09 July 2019, Week Volume 09, 23 May28 2017, Week 21
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Statement on Amabhungane report into Ekurhuleni chemical toilet tender The Office of the Executive Mayor of the City of Ekurhuleni has noted in last week’s media report by Amabhungane into the rapid increase in sanitation expenditure and alleged lack of Municipal oversight with regards to the roll out of chemical toilets in the City. On the Thursday, 30 May 2019, the City released a response to the Amabhungane, Chemical Toilets Scandal Article, that thoroughly clarified issues pertaining to supply chain management processes, the City’s Pro-Poor Government Agenda and the financial implications associated with rapid urban migration. The statement is available on the City website. Furthermore, on Friday, 31 May 2019, the Executive Mayor Cllr Mzwandile Masina explained to Amabhungane journalist, Tabelo Timse that the tender was awarded in 2016, prior to him assuming office. Mayor Masina also outlined the interventions his administration has taken in improving sanitary services across the City. In summary these are the facts available pertaining to the roll out of chemical toilets in the City of Ekurhuleni: - All service providers are appointed following Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes that are highly regulated and transparent. The City runs a transparent SCM process and the Bid Adjudication Committee is open to the public. This process is also subject to scrutiny by City’s internal Audit Department, and the Auditor General of South Africa. During the 2017/18 financial year no audit findings were issued for maladministration and wasteful expenditure - It is important to contextualize the increase expenditure for sanitation in the City. According to Statistics South
Africa’s Mid-Year Population estimates in 2018, South Africa is estimated to receive a net immigration of 1,02 million people between 2016 and 2021. Most international migrants settle in Gauteng (47,5%) while the least are found in the Northern Cape province (0,7%). Gauteng is considered the economic hub of the country, attracting international migrants as well as domestic migrants from rural provinces such as Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape. A large percentage of these migrants settle in the City of Ekurhuleni in search of job opportunities in the Manufacturing Sector. This has resulted in a rapid increase in the number of informal settlements in the City, where basic sanitation must be provided, as stimulated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, under the Bill of Rights - The current administration came into office in late 2016, this Executive adopted a ‘PRO POOR’ agenda, which is aimed at ensuring among others that our people’s dignity is restored. Following a petition received by legislature demanding more toilets in informal settlements, and continuous requests for such by members of the community during campaigning for the 2016 local government elections, the leadership prioritised sanitation in informal settlements. At the time when the leadership came into office in August 2016, the ratio stood to at 1(toilet):10 (per structure). As part of the ANC’s Localised Manifesto, a political decision was taken that this must be improved to 1 (toilet):5 (per structure) – an intervention that has been appreciated by the beneficiaries, therefor increase the quality of toilets required to service the public - The City had to correct an unacceptable
abnormally in the supply chain process of rendering this service, where there was one supplier for rendering the service to all 119 informal settlements in the city. We now have 16 contractors rendering the service after we unbundled the tender to ensure efficiency in the provision of this service, particularly to informal settlements. Following the due process of the City’s Supply Chain Management Policy, the outcome thereof was that 16 bidders qualified and all of them were appointed. This followed an inspection undertaken by the City to determine that they met the specification – and they did. These companies invoice the municipality as per the rates approved in the bid document - Following an internal study, the City is set to introduce a baseline rate for the
weekly servicing of toilets. Furthermore, the City will soon utilise an average market related pricing regimen for monthly rental fees for a single toilet unit. Details will be provided to the public, following the issuing of the new tender for chemical toilets In line with previous statements to this effect, the Executive Mayor has once again reiterated his commitment to fighting corruption and maladministration within the City. Reports regarding poor workmanship in the delivery of chemical toilets throughout the City, will be further investigated through the relevant oversight committees and random visits to communities through the Siyaqhuba Accelerated Service Delivery Programme.
09 July 2019
Germiston supply outage receiving attention The City of Ekurhuleni has been experiencing frequent electricity supply disruptions in the Germiston area. A number of secondary electrical failure events were triggered by the failure of one of the Eskom 40 MVA transformers installed at the Kreupelhout Street (also known as the 2nd Input) substation in Wadeville. This resulted in limited supply capacity and the City switched configurations to customers within the supply area of the substation. Limited supply capacity refers to the undesirable situation where
the electricity load drawn by business, industry and homes exceed that which is available at the substation. As a result of the demand exceeding supply, the supply equipment then trips on overload, leaving large areas without a supply, until the load reduces again to allow the full load to be switched back on. During these periods, City technicians are able to restore partial load, matching that which is available from the remaining functional transformer at the substation. Unfortunately, all areas cannot immediately be restored during these overload events.
