to other areas in Asia, Europe and the Americas is exponentially increasing, demonstrating that we have a serious problem. Last week at this time, we had only 3 cases that were known. It is no longer business as usual and we must act like people facing a pandemic and not be complacent and only start acting when we have serious problems. Our healthcare system is currently challenged and cannot cope and with more cases of Coronavirus, we will not cope at all. President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the following measures and much more: South Africa has declared Covid-19 to be a state of national emergency. The government has imposed travel bans for anyone from seriously affected countries, and schools will shut down from 18 March. Two thirds of South Africa’s border posts on land will be closed, and two sea ports will no longer accept passengers or allow ship crew rotations. We want to hear from you! Send us your opinion about what do you think will happen?

walkers or have to take an oxygen bottle with them. There have been three cases of people getting stuck in the lift and according to Haipel, a new lift was promised to have been installed by January 2019, but a year later no progress has been made. Another resident called tame TIMES and shared her concern that Silverkroon has also not received garden services lately. tame TIMES understands that the municipality has not come for a long time now to cut the grass. “Rats are running through the long grass and the gardens are in poor conditions,” said the resident.



17 March 2020


Ramaphosa declares national state of disaster This the full statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa announcing measures taken by the country to combat the Covid-19 epidemic. Fellow South Africans, I am addressing you this evening on a matter of great national importance. The world is facing a medical emergency far graver than what we have experienced in over a century. The World Health Organisation has declared the coronavirus outbreak as a global pandemic. There are now more than 162,000 people who have tested positive for the coronavirus across the globe. Given the scale and the speed at which the virus is spreading, it is now clear that no country is immune from the disease or will be spared its severe impact. Never before in the history of our democracy has our country been confronted with such a severe situation. From the start of the outbreak in China earlier this year, the South African government has put in place measures to screen visitors entering the country, to contain its spread and to treat those infected. As of now, South Africa has 61 confirmed cases of people infected with the virus, and this number is expected to rise in the coming days and weeks. Initially, it was people who had travelled out of the country, especially from Italy, who had positively tested for the virus. It is concerning that we are now dealing with internal transmission of the virus. This situation calls for an extraordinary response; there can be no half measures. Cabinet held a special meeting earlier today. After which, due to the serious measures we are going to announce, I have consulted the premiers. We have decided to take urgent and drastic measures to manage the disease, protect the people of our country and reduce the impact of the virus on our society and on our economy. We have now declared a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act. This will enable us to have an integrated and co-ordinated disaster management mechanism that will focus on preventing and reducing the outbreak of this virus. We will also be able to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems to mitigate the severity of its impact. Following an extensive analysis of the progression of the disease worldwide and in South Africa, Cabinet has decided on the following measures: Firstly, to limit contact between persons who may be infected and South African citizens. We are imposing a travel ban on foreign nationals from high-risk countries such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and China as from 18 March 2020. We have cancelled visas to visitors from those countries from today and previously granted visas are hereby revoked. South African citizens are advised to refrain from all forms of travel to or through the European Union, United States, United Kingdom and other identified high-risk countries such as China, Iran and South Korea. This is effective immediately.

