MCQs Revision Biochemistry for NEET Jan - 2018 DR. SMILY PRUTHI PAHWA (MD-BIOCHEMISTRY) See video on Youtube………. By Tulip academy of Medical sciences Or See video in mobile app – Search : tulip academy of medical sciences Watch Video on YouTube :
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Q1 . Kinks in alpha structure are formed by which amino acid : 1) Glycine 2) Lysine 3) Methionine 4) Glutamate
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Q1 . Kinks in alpha structure are formed by which amino acid : 1) Glycine 2) Lysine 3) Methionine 4) Glutamate
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Q2. A patient’s lipid profile was done. His TGs levels were found to be 200 mg/dl, Total cholesterol was 300 mg/dl & HDL = 40 mg/dl. Calculate LDL: a. 220 b. 260 c. 60 d. 100
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FRIEDWALD’S EQUATION • Total cholesterol = HDL + LDL + VLDL
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FRIEDWALD’S EQUATION • Total cholesterol = HDL + LDL + VLDL • LDL = Total cholesterol – HDL – TG/5 = 300 – 40 – (200/5) = 300 -40 -40 = 300-80 = 220 mg/dl
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• In mmol/L divide by 2.2 • LDL chol = total chol – HDL chol – TG/2.2
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Q2. A patient’s lipid profile was done. His TGs levels were found to be 200 mg/dl, Total cholesterol was 300 mg/dl & HDL = 40 mg/dl. Calculate LDL: a. 220 b. 260 c. 60 d. 100
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Q3. Lipoprotein lipase is activated by: a. Apo C-I b. Apo C-II c. Apo C-III d. Apo A-I
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Q3. Lipoprotein lipase is activated by: a. Apo C-I b. Apo C-II c. Apo C-III d. Apo A-I
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Role of Apoproteins in Lipoproteins 1. Structural Role 2. Enzyme Cofactors : Apo C-II activate Lipoprotein Lipase Apo C-III inhibits Lipoprotein Lipase Apo A-I activate LCAT Apo A-II inhibits LCAT 3. Ligands for Receptors Our WebSite
Ligands for Receptors :
• Apo E ligand for remnants • Apo B100 & Apo E LDL-Receptors • Apo A1 HDL-Receptors
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Q4. Tom cat urine smell is seen in: a) Hawkinsinuria b) Multiple Carboxylase defect c) G6PD d) Phenylketonuria
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Q4. Tom cat urine smell is seen in: a) Hawkinsinuria b) Multiple Carboxylase defect c) G6PD d) Phenylketonuria
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• Tom cat urine odour - Multiple Carboxylase defect • Mousy/Musty odour - Phenylketonuria • Burnt sugar like odour - MSUD • Swimming pool odour - Hawkinsinuria
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Q5. Odd chain fatty acids can form glucose by which pathway ? a) Propionyl CoA b) Glycerol c) Acetyl CoA entering TCA cycle d) Lactate
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Q5. Odd chain fatty acids can form glucose by which pathway ? a) Propionyl CoA b) Glycerol c) Acetyl CoA entering TCA cycle d) Lactate
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Q6. Muscle cannot maintain blood glucose because of deficiency of : a) Glucose-6phosphatase b) Glycogen phosphorylase c) Hexokinase d) Phospho-glucomutase
Q7. Muscle cannot make use of glycogen because of deficiency of : a) Glucose-6phosphatase b) Glycogen phosphorylase c) Hexokinase d) Phospho-glucomutase
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Q6. Muscle cannot maintain blood glucose because of deficiency of : a) Glucose-6phosphatase b) Glycogen phosphorylase c) Hexokinase d) Phospho-glucomutase
Q7. Muscle cannot make use of glycogen because of deficiency of : a) Glucose-6phosphatase b) Glycogen phosphorylase c) Hexokinase d) Phospho-glucomutase
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Q8. Malate shuttle is important in : a) Glycogenesis b) Glycolysis c) Gluconeogenesis d) Glycogenolysis
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Q8. Malate shuttle is important in : a) Glycogenesis b) Glycolysis c) Gluconeogenesis d) Glycogenolysis
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Q9. During prolonged starvation, rate of gluconeogenesis depends on : a) Increased alanine levels in liver b) Decreased cGMP levels in liver c) ADP in liver d) Decreased essential fatty acids in liver
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Q9. During prolonged starvation, rate of gluconeogenesis depends on : a) Increased alanine levels in liver b) Decreased cGMP levels in liver c) ADP in liver d) Decreased essential fatty acids in liver
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Q10. Which of the following is a Pallindrome ? a) GGCC b) GTCC c) TAAT d) TTCG
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Q10. Which of the following is a Pallindrome ? a) GGCC b) GTCC c) TAAT d) TTCG
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