Aletheia: Texas A&M's Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy -- Fall 2020 Edition

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CONTRIBUTORS Editors Eric Nash Eric Nash is a junior philosophy major with minors in English and classics from New Braunfels, Texas. He is curious about all fields of philosophy but has a particular interested in philosophy of jurisprudence, environmental ethics, philosophy of religion, axiology, political philosophy, and ethics. In his undergraduate career, Eric has had the privilege of writing a thesis as Glasscock Summer Scholar, being a Fish Camp counselor, serving as a director for the sexual assault awareness committee of SLIDE, interning at the Hernandez Law Firm, and serving as the Editor-in-Chief for Aletheia. After graduating from Texas A&M, but before attending law school and pursing a career in international law, Eric hopes to either work in the public sector or pursue a higher degree in philosophy. Jake Donohue Jake Donohue is a Texas A&M senior majoring in philosophy and minoring in gender studies. They serve as the executive editor of Aletheia and the president of private philosophy club Antithesis. Postructuralism, gender theory, philosophy of art, and Nietzsche compose their areas of philosophical interest. Their current indevelopment project seeks to challenge Judith Butler’s conception of gender through the ideas of Elizabeth Grosz, Mario Perniola, and late Roland Barthes. Deborah Tate Deborah Tate is a Junior Society, Ethics, and Law major and minor of philosophy, business and classics from New Braunfels, Texas. Her areas of philosophical interest include the philosophy of law, the philosophy of the mind, and ethical theory with particular interest in their impact on societies throughout history. Deborah is a member of several university clubs and organizations including the TAMU Women’s Rugby Team. In her free time, she enjoys being with friends, playing the guitar, and blacksmithing. After graduation she plans to attend law school and pursue a career in corporate law.


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