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The second annual IV-CUP exhibits work from students at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, USA. Four representatives from both universities oversaw and organized this conference: St. Francis Xavier’s Emily Matthews and Jordan Morgan; the executive editor of the IV-CUP, Simon Holmes; and Aletheia’s Editorin-Chief, Eric Nash. Each coordinator poured copious amounts of time and energy into this project, and for this, we are deeply grateful.
Further, we would like to express our gratitude to our friends at St. Francis Xavier University. This conference would not have been possible without their brilliant scholars and professors who crafted ingenious arguments and posited thoughtful questions to the presenters. Their department of philosophy will always have a place at these conferences. We thank you all for working with Aletheia to bring the IV-CUP back to the world of academia.
Lastly, a special thanks go to St. Francis Xavier University coordinators, Emily Matthews and Jordan Morgan. Their diligence and unwavering dedication were absolutely vital to the success of this project. Texas A&M’s department of philosophy wishes them all the best in their future philosophical endeavors.