Government will continue to regularly issue travel alerts referring to specific cities, countries or regions as the situation evolves based on the risk level. Any foreign national who has visited high-risk countries in the past 20 days will be denied a visa. South African citizens returning from highrisk countries will be subjected to testing and self-isolation or quarantine on return to South Africa. Travellers from medium-risk countries – such as Portugal, Hong Kong and Singapore – will be required to undergo high-intensity screening. All travellers who have entered South Africa from high-risk countries since mid-February will be required to present themselves for testing. We will strengthen surveillance, screening and testing measures at OR Tambo, Cape Town and King Shaka International Airports. South Africa has 72 ports of entry in the country which are land, sea and air ports. Of the 53 land ports, 35 will be shut down with effect from Monday 16 March. Two of the eight sea ports will be closed for passengers and crew changes. Effective immediately, all non-essential travel for all spheres of government outside of the Republic is prohibited. We further discourage all non-essential domestic travel, particularly by air, rail, taxis and bus. Secondly, it is essential therefore that we minimise the risk of the spread of this virus by limiting contact amongst groups of people. While we appreciate the economic, religious, and cultural significance of social and community gatherings, the coronavirus is spread through contact between persons. As we have said before, the current circumstances require extraordinary measures to curb the spread of infections. Countries that have heeded the call to implement these radical measures, have fared much better than those that do not. Therefore to encourage social distancing Cabinet has decided on these additional measures: • Gatherings of more than 100 people will be prohibited. • Mass celebrations of upcoming national days such as Human Rights Day and other large government events will be cancelled. • Where small gatherings are unavoidable, organisers will need to put in place stringent measures of prevention and control. • Schools will be closed from Wednesday, 18 March, and will remain closed until after the Easter Weekend. To compensate, the mid-year school holidays will be shortened by a week. Government is working closely with colleges, universities and other public facilities such as Parliament, prisons, police stations and military installations to intensify hygiene control. • Visits to all correctional centres are suspended for 30 days with immediate effect. Government is aware of the confirmed case of a student who has tested positive

for the coronavirus at Wits University. Those who have been in contact with the student will be quarantined. The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation is consulting with vicechancellors of universities and colleges across the country and will soon be announcing measures in this regard. We call on all businesses including mining, retail, banking, farming to ensure that they take all necessary measures to intensify hygiene control. We also call on the management of malls, entertainment centres and other places frequented by large numbers of people to bolster their hygiene control. Thirdly, to further strengthen our health response, government is strengthening its surveillance and testing systems. We are in process of identifying isolation and quarantine sites in each district and metro. Capacity is being increased at designated hospitals in all provinces. We are also increasing the capacity of existing contact tracing processes. We are partnering with the private sector

to set up a national tracking, tracing and monitoring system of all people infected with the coronavirus and those they have been in contact with. We are undertaking a mass communication campaign on good hygiene and effective prevention behaviour. Therefore, we are calling on everyone to: • Wash their hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitisers for at least 20 seconds; • cover their nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow; • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms. In essence, we are calling for a change of behaviour amongst all South Africans. We must minimise physical contact with other people, and, encourage the elbow greeting rather than shaking hands. Because of the severity of this virus and its rapid spreading, government will make funding available to capacitate the sectors dealing with the national response to the Coronavirus outbreak.


17 March 2020

Statement by the minister of basic V I S I T U S education, Mrs Angie Motshekga ONLINE STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION, MRS ANGIE MOTSHEKGA The President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared the outbreak of Covid-19 a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act. The President then announced a range of extraordinary interventions to curb the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. Following the President’s announcement we urgently convened a meeting of the Council of Education Ministers (CEM). The purpose of the meeting was to brief provinces on the outcome of the Cabinet meeting and to discuss with them the practical implications of the President’s announcement last night. We shared with them the reasons behind the Cabinet decision to declare a national state of disaster. An assessment was done on the current state of affairs regarding COVID-19 and it was felt that drastic steps were needed. The number of cases have been rising rapidly and it was decided that urgent steps were needed to contain the spread. Schools in particular have been identified as one of the biggest threats in terms of the transmission. We considered that closing schools should take place but we also needed to give parents time to prepare for it. The drastic step of closing schools has become necessary but we also needed to ensure that measures are put in place to mitigate the impact. On the Closing of Schools In accordance with the pronouncement by the President on 15 March 2020, schools will be closed from 18 March 2020. As a sector we have determined that schools should resume on 14 April 2020; unless determined differently. If that happens will communicate with parents. We are going to lose 10 school days as a result of the school closures. To compensate for lost days the June holidays will be cut short by a week. Once opened schools will be encouraged to extend tuition hours. It must be noted that this directive affects all schools; public ordinary schools,

