15 minute read

Digwyddiadu yng Nghastell Aberteifi | Cardigan Castle Events

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn aros i ddod â’r sioeau gwych hyn i chi ers dros ddwy fl ynedd!! Ni allwn aros i fod yn ôl ar dir y Castell gyda chi i gyd, mae gennym ni deimlad y bydd yn dymor hynod arbennig eleni ac rydyn ni wir yn teimlo bod gennym ni rywbeth at ddant pawb. Bydd manylion pellach yn cael eu rhannu yn nes at y digwyddiad, ond yn y cyfamser, dyma hynod arbennig eleni ac rydyn ni wir yn teimlo bod gennym ni rywbeth at ddant pawb. Bydd manylion pellach yn cael eu rhannu yn nes at y digwyddiad, ond yn y cyfamser, dyma syniad i chi.... We’ve been waiting to bring you these brilliant shows for over two years!! We cannot wait to be back in the Castle grounds with you all, we have a feeling it’s going to be particularly We’ve been waiting to bring you these brilliant shows for over two years!! We cannot wait to be back in the Castle grounds with you all, we have a feeling it’s going to be particularly special this year and we really do feel like we’ve got something for everyone. Further details will be forwarded closer to the event, but in the meantime, here’s the gist... special this year and we really do feel like we’ve got something for everyone. Further details will be forwarded closer to the event, but in the meantime, here’s the gist...



Ni roddir ad-daliadau ar docynnau ar gyfer digwyddiadau a hyrwyddir ar y cyd gan Gastell Aberteifi . Mwldan yw’r unig werthwr tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn.

Digwyddiadau awyr agored yw’r rhain, gwisgwch ddillad cynnes ac esgidiau addas. Bydd digwyddiadau’n parhau ym mhob tywydd gan eithrio’r tywydd mwyaf garw.

Argymhellir archebu tocynnau ymlaen llaw i osgoi cael eich siomi. Ni allwn sicrhau y bydd tocynnau ar gael wrth y drws.

Ni ddarperir unrhyw gadeiriau yn y digwyddiadau hwn. Caniateir cadeiriau gwersylla, ond dim ond yn yr ardaloedd dynodedig.

Noder fod mynediad gwastad i gadeiriau olwyn i safl e’r castell, ond dim parcio cyhoeddus. Bydd mynediad ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn trwy brif fynedfa’r castell yn unig.

Darperir man eistedd i ddefnyddwyr cadair olwyn a chwsmeriaid sydd â symudedd cyfyngedig - Os hoffech ddefnyddio’r cyfl euster hwn, rhowch wybod i ni wrth i chi archebu tocynnau gan ddefnyddio’r blwch sylwadau ar-lein, neu drwy ein swyddfa docynnau os ydych yn archebu dros y ffôn 01239 621 200.

Dim ond bwyd a diod a brynwyd ar y safl e a ganiateir yn y digwyddiad hwn. Bydd bar a bwyd ar gael ar y noson.

Caiff gwybodaeth hanfodol bellach ei hanfon trwy e-bost yn agosach at ddyddiad y digwyddiad. Dilynwch ni ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu ymunwch â’n e-restr i gael diweddariadau pellach am ddigwyddiadau yn y castell. TICKET INFORMATION:

Tickets for Cardigan Castle | Mwldan co-promoted events are nonrefundable. Mwldan is the sole ticket outlet for this event.

These are outdoor events, please dress warmly and wear appropriate footwear. Events will continue in all but the very worst weather.

Pre-booking is advised to avoid disappointment. We cannot guarantee that tickets will be available on the door.

No chairs are provided at these events. Camping chairs will be allowed, but only in the designated areas.

Please note there is level wheelchair access to the castle site, but no public parking. Access for this event is via the main castle entrance only.

A seating area will be provided for wheelchair users and customers with limited mobility - please let us know on booking using the comments box online, or via our box offi ce if booking by phone 01239 621 200, if you would like to make use of this facility.

Only food and drink purchased on the premises will be permitted at this event. A bar and food will be available on the night.

