1 minute read
Bibliography: Architectural Theory
* Brendan O’Byrne, Patrick Healy - Architecture and Phenomenology - 2008 Bachelard Gaston - The Poetics of the Space - 1957 * Eisenstein Sergei - Film Form: Essays in Film History - 1969 Eisenstein Sergei - *Montage and Architecture - 1937 Heidegger Martin - Building Dwelling Thinking - 1954 Hejduk John Mask of Medusa - 1985 * Jacobs Steven - Eisenstein’s Piianesi and Cinematic Space - 2016 * Pallasmaa Juhani - The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses - 1996 * Pallasmaa Juhani - The embodied Image: Imagination and Imagery in Architecture - 2011 * Rossi Aldo - The Architecture of the City 1966 * Schulz Norberg Christian - Existence Space and Architecture - 1971 * Schulz Norberg Christian - Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture - 1979 Schulz Norberg Christian - Heidegger’s Thinking on Architecture - 1983 * Tschumi Bernard - The Manhattan Transcripts - 1981 * Ukikke Andersen Anna - Translation in the architectural phenomenology of Christian Norberg-Schulz - Cambridge University Press, Issue 1, pp. 81 - 90 - 2018
Bibliography: Site Research
* Chantiers - organe technique de l’Archîtecture d’Aujourd’hui Mars 1933 N.2 * Claire Angelini - Drancy la muette — 2013 * Corteville Julie - Les cités-jardins d’Île-de-France, une certaine idée du bonheur — 2018 * Gaitanakîs John - Twelwe 1930’s Housing Pro)ects Revisited - 1987 * Guy Martignon - La Seine-Saint-Denis : hier et aujourd’hui — 1999 * Hansen Alise - A Lieu d’Histoire, a Lieu de Mémoire, and a Lieu de Vie: The Multidirectional Potential of the Cité de la Muette — 2014 * Moulin Jaques - Architectures en Seine-Saint-Denis — 2021