: Check Point
Exam Code : 156-726.77
Version: Demo
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Q: 1 An Administrator would like to protect a network from Microsoft application vulnerability exploits. What Check Point blades would be needed to address this requirement? A. URL Filtering B. Application Control C. ThreatCloud D. IPS Answer: D Q: 2 As an Administrator, you must enforce IP spoofing protection on your endpoints. What Identity Awareness solution allows packet tagging? A. Active Directory query B. Identity Agent - light C. Terminal Server – Identity Agent D. Identity Agent - full Answer: D Q: 3 What is the correct order for these Application Control implementation steps? A. Discover, Control, Consult B. Discover, Consult, Control C. Consult, Control, Discover D. Consult, Discover Control Answer: B Q: 4 An Administrator would like to control access to applications and network widgets. What Check Point blades would be needed to address these requirements? A. IPS B. Application Control C. ThreatCloud D. URL Filtering Answer: B Q: 5 Which of these statements describes the Check Point ThreatCloud? A. Blocks or limits usage of web applications B. Prevents vulnerability exploits C. A worldwide collaborative security network D. Controls access to web sites based on category Answer: C Q: 6 In setting up your first Application Control Policy for discovery, what is the BEST Rule Action to choose? A. Inform B. Alert C. Block
D. Allow Answer: D