Further essential information will be sent via email closer to the date of the event. Follow us on social media or join our elist for further updates on castle events.

footwear. Events will continue in all but the very worst weather.

tickets will be available on the door.

Please note there is level wheelchair access to the castle site, but no public parking. Access for this event is via the main castle entrance only.

A seating area will be provided for wheelchair users and customers with limited mobility - please let us know on booking using the comments box online, or via our box offi ce if booking by phone 01239 621 200, if you would

Only food and drink purchased on the premises will be permitted at this event. A bar and food will be available on the night.

Further essential information will be sent via email closer to the date of the event. Follow us on social media or join our elist for further updates on


^ GYDA | STARRING TRYSTAN LLYR GRIFFITHS, SHÂN COTHI + WELSH OF THE WEST END Nos Wener 8 Gorffennaf | Friday 8 July, 7.30pm (drysau/doors 6.30pm) @ Castell Aberteifi | Cardigan Castle £25


Mwynhewch strafagansa gerddorol wych yng nghwmni rhai o leisiau gorau Cymru wrth iddynt rannu ffefrynnau mawr o fyd poblogaidd theatr gerdd ac opera. Mae’r perfformwyr yn cynnwys y tenor Trystan Llyr Griffi ths, seren opera ryngwladol sy’n prysur wneud enw iddo’i hun, ynghyd â’r perfformiwr ^ theatr glasurol a cherddorol Shân Cothi a’r grwp mawreddog Welsh of the West End, gyda pherfformwyr wedi’u casglu ynghyd o sioeau fel Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, a Wicked.

^ End, gyda pherfformwyr wedi’u casglu ynghyd o sioeau fel Phantom of the Opera

Enjoy a fantastic musical extravaganza in the company of some of Wales’ fi nest Enjoy a fantastic musical extravaganza in the company of some of Wales’ fi nest voices as they share much loved favourites from the popular world of musical voices as they share much loved favourites from the p theatre and opera. The line-up includes rising star of international opera, tenor theatre and opera. The line-up includes rising star of internati ^ Trystan Llyr Griffi ths along with classical and musical theatre performer Shân Trystan Llyr Griffi ths along with classical and musical theatre performer Shân Cothi plus supergroup Welsh of the West End, with performers drawn from Cothi plus supergroup Welsh of the West End, with performers drawn from shows such as Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and Wicked.shows such as


Dydd Sadwrn | Saturday 9 & Dydd Sul | Sunday 10 Gorffennaf July

2022, 5.00pm (drysau/doors 4.00pm) @ Castell Aberteifi | Cardigan Castle

£10 Oedolyn | Adults / £8 Plentyn | Children


Mae Ysgol Celfyddydau Perfformio Dynamix nôl!! Maen nhw wrth eu bodd yn dod â Matilda, Sioe Fawr y West End i Gastell Aberteifi yn haf 2022! Munwch â Matilda ynghyd â holl fyfyrwyr Ysgol Celfyddydau Perfformio Dynamix am noson o adloniant i bawb. Yn llawn dop o ddawnsiau egnïol a chaneuon bachog, caiff plant ac oedolion fel ei gilydd eu syfrdanu gan stori’r ferch fach arbennig gyda dychymyg anghyffredin.

Dynamix Performing Arts School is back!! They are delighted to bring the West End hit Matilda to Cardigan Castle in summer 2022! Join Matilda alongside all the students of Dynamix Performing Arts School for an evening of entertainment for everyone. Packed with high energy dance numbers and catchy songs, children and adults alike will be wowed by the story of the special little girl with an extraordinary imagination.

Nos Wener 15 Gorffenaf | Friday 15 July, 8.15pm (drysau/doors 6.30pm) @ Castell Aberteifi | Cardigan Castle

£25 (£18 o dan 18 oed)


Paratowch i ail-greu Hud y 70au a gadewch i ni fynd â chi ar daith gerddorol yn syth i galon Disco! Dewch i ail-fyw rhai o'r caneuon gorau erioed gan Artistiaid fel Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sister Sledge a Chic.

