Tenants leading the way to improve Housing Services
A Strategy for Tenant Involvement 2010 – 2012
Our vision for tenant involvement Page Number
Our Vision for tenant involvement
What has tenant involvement already achieved in Tamworth
Why do we involve tenants and what are the benefits
Tenant involvement documents
Tenant involvement structure
To put our tenants in the driving seat in making improvements to their housing service, homes and communities. We know that to do this as successfully as possible, it is vital that our tenants and leaseholders are at the heart of everything we do, the decisions that we make and the plans we put in place for improving services. We want to work with tenants as part of our commitment to improve services and ensure that our housing estates are places where people choose to live now and in the future and can contribute to their community. Our aim is to do this in partnership by speaking honestly, listening to each other’s views and enabling tenants to influence decisions about their homes and the services they receive.
Formal opportunities for tenant involvement
Informal opportunities for tenant involvement
How we plan tenant involvement activities
To achieve this vision, tenants and Tamworth Borough Council will:
Our ten pledges when consulting with you
l Share values
Equality and diversity
l Be honest and open
Resources for tenant involvement
Monitoring and measuring performance
Getting in touch
The future
Action Plan 2010 - 2011
Thank you
l Be welcoming and accessible to every customer l Consult widely and listen to feedback l Work together to deliver change and improvement
Faith Shell Chair of the Tenant Consultative Group
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Councillor Mary Oates Portfolio holder Quality of life
Rob Barnes Deputy Director Housing and Health
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
We believe that tenant involvement should be positive and active. Consulting and involving tenants in the services we provide is at the heart of everything that we do. To be successful, tenant involvement relies on effective communication between tenants and Tamworth Borough Council and their involvement in the decision-making process. Tenants have played a key role in shaping and monitoring housing services for many years and we acknowledge the importance of tenant involvement and consultation to ensure continuous improvement and tenant satisfaction.
The aims of the Tenant Involvement Strategy are:
We recognise that tenants should be able to get involved at a level that suits them and in issues they are interested in. We want to offer tenants involvement opportunities that are convenient to them and that give them a personal as well as a collective say.
l To encourage and expand tenant involvement in all services and ensure that tenants influence the services we deliver.
The Tenant Participation Strategy also compliments Tamworth Borough Council’s strategic priorities. These focus on working with local people and partners to make communities safer, more confident and better places to live as well as widening housing choice, addressing housing needs and overall improving the quality of life for the people of Tamworth.
l To make sure all staff promote the widest possible level of involvement.
We have looked beyond government expectations to provide greater choice, more incentives, training and development opportunities and increased flexibility in our approach to involving tenants.
l To provide a wide range of involvement opportunities (both formal and informal) ensuring tenants are at the heart of everything that we do.
l To involve all sections of the community and develop ways to attract groups that are traditionally under-represented (such as young single people and families, disabled people and people from black and minority ethnic groups).
We have also developed this strategy by looking at best practise from other organisations and by involving our tenants in the process.
l To demonstrate our commitment to consultation and involvement by continuing to provide training, resources and support and seek out good housing practice.
This document has been put together by the ‘Tenant Involvement Group’ the Tenant Involvement Team and other housing staff at Tamworth Borough Council. The Tenant Involvement Team and tenant volunteers attended a number of events to talk to tenants about how they would like to see tenant involvement develop over the next two years. This strategy has been developed based on the responses to the questionnaires, and other forms of consultation undertaken.
l To provide information to support, raise awareness and encourage participation and provide good quality information that enables tenants to get involved in a meaningful way. l To provide two-way feedback between tenants and Tamworth Borough Council. l To regularly monitor and review all tenant involvement activities in terms of costs, impact and effectiveness. l To involve tenants from the outset in creating and reviewing existing policies.
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
What tenant involvement has already achieved in Tamworth?
Why do we involve tenants and what are the benefits
Tenant involvement at Tamworth Borough Council has evolved since the launch of the last Tenant Participation Strategy produced in 2005/2006. The Council has developed pro-active involvement arrangements with its tenants, holding a series of estate based community events, fun days, telephone surveys, door-to-door surveys, mystery shopping, local consultation roadshows, interactive workshops and discussion groups on a variety of housing service areas.
Tamworth Borough Council is committed to working in partnership with tenants to ensure they have the opportunity to influence decisions about the way their home and area where they live are managed. Tenants can make a real difference to their housing service and make certain that services they receive achieve value for money.
