Tamworth Borough Council Communal Cleaning Survey September 2011
Meet your caretakers -Left to right- Trevor, Estates Manager, Bob, Tony, Alan and Stuart.
Contents Page 3: Introduction to the cleaning survey Page 3: Key findings from the previous survey conducted in April 2011 Page 3: Why was the survey carried out? Page 3: Who was asked to complete the survey? Page 4: Summary of key findings for September 2011 Page 4: Comparisons to previous surveys Page 5: “You asked, we listened” Pages 6 – 8: Appendices Page 9: Contact information
Deep cleaning inside the communal cleaning areas in Amington
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
Introduction to the cleaning survey The ‘communal cleaning’ survey distributed in September 2011 is the 4th and final survey to be carried out for the 2 year period on behalf of Tamworth Borough Council’s Caretaking Team. On this occasion 290 surveys were sent out to tenants in receipt of communal cleaning service. Over the period of two years all tenants in receipt of a communal cleaning service have been asked to comment on the services they receive. The Estates Manager and the tenant inspectors will then review each service area to understand where improvements can be made. Key findings from the previous survey conducted in April 2011 All figures have been rounded to the nearest %. On the whole 71 (84%) of the tenants who completed the communal cleaning survey stated that they are either very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the overall standard of the services they receive. Why was the survey carried out? The survey was conducted as part of the performance review to look at the satisfaction levels of tenants in receipt of caretaking and communal cleaning services. Who was asked to complete the survey? 290 surveys were sent out to tenants in receipt of cleaning services by randomly selecting then from an in-house database and who hadn’t completed a survey previously. Over the period of 2 years every tenant has been asked to complete a survey. Out of the 290 surveys sent out, 83 (29%) of tenants returned their questionnaires and gave us their views surrounding the services they receive. All information collected is treated confidentially and only used for the purpose of service improvement. Findings over two years have reflected that tenants are consistently very or fairly satisfied with the services that they receive. Many compliments have been submitted personally thanking the cleaning staff for their hard work and dedication to keeping the communal areas clean which have been passed on by the Estates Manager.
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
Summary of key findings for September 2011 All figures have been rounded to the nearest %. 69 (83%) of the tenants who completed the communal cleaning survey stated that they are either very or fairly satisfied with the overall standard of cleaning services they receive. 77% (83%) of respondents stated that they are either very or fairly satisfied with the cleanliness of landings/ corridors. 69 (83%) of respondents stated that they are either very or fairly satisfied with the cleanliness of stairs and stairwells. When asked if the frequency of service for communal cleaning was satisfactory, 81 (84%) of tenants felt that it was about right. Comparisons to previous surveys Satisfaction levels have remained at a consistently high level across the borough of Tamworth. Month survey carried out
How do you rate the overall satisfaction with the standard of communal cleaning? 83%
Cleanliness of landings /corridors
Cleanliness of stairs and stairwells
Frequency of service
September 2010 April 2011
September 2011
64% about right 77% about right 80% about right 84% about right
May 2010
(All responses can be viewed in appendix 1 with a full list of the comments provided by tenants)
“The cleaner looks after the communal areas very well. The occupants seem to be the culprits, chucking rubbish over back gardens�.
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
“You asked, we listened” The Caretaking Team is committed to continually improving services and the survey responses are a great way to understand what tenants feel about the services they receive. Information provided is used to improve the communal cleaning services and confidentiality will be maintained at all times. A group of tenant inspectors have now formed to inspect the communal cleaning areas. They will carry out independent quality checks at locations across the borough. When the audits have been completed a debrief meeting will be held between the tenant inspectors and housing staff to discuss findings and implement improvements in services going forward. The Caretaking Team now have a graffiti removal machine that will also deep clean large communal areas and walls where accessible. It has been successfully used in Tinkers Green during a clean up operation of the area and other areas across the borough where a ‘deep clean’ is required. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer tenant inspector please contact the Tenant Involvement Team on 0800 183 0454 or 01827 709448 (Contact details can be found in appendix 2)
+ Independent quality checks are carried out by tenant inspectors, supported by the Tenant Involvement Team, and findings are reported back and discussed with the Estates Manager. Any tenancy issues are reported to the relevant Housing Officer and any fly-tipping is reported through the appropriate channels.