Mae gan y sioe hon fand byw syfrdanol, cast talentog tu hwnt a lleisiau syfrdanol. Felly, gwisgwch eich dillad mwyaf ffynci wrth i ni ddathlu oes euraidd Disco! Gyda chaneuon fel Never Can Say Goodbye, On The Radio, Hot Stuff, Car Wash, Boogie Wonderland a llawer, llawer mwy!

Dyma sioe fwyaf calonogol y fl wyddyn! Ymgollwch yn y sbri a gadewch eich trafferthion gartref!

Get ready to recreate the Magical 70’s and let us take you on a musical journey straight to the heart of Disco! Relive some of the greatest songs of all time from artists such as Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sister Sledge and Chic.

This show boasts a sensational live band, incredibly talented cast and stunning vocals. So, come dressed to impress as we celebrate the golden age of Disco! With songs such as Never Can Say Goodbye, On The Radio, Hot Stuff, Car Wash, Boogie Wonderland and many, many more!

It’s the feel-good show of the year! Lose yourself with us and leave your troubles at home!

Sioe deyrnged yw hon ac nid yw’n gysylltiedig mewn unrhyw ffordd ag unrhyw artistiaid/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli gwreiddiol na sioeau tebyg. This is a tribute show and is in no way affi liated with any original artists/ estates/management companies or similar shows.

Cyfl wynwyd gan Ffl ach, y Mwldan a Chastell Aberteifi Presented by Ffl ach, Mwldan and Cardigan Castle SYMUD TRWY’R HAF Dathlu 40 mlynedd Cwmni Ffl ach | Celebrating 40 years of Ffl ach JESS - CRYS - EINIR DAFYDD - CATSGAM

Nos Wener 22 Gorffennaf | Friday 22 July, 7.00pm (drysau/doors 6.00pm)

£15 (£13)

Dechreuwyd Recordiau Ffl ach yng Ngorllewin Cymru ym 1981, gan y brodyr Richard a Wyn Jones, oedd hefyd yn aelodau o’r band Cymraeg ton newydd/pync, Ail Symudiad. Mae’r noson yn dathlu 40 mlynedd o Ffl ach, yn ogystal â thalu teyrnged i’r sylfaenwyr, a gyfrannodd gymaint i’r sîn gerddoriaeth Gymraeg.

Ffurfi wyd Jess ym 1988 gan ffrwydro i’r sîn gerddoriaeth Gymraeg yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Casnewydd, Gwent. Mae eu steil yn gymysgedd o roc trwm a phop melodig gyda llawer o alawon lleisiol.

Ers eu record sengl gyntaf ym 1980 ar Click Records, aeth Crys ymlaen i ryddhau albymau ar labeli Sain a Ffl ach ac maen nhw’n dal i rocio mwy na 40 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach.

Yn ogystal, bydd Einir Dafydd, enillydd Wawffactor a Chân i Gymru yn perfformio fel rhan o’r noson arbennig hon yng Nghastell Aberteifi .

Band o Dde Ddwyrain Cymru yw Catsgam, a ffurfi wyd ym 1997, gyda steil arbennig eu hunain o roc melodig gitâr.

Ffl ach Records was started in West Wales in 1981, by brothers Richard and Wyn Jones, also members of Welsh language new wave/punk band Ail Symudiad. The evening is a celebration of 40 years of Ffl ach, as well as a tribute to the founders, who contributed so much to the Welsh music scene.

Jess formed in 1988 and exploded on the Welsh music scene in the National Eisteddfod in Newport Gwent. Their style is a mixture of heavy rock and melodic pop with a lot of vocal melodies.

Since their fi rst single in 1980 on Click Records, Crys went on to release albums on the Sain and Ffl ach labels and are still rocking more than 40 years later.

Wawffactor and Cân i Gymru (A Song for Wales) winner Einir Dafydd completes the lineup for this special evening at Cardigan Castle.