Some of the key successes over the last 12 months include: l Development of a more customer friendly Tenant Involvement Strategy 2010-2012 l Developed Tamworth Borough Council’s first Tenant Involvement annual impact assessment l Produced ‘Local Offers’ as part of the new regulatory framework. l Produced a comprehensive ‘Condensation Advice’ leaflet for tenants l The Tenant Consultative Group Constitution was reviewed to reflect consultation on any policy change prior to a decision being made by Cabinet l Tenant inspectors recruited and trained to audit service delivery around estate cleaning and customer access arrangements
There are many good reasons why tenants should be able to give their input and have a strong voice regarding their Housing Service. These include: l To empower tenants to have a real say in their housing service and the way it is delivered l To achieve a more responsive and improved housing service l To ensure that the services provided reflect peoples’ needs l To make sure we provide high quality services l To help make homes and neighbourhoods, better places to live free from crime and anti-social behaviour l Better communication between staff and tenants
l Revised service standards for Repairs and Maintenance
l Informed and knowledgeable tenants who have the skills and confidence to influence decisions
l Tenants gained a greater understanding of the appointment system, void (empty properties) procedures and call handling following a visit to Morrion’s depot
l Staff and tenants being more aware of each other’s perspectives and organisational and financial limitations
l Produced Landlord Services Annual Report and summary document 2009-2010
l Building mutual respect and understanding
l TCG members had a direct input into the selection of the window contractor
l Increased tenant satisfaction with their home and neighbourhood
l A number of tenant related policies were revised/approved by the TCG l Letters across the housing service were given to TCG members to review. This contributed towards recognition of the ‘Crystal Mark’ accreditation of housing letters. l Recommendations put forward for the review of Landlord Services Tenancy Agreement
Simple changes can often make a significant difference to people’s lives. We aim to make sure that when we undertake consultation with tenants about a particular topic or service, we listen to the information you tell us and do something about it. Where this might not be possible, for example, due to lack of funding, we will endeavour to work with tenants to look at other alternatives.
l Tenant Involvement web pages have been reviewed with tenants and developed to be more informative, up-to-date whilst advertising a wide variety of opportunities for involvement l Development of an annual customer satisfaction calendar to undertake more regular and consistent customer satisfaction monitoring to determine satisfaction levels and improve services accordingly l Increase on the tenant involvement database of 102 new customers through the completion of a Sounding Board registration form or a ‘Young Tenants’ leaflet l Another successful recruitment drive for Tenant Involvement l Two ‘Wish Upon a Star’ projects were carried out which is an initiative aimed at encouraging and promoting local community activity for tenants of Tamworth Borough Council
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant involvement documents
Structure for tenant involvement Formal Tenant Consultative Group Chair/ Vice-Chair/ Tenants and Leaseholders
Informal Tenants Voice /Newsletters Meets every 8 weeks
Staffordshire Tenants Forum Meets every 4 weeks
Seniors United Meets every 8 weeks
Tenant Involvement Group Meets 6 times per year
Performance Chambers Meets quarterly
'Wish Upon a Star' At least 1 project undertaken per year
Focus Groups As and when needed
Estate Walkabouts 4 times per year
Consultation As and when needed
Training and development opportunities Offered throughout the year
Tenant Inspectors Meets every 4 weeks
Complaints Review Panel Meets quarterly
Everything you need to know about getting involved: l A guide to tenant involvement l A guide to claiming expenses l A guide to training l A guide to the Wish upon a Star initiative l A guide to equality and diversity l A guide to confidentiality l A guide to code of conduct l A guide to conflict resolution l Registration form for the Housing Sounding Board l Tenant Involvement Impact Assessment 2010 - 2011 l A Strategy for Tenant Involvement 2010 - 2012
Tamworth Borough Council Website
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Formal opportunities for involvement l Tenant Consultative Group The Tenant Consultative Group provides a united voice for tenants and leaseholders across the borough. This group discusses a range of issues and is involved in the decision making process to improve housing services for all. l Tenant Involvement Group The Tenant Involvement Group oversees the implementation of actions and performance targets set out in the Tenant Involvement Strategy and Action Plan.
