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We are dedicated to providing a better life through compassion, innovation and discovery. A new hospital will poise us to lead the way in becoming the world’s premier veterinary teaching hospital. These spaces will enable our veterinarians, students and staff to provide patients the best of care and pursue cutting edge innovations through a One Health approach. Our hospital of the future will provide the world a window into A&M through spaces described on these pages.

Feline Waiting Room


A trip to the hospital can be stressful on an animal no matter the circumstances. A fear-free lobby provides vital separation, space and calm for animals and their owners, continuing our dedication to best of care. ($2 Million)


How might we expand the reach of our services, providing care to those who can’t travel to the SAH? A complete telehealth system and suite will enable our faculty and staff to provide care across the country and world. ($1 Million)

Center For Translational Medicine

A dedicated center for translational medicine lets us concentrate our resources, increasing efficiency and collaboration as we explore One Health and the human/animal medical connection. ($10 Million)

Hall Of Heroes

The Small Animal Hospital is privileged to treat so many animals who stand beside our nation’s service members and first responders and proudly contribute to the university’s core values. We envision a hospital that celebrates the human/animal bond. As a testament to this, the Hall of Heroes will prominently recognize our nation’s service men and women and the animals who assist and support them through battle and life. ($2 Million)

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