: Hitachi
Exam Code : HH0-130
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Q: 1 What is the function of the SMU on the Hitachi NAS Platform? A. It performs the network protocol processing. B. It is a dedicated appliance for management. C. It performs FC and SCSI command processing. D. It runs the System Monitoring Utility. Answer: B Q: 2 What are two advantages of implementing NAS gateways with SAN-based storage? (Choose two.) A. NAS gateways share logical drives with SAN-attached servers. B. NAS gateways share account authentication with the storage device. C. NAS gateways can connect to clients using existing IP infrastructure. D. NAS gateways can connect to storage using existing SAN infrastructure. Answer: C,D Q: 3 A customer needing a global solution that will respond to their data protection, archival and restore needs decide to purchase the Hitachi Data Protection Suite. Which two benefits will this provide? (Choose two.) A. serverless compliance B. continuous data replication C. agentless archiving D. hierarchical storage management Answer: B,D Q: 4 What is specific to Hitachi Storage Capacity Reporter regarding the data collection for host capacity and utilization reports? A. An agent is required on the host. B. Agents are not required for any host. C. Only Windows hosts require an agent. D. Only Linux/Unix hosts require an agent. Answer: B Q: 5 What are two purposes of the Data Cache Adapter (DCA) in a VSP? (Choose two.) A. It caches user data read from the drives through the BED. B. It provides a direct connection between the FED and the VSD. C. It caches all I/O requests for the LDEVs being assigned to it. D. It caches data from the FED during write operations. Answer: A,D Q: 6 Your customer is experiencing performance problems on a VSP system. They are using Performance Monitor to obtain performance information on several storage system components. Which two performance metrics should be examined? (Choose two.) A. ORM value B. HDD latency
C. VSD MP utilitization D. Write Pending Rate Answer: C,D Q: 7 A customer wants to use Business Continuity Manager to simplify their Truecopy z/OS replication environment between two VSPs. Which two need to be configured on the VSPs? (Choose two.) A. Differential Management LUN B. System Disk C. Command Device D. FC ports Answer: C,D Q: 8 Which type of metadata is managed by the Memory Management Layer on a HUS system? A. system configuration metadata B. buffer space for local host I/O operations C. user data in the second controller D. replication products metadata Answer: D Q: 9 Once ShadowImage has created a copy of production data, what are three valid uses for the copied data? (Choose three.) A. disaster recovery B. backup and recovery C. journaling application D. application development E. data mining application Answer: B,D,E Q: 10 A customer wants to increase the virtualization ratio of servers in the data center using Hitachi Compute Blade hardware. Which additional virtualization technology could they use in parallel to virtualizing these physical servers with increased security and performance? A. VMware ESXi B. VMware VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) C. LPAR (Logical PARtitioning) Feature D. Citrix Xen Server Answer: C