Sheltered Housing Review Existing Residents Questionnaire
Sheltered Housing Review Existing Residents Questionnaire
Name of your sheltered scheme
Date of completion of form
Section A: About your decision to move to sheltered housing Can you please tell us your three main reasons for moving into sheltered housing (please tick up to three options) I needed somewhere to live designed for elderly residents i.e. built in lifeline alarm, disabled access, housing all on one level I wanted to downsize my home as the upkeep of my previous home was getting too much for me to manage I wanted to feel safer and live within a sheltered scheme I was lonely and wanted the company of people my own age Even though I might need some help, I wanted to stay independent for as long as possible with the support from a Scheme Manager I decided to move now rather than face upheaval in later years My family wanted me to live in a supported sheltered housing environment I moved to sheltered housing because my spouse/partner needed the support provided I was worried about my health and needed a support service
Section B: About your sheltered scheme services Section B: Satisfaction with sheltered services How happy are you with the following: (please tick the appropriate answer) l The
Very happy l Your
Quite unhappy
Very unhappy
Quite happy
Quite unhappy
Very unhappy
Quite unhappy
Very unhappy
area in which your scheme is located
Very happy l The
scheme building and facilities
Very happy l The
Quite happy
Quite happy
overall service you receive from your scheme manager
Very happy l Your
Quite happy
Quite unhappy
Very unhappy
overall satisfaction with Sheltered Housing Services
Very happy
Quite happy
Quite unhappy
Very unhappy
Your feedback is welcome:
About your scheme (please tick the appropriate answer) l Is
your scheme close to public facilities i.e. shops, post office, doctors, yes no supermarkets, local transport
l Does
your scheme feel safe
l Is
your scheme, including communal areas and properties, suitable for elderly and disabled persons yes no
Your feedback is welcome:
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Below is a list of general statements about sheltered housing. We are interested in finding out whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Please tick the relevant box) Sheltered housing is still a good service for older people Sheltered housing is outdated and needs to change to fit the needs of a new generation of older people. If yes, please tell us why:
The sheltered scheme you live in is not suitably designed for elderly people i.e. not easily accessible with a wheelchair, layout not suitable for the elderly, no suitable facilities for scooters and wheelchairs. If yes, please tell us why:
Sheltered housing tenants should have a choice on how and when they receive wellbeing checks from their scheme manager Sheltered housing tenants who are more independent can opt out of having daily visits and simply contact their scheme manager when they need to There is no need for sheltered housing tenants to have to complete a detailed Support Plan every six months, instead tenants can simply ask for assistance when they need it Sheltered housing could be used for residents other than older people, such as younger disabled people Sheltered tenants should be able to opt out of having a lifeline system in their property You would like more contact with your scheme manager You would like less contact with your scheme manager There is no need to have a scheme manager on site all week, instead they only need to come to the scheme if a tenant needs to see them Tenants agreed to pay for their own individual support from their scheme manager
Section C: Your views on your sheltered housing services Tell us what services are important to you. (Please give the appropriate number rating: 1 most important, 2 very important, 3 important, 4 not very important, 5 of no importance ) Receiving daily welfare checks by the scheme manager Support from your scheme manager Day-to-day management of the sheltered scheme A good variety of social activities, events & activities at the scheme Cleanliness of the scheme Handyperson services 24-hour Lifeline Service community alarm and pendant within your property Living in a sheltered scheme that is suitably designed for elderly people disabled access, scooter stores, accommodation all on one level, car parking Residents meetings Support with dealing with tenancy matters Support with reporting repairs Advice on accessing adaptations Advice on dealing with welfare benefits & finances Support with health - advice in liaising with other agencies; nurses, doctors, hospitals, social services Living in a community and having people to talk to Having communal facilities i.e. lounge, lift, laundry, guestroom, library, storage areas Having a communal garden Your feedback is welcome:
1 to 5
Section D: How can we improve the sheltered housing services you receive How can we best check on your wellbeing? Please tell us what type of service you would prefer to receive (please tick your choice)
You would prefer to continue to receive daily visits from scheme manager You would prefer to receive a telephone call from your scheme manager to confirm you are OK You would prefer to send your scheme manager a text message to confirm your are OK You would prefer to telephone your scheme manager to confirm you are OK You would prefer not to have a wellbeing check and instead just telephone or pull the lifeline alarm system when you need assistance
How can we support you to live independently? Please tell us what type of service you would prefer to receive (please tick your choice) You would prefer to continue to have a lengthy support plan meeting with your scheme manager every six months You would prefer to have a simple housing support plan and review as and when you feel it is necessary You would prefer not to have a plan and simply speak to your scheme manager when you need assistance
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Could sheltered housing be improved? Tell us how
Please describe any good things about living in sheltered housing
Please describe things you don’t like about living in sheltered housing
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about living in sheltered housing?
Thank you for your help and time taken to answer these questions. Please return your questionnaire to your scheme manager
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Designed and produced by Tamworth Borough Council (08/14) 1715a