Aletheia: Texas A&M's Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy -- Spring 2021 Edition

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NOTE FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF I want to begin this edition by mentioning that the 2020-2021 academic year was one of the most transformative for Aletheia. In one year, our journal tripled the size of its editorial board, tripled the number of its annual publications, accepted submissions from across North America, became a university-recognized internship for editors, and took on the annual coordination of the IV-CUP. All of these things were a first for our journal and they will certainly not be the last. These developments, and many more, are due in no small part to a number of supporters whose encouragements and guidance were vital to the success of Aletheia. I would take the first few pages of this journal to thank some of the most impactful among them: The editorial board, Dr. Linda Radzik, Dr. Dwayne Raymond, Jordan Dunlap, Daniel Lightsey, Jake Donohue, and Hadley McKnight. To them all, we are deeply grateful. Special thanks are also given to A&M’s Department of Philosophy’s faculty and staff for endorsing this publication. This was a tumultuous year for many and, unfortunately, some of those who contributed to this edition of Aletheia were no exception. Within these pages, you will see the scholars’ dedication to academia and their brilliance shining through their arguments. Lying beneath all the text though, are the efforts and countless hours our editors put into making this edition a reality. Each and every contributor brings value and an undeniable rarity to these pages. Finally, I have been fortunate enough to witness four cycles of scholars be published in this journal — each wildly exceeding my expectations. It has been a privilege to endorse their works and I look forward to seeing how they all continue to change the world. It is with all the sincerity in my heart that I say it was an honor to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for this past year of Aletheia. Now, dear reader, please enjoy Aletheia’s Spring 2021 edition!

Eric W. Nash B.A. in Philosophy Class of 2022


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