Informal opportunities for involvement l Tenants Voice / Editorial Panel This group meets on a regular basis with the tenant involvement team to plan, design and contribute to the quarterly edition of the tenant newsletter ‘Open House’ and Landlord Services Annual Report. l Seniors United A forum for sheltered housing tenants to get together, share ideas and experiences and discuss issues relevant to their needs with the support of the tenant involvement team and independent living managers. l Staffordshire Tenants Forum This group consists of tenant representatives from Tamworth Borough Council, Trent and Dove (Burton upon Trent) and Bromford group (Lichfield). The group shares ideas and good practice across Staffordshire and the Midlands in relation to tenant involvement. l Wish Upon a Star 'Wish Upon a Star' is a scheme aimed at encouraging and promoting local community activity for residents of Tamworth Borough Council. Communities are encouraged to develop their own solutions to local issues. All tenants and residents can submit an idea for a local community project in their area. The best ideas will be short listed by a judging panel and subject to approval by the wider community, the project will be developed.
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
l Performance Chambers Performance Chambers are set up to look at performance across housing related services. This is an opportunity for tenants to raise questions on the services they receive, hold Tamworth Borough Council to account and make suggestions for improvements. l Focus Groups These are one off sessions designed to gather information on a particular topic or service area. l Estate Walkabouts The aim of an estate walkabout is to give residents, Tamworth Borough Council staff and partner agencies the chance to work together to make sure estates are better places for people to live now and in the future. Estate walkabouts pick up issues such as litter, car parking problems, communal areas, graffiti etc. l Surveys Postal, telephone and face-to-face surveys are used to gather views and ideas on a range of services. l 'Tell Us' form Make a complaint, compliment or comment about a service Tamworth Borough Council has provided. ‘Tell us’ forms are available online or from Marmion House reception l Community Events/Open Days Community events and open days are held to provide more information about the housing service, promote tenant involvement and the benefits to getting involved all carried out in a fun and friendly environment l Training and development opportunities A wide range of training sessions are offered to tenants to enable them to increase their skills, knowledge and understanding in their involvement of housing related issues. l Database of tenant involvement The tenant involvement database is a list of tenants and leaseholders who have specified that they would like to get involved in tenant involvement at Tamworth Borough Council. l Mystery Shopping Tenants can carry out mystery shopping exercises from the comfort of their own home to test whether services meet the necessary standards.
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
l Tenant Inspectors Tenant Inspectors meet with the tenant involvement team on a monthly basis to audit service delivery around communal estate cleaning l Complaints Review Panel The Complaints Review Panel meets quarterly with the Tenant Involvement Manager. The panel will not have access to any personal details but will review the number, nature, type and service area of all compliments, complaints and service requests received and the Panel will make suggestions for future service delivery/improvement.
How we will plan tenant involvement activities Who will represent Tamworth Borough Council in the process?
Identify what information is needed
There is no blueprint for planning tenant involvement. Different ways suit different people and their circumstances. Approaches should be flexible to suit individual needs. When agreeing the best tenant involvement approach for particular issues, there are a number of key steps to consider. The flow chart below outlines the key steps Tamworth Borough Council will consider when planning tenant involvement activities.
Identify the topic or issue to be examined by tenants or the landlord
Who will represent tenants in the process?
Clarify the matter to be considered and agree expected outcomes
Identify timescales
Identify support / training needs
Our ten pledges when consulting with you Tamworth Borough Council’s housing service has made the following pledges when consulting with tenants and other stakeholders. We will always: 1.
Be clear about our objectives for the consultation, telling people at the outset who will be making the final decision and when they can expect this decision to be made.
Provide information in plain language and, where appropriate, community languages.
Provide a name and contact details in case of a query.
Explain all the options available and outline both the positive and negative consequences of choosing any one of these options.
Encourage people to put their own ideas forward.
Allow people reasonable time to consider their response.
Listen carefully to what people have to say and keep a record of their responses.
Report on the responses received to the Council, Tenant Consultative Group or whoever is responsible for making the final decision.
Give feedback on the final outcome within six weeks of the decision being made to all those involved in the consultation process
10. Tell people when they can expect changes to be implemented
Decide how to consult with stakeholders
Plan meetings and events
Examine findings and make recommendations
Feedback and report on the outcomes 12
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Equality and Diversity
Resources for tenant involvement
Tamworth is made up of diverse groups and individuals of different backgrounds, abilities and interests. Recognising diversity is the first step in delivering services that are accessible and appropriate for all.
Tamworth Borough Council is committed to providing the resources needed to support the Tenant Involvement Strategy and the involvement activities it describes.
