Tenant Satisfaction Survey Tinkers Green clean-up 16 February 2011
Caretaking Team working with the ‘Graffiti removal machine’ at Tinkers Green
Contents Page 4
Introduction to the survey
Page 4
Summary of the clean-up
Page 4 - 6 Results from survey Page 7 You said, we did Page 7 What happens next? Page 10 How to contact us
Appendix Graffiti Removal machine Fly tipping letter sent to all tenants
Street Wardens
Caretaking Team
Introduction to the survey As part of our ongoing commitment to the upkeep of our communal living areas we launched a deep clean rota for areas such as Tinkers Green that have concrete stairs and communal areas. These areas are always more challenging to keep clean through the normal cleaning processes. However issues surrounding weather, anti social behaviour, fly tipping and misuse of the waste facility, have all contributed for the need to look at these areas more frequently. Therefore, it has been identified through quality checks carried out by the Estate Caretaking Team Leader and the results returned through our customer satisfaction surveys (2010) that our tenants would benefit from extra cleaning throughout the year. Tinkers Green is the first of all of the areas identified to receive this extra service. The clean up took place over 2 days (16th and 17th February 2011). The Estate Caretaking Team, led by Trevor Wylie, cleaned every block, picked up litter and cleared the area of all rubbish. The Housing Officer, Julia Gibbs, visited each property with the local Street Wardens to deliver letters to each resident to advise them of regulations surrounding ‘fly tipping & household waste’. (appendix 2) We spoke to 38 residents directly over the 2 days.
Summary of the clean-up Prior to the clean-up event 53% of tenants were either very satisfied or satisfied with the communal areas to the block and bin stores. After the clean-up on 16 February 2011 by the Caretaking Team, 89% of tenants were either very satisfied or satisfied with the communal areas to the block and bin stores. The increase in tenant satisfaction is a reflection of the success achieved on the day.
Results from survey Q1) Please rate your overall satisfaction with the recent clean-up carried out by the Caretaking Team. (Photographs of both before and after the clean-up were provided to remind tenants of how the area looked). Overall satisfaction after the clean-up
Very satisfied 6% 25%
Overall, 94% of tenants are either very satisfied or satisfied with the recent cleanup carried out by the Caretaking Team at Tinkers Green.
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 69%
Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Q2) Please rate your overall satisfaction with the clean-up in the following areas: Q2a) Staircase and landing areas within the block Overall, 89% of tenants are either very satisfied or satisfied with the staircase and landing areas within the block.
Staircase and landing areas within the block Very satisfied 11%
50% 39%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Q2b) Bin stores Bin stores
Overall, 89% of tenants are either very satisfied or satisfied with the bin stores after the clean-up
Very satisfied 6%
Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 58%
Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Q3) How satisfied were you with the communal areas to the block and bin stores prior to the clean up? 53% of tenants stated Satisfaction levels prior to the clean-up that they were either dissatisfied or very Very satisfied dissatisfied with the block and bin stores 19% Satisfied 29% prior to the clean up. 19% 25%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied
8% Very dissatisfied
39% were satisfied or very satisfied with the block and bin stores prior to the clean up and 8% were neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied. Q4) If dissatisfied please comment why: (comments made by tenants)
♦ Concerned about hygiene, health and safety towards children and animals tearing food bags apart. ♦ Rubbish and mess everywhere ♦ Couldn’t get to bins, smell on stairwells, broken bottles etc. ♦ Disappointed with the state of the area ♦ People not recycling ♦ Horrendous! People dump everything ♦ The amount of rubbish that was improperly disposed of, i.e. fly tipping. Tenant comment: “Concerned about hygiene, health and safety towards children and animals tearing food bags apart”. Tenant comment: “Graham, cleaner, is fantastic and very polite. It always smells nice when he has finished”.
Q5) Please explain what your overall expectation is following the clean-up: ♦ Would like it to stay clean ♦ Shame it has already gone back to being a mess (Saxon Close). It’s getting better slowly. ♦ Hopefully it should get better now the Council has finished the kitchens. ♦ People don’t appreciate it. Some things can go in a bin instead of being dumped. ♦ That it is maintained. Tenants should clean up after themselves. ♦ Julia Gibbs, Housing Officer, tries her best for the area. People will start dumping rubbish again because they expect the Council to take it away. They come in cars from out of the area to dump rubbish here. ♦ It will go back to how it was. More CCTV needed.
Tenant comments: “Tenants should clean up after themselves”. “90% of tenants will carry on putting their rubbish on the ground”.
You said, we did You Said People are dumping rubbish in our bin stores
We did All tenants were visited in the Tinkers Green area explaining how to dispose of rubbish correctly and how/ what to recycle. We also issued warnings to offenders who were ‘fly tipping’.
Rubbish is left on the landing making it difficult to get past.
Reminded tenants of their tenancy conditions and encourage them to dispose of rubbish responsibly.
It will just go back to how it was.
Commit extra time and resources to visit the area on a more regular basis and encourage residents to report incidents of fly tipping.
What happens next? Regular visits will continue by the Street Wardens to check the condition of the area and to issue ‘Fixed Penalty Notices’ where fly tipping is observed. The Caretaker will continue to clean the blocks regularly and report any repairs. The Housing Officer will continue visiting the blocks on a regular basis and visiting residents who are leaving rubbish on the landings. Actions will range from courtesy letters to legal action for persistent offenders.
Appendix 1: Graffiti removal machine
March edition of ‘Open House’ tenant newsletter 2011
Appendix 2: Letter sent to all tenants at Tinkers Green maisonettes 17 February 2011
How to contact us: Trevor Wylie, Caretaking Team Leader 01827 254867 Julia Gibbs
Housing Officer for area
01827 709477
Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, main reception 01827 709709
If you would like a copy of this report please contact the Tenant Participation Team on 0800 183 0454 or email: tenantparticipation@tamworth.gov.uk