Design Visualization Portfolio_Tan Yun Ru, Virginia

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P O R T F O L I O T a n Y u n R u, V i r g i n i a

About Me


01 Fuel Up!


02 Suprise(s)


03 Untamed Woods


04 Reflection


Simplicity in Complexity For a simple design to work, one has to pay utmost attention to the detailings. A simple design holds not just a simple form but the finest details that make every bit of the design a perfect work of art. This design philosophy often represents the life experience and design personality of an individual.


01 Fuel Up! ‘Fuel up’ is a project that strives to bring across positivity and soulfulness to anyone and everyone. As the saying goes, “All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. - John Gunther” You can start your day right by having a hearty breakfast. A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the day. A cup of happiness is coming your way, with blessing for a day!


Coffee cup iteration Yoghurt iteration Sandwich iteration 05

Various modelling iteration of the selected objects for the still-life compostion. A refined and accurate model accentuates realism to the actual object.


1. Egg texture:


02 Surpsie(s)

“A wedding album is the most precious memorabilia you have of you wedding day. It’s your story printed on paper.” Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.” (Nika Kink, 2017) Today marks the young couple’s 1st wedding anniversay. Ellie went out and the house is left with the husband and the baby boy. He has a surprise for her, but he has a bigger surprise for her..


Image 1

Image 2

Image 3


Young family


‘Natural-meets-minimal’ designer couple with a baby boy


1. 2. 3.

Husband: Minimalist-chic interior designer (Chelsea, 32) Wife: Tree hugger (Ellie, 30) Baby: Royce (15 months)


Living in the Wood 11

Storyboarding to sequence the key events. Narrative of the anniversary surprise prepared by the husband & unexpected surprise from the baby boy.

L i g h tin g : Wh i t e l i ght i ng Be f o r e

The white lighting approach accentuates the unicorn and scissors but also giving too much white lighting and exposure onto the ground that makes the render looks unrealistic. However, this drastic shadow look could be applied to create scenes with a tense atmoshpere/suspense.

L i g h tin g : War m l i ght i ng Af t e r

Lighting plays an important role when it comes to narrating a story. It brings out the overall ambience, moods and feelings that the characters are portraying. A simple change of white lighting to warm lighting brings out two different settings. 13

03 Untamed Woods

Curvilinearlity of the modern architecture embraces and being embraced by the quietude of forest - ‘Forest Living’. A retreat for young family who wants their home to turn away from city environments and enjoy an idylic rural lifestyle. An illustration of celebration/warmth in this forest-like living space.


Q u i e t u d e

C e l e b r a t i o n

F o r e s t

L i v i n g

Initial storyboarding of Untamed Woods

010 020 030 040 050 060


080 090 0100 0110 0120


0140 0150 0160 0170 0180


Established scenes

Intro: Subtle light movement on the shrub to inform the forest setting.

Tree canopies with falling leaves to illustrate peacfulness in the nature.

Continuation of the falling leaves to uncover the hidden house within the woods.

R e l a t i o n

Unicorn marks the presence of a child/baby. The tree at the backdrop continues the idea of being embarced by nature. C e l e b r a t i o n

w i t h

Messy pillows and blanket mark the presence of the family members. The family photo on the wall is the client/owner of the house. t o

s h o w

e n j o y m e n / i d y l l i c

r u r a l

l i f e s t y l e

t h e

t h e

Using the banquet of roses to mark the transition of the exterior and interior space.

n a t u r e

Tr a n s i t i o n

The balloon and roses indicate a celebration that is happening in the house, to further illustrate warmth in this living space. o f

The timber house is embraced by the forest to illustrate the family’s quietude lifestyle.

f a m i l y

Camera zooming out to show the house.

Balloons flying into the sky to mark an end for the animation (warmth and serenity in this forest-living space). C o n c l u d i n g


i n

t h e

n a t u r e

Forest set-up Scene 010 Intro (Moving shrubs)

Front Elevation

Side Elevation

Top View



2 2 3




Assets used for the scene

Linear change in BGM

Birds chirping BGM Adjusts gain by: -15 dB

Grass Noise modifier Strength X: 70 Y: 70 Z: 0

Bee Balm Noise modifier Strength X: 80 Y: 20 Z: 0

Frequency: 0.25

Frequency: 0.25

Camera (C) movement: Right truck Sun (S) movement: Towards the South

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Squaric BGM Volume increases at the transition scene

Volume decreases at the falling leaves scene

Using trees’ trunk and a tinge of the tree’s canopy to frame the compostion Camera is focusing on the subtle moving shrub at the foreground


1-2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Camera position


Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Forest set-up Scene 030 Falling leaves

Side Elevation




Camera (C) movement: Downward Blizzard (B) particle position

Falling leaf Blizzard Particle quantity Use total: 62


Particle motion Speed: 60mm Particle timing Emit start: 0 Emit stop: 215 Emit display: 253 Life: 210

Color correction

Particle size Size: 6mm Varition: 10% Grow for: 10 Fade for: 10

Image 1

Using the leaves to uncover the architecture that is hidden within the woods Camera is focusing on the falling leaf at the foreground




Falling leaves texture


Forest set-up Scene 040 House facade

Front Elevation


Camera (C) movement: Left truck


Using SINIscatter to create the forest environment Camera is focusing on the house facade at frame 200 (reaches the ground)



Color correction


Diffuse 1


Diffuse 2




Tree Normal leaves texture




Opacity Moss texture



Juniper texture

Opacity Image 1

Opacity Flower texture

Bump Ground texture

Poster: Without fog


Poster: With fog

This is the final poster. The fog helps to add some depth to the greenery. It accentuates the idea of being embraced by the untouched wilderness and enhances the overall ambience of a quietude forest. 29

Reference List


Reference List


04 Reflection

Design Visualization: Digital Technique is a challenging yet intruiging discipline. A nice visual encapsulates far more than what we see on the surface. The color theroy, texture, lighting, composition, storyboarding and even setting a camera plays a part to narrate a story to the audience. My three takewaways from this subject would be: - To start thinking visually - To appreciate the beauty of digital representation - The adjenda of my visualization Having a clear direction to these questions, I can better plan the tools that I need for my visualization effectively. Big thank you to Samuel for the guidance and time dedicated to the studio and tutors Mikey, David and Paul for the constant help throughout this semester.


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