It is important for Tamworth Borough Council to address equalities and diversity issues and to comply with current legislation and good practice. We recognise the need to build good links with communities in the local area and to respond in a flexible and sensitive way to local needs and issues.
l Specific budget and staff to lead on tenant involvement
The Council has a Diversity and Equality Scheme that outlines how we will promote diversity and equality in the delivery of our services provided both directly by ourselves and in conjunction with our partners.
l Payment for room hire if necessary
The Diversity and Equality Scheme is a document which sets out the Council’s commitments to embed equality and diversity across everything we do.
l Training for active tenants and those wishing to become more involved
l Invitations, posters, flyers for meetings and events
l Financial support for initiatives and consultation material
l Advice and support
Taking into account UK legislation the scheme clearly addresses our duties and responsibilities in relation to:
l Communication material
l Race
l Payment for specialist services (e.g. signers for British Sign Language)
l Reimbursement of ‘out of pocket’ expenses (e.g. transport, childcare and carer’s costs)
l Gender l Disability l Sexual Orientation l Religion or Belief l Age
Staff support will be provided by attending meetings, providing up-to-date information, guidance, advice and sharing good practice with tenants. We have a Tenant Involvement Team which will continue to put forward the views of tenants, co-ordinate the strategy, promote tenant involvement, develop new initiatives to involve tenants and provide support to both staff and tenant groups. Tailored training will also be developed to meet the needs of tenant representatives or groups as well as staff to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge.
During all stages of the development, delivery and review of the Tenant Involvement Strategy, equality and diversity will be at the forefront of everything we do, to ensure that all tenants have an equal opportunity to participate and have a say about their Housing Service.
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Monitoring and measuring performance
The Tenant Involvement Group consists of tenant representatives and the Tenant Involvement Team. This group has contributed to the development of the Tenant Involvement Strategy and will be responsible for making sure the action plan is delivered. The group will meet on a regular basis to review progress and develop the action plan further so that the Strategy continues to reflect what tenants want. The action plan will continue to encourage the creation of opportunities for greater tenant involvement.
If tenants are not happy with the contents of this strategy or if you believe Tamworth Borough Council has failed to address a significant part of tenant involvement, please contact the Tenant Involvement Team on freephone 0800 183 0454, in writing to the Tenant Involvement Team, Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ or email us at tenantparticipation@tamworth.gov.uk.
To ensure that the actions within the Action Plan are delivered, a structured and comprehensive monitoring and review process has been put in place.
This strategy will continually be reviewed in line with best practice or legislation and a new action plan will be formed annually. All tenants comments regarding this strategy will be taken into account in this process.
The strategy will be monitored by: l Review on a quarterly basis by the Tenant Involvement Group, which includes tenant representatives’ and officers. l Regular updates by the Tenant Involvement Group about the progress of the strategy will be given to the Tenant Consultative Group and at senior management meetings l Community estate based events/fun days will be held to assess tenant opinion / feedback about the strategy and progress made
Getting in touch
l Completing an annual impact assessment l Seeking independent advice and review from the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) and Tenant and Residents Organisations of England (TAROE) l Key local performance indicators, otherwise know as ‘the things that will be monitored’ will be reported and updated regularly on the customer dashboard on the Council’s website.
Tenant Involvement Contact Details Telephone: 01827 709448
Freephone: 0800 183 0454
Tenant Involvement Team, Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ Email: tenantparticipation@tamworth.gov.uk
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Action plan 2011 – 2012
The future Predicting the future can be challenging, however we are committed to continually seeking out good housing practice and applying it to Tamworth Borough Council where possible. We want to ensure that we consult our tenants and empower them in order that they are able to influence decisions. We want to ensure that we involve all sections of the community and if something is missing from our tenant involvement structure we want our tenants to help us develop a way to put this right
l Look at ways to engage with other groups that are traditionally less likely to engage e.g. black and minority ethnic groups, families, disabled etc. l Develop a number of mystery shopping exercises to effectively ‘shop’ services and test service standards following the Mystery Shopping/Tenant Inspector Training undertaken in May. l Extend methods of obtaining customer feedback and satisfaction to include telephone surveys, focus groups, social networking sites, consultation on-line etc l Set up a Complaints Review Panel. l Continue to raise awareness and promote the benefits of tenant involvement through a number of different ways and as widely as possible
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
March, June, September, December each year
Produce a comprehensive report on landlord service performance over the year, focusing on those services of most interest to tenants. Publish the results against Tamworth’s ‘Local Offers’ and National Standards.