The Ark Animal Shelter wins with Dare to Ride! The Dare to Ride promotion at Gold Reef City Theme Park was launched to media recently, one of whom was awarded R2 500 in a lucky draw at the event to donate to a charity of their choice.
for animals, Pinto didn’t have to think twice. The cash went straight to the Ark Animal Shelter. Cliff Pinto said, “I chose the Ark Animal Shelter because of all the good work they do for animals.
Cliff Pinto (aka @Pigspotter), was the lucky winner and, as someone who cares
They go out and find strays, treat them and then actively find homes for them.”
Drunk drivers arrested in Edenvale
REMEDIAL ACTIONS: Immediate: • The City and Eskom were able to drastically reduce the timeframe required to replace the Eskom transformer and the indicated time for completion is Saturday, 13 July 2019; • A new 11,000 Volt cable was temporary installed and commissioned on 3 July 2019, to enable load to be distributed between two primary substations, and this will lead to more load being accommodated (and less trips on overload); and • Any 11,000 Volt cable and equipment faults will receive immediate attention. Medium term arrangements: • A new security tender will be in place by the end of July 2019, which will make provision for special early warning notifications to a Control Centre before cable theft takes place;
• Video cameras and pepper spray alarm systems and more equipment will be installed in substations; • All cameras and early warning notifications will be monitored in three security control rooms and reaction teams dispatched as and when required; • All meter tampering will be followed up and necessary actions taken, residents are urged to not partake in this practice; and • Illegal connections will be removed, again residents are urged to not partake in illegal electricity connections. Longer term arrangements: • The City’s Atom Road substation will be upgraded and have double capacity in the next 2 years. • The City Russel Road substation will also be refurbished and upgraded. • Frequently failing cables will be replaced and upgraded where necessary.
The City of Ekurhuleni is urging all its customers to use electricity sparingly during times of electricity shortages.
Some motorists entertain themselves by spending the night at the sports bars and clubs imbibing intoxicating liquor despite the fact that they have no sober designated drivers. Over the years horrendous accidents have occurred in the Edenvale area mostly ascribed to excessive speeding probably triggered by taking one drink too many. In light of the horrific accidents taking place mostly on Friday and Saturday nights, the Edenvale Precinct officers saturated the area especially the Terrace Road well-known for its notoriety for
horrific accidents on Friday, 05 July from 6pm until midnight. Static roadblocks and roving roadside stops were conducted with the result that on Friday, seventeen (17) drivers ended behind bars with the additional two (02) drivers arrested on Saturday, 6 July. All the arrested drivers were males and two who were females were detained at the Edenvale police station charged with driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. They are expected to appear in the Edenvale Magistrate’s Court soon.
09 July 2019
Addiction and mental health “strongly interrelated” Addiction, whether involving substance abuse or behavioural addictions, frequently manifest together with psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety or mood disorders. They have, however, traditionally been treated separately. The dual diagnosis units at Akeso psychiatric hospitals provide integrated treatment programmes that take into account that addiction and psychiatric conditions are often strongly interrelated. “People suffering from stress, anxiety or symptoms of depression may try to ‘selfmedicate’ with drugs or alcohol in an attempt to feel better. In the short-term this may help to mask the symptoms of a mental health condition but ultimately it fuels addiction and makes the condition worse,” says clinical psychologist, Janine Deiner, who practises at Akeso Alberton. “The reverse is also observed, where people who have a drug or alcohol dependency, or other addictive disorder, begin to display changes in their behaviour, neglect their responsibilities and are unable to function in their daily lives,” adds Deiner. She explains that such changes are broadly characteristic of symptoms associated with certain mental health conditions, and often it is difficult to separate the effects of the addiction from those of underlying mental health issues. Also, drugs may exacerbate anxiety or mood disorders to the point where they become unmanageable. “It is something of a ‘chicken and egg’ scenario, irrespective of which came first. Both the addiction and the mental illness contribute to a destructive cycle. We consequently find that a holistic treatment approach, which seeks to address both the addiction and the mental health problems in tandem, tends to offer better patient outcomes.”