Formed in 1997, Catsgam are a band from South East Wales with their own distinctive style of guitar-based melodic rock. 17


Nos Wener 29 Gorffennaf | Friday 29 July, 8.15pm (drysau/doors 6.30pm) @ Castell Aberteifi | Cardigan Castle

£22.50 (£16 Under 18)


Dewch i fod yn rhan o ddathliad eithaf un o'r bandiau gorau erioed i gamu i’r llwyfan - Queen. Mae Radio Ga Ga yn ail-greu hud, hwyl a dawn arddangos dyddiau teithiol y band, wrth iddyn nhw chwarae i fi liynau o bobl bob blwyddyn.

^ Ymunwch â ni wrth i ni fynd ar daith trwy'r degawdau, gan gyfl wyno pob un o'r 26 cân a gyrhaeddodd y Deg Uchaf yn y DU a holl ffefrynnau dilynwyr y grwp, wedi eu perfformio'n fyw gyda band gwych, gan gynnwys; Crazy Little Thing Called Love, I Want to Break Free, Somebody to Love, We Are The Champions, We Will Rock You ac wrth gwrs, Bohemian Rhapsody. Radio Ga Ga; y sioe sy’n gwefreiddio’r wlad.

Be part of the ultimate celebration of one the biggest bands to have ever graced the stage – Queen. Radio Ga Ga recreates the magic, fun & showmanship of the bands touring days, as they played to millions of people every year.

Join us as we take you on a journey through the decades, bringing you all 26 UK Top 10 hits and fan favourites, performed live with an electrifying band such as; Crazy Little Thing Called Love, I Want to Break Free, Somebody to Love, we Are The Champions, We Will Rock You and of course Bohemian Rhapsody.

Join us as we Rock You, and show you We Are The Champions. Radio Ga Ga; the show that is taking the country by storm.

Sioe deyrnged yw hon ac nid yw’n gysylltiedig mewn unrhyw ffordd ag unrhyw artistiaid/ystadau/cwmnïau rheoli gwreiddiol na sioeau tebyg. This is a tribute show and is no way affi liated with any original artists/ estates/management companies or similar shows.

RICHARD THOMPSON @ Castell Aberteifi | Cardigan Castle Nos Sadwrn 30 Gorffennaf | Saturday 30 July, 7.30pm (drysau/doors 6.30pm) £30


Nid oes angen cyfl wyno Richard Thompson i gefnogwyr cerddoriaeth deallus. Ers cyd-sefydlu Fairport Convention ym 1967, mae’r gitarydd Richard Thompson wedi cael un o’r gyrfaoedd mwyaf llwyddiannus mewn cerddoriaeth. Mae wedi derbyn OBE a Gwobrau Cyfl awniad Oes gan y BBC, gwobrau Ivor Novello a gwobrau Americana, Nashville. Galwodd yr LA Times ef “Y cyfansoddwr caneuon gorau ar ôl Dylan a’r gitarydd trydan gorau ers Hendrix”. Fe enwodd cylchgrawn Rolling Stone ef yn “un o’r 20 Gitarydd Gorau Erioed.” Ef oedd gitarydd Nick Drake ar Five Leaves Left a Bryter Layter. Mae pawb o Robert Plant, Don Henley ac Elvis Costello i REM, Christy Moore a David Bryne wedi perfformio ei gerddoriaeth. Yn 2019 dathlodd Richard ei ben-blwydd yn 70 oed gyda chyngerdd mawreddog yn y Royal Albert Hall, nid oedd sedd wag yn y neuadd.

Richard Thompson needs no introduction to discerning music fans. Since co-founding Fairport Convention in 1967, the guitarist has had one of the most decorated careers in music. He’s received an OBE and Lifetime Achievement Awards from the BBC, the Ivor Novellos and Nashville’s Americana awards. LA Times called him “The fi nest songwriter after Dylan and the best electric guitarist since Hendrix”. Rolling Stone named him “one of the Top 20 Guitarists of All Time.” He was Nick Drake’s guitarist on Five Leaves Left and Bryter Layter. Everyone from Robert Plant, Don Henley and Elvis Costello to REM, Christy Moore and David Bryne have covered his music. Rolling Stone lists his album I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight as one of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. In 2019 Richard celebrated his 70th birthday with a star-studded concert at the Royal Albert Hall, there wasn’t a spare seat in the house.

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