October 2011
Develop and publicise training on topics of interest which will help tenants to effectively participate in tenant involvement
Speak to tenant group members to identify training needs and requirements. Publish training available through the web and in the tenants quarterly newsletter. Evaluate satisfaction and effectiveness of training through post questionnaires.
Tenant Involvement Team
Increase membership on the tenant involvement database through an annual ‘Recruitment Drive’
Promote tenant involvement and the benefits of tenants getting involved to help shape their housing service. Promote opportunities for involvement at all housing consultation and community based events/initiatives. Promote and use the database of involvement. Annual report on the database of tenant involvement.
March 2012
Tenant Involvement Team
Produce an informative Annual Report to tenants
Promote Tenant Involvement on the website
Target date
Publish four editions of ‘Open House’ a year containing reports and information on the Council’s Landlord Services, news, updates and future plans. Mini performance supplement to be included in the June edition of ‘Open House’. Carry out an annual survey to ensure customer satisfaction with the content and usefulness of ‘Open House’. Tenants to have increased editorial control to ensure a customer focused newsletter.
Produce ‘Open House’, tenants newsletter on a quarterly basis
What’s next? l Set up a Young Tenants Panel to ensure community engagement is inclusive and promotes equal opportunities in all young people. Need to explore if young people are facing barriers to their participation as a ‘one size fits all’ approach to engaging people will not work
Increase communication and awareness about opportunities to get involved. Promote new initiatives and activities. Undertake online consultation where appropriate. Tenant Involvement Group to review content and accessibility to information annually.
Tenant Involvement Team Tenants Voice
June 2011/12 March 2012
Tenant Involvement Team Tenant Involvement Group Tenants Voice
Tenant Involvement Group
March 2012 Ongoing
Tenant Involvement Team Tenant Involvement Groups
Dec 2011
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Target date
Hold annual estate based events around the borough
Promote tenant involvement and all aspects of the housing service. Encourage tenants to get involved who we recognise as traditionally ‘hard to reach’.
March 2012
Continue to develop, promote and publicise the ‘Wish Upon a Star’ scheme
Undertake regular promotional drives in the local community and use ‘Open House’ to inform people about the ‘Wish Upon a Star’ scheme. At least 1 community project will be undertaken subject to approval by the judging panel and wider community.
March 2012
Set up a Complaints Review Panel. Meet quarterly with the Complaints Review Panel to review complaints/compliments/service requests and all other customer feedback/satisfaction.
August 2011
Carry out an annual Impact Assessment of all tenant involvement activities/initiatives. Review effectiveness and outcomes across landlord services. Outcomes from the Impact Assessment to feed into the review of the Tenant Involvement Strategy Action Plan 2011 – 2012.
March 2012
Work with groups to establish what support they require and what they would like to do and achieve. Ensure tenants are involved in all service and policy reviews at an early stage. Increase number and representation of existing groups.
Review Tenant Involvement Strategy Action Plan 2011/2012
Monitor and evaluate progress against the Action Plan quarterly. Tenant involvement will be effectively recorded and publicised through the Landlord Services Annual Report to tenants.
Tenant Involvement Team
October 2011
Tenant Involvement Group
Undertake regular satisfaction surveys and other targeted methods of establishing tenant feedback
Develop an annual customer satisfaction calendar to undertake more regular/consistent satisfaction monitoring to determine satisfaction levels and improve services accordingly. Manage, monitor and compare and publicise the results from the 2011 status survey.
April 2011
Tenant Involvement Team
Produce an annual Complaints Report on learning and outcomes
Carry out an annual Tenant Involvement Impact Assessment
Continue to support and develop current tenant working/issue based groups
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Involvement Team Tenant groups Caretaking Team Estate Management Team
Tenant Involvement Team
Estate walkabouts
Develop with residents a programme of 4 estate walkabouts and give feedback on outcomes through the web and ‘Open House’ as part of the ‘You said, We did’ campaign.
October 2011
Tenant Involvement Team Caretaking Team Housing Officers Key partners/agencies as appropriate
Continue to support and develop the Tenant Consultative Group
The TCG will: Be fully involved and consulted in service and policy reviews and all major work plans at an early stage. Receive performance information across landlord services. Be responsible for the effective delivery of tenant involvement and consultation activities, to ensure the views of the wider tenant population are represented.