with the effects of prescribed psychiatric medications. Alcohol, for example, may counteract the benefits of antidepressant medication as it is a central nervous system depressant. “While many people understand addiction to mean dependence on drugs or alcohol, there are also a wide range of other addictive disorders that can have devastating consequences if they are not addressed. Our programme also assists those grappling with gambling, sex or pornography addiction, and we are also increasingly seeing patients who are addicted to online gaming.” It is also possible to develop an addiction to ‘legal’ medication, such as codeine, which is found in over-the-counter painkillers, sleeping pills, or benzodiazepines, which are prescription tranquilisers. “While the individual may begin using these substances on the advice of a healthcare professional, it is all too common for the person to develop a tolerance for the medication, which means they need to take more and more to get the same effect. In time, they may find they cannot function normally without taking the medication.” According to Deiner, people often have difficulty realising that they are in the grip of a potentially devastating addiction, and therefore delay seeking treatment. She suggests seeking help if you notice any of the following: • Your life becomes unmanageable. This can manifest in many different ways, but typically negatively affects work performance and social or family relationships. • A preoccupation with the addictive substance or behaviour, particularly if it consumes a considerable amount of your time and energy. • Feeling anxious or stressed about the prospect of not having access to the addictive drug or activity. • Justifying why you “need” to partake in the addictive substance or behaviour, for example “It’s been a stressful day, I need a joint to unwind”. • Failed attempts to cut down or control use of the substance or the behaviour. “We are seeing improved outcomes in our dual diagnosis unit, when compared with traditional addiction rehabilitation programmes. It is essential, however, for the patient to realise that recovery from addiction is a lifelong process that requires long-term commitment,” she adds. A medical doctor examines each person on admission, and a specialist psychiatrist supervises all medication. Patients benefit
The dual diagnosis unit at Akeso Alberton runs a 21-day in-patient programme for individuals with various types of addiction and co-morbid psychiatric conditions. The multi-disciplinary team includes psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, an addictions counsellor, a general practitioner and a social worker, where required, who work closely together to provide comprehensive treatment. Deiner adds that many of the substances people become addicted to can interfere
from one-on-one sessions with mental health professionals and experienced addiction counsellors, who have themselves been through addiction recovery, as well as from group therapy sessions. “The programme aims to equip individuals with the necessary skills for sustained behavioural change to help break the cycle of addiction, as well as the treatment, therapy and support required to manage mental health conditions on an on-going basis. “Social and family support is extremely important, especially once the person leaves our care and continues their recovery at home. We provide follow-up support, including family meetings that are hosted monthly, where the individual and their family members receive support and are equipped with skills to cope with the recovery process.”
the dual diagnosis unit is helping many individuals and families to rebuild their lives. “Addiction can seem like an insurmountable problem, and many people who turn to us for help have all but given up hope. Breaking addiction is not an easy journey, but it is possible with the right support. Thanks to our multi-disciplinary approach, the root causes of addiction can be effectively addressed and individuals can be empowered to regain control over their lives,” Watkins concluded.
Akeso Alberton hospital manager, Gathlyn Watkins, says the treatment provided in
NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION AND A WATER USE LICENCE FOR THE URGENT UPGRADE OF THE EASTLEIGH SPRUIT CHANNEL BETWEEN CUNNINGHAM ROAD AND MAIN ROAD – EDENVALE, GAUTENG PROVINCE. Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 41(2) published in GN R. 982 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998): Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014 (as amended) and Section 41(4) of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998) that an application for a Basic Assessment will be submitted to the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) and a Water Use Licence Application to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) on behalf of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality for the urgent upgrade of the Eastleigh Spruit channel between Cunningham Road and Main Road in Edenvale, Gauteng Province. Applicant:
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Delta Built Environment Consultants (Delta BEC)
Competent Authorities:
Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS)
Project Nature and Location:
The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality seeks to upgrade the Eastleigh Spruit channel, between Cunningham Road and Main Road in Edenvale, as there has been extensive damage to the floor and banks of the channel. This has resulted in severe damage to the neighbouring properties which have undergone large lateral movements and cracking, thereby posing a safety risk to the public.
Listed Activities:
The listed activities applied for in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014, published under the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) (as amended), and for which a Basic Assessment is required, are activities listed in Listing Notice 1 (GN R.983): Activity 12 and Listing Notice 3 (GN R.985): Activity 14. A Water Use Licence Application is required in terms of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998) for Section 21(c) and 21(i) water uses.