independent schools and private. The technical aspects of these measures will be addressed by the concerned parties. Let’s keep in mind that the President has declared a national disaster which means that we are operating under extra ordinary conditions. Recovery Plans The CEM meeting agreed on a number of steps that must be taken to ensure that education is not compromised. Each province, district, circuit and school must have a practical and comprehensive catch-up plan to be implemented. As things stand right now and based on expert advice we should be able to manage coronavirus such that the negative impact on schooling is minimized. All mass events of more than 100 people scheduled for March and April will be postponed or cancelled with immediate effect. The activities include the South African School Choral Eisteddfod (SASCE), all school sports programmes and of course assemblies. We will intensify the Read to Lead campaign with our partners to ensure that it is used to assist learners and parents alike to get involved in literacy initiatives. We urge schools to give learners work they can do at home with the supervision of parents. Schools are encouraged to give learners workbooks and worksheets to be used to keep learners active on curriculum based initiatives. Our enrichment programmes The school enrichment programmes will also be affected by the arrangements. We will this week provide guidelines on how the school enrichment programmes are going to be managed because we want to ensure that those in matric in particular are not disadvantaged. Due to the infection rate we need to work together to contain the transmission of the virus and as a sector we have to play our part together with all our stakeholders. There are basic things we can do. We therefore appeal to South Africans familiarise ourselves with the directives of the Department of Health and NICD.

President and the Minister; read the circular and share the content with parents • Be vigilant and look out for symptoms of fever (more than 38 degrees Celsius), coughing and shortness of breath. • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. • Practise safe cough etiquette. Cough or sneeze into your flexed elbow or into a tissue and immediately dispose of the tissue in a safe place e.g.bin. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as well as handshakes • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, spaces and areas of the school. • Identify, isolate and report learners, teachers or support staff showing symptoms especially if they have had contact with, or have travelled to highly affected countries as reported by the WHO. I will this morning write to all provinces to inform them that the decree by the President is binding on all of us and that we should work together to implement as directed. It is time that we get parents to play their part in the education of their children. We appeal to each one of us to cooperate and ensure that we put the interest of the children on top of the priority list. As sector we will encourage our staff to get tested where possible and make sure we help those that need it. As a sector we will continue to consult with our stakeholders such as teacher unions and SGBs to deliberate on these matters. MEC committed that they would work with districts and circuits to ensure that there is an orderly closure of schools. The MECs would monitor schools and ensure that all work is done accordingly. After deliberations all MECs concurred with the decisions taken and committed to implement it to the latter.

Thank you.

Follow the directives from the

Martin Dewee Health Corner

Transforming Ectomorph Body Types Every youngster will inherit certain features from one or both parents including, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hair and other body parts. Some youngsters are fortunate enough to be bless with the full package including a high IQ and the perfect athletic body. This article is about how to change your Ectomorpe body ( skinny narrow shoulder) into a Mesomorphe body ( athletic muscular broader shoulder ). Ectomorphes have a super fast metabolism, and struggle to put on extra muscle, no matter how much food they eat. The quality of the foods is more important than the quantity of the

food eaten daily. The only way for an Ectomorpe to pick up weight, is for them to slow down their metabolism by eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. These meals should include a combination of low Gi starchy carbohydrates, veggies, lean protein, some healthy fats, snacks such as mixed nuts, fruits and dairy can also be added. Less is more when it comes to training for a person with an Ectomorpe body. Between 2-3 days of weight training per week is the best suited for this body type. Choosing the 2 or 3 day program will depend on the number of days spent training rugby or other sports. The 2 day

program should be used during the sports season, and the 3 day program during the off season while trying to pick up extra muscle. Extra carbohydrates should be included during each meal and high Gi carbohydrates like white baked potatoes after practice or games to help sustain and increase your body weight. For more info on the Future Sports Stars Program which includes detailed training and nutritional programs that are suitable for youngsters from age 13 years and older, including professional athletes Email martindewee1965@gmail.com Contact me on 062 237 9044









17 March 2020



17 March 2020


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R2 500


1 Parking


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1 Parking


(AUBYN 2) Apartment available 01 May 2020.