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
Appendices Appendix 1: full report of responses received All figures have been rounded to the nearest %. 1: How do you rate the overall satisfaction with the standard of communal cleaning? 47 (57%) of respondents stated that they are very satisfied with the overall standard of communal cleaning. Whereas,
Number of responses
How do you rate the overall satisfaction with the standard of communal cleaning? 50 40 30 20 10 0 ry s Ve
22 (26%) are fairly satisfied 8 (10%) are neither satisfied or dissatisfied
ed ed ed i... fied isfi is fi isfi sa t atis sa t s at sat dis s s i r i y l o d r D ry ed Fai Ve isfi sat r e ith Ne
3 (4%) are dissatisfied
Level of satisfaction
1 (1%) are very dissatisfied and 2 (2%) respondents chose not to answer.
In your opinion, please give your rating to the standard of the following services you receive: 2. Cleanliness of landings/ corridors 44 (53%) of respondents stated that they are very satisfied with the cleanliness of landings/ corridors. Whereas,
Number of responses
Cleanliness of landings/ or corridors 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
ed ed fied fied a tis fi a tis fi satis s atis Diss r dis s o Very Fairly d tisf ie e r sa Ne ith
Level of satisfaction
25 (30%) are fairly satisfied 6 (7%) are neither satisfied or dissatisfied 5 (6%) are dissatisfied and 3 (4%) of respondents chose not to answer.
Q3: If you rated cleanliness of landings /corridors as dissatisfied please say why: Cobwebs on the roof. The lights hardly work and it just looks untidy. They don’t come in and clean any more Cleaned by myself. Not seen anyone clean them other than myself Landings and corridors are not cleaned at all. I alone clean the landings, corridor and chute.
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
Q4: Cleanliness of stairs and stairwells 41 (49%) of respondents stated that they are very satisfied with the cleanliness of stairs and stairwells.
Number of responses
Cleanliness of stairs and stairwells 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Very
41 28
ed fied fied fied a tis fi sa tis satis s atis Diss or dis Fairly d ie f tis e r sa Ne ith
Level of satisfaction
Whereas, 28 (34%) are fairly satisfied 6 (7%) are neither satisfied or dissatisfied 3 (4%) are dissatisfied and 5 (6%) of respondents chose not to answer.
Q5: If you rated cleanliness of stairs and stairwells as dissatisfied please say why. After being cleaned they soon become dirty. Clean the landing areas as well as the stairs please Cleaned by myself when dirty. Not seen them cleaned Cobwebs Q6: Are there any steps that could be taken to improve the current communal cleaning? Deep cleaning i.e. steam cleaning them that was done a few weeks ago to be done more regularly. Instead of cleaners just sweeping it needs to be looked at above and needs a good jet wash. Make sure the security doors are shut to stop bugs getting in. Mirror in lift does not get cleaned. Once a week would help Regular cleaners Stop people smoking in communal areas There seems to be a waxed based cleaning liquid being used on the tiles. This is causing tyres on wheelchairs, buggy’s, pushchairs and scooters to make a very loud screeching noise. They should brush floor then mop Windows could be cleaned and out by the bin sheds never get done. I do it myself. Yes clean what you are paid to clean and do not leave it for old ladies The following positive comments were also submitted: Everything’s fine The cleaner looks after the communal areas very well. The occupants seem to be the culprits, chucking rubbish over back gardens. “First class cleaners. Always happy.” Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
Q7: Do you have any other comments about the services you receive? As you are to introduce service charges from next year a reduction in service is not what is required. Floors never look clean. The following positive comments were also submitted: Best cleaner we have ever had Do not change present cleaner as she is simply great First class cleaners. Always happy I am pleased with the overall cleanliness at Oakendale. All communal areas are cleaned on a weekly basis. Are you satisfied with the frequency of service?
Number of responses
All communal areas are cleaned on a weekly basis. Are you satisfied with the frequency of service? 80
70 (84%) of respondents stated that the frequency of service they receive is about right. Whereas, 11 (13%) stated that the service they receive is not sufficient and
60 40 11
0 0 About right
Not sufficient
2 (2%) chose not to answer this question.
Too frequent
Level of satisfaction
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011
Appendix 2: If you wish to discuss this review or to get involved in having your say about the Housing Services you receive then please contact the Tenant Involvement Team in the following ways:
Telephone: 01827 709 448 Freephone: 0800 183 0454 Email: tenantparticipation@tamworth.gov.uk Tenant Participation Team Tamworth Borough Council Marmion House Lichfield Street Staffordshire B79 7BZ
The Caretaking Team deep cleaning communal areas If you have any issues with your cleaning or fly-tipping in the area that you live please contact Trevor Wylie, team leader for the Caretaking Services. 01827 709 254 867 or email: Trevor-wylie@tamworth.gov.uk
Report produced on behalf of the Caretaking Team by the Tenant Participation Team
Communal Cleaning Survey
September 2011