Tenant InvolvementTeam
Ensure that all tenants and leaseholders (and other residents where appropriate) receive feedback on how we took account of their views ( from both informal/formal processes) when making decisions
Publish the outcomes of consultation/engagement on decisions made about housing services in the tenants’ quarterly newsletter ‘Open House’, on the web and in the reception area of Marmion House. Publish results of consultation/engagement and how it has been used in service delivery.
Ongoing for 2011/2012
Tenant Involvement Team
Develop Tenant Inspectors and Mystery Shopping to test housing services
Increase Mystery Shopper/tenant inspector uptake. Refresher training to be organised as appropriate. Tenant Inspectors to audit service delivery/improvement around estate cleaning, void lettable standards and customer access arrangements.
March 2012
Tenant Involvement Team
Others as appropriate
Tenant Involvement Team
Tenant Involvement Team Tenant Involvement Group Tenant Consultative Group
April 2012
Tenant Involvement Team
Service Managers/Teams Tenant Involvement Groups March 2012
Establish new ways of involving tenants. Consider text, social networking, explore ‘tuts and grumbles’ line and further use of the website. Develop arm-chair involvement opportunities to increase involvement without the need to attend meetings.
Housing Officers
March 2012
Target date
Continue to develop innovative methods of involving tenants
Tenant Involvement Team
Promote tenant involvement to all new tenants
Send out a tenant involvement introductory letter and involvement leaflet to all new tenants following three months from the start of their tenancy. Record any new membership and communication as a result of the introductory letter.
Housing Managers Monthly
Head of Housing Operations Others as appropriate
Tenant Representatives Monthly
Service Managers
Tenant Involvement Team
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Glossary Action Plan
Summary of action to be taken – should be SMART – specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-bound
Best Practice
looks for examples of positive practice and innovation, creative ways of overcoming barriers and resistance to change, and ways of making better use of resources
Impact Assessment
An Impact Assessment will measure and evaluate the effect tenant involvement has had and the difference it has make to services provided by the Council. The report will identify what has changed as a result of customers getting involved
Key Lines of Enquiry
Also known as KLOEs – the Audit Commission publishes sets of questions and statements about services to help them judge the effectiveness and efficiency of housing (and other public) services
An individual(s) who has purchased the lease of a former council dwelling (usually a flat)
Mystery shopping
A method of testing the quality of services whereby an individual (for example, an existing customer, or an independent person) will ask for information, or test out the process of reporting a repair or visit estates to examine caretaking standards – to see how well services are being delivered
'Open House'
Newsletter published by Housing Services together with an Editorial Panel of tenants - distributed to all tenants
Performance Plan
Document outlining performance standards to be achieved by the Council (published annually)
Performance Dashboard
The Customer performance dashboard is where tenants can view housing service performance on Repairs, Rents, Housing Advice, Supported Housing, Tenant Participation and Empty Property Management. The dashboard can be monitored on-line on Tamworth Borough Council’s website
Service Standards
Tamworth Borough Council aims to provide services that are of a high quality, represent value for money and are tailored to meet our customers’ needs
Sheltered Housing
Housing provided specifically for those with special needs because of age or disability
Individual or organisation with an interest in a particular service (e.g. tenants, contractors, staff, councillors)
TAROE (Tenants’ and Residents’ organisations of England) is a membership organisation representing the interests of over 4 million tenants, strengthening the collective voice of tenants across England
'Tell Us’
If you would like to give the Council feedback or make a comment or complaint about Council services then you can complete a ‘Tell us’ form. This can be completed either on-line or by requesting a form from Marmion House reception
TPAS (Tenant Participatory Advisory Service) is the leading national tenant participation organisation working to promote tenant empowerment.
Tenant Services Authority
The Tenant Services Authority (TSA) is the new independent regulator for affordable housing in England.
Thank you Thank you to the Tenant Involvement Working Group and all the tenant and leaseholder volunteers who have given us their views about getting involved in tenant involvement at Tamworth Borough Council. Without your help this document would not have been produced.
Tenant Involvement Strategy Agreement between the Council and its tenants describing how tenants will be involved in the decision-making processes affecting the delivery of the housing service
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
Tenant Participation Strategy 2010 - 2012
If you would like this document in a different language or format, for example audio cassette, large print or Braille, please contact the Tenant Involvement team
Tenant Involvement Contact Details Telephone: 01827 709448 Freephone: 0800 183 0454 Tenant Involvement Team, Tamworth Borough Council Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ Email: tenantparticipation@tamworth.gov.u
Designed and produced by Tamworth Borough Council
(09/11) 1179