011 885 3036
Opportunity to Participate:
As part of the Public Participation Process, the public is afforded a 30-day comment period from 09 July 2019 to 07 August 2019, to register as an Interested and Affected Party by submitting their name, contact information and comments on the project to the EAP at the contact details below.
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09 July 2019
Roger Federer overcomes slow start to topple Lloyd Harris
The eight-time Wimbledon champion Roger Federer has kicked off the record-breaking 21st campaign at the All England Club with a 3-6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-2 win over Lloyd Harris. In what has been his debut at the most prestigious event in the world, Harris played on a very high level in the opening set before Roger took charge to march towards the finish line, securing the 96th victory here and entering the second round for the 18th time. Heading to Wimbledon after the tenth Halle crown, Roger stands as one of the favorites for the title alongside Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal, showing his skills after that poor opening set and spending less than two hours on the court in the first out of seven obstacles en route to the title. Serving at 56%,
Federer lost just 16 points in his games, losing serve once and delivering six breaks from 12 opportunities to control the scoreboard from start to finish after the opener. He fired 41 winners with 14 unforced errors and it was a flawless performance in the final 80 minutes, leaving the rival far behind despite a valiant effort. Playing with no fear, Lloyd did almost everything right in the opening set, firing seven winners and three unforced errors, playing against only one break point and securing a break at 3-2 when Federer netted a backhand. A service winner pushed the youngster 5-2 up after just 20 minutes and saving a break point in game nine to grab the opener 6-3. Roger should have been in all kind of problems in set number two as well after landing only 47% of the first serve in but no one could have noticed that, dropping only three points behind the initial shot and finding the solution for the rival’s serve that he mastered twice for a 6-1.
The Swiss broke in game four after a massive forehand error from Harris and against at 4-1 to increase the lead and close the opener with a comfortable hold in the next game, gathering the momentum ahead of the third set. There, Federer put in miserable 28% of the first serve but that made no difference, giving away just two points and mounting the pressure on Lloyd who couldn’t deal with it. Roger broke him at 15 with a smash winner at 1-1 and forged a 5-2 advantage with another break before holding at love for a 6-2 and two sets to one lead in swift 79 minutes. Struggling with a left leg injury, Lloyd stood no chance in the fourth set, barely winning any point on the return and allowing Federer to break him in games three and seven, with the Swiss moving over the top with a service winner in game eight for the place in round two.
We want to hear from you, send us your Sports news to: Garin.Joemath@tametimes.co.za
A run-through of some the key matches in the upcoming LaLiga Santander season. We now know the fixture list for the LaLiga Santander 2019-20 season. Games will begin on the weekend of 17th-18th August, the standout encounter being the clash pitting together two of LaLiga’s most-historic sides, Athletic Club and FC Barcelona, at San Mames. Not only are Barça the reigning LaLiga Santander champions but both sides are among just three sides to have never been relegated from the top flight in their history.
Diego Simeone’s Atletico de Madrid, last-season’s second-placed finishers, kick-off their season with a Madrid derby at home to Getafe CF, while Real Madrid begin the first full season of the ‘the second Zidane era’ with a tricky trip to face Iago Aspas’ RC Celta at Balaidos. The first El Clasico of the season, which will see Barça host Real Madrid at the Camp Nou, will take place on 27th October (Matchday 10) while the reverse fixture at the Santiago Bernabeu will be on 1st March (Matchday 26). Every LaLiga season is filled with exciting derby matches and this year is no exception. The historic Basque derby between Athletic Club and Real Sociedad is scheduled for 1st September (Matchday 3) at San Mames, while the Madrid derby (Atletico de Madrid vs Real Madrid) will follow later that month on 29th September (Matchday 7) at the Wanda Metropolitano. The first Seville derby of the season, widely known as El Gran Derbi, will see Real Betis host Sevilla FC on 10th November (Matchday 13). Heading over to the east coast, Levante UD will entertain Valencia CF in the Valencian derby on 8th December (Matchday 16), while the RCD Espanyol will host champions FC Barcelona in the Barcelona derby on 5th January (Matchday 19).
tame TIMES meets Meyersdal resident, Tiaan van der Merwe who is a South African rugby union player for the Golden Lions in the Currie Cup and the Golden Lions XV in the
Rugby Challenge. His regular position is hooker. His full story will be in the next tame TIMES Alberton edition.
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