R4 050




1 Parking


R4 250

(CENTURY PLAZA 9) Apartment available 01 March 2020.




1 Parking

R4 950


(LO ELS 1) Apartment available immediately.




1 Parking

R4 950


(17 SERING) Available 01 May 2020




1 Parking

R4 950


(4 HOLLYHOCK AVENUE) Garden Cottage available 01 March 2020




1 Parking

R5 050


(75 GREY AVENUE) Flat available 01 April 2020




1 Parking

R5 400


(KARIBA LODGE 105) Townhouse available 01 March 2020.




2 Parkings

R5 500


(SAXONHOF 101) Townhouse available 01 Dec 2019.




1 Parking

R5 600


(SCHOONSPRUIT 4) Apartment available 01 April 2020.




1 Parking

R6 550


(29 SAN RIDGE, 13TH ROAD) Townhouse available 01 March 2020.




1 Parking

R7 350


(133 RICHFIELD) Available immediately.




1 Parking

R7 050


(SHAMGARS 6) Cluster available 01 March 2020.




2 Parkings

R10 000


(6 NOAH'S ARK) Townhouse available 01 March 2020.




1 Parking

R10 500


(JACARANDAS 1) Apartment available 01 March 2020.




2 Parkings

R12 050


(81 LE MAITRE) House available 01 March 2020.




2 Parkings

R13 550


(16 EUFEES STREET) Cluster available 01 March 2020.



3 Garages

R17 000


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2 Garages

R20 000


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2 Garages

R32 000


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3 Garages

R37 000


(40 HENNIE ALBERTS) Commercial space available to rent in Brackenhurst

R13 000


(25 NEWQUAY ) Commercial space available to rent in Raceview.

R25 000



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1 Grenadine Road, Meyersdal

R7500 (Excl W&L)

Avail 1 March 2020 083 411 1754

FOR RENTALS: Sue – 082 063 3163 Claudia - 083 636 3712 Kirsty - 061 457 4120




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17 March 2020

Traditional healers welcome intervention to tackle TB

The traditional healers in Ekurhuleni have welcomed the City’s intervention to include them to the fight against tuberculosis (TB). Traditional healers are key in the fight against TB because they are the first point of contact for most patients who prefer traditional healing when ill. Patients who believe in traditional medicine sometimes associate their TB symptoms with something that needs traditional medical interventions and choose not to get screened for TB and remain undiagnosed or are diagnosed but do not take their TB treatment. Gogo Elizabeth Bass, the chairperson of the Traditional Healers Practitioners Committee in the Southern Region of Ekurhuleni, spoke at a training event held at Germiston Library Auditorium in partnership with Gauteng Department of Health for traditional healers. She welcomed the intervention and said the training equipped them with the knowledge they need to save lives.

At the training, facilitated by the Assistant Director Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation at the Gauteng Department of Health Tshifhiwa Tshifhango, the traditional healers learned of signs and symptoms to lookout for, and they were requested to encourage their patients to adhere to their TB medication and continue taking the treatment until their healthcare giver gives the green light to stop. The signs and symptoms the traditional healers were educated about include: · Coughing that lasts three or more weeks · Coughing up blood · Chest pain, pain when breathing · Unintentional weight loss • Fatigue • Fever • Night sweats • Chills • Loss of appetite The World Tuberculosis Day is observed each year on 24 March.

