Wish Upon a Star

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A Guide to


Wish Upon A Star Initiative

all the details and how you can become involved

My idea is:

Name Address

Contact number Email address

Marmion House Lichfield Street Tamworth Staffordshire B79 7BZ

Tenants leading the way to improve Housing Services

www.tamworth.gov.uk Designed and produced by Tamworth Borough Council


We’ve got £15,000 up for grabs

for local community

projects Wish upon a star is a new scheme aimed at encouraging and promoting local community activity for tenants of Tamworth Borough Council. The Tenant Participation team at Tamworth Borough Council and the repairs contractor Morrison Facilities Services have teamed up to help make your wish for a local community project or activity become a reality.

The aim of the wish upon a star scheme is to:

Encourage local community action amongst tenants and residents of Tamworth Borough Council Support activities that contribute to the Tenant Participation Strategy Support ideas that improve Housing Services

Projects that engage communities in identifying neighbourhood needs Projects that empower groups and the wider community Projects that promote a positive image of the Tamworth area Projects to involve children and young people more purposefully and imaginatively in tenant participation and action in their own neighbourhoods Local environmental projects

Our wish upon a star scheme can fund a whole host of other community projects, so get your thinking caps on…

The most important things to consider:

Projects meet local need and benefit local people

What do I need to do? Once you have come up with an idea for a project or activity, please write your idea on the star, including where it would or could take place. On the back of the star please write your name, age, address, contact telephone number and indicate if you are a tenant of Tamworth Borough Council. Please post your completed star to the Tenant Participation Team at Tamworth Borough Council, Marmion House, Lichfield Street, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7BZ or telephone 01827 709448 for more information. You can also hand your completed star to a member of staff at the reception desk at Marmion House.

What happens next? The best ideas will be short listed by a judging panel, including representatives from Tamworth Borough Council, Morrison Facilities Services and tenant representatives. Subject to approval by the wider community, the project will then be developed.

Must include, involve and be of benefit to tenants of Tamworth Borough Council Must have wide community support Must promote community engagement and cohesion

Tenant Participation Team, Tamworth Borough Council,

It’s over to you to decide what you would like to see in your local community, a possible project could include:

Fill in your details on the other side telling us your winning idea, and post your entry to the following Freepost address:

Tamworth Borough Council and Morrison Facilities Service, working in partnership to help make your wish come true...

FREEPOST BM8 Marmion House Tamworth Staffordshire B79 7BZ

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