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The CVMBS International Programs office encourages faculty and students to look beyond our borders and to be problem solvers on an international scale through education and research. Under the leadership of Dr. Linda Logan, the office facilitates ongoing and new education abroad opportunities, international student and faculty exchange, and CVMBS contributions to international development projects. The program also provides mentorship and guidance for students interested in international experiences and careers.

As for many parts of the college, this year has presented several unique challenges to International Programs including several programs being canceled as part of the University-wide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 28 of the expected 85 students traveled as part of faculty-led education abroad programs and one group of those students had to return home early from a semester-long program in Germany. Despite these setbacks, the CVMBS continued to participate in international development projects and hosted a number of international visitors from South Africa, Mali, Italy, and Burkina Faso bringing the world to Aggieland.


International Program Advisory Committee (IPAC)

Composed of faculty members from across the CVMBS, the IPAC manages a number of annual travel awards for students and faculty and provides strategic inputs for strengthening ongoing international programs. With the Dean’s concurrence, department heads appoint two faculty members per department for three-year terms. IPAC members then elect the committee chair annually. Currently, Dr. Jan Suchodolski holds the chair position.

In FY20, the IPAC issued travel awards enabling 19 students to attend facultyled programs in Costa Rica, Taiwan and Germany; two students to defray costs for independent education abroad programs to China and Spain; and two faculty members to build upon international research collaborations in South Africa and Mexico.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Since 2013, the number of BIMS, DVM, and CVMBS graduate students enrolled in study abroad opportunities has increased. A 2020 milestone, Dr. Gladys Ko took her first Aggie cohort to Taiwan during the winter break. In addition to CVMBS students, our faculty-led programs served students from major programs across the university including Animal Sciences, Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, Marine Biology, and Biology.

The following international programs were offered this year:

Costa Rica Biomedical Science Semester (Fall)

During this semester-long experience, BIMS students live and study at the Soltis Center in Costa Rica under the guidance of Dr. Donald Brightsmith. The trip includes coursework in genetics, microbiology, ecology, Spanish, and biomedical writing. The students also live with host families for three weeks improving their cross-cultural understanding and communication skills.

Taiwan Marine Mammal Anatomy (Winter)

Dr. Gladys Ko offers this program during the winter break for students interested in marine mammal anatomy and physiology. In addition to cultural excursions, students get hands-on experience at the Taipei Zoo (Taipei City), Yehliu Ocean World (Yehliu), and Marine Biology & Cetacean Research Center, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU; Tainan City), Taiwan.

Germany Biosciences Semester (Spring)

Led by Dr. Jeremy Wasser, this program is offered to biomedical science and bioengineering majors. In addition to coursework, the program includes a semesterlong biomedical science/bioengineering project in collaboration with a German biotechnology company offering real-world experience in research and design. It also Dr. Ko with dolphin at Yehliu Ocean World

2020 Aggie cohort on the beach in Taiwan

Dr. Jeremy Wasser, costumed as a 17th-century plague doctor, leads students on a medical history tour of Vienna.

2019 Bulgaria Biomedical Sciences cohort with Dr. Ivanov & Dr. Stankova includes many field trips to museums, research institutions, medical and veterinary medical schools, and other sites of historical and cultural importance throughout Germany and neighboring EU countries.

Other programs led in previous years:

Peru Veterinary Field Experience (Winter)

Led by Dr. Donald Brightsmith and Dr. Sharman Hoppes, the program immerses veterinary students in a long-term research program studying the health, conservation, and natural history of large macaws and other psittacines in the lowland rainforests of southeastern Peru. Students work with veterinarians, biologists, foresters, and other researchers collecting health and conservation information on macaws and parrots.

Food Safety from the European Perspective (Summer)

Hosted by the University of Padova, Italy, veterinary students interested in learning about food safety and public health participate in a summer short course led by Dr. Christine Budke. Students learn about the European Union’s food safety regulatory system and interact with peers.

Bulgaria Biomedical Sciences (Summer)

Led by Dr. Ivan Ivanov, undergraduate students study the neurobiology of developmental disorders while immersed in Bulgarian culture. The international location of this program will help the students to understand the differences and similarities between the Eastern European and the American perspectives of developmental disorders. Providing a specific global perspective on developmental health issues, this program aims to serve as a catalyst in their international health career development.

Barcelona Global Health (Summer)

Undergraduate students interested in careers in veterinary medicine, human medicine, and public health can attend this immersion program focusing on how to communicate about global health within the context of both Spanish language and culture.

History of Medicine in Europe (Summer)

Dr. Jeremy Wasser leads this program designed to introduce undergraduate students to the historical development of human and veterinary medicine in Europe. It includes visits to museums, medical schools, hospitals, research institutions, and sites of general cultural and historical importance throughout Germany and neighboring countries. The program maximizes the international impact for students interested in pursuing careers in human or veterinary medicine or in biomedical research.

South Africa Conservation Medicine (Summer)

Led by Dr. Alice Blue-McLendon, veterinary students visit the Eastern Cape Province to observe the management of African species at wildlife parks and games preserves.

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