Netcare are NOT doing doorto-door COVID-19 screening Netcare warns public to be vigilant Netcare has been made aware that criminals are going to homes in various areas, claiming to be from Netcare or Netcare 911, and saying that they are assisting the Department of Health with door-to-door screening for COVID-19 (coronavirus). Please note that staff members from the Netcare Group, including from Netcare hospitals, Netcare 911 or Medicross

WE STRIVE TO WORK HARDER AND SMARTER NuDebt is a thriving, preferred debt collection and payment solutions company in South Africa.

medical and dental centres, are NOT doing door-to-door COVID-19 screening. Should someone claiming to be a representative from Netcare, Netcare 911 or Medicross arrive at your home or business premises claiming to do screening for the novel coronavirus, do not allow them onto your property or inside your business premises for your own safety but please alert the SAPS immediately.

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17 March 2020

Exceeding expectations Table Tennis Champion with Down Syndrome to participate in major tournament

Cindy Engelbrecht (30) from Centurion, South Africa has never let her Down syndrome diagnosis hold her back from achieving her dreams. Exceeding expectations Despite the limitations placed on her at birth and doctors saying that she will never be able to do anything by herself, Cindy has in 5 years become one of South Africa’s top Down Syndrome Field Athletes with the support of her family and her school, Club 21. At the Sports Union for Athletes with Down Syndrome (SU-DS) World Championships in Athletics, Cindy represented South Africa in Portugal, making the top 3 for shot put, discus and javelin. Making South Africa proud, she brought home 2 silver and bronze medals. “Cindy is fearless and has a can-do attitude. Sport is a big part of her life

and every time we think she can’t get any better, she passes our expectations and sets new goals. She keeps striving to be the best she can be and at the same time she motivates fellow contenders to be their best,” says proud brother, Jean Engelbrecht (36) A woman of many talents, Cindy also currently holds the Gauteng North Table Tennis Champion title and has been invited to compete at The South African Down Syndrome Table Tennis Championships in Cape Town that takes place from the 23rd to 27th of March this year. Crowdfunding on Backabuddy As Cindy’s family is unable to cover the cost of the tour to Cape Town, a campaign has been created on donations based crowdfunding platform, Backabuddy to appeal to the public to keep Cindy’s



dream alive. The campaign went live on 13 February and has thus far raised a total of R 4 907.88 towards the fundraising target of R7000 with contributions from 10 donors. Funds raised will be used to cover Cindy’s transport, accommodation, food and a planned tour with her team. “We really hope the public will support our Wonder Woman in reaching her dreams as we know it will motivate her to dream bigger and reach new heights,” says Jean With the support of occasional sponsors, Cindy has been fortunate to attend Club 21, a special needs school devoted to Down syndrome individuals, that teaches speech therapy, life skills, computer literacy and focuses on sport over and above the curriculum. Any additional funds to the crowdfunding campaign will be used to support Cindy’s schooling. Down syndrome awareness According to the Western Cape Government, it’s estimated that 1 in 1 000 babies born in developed countries and 1 in 650 babies born in developing countries are affected by Down syndrome. With their campaign, the Engelbrecht family hopes to raise awareness around Down syndrome and demonstrate to the public that with a loving home, medical care and education, individuals with Down syndrome can live long purpose-driven lives. “Apart from being a great sportsperson, Cindy is also a skilled painter and an impressive singer. My sister has shown me that with acceptance, support and a big heart, people with Down syndrome can achieve anything they put their minds to. When I tell people that Cindy has Down syndrome they are often shocked because she is just like everyone else, ” says Jean.

Sudents participate at the EJA Competition

JKA South Bassonia Karate Club students participated at the EJA Competition, held on Friday, 6 March 2020, in Germiston. Back Row (Left to Right) - Chad Taylor (Bronze) Medal & Zander Woest (Silver) Medal Front Row (Left to Right) - Jayden Serfontein (Gold) Medal, Joe-Cole Kalil (Gold) Medal, Tristin Kalil (Gold) Medal & Jayden Cocker (Bronze) Medal Well done to all our boys!!!! Judo Class’s are on a Monday & Wednesday from 18h30 to 19h30, at No. 7 Rooigrass Ave, Bassonia.

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